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Did Carnivores Exist Before the Flood of Noah's Day?

The Librarian

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(bold mine) It explains that God can choose to see what he wants to see. In any case, even humans can predict a certain outcome based on certain behavior, how much more so a God who is a lot smarter t

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I think everybody here is missing the point of Life, The Universe, and Everything. Yes, the WTB&TS is guilty of hundreds of sins over a hundred and more years, but the fact is that in a Unive

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3 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then you comment you have not heard about the evidence

I asked you for proof that the person to whom you accuse, is actually a pedophile. I don't see proof yet just more waffle.

5 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

when you yourself have condemned yourself before God

I have said I am not worthy of life in the 'new world', which is true. That seems to bother you.

The GB of the JW Org have been presumptuous enough to say that they WILL go to heaven.  

8 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You speak of Greek language when you don't have the knowledge of it.

I only stated fact, that the writings from Matthew onward were written in Greek. Though I have heard that Matthew may have actually written in Hebrew, but I have no proof of it.  But if you wish to call it the New Testament, so be it. 

11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

what you are willing to accept

And what, in your opinion, am I willing to accept ?  My hatred of Pedophilia is well known here. 

But if you are part of the JW Org then you support Pedophilia because the GB of the W/t - JW Org make it possible for Pedophiles to hide within the JW Org. And I still don't read any news about  that GB handing over the 25 year + Database containing names and addresses of accusations about American Pedophiles within the JW Org.  So if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. 

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I asked you for proof that the person to whom you accuse, is actually a pedophile. I don't see proof yet just more waffle.

When you accuse an organization about being one without proof; other than individuals acting on their own corrupt lust, is no proof that organization is consumed by that fault. Yet, you want proof of a person that is on probation for that same corrupt lust. Your demeanor is inconsistent with your personal lust for vengeance. You stated, you have officially denounced your association with that organization. Move on to a better pastor.

You contradict yourself too much here be arguing with the same people, and then you agree with the same people. What does that say by defending the same people?

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I have said I am not worthy of life in the 'new world', which is true. That seems to bother you.

The GB of the JW Org have been presumptuous enough to say that they WILL go to heaven. 

The presumption comes from you. That seems to bother you.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I only stated fact, that the writings from Matthew onward were written in Greek. Though I have heard that Matthew may have actually written in Hebrew, but I have no proof of it.  But if you wish to call it the New Testament, so be it. 

Yet, you have no clear understanding in the interpretation or linguistics of it, worth making a distinctive argument about it.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

And what, in your opinion, am I willing to accept ?  My hatred of Pedophilia is well known here. 

But if you are part of the JW Org then you support Pedophilia because the GB of the W/t - JW Org make it possible for Pedophiles to hide within the JW Org. And I still don't read any news about  that GB handing over the 25 year + Database containing names and addresses of accusations about American Pedophiles within the JW Org.  So if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. 

As do you by your support of an individual here. Your argument has lost its value. That's means you are no better than the GB and that organization you disparage. Look first in the mirror before you attempt to cast out the demons of others.

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11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

I don't find being corrupted by individuals here a plus, do you?

If you were corrupted by individuals here then your Christian conscience and your faith must be rather low. 

There is far more corruption out there in that 'real world'. Or are you at home permanently ?  

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1 minute ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

If you were corrupted by individuals here then your Christian conscience and your faith must be rather low. 

Can you explain how that can be, since that individual just stated I don't get along with anyone here? What part of that comment sways your argument.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

That flea-bitten mutt?

Like the Beatles song, All you need is love. Unfortunately, that rabid dog received the wrong kind.



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3 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You contradict yourself too much here be arguing with the same people, and then you agree with the same people. What does that say by defending the same people?

What it says is, that I am capable of taking an individual comment, and either agreeing with it or not. It matters not who is making the comment. That's why i don't block anyone here. Everyone is capable of saying something 'interesting'. 

6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:
2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The GB of the JW Org have been presumptuous enough to say that they WILL go to heaven. 

The presumption comes from you. That seems to bother you.

It does not bother me as I know the GB are fake anointed. Or at least have lost their station.

7 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Yet, you have no clear understanding in the interpretation or linguistics of it, worth making a distinctive argument about it.

And this is exactly why a True Anointed Remnant are needed. If it is only you people that think you are so clever that have any hope, then most of the people in this world are lost already. Jesus did not go to the highest educated. He taught basic people. Do you think they could all translate Hebrew into Greek ? I don't think so.

12 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's means you are no better than the GB and that organization you disparage.

I am no better, but my sins are different. I do not abuse anyone, not have I ever. I am not a danger to others.

I do not spread false teachings or lies. 

None of us are any better. We are all sinners and all deserve to die.  I am ready to die, are you ? 

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

If it is only you people that think you are so clever that have any hope, then most of the people in this world are lost already.

Can you expand on your thought here. What you people? Certainly, no one here has a clear understanding. 

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I am no better, but my sins are different. I do not abuse anyone, not have I ever. I am not a danger to others.

I do not spread false teachings or lies. 

Since it's reasonably clear, you do so here, can you explain your attitude?

2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

None of us are any better. We are all sinners and all deserve to die.  I am ready to die, are you ? 

You can speak for yourself. I don't believe including others in your doomsday outcome is legitimate for anyone else. However, I will agree, no one here is certainly not better than your kind of fellow man. Your kind is intuitive as quarrelsome, rude and obnoxious, unless you can quote that behavior through scripture, as to why one should as a Christian. 

The other would be, your view of spiritual leaders. Why would anyone follow a person's, personal assumption, that would lead the aggressor into more darkness?

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