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Odd things you learn (if these are true) when you read other things


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So I'm reading yet another apologetic work and this one is coming at things from a Jewish perspective. One thing I  just listened to was w/regard to the following passage: 10  He said to the

How ocd of you.

The Mishnah, the earliest compilation of rabbinic oral law, states that roosters (chickens) may not be raised in Jerusalem due to purity concerns (m. Baba Kama 7.7; see also b. Baba Kama 82b).   

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The Mishnah, the earliest compilation of rabbinic oral law, states that roosters (chickens) may not be raised in Jerusalem due to purity concerns (m. Baba Kama 7.7; see also b. Baba Kama 82b). 


The Mishna was the "oral law" that only came into being AFTER the fall of Jerusalem. Rabbis wanted to keep control of the the masses (the people) and wrote the Misha - which eventually ballooned into the Talmud. So this interesting little titbit may not be accurate for life style BEFORE the destruction of Jerusalem.... and even if it were...... there was NO mention of cocks (prohibitions) in the Mosaic law.  We know that the Pharisees made their own laws - something which Jesus warned against when he was on earth as "leaven."

I found this in the insight book:  

An onyx seal bearing the figure of a cock was found near Mizpah and contains the inscription belonging to Jaazaniah, servant of the king. If, as some suggest, this Jaazaniah (Jezaniah) is the one mentioned at 2 Kings 25:23 and Jeremiah 40:8, this would indicate the keeping of cocks in Israel back in the seventh century B.C.E. The figure of a cock has also been found on a shard of a cooking pot excavated at ancient Gibeon.

Both the hen, with its chicks, and the egg are used by Jesus in his illustrations, indicating that the domestic fowl was well known to his listeners.Mt 23:37; Lu 11:12; 13:34; see HEN, II.

Pigs were banned by law - and yet Jesus sent a whole lot of them over a cliff!  So a lone cock definitely crowed 3 times when Peter betrayed Jesus!

Under Hen2 I found this quote: "Certain rabbinic laws forbade the eating of eggs laid on the Sabbath day, since it was held that this constituted work on the part of the hen; some, however, allowed the eating of the eggs if the hen was one kept for eating and not for laying. (Babylonian Talmud, Bezah 2a, b) The Bible, however, contains no such rules.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

The Mishnah, the earliest compilation of rabbinic oral law, states that roosters (chickens) may not be raised in Jerusalem due to purity concerns (m. Baba Kama 7.7; see also b. Baba Kama 82b). 


The Mishna was the "oral law" that only came into being AFTER the fall of Jerusalem. Rabbis wanted to keep control of the the masses (the people) and wrote the Misha - which eventually ballooned into the Talmud. So this interesting little titbit may not be accurate for life style BEFORE the destruction of Jerusalem.... and even if it were...... there was NO mention of cocks (prohibitions) in the Mosaic law.  We know that the Pharisees made their own laws - something which Jesus warned against when he was on earth as "leaven."

I found this in the insight book:  

An onyx seal bearing the figure of a cock was found near Mizpah and contains the inscription belonging to Jaazaniah, servant of the king. If, as some suggest, this Jaazaniah (Jezaniah) is the one mentioned at 2 Kings 25:23 and Jeremiah 40:8, this would indicate the keeping of cocks in Israel back in the seventh century B.C.E. The figure of a cock has also been found on a shard of a cooking pot excavated at ancient Gibeon.

Both the hen, with its chicks, and the egg are used by Jesus in his illustrations, indicating that the domestic fowl was well known to his listeners.Mt 23:37; Lu 11:12; 13:34; see HEN, II.

Pigs were banned by law - and yet Jesus sent a whole lot of them over a cliff!  So a lone cock definitely crowed 3 times when Peter betrayed Jesus!

Under Hen2 I found this quote: "Certain rabbinic laws forbade the eating of eggs laid on the Sabbath day, since it was held that this constituted work on the part of the hen; some, however, allowed the eating of the eggs if the hen was one kept for eating and not for laying. (Babylonian Talmud, Bezah 2a, b) The Bible, however, contains no such rules.

This other thing I've been reading suggested a need to research claims made because of the tension then and continuing tension now between Jews and Christians (Christians feeling the bus came and the Jews didn't get on it)

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