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Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?

The Librarian

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On 12/22/2021 at 4:04 PM, xero said:

The existential distinction that some claimed such that they were "superfine apostles" was disputed by Paul as hot air.

Misuse of scripture. Once again it referred to the Anointed ones only. Some of the Anointed ones were acting as if they were more important. Just like the GB do now. 

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On 12/22/2021 at 4:04 PM, xero said:

This persistent and obsessive concern some have w/who is or isn't wearing an invisible magic beanie is beyond me. To me it shows the person needs to address the man in the mirror and let others do the same.

But at the same time JWs actually believe that the 8 men known as the GB are the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'. Wow ! That's your magic beanie then. 

So there you go JWs , you'd best follow the words of @xero and look at yourself in that mirror :) 


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On 12/22/2021 at 4:08 PM, Dmitar said:

It would be beneficial for you to understand Paul's words to the church of Christ. 

You choice of words "the church of Christ". But the Church of Christ is the Anointed ones.

On 12/22/2021 at 4:08 PM, Dmitar said:
On 12/22/2021 at 2:24 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 

Then you no longer service God as a Christian. Have you transformed to Atheism or Agnosticism? A person without faith cannot be a Christian.

Twisting words is not good for you. You can easily read my words above. 

But I'll repeat it as you seem to want to twist it.

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 

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28 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Does this "Church of Christ" carry this name or have a specific, another name today?

Instead of putting a confused emoji, I'll just ask you to explain your thought. The Church of Christ is Christianity as a whole. However, not all Christians obey the sanctity of God and Christ. Therefore, the Church of Christ is the Body of Christ. Are you referring to a brick and mortar house of the Lord that is used as grounds to worship, like the synagogues  and the first Christian congregations were used? The house in itself has no meaning, rather a place for Christians to unite and encourage one another under the Lord. So, a House, Church, Congregation, etc. that is used as a house of worship is sanctified by God's Holy Spirit.

An atheist would not think of such things, and condemn such placement, while an agnostic might think, worshiping God under the stars is enough.

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32 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Once again it referred to the Anointed ones only.

In Early Christian Churches, Elders were the leaders of the congregation. Does your understanding mean, those Elders were anointed just because they were the first to build upon Christ Church? I noticed you down voted a question I posed @Srecko Sostar earlier on the 144,000 thousand that I later clarified for @Srecko Sostaron the followup response.

Since you and he must believe in something, I will pose the same question. Do you believe, the 144,000 thousand saints are the ones to inherit the earth, or will it be others? If not about the saints, explain why you personally believe scripture is only meant to satisfy the requirements for anointed, and no one else? Christ not just spoke to the anointed, but also to regular sinners that wished to repent. The message was meant to be applied the same.

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33 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You choice of words "the church of Christ". But the Church of Christ is the Anointed ones.

It seems you misunderstood me. My concern is with the Church of Christ, everyone that is a true follower is part of that church, not just the anointed. Apostle Paul was specific in his understanding.

36 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Twisting words is not good for you. You can easily read my words above. 

But I'll repeat it as you seem to want to twist it.

I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed. 

I was unaware I twisted your words. That was not my intent. My apologies if you think I did it intentionally. However, An empty vessel cannot be placed in a Christian Life, nor its Dominion. So, I will ask you again, have you converted to atheism or agnosticism?

In case you wish to ask by whose authority, By the authority of God's own words and the teachings of our Lord. It would not be good at all to twist the words of God.

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9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It seems to me that this is exactly what the worship of God looked like in the beginning.

Did Jesus not change that? Do, you believe, Jesus found no use for the First Christian Congregations? If not, why do you believe that? Why would you think the apostles found no problem with them, but Jesus did, if that's your understanding.

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