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Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?

The Librarian

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6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

1. I don't think he liked the 'hpocritical discipline' of the JW Org's elders.

2. I think he may have had a problem which led to him being d/fed.

If scripture gives Christians a personal admonition, such a Paul did? Are you suggesting a Christian shouldn't comply just because that person was a member?

How does that square with God, and the scriptural application of 1 Corinthians 5:10-12, Ephesians 5:11-13.

Of course, Paul was referring to members inside the church, not outside. Immoral can be expanded by many variations. Dissociation is also part of that admonition. Does your open church have the same doctrine?

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12 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Of course, Paul was referring to members inside the church, not outside. Immoral can be expanded by many variations. Dissociation is also part of that admonition. Does your open church have the same doctrine?

Yes Paul was talking to memebers of the Body of Christ, the Anointed. In fact 99% of the Greek scriptures are to the Anoined ones. Unfortunatley many people use those scriptures to refer to ALL people. 

The immorality inside of the JW organisation is frightening. And to think they try to 'bribe' families into it by threats and false promises. 

You last sentence / question seems to presume that I belong to some type of 'organisation' 'church'.  I don't. 

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 


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Just now, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes Paul was talking to memebers of the Body of Christ, the Anointed. In fact 99% of the Greek scriptures are to the Anoined ones. Unfortunatley many people use those scriptures to refer to ALL people. 

The immorality inside of the JW organisation is frightening. And to think they try to 'bribe' families into it by threats and false promises. 

You last sentence / question seems to presume that I belong to some type of 'organisation' 'church'.  I don't. 

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 


What makes you think there's a special "Anointed" vs "Non-Anointed" class distinction made in any of the counsel given in the CGS? The existential distinction that some claimed such that they were "superfine apostles" was disputed by Paul as hot air. Were these "Anointed"? Who cares? What matters is behavior. Like the scriptures say, "A live dog is better than a dead lion", the same is true and Jesus made that point when he gave the illustration about the "Neighborly Samaritan". If Jesus were alive on earth today he might choose to shock someone out of their complacency by replacing "Samaritan" with "Apostate". Jehovah is the judge and of course he's delegated to Jesus the actual instantiation of the judgement (which has yet to take place) so our only concern should be w/our own fidelity to Jehovah. Some may differ or question our integrity, but that's going to happen. This persistent and obsessive concern some have w/who is or isn't wearing an invisible magic beanie is beyond me. To me it shows the person needs to address the man in the mirror and let others do the same.

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes Paul was talking to memebers of the Body of Christ, the Anointed. In fact 99% of the Greek scriptures are to the Anoined ones. Unfortunatley many people use those scriptures to refer to ALL people. 

It would be beneficial for you to understand Paul's words to the church of Christ. 

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The immorality inside of the JW organisation is frightening. And to think they try to 'bribe' families into it by threats and false promises. 

I would imagine, this applies to all Christian Churches that are disparaged by former members. 

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You last sentence / question seems to presume that I belong to some type of 'organisation' 'church'.  I don't. 

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 

Then you no longer service God as a Christian. Have you transformed to Atheism or Agnosticism? A person without faith cannot be a Christian. That's the point of having faith. The Body is a temple. A person without faith in God is an empty vessel. A person saying he/she believes in God with an empty vessel, is just that, an empty person with an inner belief. How would that be received by God, when he asks of us to accept his commands. An Organization is there, like the Church of Christ was to the early Christians, to unite in faith. To become one with God by faith as a united people, spiritual people, not just to be one with God. That would be selfish. There is strength in numbers. Those sheep need a Shepherd. Jesus is the head of those Shepherds and sheep, as he was with the apostles. Those apostles commissioned others to continue their work that Jesus had started. Paul was one of those members not originally commissioned with the 12 apostles, but later. He was no less of an apostle than the original 12 apostles, just like the 70 Jesus commissioned to help the apostles. Not all would become Saints(Kings) Helpers of Christ. Yet the message needed to continue. The Bible speaks of future application of Christ words.

Yes, the message was lost for a longtime. God's Holy Spirit saw the inspiration that made its way to reignite that lost message. We should Thank YHWH for that. The manner it was reignited is not important, just that it was. Now it's up to those faithful servants to continue Christs work.

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2 minutes ago, xero said:

Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended,+ for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.+ - Ecc. 7:9

I'm glad you have an application of confidence for yourself. Continue to recite scripture in your behalf. However, my point was made with your response. Are you a Jehovah's Witness? I have asked others if this is something Jehovah Witnesses do in their daily lives, to be rude and obnoxious to others. I have not received a response. 

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Just now, Dmitar said:

I'm glad you have an application of confidence for yourself. Continue to recite scripture in your behalf. However, my point was made with your response. Are you a Jehovah's Witness? I have asked others if this is something Jehovah Witnesses do in their daily lives, to be rude and obnoxious to others. I have not received a response. 

  Where there is no wood, the fire goes out,And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases.+ - Proverbs 26:20

 A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding;He would rather disclose what is in his heart.+ - Proverbs 18:2

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4 minutes ago, xero said:

  Where there is no wood, the fire goes out,And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases.+ - Proverbs 26:20

 A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding;He would rather disclose what is in his heart.+ - Proverbs 18:2

I'm glad you continue those scriptural applications in your behalf. I'm glad it's having an impact. However, you did not answer my question, are you a Jehovah's Witness?

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27 minutes ago, xero said:

Zašto mislite da postoji posebna klasna razlika "Pomazani" i "Nepomazani" u bilo kojem od savjeta danih u CGS-u? Egzistencijalnu razliku koju su neki tvrdili da su "superfini apostoli" Pavao je osporio kao vrući zrak. Jesu li to bili "Pomazani"? Koga briga? Bitno je ponašanje. Kao što sveto pismo kaže: "Bolji je živ pas od mrtvog lava", isto je istina i Isus je to istaknuo kada je dao ilustraciju o "Bližnjem Samarijancu". Da je Isus danas živ na zemlji, mogao bi nekoga šokirati iz samozadovoljstva zamijenivši "Samarijanac" s "Otpadnikom". Jehova je sudac i on, naravno, Isusu smo delegirali stvarnu instanciju presude (koja se tek treba dogoditi) tako da bi naša jedina briga trebala biti naša vlastita vjernost Jehovi. Neki se možda razlikuju ili dovode u pitanje naš integritet, ali to će se dogoditi. Ova uporna i opsesivna zabrinutost koju neki imaju o tome tko nosi ili ne nosi nevidljivu čarobnu kapu je izvan mene. Za mene to pokazuje da se osoba treba obratiti čovjeku u ogledalu i pustiti druge da učine isto.

As a former JW, I was also taught that the Bible (I guess it's just NT) was written for 144,000. Whether that's true or not I leave to the discussants. I suppose, among other things, this meant that they bear primary responsibility as “bearers of light” because of their special relationship with God through Christ. But today, I’m not entirely sure if that concept can be accurate. We are talking, here, about 144000 as a literal number according to WTJWorg.

But that’s not what prompted me to comment. Does the GB have special legitimacy, as “anointed” or as “FDS” or as “elders” or as some other type of entity in WTJWorg so that they are worthy of “full trust” from JW members? That would be in the context of your comment, and support ascertainment that any kind of “super important apostles” (self appointed GB, Helpers, all sort of administration) are irrelevant, also today, like those in the past.

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5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

As a former JW, I was also taught that the Bible (I guess it's just NT) was written for 144,000. Whether that's true or not I leave to the discussants.

Do you believe, it will only be the 144,000 saints that will inherit the earth? Is so, why is it necessary for humanity to comply with God's commands if God already knows who those are.

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9 minutes ago, xero said:

  Where there is no wood, the fire goes out,And where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases.+ - Proverbs 26:20

 A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding;He would rather disclose what is in his heart.+ - Proverbs 18:2

But you contribute with "wood" by posting citation/verses. :)) 



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