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Video Games anyone?

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This didn't have to be a JW Club topic, but I'm interested in whether any Witnesses here, especially those over, say 50 years old, play any video games. As an old fogie myself, I have always tried to

MyVideo_1wrwc.mp4 The actual view is much smoother than the choppy capture in the video.

Well, the simplest explanation, as indicated by the principle of Ockham's Razor, is that you are a lizard with human skin (as in the "V" series). I hope your health does not suffer (too much) fro

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you SM. I think you are a dangerous person, maybe violent. I think you have 'issues'. 

Why on earth would I be a dangerous person, granted, you are aware of my history because I mentioned it to you? A dangerous person would not - deal with Children, preach the gospel, missing persons, stopping a pornography addict, etc. It is known I do debates, before, in person. I do run into protesters often times, but unlike them, violence isn't the answer. reasons why anything affiliated with or confronts them I advise caution, namely recently with what JWI made known.

I do not have issue, I am not absorbed into big tech as you are. If that was the case, it would contradict what I always say to be Berean like.

That being said, if I had ever made you in person, I would know you will not be able to answer some things, and or address questions. You are also the type of person that does not watch what you say, it can resolve in an indirect confrontation from others which can match that of what has been happening in London, effectively, you would put everyone around you, interacting with you at risk, thus making you a danger. This is evident in how to make comments here even, even out of nowhere, be it on this club or what you said in the Islam thread, which is mirrored by the situation with Tommy Robinson - which induce indirect confrontation.

You also have issue because never once you care capable of grounded discussion, and you being this sporadic can result in the action mentioned, so if myself, Srecko, JWI, Tom were near you, you'd put us at risk, not yourself only - You are not Berean like.


In short - You'll get us all jumped.


That being said, you really need to understand the difference between what is real and not real, what is legitimate communication between persons and what is superficial. You cannot get body language or the social ques people have some knowledge on for years now, even before social media existed.

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12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

In short - You'll get us all jumped.


12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I am not absorbed into big tech as you are.

????? You are so funny SM. I use Facebook and you say I'm 'absorbed into big tech'.

The internet and social media can be compared to the sea on a calm day.  Now I'm just on the surface in a boat. I'm not going underwater looking for murky stuff. I stay safe because i do not seek out immoral things. Yes if you go deep underwater you will meet up with sharks, and yes sharks sometimes come to the surface, but I'm old enough and wise enough to know not to get involved with the 'sharks'. 

12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, if I had ever made you in person, I would know you will not be able to answer some things,

What you mean is, that I do not answer questions the way You want me to answer them. Some of your questions are 'set up' so that they cannot be answered directly. When I do answer your questions you then tell everyone that i'm 'dancing around'. Why do you need to tell everyone else ?  Why do you need to insult me in your comments to other people ? 

12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You are also the type of person that does not watch what you say

On here I say what I think and feel. Surely that is what this forum is for.   I don't go mixing with people out in the 'world' so the situation never arises. 

SM, it seems we will never agree on things. Christian love to you. Have a good day. 

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I still play videos games, I grew up playing them, even remember the first games I played on Sega (Sonic 3D Blast, Megaman, Bubble Bobble,) and Nintendo (Super Mario 64, Bomberman, Super Smash Bros, Mario Party) lol 😆 

From there I got into Fifa, NBA 2k and Madden, then the majority of racing games such as Need For Speed, Crew, my favorite, Gran Turismo. I currently have this on the infamous, hard to find, Playstation 5 lol 😆 Even better when playing with company. Plus it has replay value.

Although I play games still, you need balance and time management. Work, School, Leisure time and what is on top of all that is Bible study and meetings.

Unlike my younger self, I don't play games like crazy. Also Mario Party gave me blisters, many kids had blisters lol.

The only thing not so fun about video games not regsrdless of what genre someone plays is the Microtransactions, essentially you don't own all of the game you bought.

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5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


You evidently will. If a meme could get a reaction, I would not be surprise if something took place in, let's say London.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

????? You are so funny SM. I use Facebook and you say I'm 'absorbed into big tech'.

Unfortunately you are. You considered a platform real, and even more, the situation with NYT raises question.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The internet and social media can be compared to the sea on a calm day. 

No, the Internet is like that of a city, during the day it is different, and during the night it is different, as is for it's which is forever constant and remains stuck in time, is the Dark Internet otherwise known as the Dark Web. Bad stuff take place, more often at night or in the Dark Web.

The internet also allows people to show their true colors in some instances, as is people pretending to be of the opposite sex, i.e. EdgeLord164 who has a female for a picture is a G.uy I.n R.eal L.ife.

It also opens the door, since the early 00s for political blood sport.

Likewise with social media, which to this day still has issues. And with the situation with Section 230 and a list of things, an even bigger problem will come forth around the globe.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Now I'm just on the surface in a boat.

You're just someone during the day and not in the Dark Web. But it would not be much of a surprise if someone of the night has your information. I am going to take a strong guess you do not use 2FA.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'm not going underwater looking for murky stuff.

But during the day, you can easily land in the realm of the Woke, otherwise known as the Cult of the Woke.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I stay safe because i do not seek out immoral things.

No one is safe on the internet. The fact you didn't heed warning, chances are your information is somewhat compromised.

I invite you to check yourself out  - https://haveibeenpwned.com/

If you can lock your door at night, or your car, surely you can do the same with your information, but many people are unaware of the underbelly of the internet and all things pertaining to it.



5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes if you go deep underwater you will meet up with sharks, and yes sharks sometimes come to the surface, but I'm old enough and wise enough to know not to get involved with the 'sharks'. 

Being old and wise is irrelevant to the internet and what can take place, what can happen. As is, with what you view which is highly Left or Right leaning in some cases, or Wokeism. Being wise enables one to not be tricked by these things. But that remains to me seen.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

What you mean is, that I do not answer questions the way You want me to answer them.

There are things you deviate from when asked, for if you were to meet me or perhaps @JW Insider for example, you would be in a position that you would not be able to answer. This goes as far back as my debater remark. In my case, I have done debates in persons and how I speak on here is exactly how I am in a debate. Early on however, I was a novice when it came to debating in person, but since then I had overcame how I was as a teen, the very reason why I am in the position I am in now, as is why I favor debates, mainly when it comes to the Bible when dealing with Trinitarians. And speaking about Trinitarians, they themselves use social media to defame and spread misinformation, so much so, even on here, some people are somewhat tricked by this same info. Hence why my stance on being against misinformation, learning about something or someone as much as possible to speak against the one sidedness in various domains. We can take your example in relation Qanon or that of Islam, you believed something untrue, and I simply brought you truth; however, on the social media platforms, you can see both sides, and which side is saturated.

That being said, this is why I hold true to what I said to you, and the fact in a situation if we were in a public setting with people around, one wrong piece of info on your end could trigger a negative action, effectively making you dangerous if you are unaware of some things.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Some of your questions are 'set up' so that they cannot be answered directly.

Actually they are quite simple. What makes them complex is the deviation from the latter. For example, Witness stated women should hold religious office in a church, and attempted to use Deborah and twisted Paul's words. Srecko, followed suit and stated something similar, stating churches existed in Ancient Israel, which is false, and they pressed the idea more with the Sisera situation in the Bible. Because they could not answer the question in relation to what was debated, they kept using the Watchtower as a defense mechanisms, and in Witness case, she threw a fit because I use a lower case "W" for women and ultimately she called me a misogynist, granted, misogynist mentally is dishonorable in my culture. Then we got the Rick Fearon thing, even with conspiracy theory, she has some people believing them to, if I recall, she had you believing what another woman professed called Smurf Girl, who assume anything with the name Watchtower, is somehow connected to them directly, but the straw that broke the camels back was JWs do not celebrate Independence Day (4th of July), which resulted in infighting about ExJWs. Sadly, this woman thinks reddit at times is often a credible source.

Hence, my view of misinformation and conspiracy.

5 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

When I do answer your questions you then tell everyone that i'm 'dancing around'. Why do you need to tell everyone else ? 

You never answered and you did dance around the question in the first view responses when asked. If someone asks a simple question, yet you deviate, even in a debate that is dancing around what is being asked. There was a bit of an appeal to motive in it too.

This isn't the first time you did this either. Majority of the time it is either CSA or Bible Strong's Concordances.

This also goes hand in hand with what I said pertaining to debates in the past.

6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Why do you need to tell everyone else ? 

Perhaps everyone else sees this too. As is the remarks from others of out of left field assertions to a thread.

6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Why do you need to insult me in your comments to other people ? 

You using a tactic which is widely known, prompting someone to call it out, isn't an insult. Hence, appeal to motive, granted you yourself engineered your own downfall makes it predictable of what you will say or do next.

That being said, be careful with Big Tech, allow it to consume you, and you are forever gone.

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3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

The only thing not so fun about video games not regsrdless of what genre someone plays is the Microtransactions, essentially you don't own all of the game you bought.

Anything to gain more revenue. When something is Free to play, it isn't. You should see the J-RPG and MMO crowd.

That being said, if the makers of for example, Dead or Alive, can get you to pay $2k+ for a change of hair color or a new suit, think of what other developers can do. Also people now will do anything for a PlayStation 5. You can thank inflation and the chip shortage for that.


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On 11/1/2021 at 3:03 PM, Space Merchant said:

Why on earth would I be a dangerous person, granted, you are aware of my history because I mentioned it to you? A dangerous person would not - deal with Children, preach the gospel, missing persons, stopping a pornography addict, etc. It is known I do debates, before, in person. I do run into protesters often times, but unlike them, violence isn't the answer. reasons why anything affiliated with or confronts them I advise caution, namely recently with what JWI made known.

I do not have issue, I am not absorbed into big tech as you are. If that was the case, it would contradict what I always say to be Berean like.

That being said, if I had ever made you in person, I would know you will not be able to answer some things, and or address questions. You are also the type of person that does not watch what you say, it can resolve in an indirect confrontation from others which can match that of what has been happening in London, effectively, you would put everyone around you, interacting with you at risk, thus making you a danger. This is evident in how to make comments here even, even out of nowhere, be it on this club or what you said in the Islam thread, which is mirrored by the situation with Tommy Robinson - which induce indirect confrontation.

You also have issue because never once you care capable of grounded discussion, and you being this sporadic can result in the action mentioned, so if myself, Srecko, JWI, Tom were near you, you'd put us at risk, not yourself only - You are not Berean like.


In short - You'll get us all jumped.


That being said, you really need to understand the difference between what is real and not real, what is legitimate communication between persons and what is superficial. You cannot get body language or the social ques people have some knowledge on for years now, even before social media existed.

What do you get when you cross Dexter with Hannible Lecter?

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