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"How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"


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40 minutes ago, BroRando said:

You're giving yourself away Pearl.  You want to take the lead so bad you formed a 'girls club'.  Or is it that you have simply signed up several accounts under different aliases to try to convince others you're a victim.  Pretend to take the night off as Pateiently then coming back under several aliases trying to give yourself a false support of ill-advised commentary.

OCD-hate is what you have.... you fool many...  if your husband left the organization as you now claim years ago..  you would have Never mentioned to the forum "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"

If you'll notice, the topic is in the color blue and in quotes.  These are Pearl's words, and the link to the article on her blog is included.  My name is Paula which I have shared here before.  This is my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/restorationofjacob

 While my husband died a year ago this last August, Pearl's husband, Obadiah, is still alive.  Here is his blog: http://obadiah-blogs.blogspot.com/

 I'm not sure what your point is, but Pearl and I and other anointed ones, as well as believers in Christ, work together as a congregation.  It certainly is not a "girl's club" as you assume.  

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Well, my elder husband left the organization because of its hypocrisy, before I did.  I followed a while afterward. He supported me in this work, until he died.  But, let me pose a scenario:  A

This is Paula.  Pearl does not comment here.  Neither one of us have denied that we are anointed.  One member of this forum once asked about my anointing; from there it has been used as fuel for sland

"It all goes back to what God promised Abraham. God repeated that promise, to Abraham's grandson, Jacob. In fact, *the scriptures I'm going to give you, prove that JW doctrine is false.* At Gen.2

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Oh... is your husband in heaven now ruling as a king and still in need of understanding about the meek inheriting the earth? Just send him a text....  maybe you girls can send him a smoke signal through one of your seances...  

Last week you claimed not to be anointed and the week before that you were claiming Christ was God in John 1:1c...  Oh Pearl.... you're being engulfed....  it's so sad to witness you slipping away ever so slowly.

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10 hours ago, BroRando said:

Oh... is your husband in heaven now ruling as a king and still in need of understanding about the meek inheriting the earth? Just send him a text....  maybe you girls can send him a smoke signal through one of your seances...  

Last week you claimed not to be anointed and the week before that you were claiming Christ was God in John 1:1c...  Oh Pearl.... you're being engulfed....  it's so sad to witness you slipping away ever so slowly.

This is Paula.  Pearl does not comment here.  Neither one of us have denied that we are anointed.  One member of this forum once asked about my anointing; from there it has been used as fuel for slander, although I have never pushed being anointed, or used it as  leverage of power over anyone.  (John 13:20; 15:20)  And, as I’ve said to you, I do not believe in the trinity, nor does Pearl. 

When people have to fabricate a lie – by taking truth and twisting it, making it crooked, altering factual truth to help them feel better about their own lies  -  I am reminded of the Pharisees twisting the words of Jesus. It reminds me of your leaders stating that those who speak against their lies by using scriptural truth, as being the demonic ones. Quickly, they target this person to be disfellowshipped  – removed from the congregations to shut them up; which in actuality, this “killing” leads to freedom and blessings.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:1,2,11,12,15; 1 John 3:12; Rev 12:17; Matt 5:11,12; Mark 8:35; Isa 42:5-7)  

It appears also, that you have fallen into this trap.  Jesus basically told the early leaders, they were children of their father the devil – saying they were an “evil generation”. (John 8:44; Luke 11:29) That generation line, is continuous, until the end.  (Gen 3:15; Deut 32:5; Acts 2:40; Matt 24:34,35)  Altering truth that someone has once proclaimed, is as Jesus said in John 8:44, speaking from one’s “own resources” – from what comes out of their heart.  (Luke 6:45)

Phil 2:12,13,15,16 -  “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”

“that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.”

Seriously, please think about this. I also hope you can see that it is an “evil generation” that demands a physical sign, which you rely on through use of your dates for the coming of the Kingdom.  (Matt 12:39)



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18 hours ago, Witness said:

Well, my elder husband left the organization because of its hypocrisy, before I did.  I followed a while afterward. He supported me in this work, until he died.

 But, let me pose a scenario:  A JW “sister” approaches the elders about her abusive husband, and they tell her to go home and pray, to help her continue to tolerate the abuse by her JW husband who could likely be an elder.  That sister, battered and torn down by abuse, who can’t take any more neglect of shepherding by the elders, leaves the organization and her abusive husband.  She is subsequently disfellowshipped for speaking against the abuse that was never dealt with by the elder body.  Or perhaps she filed a report to the police when she was told to keep it to herself, since her husband was an elder in "good standing" with the congregation and good buddies with the elder body.  Does that woman’s husband have the right to divorce her for being labeled an apostate, now that she is disfellowshipped?

What I see in you, is a lust for blood and destruction, and an arrogance similar to your leaders.  The “two witnesses” who prophesy the sins of their people – their anointed brothers and sisters, who tolerate the elders/man of lawlessness robbing them of their position as priests -  preach in sackcloth, in mourning for their people. (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3; 18:4-8) 

But you seem to love and condemn millions to a bloody or a literal fiery death.  

I’m very sorry for you.  This is not the way of Jesus Christ. ( Luke 19:10; Rev 3:1-3, 17-19)

It just dawned on me that you may not understand the reason for the topic title.  This was a question directed to Pearl, which if you go to the link for the article on her blog, it will explain it.  

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