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Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?

The Librarian

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Can you explain your position here? How can he not? If you're so concerned about pedophilia, why would you associate yourself with a known one. This would certainly make no sense with any pedophilia argument coming from you.

I didn't know that I was 'associating with a known one'. I await your proof of this.

But be careful or you will be giving away your AKAs.  

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But be careful or you will be giving away your AKAs.  

Isn't that what you did? You seem convinced, your input is the only one that should matter here. Why not stick to scripture or none at all. Don't use scripture to convince yourself you're in a mission, when its clear, vengeance is the only thing you seek. 

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I only expanded the possibility that the apostles and other followers repeated Jesus ’words in front of other people. If they were “rigid” in preaching such “religious teachings,” my conclusion was in the commentary.


1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Word "stupid" is under quotation marks. Because of that nothing is rude and obnoxious in my "false tongue

When you make an assumption without thought, then your word should follow with the word "possibility" in front of other people as though the evening meal was something more than a "presentation" that should be observed until Christ return in his memory and God's promise. Why would it matter if the apostles continued that presentation? Why would it matter, if Christ followers continue that now?

The word "rigid" should be used with your idea of that religious teaching and presentation. That makes your commentary, as your own word under quotation marks, indicates. That makes your response rude and obnoxious as anyone else with poor manners here. Therefore, your ideology and remarks are presented under a false tongue, since you are saying it.

How does that argument go against your perceived bible interpretation?

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

How does that argument go against your perceived bible interpretation?

I think between wondering who, who, who ...who wrote the Book Of Love, and the Cowboy Code, Volume 2, there is a paragraph in one of them that says that it is entirely permissable, yea, almost a requirement that rudeness and obnoxiousness be shown a person that continuously asks irrelevant questions, based on false premises and agenda driven cluelessness. 

... just sayin'.

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@PudgyMuch of what you post is irrelevant, with a false premise, and is driven by a clueless agenda that comes from a meaningless individual. People think too much of themselves here. This is why God made man, to tame animals. 

However, just like @Patiently waiting for Truth, @Srecko Sostar, @xero, being a rabid dog should be a concern for individuals that think rabies is just a joke.

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20 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

However, just like @Patiently waiting for Truth, @Srecko Sostar, @xero, being a rabid dog should be a concern for individuals that think rabies is just a joke.


Perfect example of what I am talking about Dmitar.

Warning people to be afraid of rabies in a a two dimensional cartoon Dog ..... in all seriousness.

This is where a less calm person would be screaming obscene vulgarities about the utter insanity of your ....whatever it is.

Me, I am just going to drink some cartoon dog water out of my cartoon dog dish, and go into the next panel, and bite Garfield the Cat.


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3 hours ago, xero said:

Reading Tom's or Pudgy's replies to noise makers is like watching a movie w/all the really crappy parts cut out when you've got the noise makers on mute.

Since this applies to you, you should heed your own advice. I know I will. What was your suggestion of Ecclesiastes

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18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I didn't know that I was 'associating with a known one'. I await your proof of this.

@Dmitar  I'm still waiting for your proof of this. 

16 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Isn't that what you did? You seem convinced, your input is the only one that should matter here. Why not stick to scripture or none at all. Don't use scripture to convince yourself you're in a mission, when its clear, vengeance is the only thing you seek. 

I like you words here. it shows your stupidity. People here know who I am, and I know it was you that got me removed Billy + all the other AKAs you use. 

I think you must have around ten AKAs here and for what ?  

I am on a sort of mission, as all Christians should be. To make known the Good News of God's Kingdom. 

You mistake warnings and interpret them as vengeance ??? Your choice. 

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28 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I like you words here. it shows your stupidity.

Can you explain how, when it's clear, you show yours at every turn of your uneducated mission? You think your mission has value when you yourself have condemned yourself before God, and you proudly wrote about it. Have you stopped to think, your actions are an affront to God?

You speak of Greek language when you don't have the knowledge of it. This is another indicator of what you show. It seems you're more comfortable being rude and obnoxious and yet you identify yourself as a Christian like these poor souls here.

The other thing that lingers is what you commented on with @TrueTomHarley post about he and James, like each other. Then you comment you have not heard about the evidence. More conjecture and it's clear of what more it shows; what you are willing to accept, and what your foolish thoughts are about. Now, that's your choice, don't make it someone else's. 

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