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Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?

The Librarian

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On 12/26/2021 at 4:23 PM, Mr. Lifeson said:

I've been wondering about that for quite some time. I never understood why killing parts of God's creation was something that God would find acceptable. It makes zero sense to me.

What makes you think, the death of Abel was acceptable to God? Is that what you understand from @Srecko Sostar, If yes, I would ask this person the same question. That cause was made from man's imperfection. When did God create imperfect beings? Why would anyone blame God for man's imperfection?

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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:
On 12/26/2021 at 6:23 PM, Mr. Lifeson said:

I've been wondering about that for quite some time. I never understood why killing parts of God's creation was something that God would find acceptable. It makes zero sense to me.

What makes you think, the death of Abel was acceptable to God? Is that what you understand from @Srecko Sostar, If yes, I would ask this person the same question. That cause was made from man's imperfection. When did God create imperfect beings? Why would anyone blame God for man's imperfection?

As usual Dmitar, and to the best of my observation, without exception, you have misunderstood Mr. Lifeson's concerns, as you misunderstand EVERYTHING.

Or, I could be wrong.

I hope Mr. Lifeson will clarify what he meant.

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:
On 12/27/2021 at 12:23 AM, Mr. Lifeson said:

I've been wondering about that for quite some time. I never understood why killing parts of God's creation was something that God would find acceptable. It makes zero sense to me.

What makes you think, the death of Abel was acceptable to God? Is that what you understand from @Srecko Sostar,

It is true that i have problematic grammar, but your confused conclusion is funny. :) 

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6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

What makes you think, the death of Abel was acceptable to God? Is that what you understand from @Srecko Sostar, If yes, I would ask this person the same question. That cause was made from man's imperfection. When did God create imperfect beings? Why would anyone blame God for man's imperfection?

No, I'm talking about the animal sacrifices. From my understanding of Genesis, before Adam and Eve's disobedience, neither the humans nor the animals wanted to kill one another. Since they all lived according to God's Will before the fall, I assume that it was God' Will for humans and animals to not kill one another.

So what I don't understand is what exactly made God approve of humans killing animals and bringing their corpses to Him as a way of honoring Him. Did Abel come up with this idea on his own or did he learn it from his parents or from someone else? And whoever the first human that got the idea of killing animals was, why wasn't this human told by God that killing animals causes them suffering and is against God's Will?

Cain bringing grains to God is a bit more logical in the sense that they ate grains, so it was something along the lines of: "when us, humans, share food with each other, we enjoy our presence more, so maybe if I share food with The Being Who created me it will make This Being enjoy my presence more." So he brought grains, the food that he grew from the ground, to God. Granted, The Bible doesn't say that it was the best grains he had, so I understand why God would not regard Cain's offering. But the idea of bringing food to God is still grounded in logic, when compared to the idea of killing animals (which is basically destroying God's creation, bringing its remains to God, and telling God that you destroyed His creation as a means of honoring Him).

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Mr. Lifeson;

Dmitar, although being able to read, does not correctly comprehend anything about anything, because his thinking processes are completely pre-programmed by a carefully crafted agenda which he is apparently duty bound to promote.

It’s a very common phenomenon for soft hearted people, and the evil people whose livelihood depends on that good hearted naïveté.

Life can only exist because it has something to eat … and for more than at least 200 million years there is inescapable HARD EVIDENCE that the God created Natural Order of all life is that there are two classes of animal life …. Predators …. And Prey. 
This is the case now, and has ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE.

When you accept this, only then will you understand Genesis, and a thousand other things, correctly.

Agenda driven thinking always subverts and corrupts logical thinking, and ALWAYS results in the wrong conclusions.

…. And a comprehensive totally screwed up world viewpoint filled with “inconsistencies”

.Regrettably, and with great embarrassment, I know this from experience.



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When you are a hammer, EVERYTHING looks like a nail.

I do not “like” it that all living things poop and pee, but willy-nilly …. that’s the way it IS.

But then again, trees pee oxygen and poop wood, which is very good.

The whole of life eats and drinks, and pees and poops, with ZERO inconsistencies.

I like That!

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1 hour ago, Mr. Lifeson said:

No, I'm talking about the animal sacrifices. From my understanding of Genesis, before Adam and Eve's disobedience, neither the humans nor the animals wanted to kill one another. Since they all lived according to God's Will before the fall, I assume that it was God' Will for humans and animals to not kill one another.

So what I don't understand is what exactly made God approve of humans killing animals and bringing their corpses to Him as a way of honoring Him. Did Abel come up with this idea on his own or did he learn it from his parents or from someone else? And whoever the first human that got the idea of killing animals was, why wasn't this human told by God that killing animals causes them suffering and is against God's Will?

Cain bringing grains to God is a bit more logical in the sense that they ate grains, so it was something along the lines of: "when us, humans, share food with each other, we enjoy our presence more, so maybe if I share food with The Being Who created me it will make This Being enjoy my presence more." So he brought grains, the food that he grew from the ground, to God. Granted, The Bible doesn't say that it was the best grains he had, so I understand why God would not regard Cain's offering. But the idea of bringing food to God is still grounded in logic, when compared to the idea of killing animals (which is basically destroying God's creation, bringing its remains to God, and telling God that you destroyed His creation as a means of honoring Him).

I take it as axiomatic that we have a truncated account of the period of time prior to the flood even including the few centuries post flood. All anyone can do is speculate and perhaps use ancient people accounts as a possible source for speculation. You could look at the talmudic speculations on these. You could read Maimonides. I would start w/the CGS (Christian Greek Scriptures) and take anything Jesus affirmed or those closely associated w/him as having an interpretational vector on these things. Another thing is that we often see Jehovah allowing, though not prescribing behavior and know that a given act may not be desirable or it might be desirable, Jehovah at at least at the point of time when it's described as being done considered it(the act) significant enough in the scheme of things to intervene w/a voice from the heavens or a prophet affirming or denying it's action.

Do you have any scriptures prescribing the disposition of the dead? Nope. Just that you're unclean if you touch a dead thing or person. So when we read that these followed certain burial practices it wasn't as far as we know (unless there are some as yet undiscovered scriptures outlining the proper burial of the dead) something Jehovah prescribed, just what these people did based on what they thought about Jehovah and what they thought of the dead and their future, if any.


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On 12/27/2021 at 3:28 PM, xero said:

Often people who are full of themselves (confusing this w/holy spirit) go on and on playing bible-ping pong

You describe the Governing Body of JWs very well in this sentence above. :) And the Leaders of the Watchtower have been doing this for over a hundred years.  They play ping pong with scriptures, changing their view of interpretation. They play ping pong with their predictions for Armageddon. They've played ping pong with the 'blood issue' and fractions. 

In fact they ping pong with people lives. 

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9 hours ago, Mr. Lifeson said:

No, I'm talking about the animal sacrifices. From my understanding of Genesis, before Adam and Eve's disobedience, neither the humans nor the animals wanted to kill one another. Since they all lived according to God's Will before the fall, I assume that it was God' Will for humans and animals to not kill one another.

So what I don't understand is what exactly made God approve of humans killing animals and bringing their corpses to Him as a way of honoring Him. Did Abel come up with this idea on his own or did he learn it from his parents or from someone else? And whoever the first human that got the idea of killing animals was, why wasn't this human told by God that killing animals causes them suffering and is against God's Will?

Cain bringing grains to God is a bit more logical in the sense that they ate grains, so it was something along the lines of: "when us, humans, share food with each other, we enjoy our presence more, so maybe if I share food with The Being Who created me it will make This Being enjoy my presence more." So he brought grains, the food that he grew from the ground, to God. Granted, The Bible doesn't say that it was the best grains he had, so I understand why God would not regard Cain's offering. But the idea of bringing food to God is still grounded in logic, when compared to the idea of killing animals (which is basically destroying God's creation, bringing its remains to God, and telling God that you destroyed His creation as a means of honoring Him).

The idea of sacrificing to the god/s is not unusual, because people sacrificed to the god/s, because they want god/s to protect them or help them. To some extent, this is about bribery. Sometimes it is a way of thanking the god/s.
One aspect of why people made sacrifices is that they did not understand the laws of nature. Because they felt helpless or felt some debt to the Unknown. That is how god/s of all kind came into being.
The idea that people are obliged to make sacrifices to god/s does not exist in the initial (Bible) descriptions of the relationship between God and man (Adam, Eve, Abel, Cain ...).

WTJWorg explains that the most important reason why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice was that he had no faith, and Abel had. Meat and bloodshed also play a role, but WTJWorg publications do not claim that this was the sole reason.

But giving material or symbolic or spiritual or physical sacrifices to God should not be a practice in which the relationship between God and man should be developed. After all, it is said that God himself said and had it written in the Bible that obedience is more important to him than sacrifice.

The thought of having to kill someone to please God is terrible, frightening.

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16 hours ago, Pudgy said:

As usual Dmitar, and to the best of my observation, without exception, you have misunderstood Mr. Lifeson's concerns, as you misunderstand EVERYTHING.

You seem to be at odds with yourself as a nonintellectual animal. Perhaps learning from a real dog, you can get a straight forward question. Real dogs just obey without thought of mind of what the owner really needs, just wants. However, you seem to be an extremely rude and obnoxious person pretending to be an animal. 

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