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Video Games anyone?

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I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now. I do have to choose which ones I play with my grandchildren, since we can play across country, they love to beat up on old grandpa, at times.

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This didn't have to be a JW Club topic, but I'm interested in whether any Witnesses here, especially those over, say 50 years old, play any video games. As an old fogie myself, I have always tried to

MyVideo_1wrwc.mp4 The actual view is much smoother than the choppy capture in the video.

Well, the simplest explanation, as indicated by the principle of Ockham's Razor, is that you are a lizard with human skin (as in the "V" series). I hope your health does not suffer (too much) fro

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3 hours ago, John Houston said:

I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now. I do have to choose which ones I play with my grandchildren, since we can play across country, they love to beat up on old grandpa, at times.

Believe it or not, there are some older folks out there who play videos, mainly war time games because they are reliving the Vietnam Days, and there are some, granted their age, they play games where they create a younger version of themselves. Then you have the older folks who got into VR.

True, it does take your mind of of things, and or giving you time to think or strategize, however, sometimes, we have to be careful to not get too real with video games, mainly VR


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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

True, it does take your mind of of things, and or giving you time to think or strategize, however, sometimes, we have to be careful to not get too real with video games, mainly VR

True. Big companies are now competing with a lot of money to push VR again, where consumer interest usually fizzles out, except for a niche audience. Some of the new VR games are played outside in a large space like a tennis court so that you have more room to physically maneuver and not bump into an opponent so often. Most newer ones have some fail-safe mechanisms so that if you walk outside of a preset boundary, the view through the headset becomes transparent and you see the real world.

I find that virtual piloting of an airplane can be a very relaxing experience and doesn't interfere with anything I'm listening to unless I want to try a difficult terrain. A couple of nights ago I kept trying unsuccessfully to take a prop airplane to the top of Mt Everest and had to switch to the F16. But the view was amazing. I also enjoy the Swiss Alps, Grand Canyon, even attempting to land on the winding Colorado River below. (Trivia question I was just reminded me of: Which has the higher altitude, Denver Colorado or the top of the Grand Canyon?)

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10 hours ago, John Houston said:

I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now.

I'm sorry to hear about the awful pain and suffering. I didn't know, and I hope that doesn't mean I wasn't reading your posts carefully.

I'm in my 60's too, and up until recently, if I was still up at 2am, I played a few quick games against opponents sometimes on Scrabble, but mostly on chess.com because chess always makes me tired enough to fall asleep soon after. This weekend, also at 2am, I enjoyed a lazy, virtual flight from London to Paris to Versailles to Le Havre to Copenhagen etc. (My bro-in-law, an actual pilot, is in Copenhagen.) I like the ground scenery at low altitudes, and it's fun to see if you can find places using only your compass and visual landmarks. It's relaxing but it doesn't put me to sleep. I just want to go on to the next place.

Here attached below is just a very short (choppy) snippet from Monday night's flight from Ramapo, NY then over to the Hudson River and a quick peek at the north end of Central Park. I find the scenery relaxing, especially over the areas that are built up in 3D.


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On 10/21/2021 at 5:10 AM, Space Merchant said:

Believe it or not, there are some older folks out there who play videos, mainly war time games because they are reliving the Vietnam Days, and there are some, granted their age, they play games where they create a younger version of themselves. Then you have the older folks who got into VR.

I'm surprised you are into video games SM. I think video games are much worse than Facebook. I would never waste my time on such a 'pretend' life style. Fantasy worlds, voilence, crime, immorality, et al. My 27 year old son, that still lives at home with us, plays these horrible games. Unfortunately he has other problem and these games seem to help him, but it's all a pretend lifestyle.  Facebook is 'real', it's talking with real people about real things. 

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22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'm surprised you are into video games SM.

I don't play video games, however, at a young age I played sometimes, but I was raised in a religious household, majority of the time was spent reading either that or history, and physically, I like being active. In the IT world, you are bound to find people who have high interest in video games, either building a lifestyle, their appearance, or their attitude around it. This is why I mentioned those who are into war, they primarily play military shooters, while the latter are more puzzle based.

22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I think video games are much worse than Facebook.

Actually it is the reverse, the EXJW member who defended a female abuser was in the video game community, that operated on Facebook. The only reason I was able to know this person was EXJW because during the situation back in 2017 with said abuser, there were many defenders of this woman, and someone was traced back to EXJW reddit and Cedars' channel. His reason for defending said abuser was both laughable and poor. Since then the guy vanished from social media, YouTube and Reddit. On the other side of the spectrum, video games don't have exploits used to lure people, if anything, online capabilities, however, there are more strict ruling in place to prevent bad action, and they don't run on algorithms unlike Facebook and most media, which in turn, opens doors for exploits, even child pornography. In short, parents/guardians have a better chance of supervising their children on video games compared to the past, however, social media, mainly with recent events, it is difficult for them to determine what is going on.

22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I would never waste my time on such a 'pretend' life style.

But some people do. Ironically enough, it is also a mental thing for some people, especially those with disabilities. There are also those who are lost in life and believe that video games takes them back, and or gives them a chance to recoup.

So I would not shoot down some folks just like that, without having a clear understanding.

22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Fantasy worlds, voilence, crime, immorality, et al.

Essentially all media, it comes down to choice. You can choose to watch/play anything historical, while the war time veteran wants to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare, while the old lady down the street prefers Virtual Chess.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

My 27 year old son, that still lives at home with us, plays these horrible games.

Perhaps he grew up being interested in those games and or forms of media, actions in the household, etc led him to what he is playing now, along with how certain games are popularized. In my brother's case, who recovered from a porn addiction a long time ago, the only reason he got addicted in the first place because he tried to download games for Free at a young age, and some websites are very shady, i.e. you want Super Mario, but clicking on a fake Mario link will send you to an immoral website.

This is why such an addiction today in social media is problematic, mainly the known ones Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, and Twitter, which is notoriously known for allowing pornography on the platform, and at times cannot determine what it is vs child pornography, hence why there is a major issue with social media outside of the other issues. Even someone who, I consider, a rival, so to speak, often times is very vocal about the things in social media, as of recent, there was grooming material being championed by some there, of which the opposition is being censored for shooting down.

Hence the Whistleblower issue kind of threw in a monkey wrench at the majority.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Unfortunately he has other problem and these games seem to help him, but it's all a pretend lifestyle. 

Which is stated, sometimes video games can help people. Again, it is kind of demonizing to say pretend lifestyle. I can tell you this, there are many stories of abuse mentioned in the Truther Community, a boy, now 23, used video games to bring him comfort and or an escape, enabling him to later be a better person because the violent physical abuse he faced from his parents and his sister, nearly led him to suicide. For if it were not for video games, this 23 year old would not be alive right now. He was ostracized by his own family at 18 and went to live with his friend afterwards, and now today, he is on his own. His personality somewhat revolves around the games be plays, reasons why when he speaks he is borderline technical and very detailed in what he says in a discussion, or to resolve a problem.

As a side note, it was because of him I am aware of Deus Ex, and how eerily similar it is compared to COVID-19, alongside Orwell's 1984, in addition, the mantra, used predates the Leftist group, Black Lives Matter (BLM).

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Facebook is 'real', it's talking with real people about real things. 

Also dangerous. Be careful to believe social media as "real", granted social media is the cog in the machine that is breaking down social life, the family household and a list of other things, should you let it consume you, essentially a blessing and a curse that can quickly destroy you.

What is real is verbal communication, face to face with people close to you, friends, family, etc. Such interaction does not kill the social life.

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On 10/29/2021 at 5:40 AM, Space Merchant said:

mainly the known ones Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, and Twitter,

The only one I use is Facebook, and to me it is real. I have received so much advice for working on some of my classic vehicles. Advice and encouragement, and in turn I am able to do the same for others.  Also Facebook is now being used for the buying and selling of items. There are local FB pages for our area which has helped me to buy things and I've even been given items that other people do not want. In turn I can do this for other people too.  The local auctions all have a FB page and other local FB pages give details about traffic conditions etc.  It is a good tool for many uses. 

I do not get involved in the 'politics' behind the scenes, therefore I have no reason to leave it. 

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@Patiently waiting for Truth Facebook is still the parent of some of said media, regardless if you only use Facebook. There is a difference between realism and social media, Social Media isn't realism, and that is absolute truth.

That being said, with Metaverse coming soon, be careful not to get Zuc'd.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There is a difference between realism and social media, 

It depends how you use it. If you use it as a means of communication then it is real. Like I've said people are now selling things and giving things away on Facebook. Someone listed a qty of paving slabs on FB and I contacted them and then collected 60 free paving slabs. The man wouldn't take any money for them. You can't get much more 'real' than that. 

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It depends how you use it.

It does not.

A real social interaction between person(s) vs virtual chat/comment is different, and the latter can push a negative effect, even among the youth, this excludes the danger aspect of social media. That is a clear and literal difference between what is real and what is not. Clearly, my talking to you isn't a real discussion because I am not physically speaking to you, therefore, you stating otherwise, to someone who deals in Technology and Software, holds no water.

Social media conversations completely lack nonverbal clues, such as body language, micro-expressions, the tells”, etc. Also, typing out an answer gives a person a bit more time to think, or simply to decide to be uncensored at times.

Same case is made in relation to video games, but that in of itself causes a different reaction.

That being said, with how you are on here vs, let's say for example, you speaking with me or @JW Insider in person would be vastly different, and no one can literally log out in place. Or perhaps @Pudgy, who may be a serious person in person.

Realism cannot be replace with something not as connecting, if that was the case, it would give those who are in favor of false mates a reason to consider their actions as real, hence the remark of a Japanese culture-sque issue that is often misunderstood, and spoken of out of context.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

If you use it as a means of communication then it is real.

There is no physical interaction in regards to being social. Seems Big Tech got you mentally confused.

Yes, means of communication, but you cannot confuse that with realism.

In the United States alone, 64% Americans pointed out social media have a mostly negative effect on the way things are going in the U.S. today, politics, communication, friendships, dating/marriage/courtship, etc.

Social Media, at times, the unfortunate can also end up in a very bad spot. It can also be weaponized as well, even by employers, i.e. The annoying blue check marks.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Like I've said people are now selling things and giving things away on Facebook.

But remember, as of the reason situation in regards to censorship by means of the whistleblower, it was pointed out how Facebook is targeting young children, specifically girls. How the algorithm operates effects people, you included. Even when it comes to commerce.

The fact you are in the United Kingdom, the events to come will take a bold step in the social media space, and those unaware will get hit by that wave.

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Someone listed a qty of paving slabs on FB and I contacted them and then collected 60 free paving slabs.

And the point?

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The man wouldn't take any money for them. You can't get much more 'real' than that. 

So this "someone" you know for your whole life, he knows everything personal about you even? Perhaps you know what he likes, maybe the stash of Pokémon Cards he keeps hidden from his mate? I will press Enter to Doubt on that one.

That being said, if you want realism, nothing says being real when your personal information is leaked by such platforms, and or you end up like the poor soul who gets impersonated. I am sure you heeded the warning I gave to you a while back, and if you didn't listen, let's just say it's own the black market.


Again, be careful of what you deem as real; the remark alone just screams how far big tech has come and how the shift in society as already taken effect on what is to come next.

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