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Jehovah’s Witness | OPEN , Interview with JW Spokesman Robert Hendriks

Srecko Sostar

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Door-to-door public preaching is an exclusive way because JWs imitate Jesus and the apostles. It is no longer so important to literally follow Jesus ’example. Why? Because of the same love for their neighbors, because of which they went from door to door, they have now stopped going. Strange logic.

He mentioned how congregations are now divided into "pastoral groups". This word is so foreign to JW. It is certainly not used in Croatia, because it strongly reminds of the Catholic Church and their terminology.


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Yes, your spirit-directed organization has been given power to spiritually “kill” anyone who rejects the organization  – who rejects the elder body – who rejects the GB, and who speak TRUTH.  Joh

Robert Hendriks has a habit of saying basically the same thing in all his interviews; love of neighbor, love of God promotes the preaching work.  Also, love of neighbor and sanctity of life was the re

Are you saying that God's judgment is more severe against the Catholic Church than toward His holy people " Israel" under covenant - the anointed priests (1 Pet 2:5,9), and GB whom we assume are anoin

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The Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 about to Be Revealed...a27d24_5c74b89467c84670b647def884e13adc~

The preaching work that Jesus Christ started two thousand years ago is now coming to its’ conclusion. Jesus sent his followers to go from house to house by twos. Jehovah's Witnesses share this good news at no cost to you as they are volunteers bearing the brunt of the expenses themselves. As True Christians going from door to door, town to town, city to city, country to country with much opposition, reaching your door took much effort and often times, lives were placed in harms way to bring You the Good News of God's Kingdom. Jehovah Witnesses are well known over the World for their door to door ministry. They don't care about a persons ethnicity because God is no respecter of persons. "For there is no respect of persons with God." (Romans 2:11)

Therefore, they tell the Good News of God's Kingdom from house to house to anyone willing to listen. Sometimes the most rude people are the most religious as Jesus Christ found out in his day. "And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus." (Acts 5:42) Jehovah's Witnesses are no threat to any nation. They live peaceful lives and have Bible Studies. Matter of fact, many of my brothers and sisters are imprisoned for refusing to engage in war, so they are IMPRISONED for not killing other people! "Look! I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and take the evening meal with him and he with me." (Rev 3:20)

You did not understand then, you will not understand now. (Daniel 12:10)


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4 hours ago, BroRando said:

You did not understand then, you will not understand now.

Perhaps, but ....


4 hours ago, BroRando said:

Jehovah's Witnesses are no threat to any nation. They live peaceful lives and have Bible Studies. Matter of fact, many of my brothers and sisters are imprisoned for refusing to engage in war, so they are IMPRISONED for not killing other people!

..... Some of you, JW', "kill" others with wrong words and wrong behavior towards others.

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8 hours ago, BroRando said:

Matter of fact, many of my brothers and sisters are imprisoned for refusing to engage in war, so they are IMPRISONED for not killing other people! "


4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

..... Some of you, JW', "kill" others with wrong words and wrong behavior towards others.

There is a physical killing and a spiritual killing.  Sometimes the spiritual ends up in the physical killing of the individual, through the reverberating effects of the practice of hate and shunning by JWs.

"Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to (physically) kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God's law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof. Satan's influence through the disfellowshiped member of the family will be to cause the other member or members of the family who are in the truth to join the disfellowshiped member in his course or in his position toward God's organization” Watchtower 1952 Nov 15 p.703

There.  That puts it in the minds of JWs, that anyone disfellowshipped or anyone who walks away from the organization, is as good as dead in God’s eyes.

JWs are famously known worldwide, for their “killing” through disfellowshipping and shunning.  (Rev 13:15)

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5 minutes ago, Witness said:


There is a physical killing and a spiritual killing.  Sometimes the spiritual ends up in the physical killing of the individual, through the reverberating effects of the practice of hate and shunning by JWs.

"Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to (physically) kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God's law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof. Satan's influence through the disfellowshiped member of the family will be to cause the other member or members of the family who are in the truth to join the disfellowshiped member in his course or in his position toward God's organization” Watchtower 1952 Nov 15 p.703

There.  That puts it in the minds of JWs, that anyone disfellowshipped or anyone who walks away from the organization, is as good as dead in God’s eyes.

JWs are famously known worldwide, for their “killing” through disfellowshipping and shunning.  (Rev 13:15)

Jehovah Witnesses can't (kill) anyone spiritually.  If you were a Jehovah's Witness, you would know that. 

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3 minutes ago, BroRando said:

Jehovah Witnesses can't (kill) anyone spiritually.  If you were a Jehovah's Witness, you would know that. 

Socially, mentally and emotionally they can. Spirituality is an ingredient related to the previous ingredients. Together with the physical, they make us as a person. 

Well, Organization such WTJWorg can cause “death” in any form.

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1 hour ago, BroRando said:

Jehovah Witnesses can't (kill) anyone spiritually.  If you were a Jehovah's Witness, you would know that. 

Yes, your spirit-directed organization has been given power to spiritually “kill” anyone who rejects the organization  – who rejects the elder body – who rejects the GB, and who speak TRUTH. 

John 16:2-4

I was a JW, blind as you are for over 32 years.

"Are you personally proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped?" Watchtower 2014 Nov 15 p.14

Can you see that the disfellowshipped have lost, according to the elders’ ruling, all “holiness” before God?  Do the unholy/unrighteous inherit the Kingdom?  It is decreed that they are spiritually “dead” until they repent according to Watchtower’s rules. 

The elders represent the “image” of the spirit-directed organization. The elders “sit as God in the temple of God” showing that they have the (unlawful) ability to speak for God.  2 Thess 2:4; Rev 13:11,14,15,18



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20 minutes ago, Witness said:

Yes, your spirit-directed organization has been given power to spiritually “kill” anyone who rejects the organization  – who rejects the elder body – who rejects the GB, and who speak TRUTH. 

John 16:2-4

I was a JW, blind as you are for over 32 years.

"Are you personally proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped?" Watchtower 2014 Nov 15 p.14

Can you see that the disfellowshipped have lost, according to the elders’ ruling, all “holiness” before God?  Do the unholy/unrighteous inherit the Kingdom?  It is decreed that they are spiritually “dead” until they repent according to Watchtower’s rules. 

The elders represent the “image” of the spirit-directed organization. The elders “sit as God in the temple of God” showing that they have the (unlawful) ability to speak for God.  2 Thess 2:4; Rev 13:11,14,15,18



Nothing about killing anyone spiritually here. Your eyes seem to be failing you. Try some reading glasses?

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10 minutes ago, Peter Carroll said:

as a jw  ,i know it is impossible to kill spiritally anyone else ,as always, it is up to yourself as it was for adam ,if you bother to go to any meetings ,you will hear this ,that it is up to yourself to take care of the spiritual life you have,,,its your choice to wake up or go on as the rest of the world does


How does spiritual death occur? At least in two ways. When you do not take healthy spiritual food and when you take poisonous spiritual food.

How does harmful spiritual food come into being?

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4 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

as a jw  ,i know it is impossible to kill spiritally anyone else ,as always, it is up to yourself as it was for adam ,if you bother to go to any meetings ,you will hear this ,that it is up to yourself to take care of the spiritual life you have,,,its your choice to wake up or go on as the rest of the world does


Yes, the Wt. will speak out of both sides of its mouth.  It is up to each one of us, not to men, but men in the organization still use their "power" to label one as spiritually dead.

This scripture is used to support Wt’s disfellowshipping in the w/1981/9/15 p. 2, but notice part of their cited scriptures has been left out:

“Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. . . . If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.”—2 John 9-11.

NKJV - “Whoever [a]transgresses (“goes ahead”) and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.”

If someone doesn’t have God, are they spiritually alive, or are they spiritually dead even though they may be alive in the flesh? (Matt 4:4;Eph 2:12; 1 Tim 2:1-7)  If the elders make the call to use this scripture against someone as they have in the article on disfellowshipping, they are saying that the person they are disfellowshipping is spiritually dead - they are without the living God.

The scriptures used to support Wt’s disfellowshipping was to be applied to those anointed who left “the Way” of truth in the apostle's day (Acts 19:9) – those who detached themselves from the anointed Body of Christ, who became arrogant sinners and taught false doctrine - "going ahead" of the doctrine of Christ.  Col 2:19; 2 Tim 3:1-5; 1 Tim 4:1-3; 2 Pet 2:1-3; Acts 20:29,30; 1 John 2:18,19; Jude 1:14-16

“I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.  For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.” 1 Cor 5

There is no place within the members of Christ’s anointed body for evil doers; whether physically displaying the traits Paul mentioned, or spiritually as unfaithful immoral “harlots”. (Ps 106:39; Isa 1:21; Rev 17:1-6)  But, according to this scripture, who are to judge the other anointed members of the Body of Christ?  Unanointed elders?  No, the anointed priests under Jesus Christ have been assigned this role.  

So right there, we see that the disfellowshipping act by the organization is founded on deceit– invalid in God’s eyes since the organization has shunned the anointed priesthood even inside its walls (2 Thess 2:3,4); yet the spirit-directed organization (idol) has successfully cut off family members, friends, loved ones; telling its members that this practice is to keep THE ORGANIZATION clean.  The idol must appear perfect on the outside.  (Matt 23:25,26)  And without a doubt, it convinces its members that these shunned people, are as good as dead.  

Going back to 2 John 9-11, it is clear that the Wt leaders do not “bring this doctrine” of Jesus Christ.  Why?  They teach the doctrine of MEN.  They set rules and regulations, and by "going ahead", they make predictions that do not come true. (Matt 15:9; Gal 1:11) Their spiritual “food”, predictably rots. (Matt 7:15-20) They are the false prophets that Jesus warned would deceive “even the elect” – the anointed priesthood. (Matt 24:24,25)  Wt’s leaders have disconnected themselves from Jesus Christ and his doctrine.  THEY are to be shunned for their spiritual harlotry.  And yet, if they were to repentant, they would be restored to life in Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 5:5)

“He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.”

Without remaining in Christ, producing food that “lasts”, your leaders are spiritually dead.   (John 15:1-8,16)  And what about JWs who spiritually exist on what they offer?  Are they any better off?  (Isa 28:8,10,14,15)

In Wt's eyes, when someone is disfellowshipped, they are cut off from the organization that is preached as the way to salvation.  Salvation is eternal life.  Can you see how the shunned ones are viewed as spiritually dead? Do you not believe that there is no promise of eternal life outside of the Wt?   Yes, it truly is bogus, since leaders who preach lies have no possibility of eternal life, unless they repent.

“To the angel of the church in Sardis write:

"These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. 3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you."  Rev 3:1-3



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13 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

as a jw  ,i know it is impossible to kill spiritally anyone else ,as always, it is up to yourself as it was for adam ,if you bother to go to any meetings ,you will hear this ,that it is up to yourself to take care of the spiritual life you have,

I like this way of putting it. Of course, we know it's possible for us to stumble others, which is likened to causing spiritual death, but each one of us stands or falls on our own. In fact, it was in the context of doctrinal disagreements which could potentially result in stumbling others where Paul was still able to say:

(Romans 14:4) . . .To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand.

People can come into an association with our Christian brotherhood for all the wrong reasons, and never develop a true personal love for Jesus and Jehovah, but this doesn't mean that anyone should claim it was negative experiences in the organization that killed them spirituality. That would negate another of Paul's statements.

(Romans 8:37-39) For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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There is a lot of talk about the negative aspects of distance learning in schools. Hours of sitting with a computer, tablets and cell phones. Impossibility of physical contact and interaction under natural circumstances. Occurrences of various psychological problems, even psychosomatic ones. Apparently the real consequences of this “Covid way of life” are yet to be seen in the time to come.

Given that some people around the world are concerned about how children and young people are affected by the virtual way of education, it would be interesting to hear why WTJWorg readily accepts the imposed education communication system in its own assemblies. Although the spokesperson’s statement, in the video, is that the system of religious education is primarily in dialogue rather than in holding lessons from the podium, I think that is questionable. Namely, the JW education system is mostly based on a model of questions and answers after reading the default and predetermined text. And all the text is from a single publisher, WTJWorg.

Does anyone in WTJWorg think that such a virtual meetings, virtual walks from house to house on the virtual streets and the like, will have bad consequences for the spirituality of JW members, now and in the future? With an already existing threat to spirituality due to so many changed doctrinal interpretations and religious practices inside and outside the JW church.

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