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Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is


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On 10/27/2021 at 8:50 AM, Space Merchant said:

You told me once you love Facebook, and elsewhere, you left JWs for CSA, what is stopping you from doing the same with said media? Out of curiosity.

I do love using Facebook. It is very useful in a constructive way. I'm sorry that you cannot see that. 

I DO NOT work for Facebook, I USE it as a tool, a means of communication.  I DO NOT advise people to go searching Facebook for immoral purposes. I do NOT advise people to use any social media for immoral purposes. My use of social media would not encourage anyone to go looking for anything immoral. So what is your porblem ? 

Would you stop using trains or buses because pedophiles might be using the same one ?  Would you stop using shops because pedophiles might be using the same shops ? 

I left the JW Org becaue I WAS working for them. I WAS a baptised servant of the GB and their Watchtower / JW Org. 

I  WAS encouraging people into that place which could be unsafe for children and young adults. 

I WAS serving the GB by distributing their literiture.  

You seem to have quite a problem with social media. In fact you seem just like the GB pretending that the whole world is wicked. The whole world is unrighteous but not every person is wicked. 

The simple point is, that the JW Org is still dangerous because they have not changed the way they think or act. I don't care what they have put in writing because they admit that they tell lies, They call it 'spiritual warfare'.  They are pretending to be the 'one true religion', 'having a form of godly devotion' but proving false to it.  That is what makes them so dangerous in a physical way and a spiritual way. 

Tell me now, is Facebook pretending to be the 'one true religion' ?  Is Facebook pretending to serve God properly ? 

NO. So there is no comparison between the JW Org and Facebook. They are totally different types of organisations. 


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@Patiently waiting for Truth The fact you danced around that question shows that the old discussion in regards to Anna being involved was correct, and your answer is predictable. CSA has nothing to do with religion, for in your words, it is a worldwide issue. When it comes to social media, CSA is ridiculous worse because often times it is abusers using a platform to lure people. The reason I even address the question to you is due to the fact that you said it yourself, you left JWs because of CSA, but when it comes to a media platform, you cannot bring yourself to do the same, therefore, is shows what was proven time and time again for some folks, including you.

That being said, I suggest you look into the 5k children, JB, for you hold IICSA to a standard, perhaps that should have peeked your interest without question.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I DO NOT work for Facebook, I USE it as a tool,

You still use said platform which has issues with CSA, no one mentioned working there. Not wise to dance around the latter question.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

  I DO NOT advise people to go searching Facebook for immoral purposes.

No one is asking for a search, it is merely stated there is CSA on Facebook. Granted CSA is there, like your former faith, what is keeping you from leaving?

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do NOT advise people to use any social media for immoral purposes.

Unfortunately, you can advise, but not everyone ahs good intent.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So what is your porblem ? 

There is CSA on Facebook. Surely you can leave it just for that, can't you.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Would you stop using trains or buses because pedophiles might be using the same one ?  Would you stop using shops because pedophiles might be using the same shops ? 

Continue to dodge the point, granted the question was posed due to your saying of leaving JWs; hence, that could be equated to everything else.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I left the JW Org becaue I WAS working for them. I WAS a baptised servant of the GB and their Watchtower / JW Org. 

Again, no one is asking about working. Why continue to dodge why brining up occupation-sque remarks.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I  WAS encouraging people into that place which could be unsafe for children and young adults. 

Facebook is unsafe as well, so surely you can leave, right?

A recent was allowed back on Facebook, let that sink in. Will you leave it for that?

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I WAS serving the GB by distributing their literiture.  

I don't care about the GB, I am focused on a platform that has issues with CSA. After all, you brought up CSA in this thread.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You seem to have quite a problem with social media.

The issue here is your remark vs the question about Facebook. I have no problem with social media, only the misinformation. But the question addressed to you is in regards to your remarks about CSA.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The simple point is, that the JW Org is still dangerous

Facebook is dangerous too. Would you like to know the recent events regards to CSA outside of the 5k groomed children? Some cases are not PG.

Granted you left the JWs because of CSA, I don't see why you cannot do the same for Facebook.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

they have not changed the way they think or act.

Likewise with social media platforms.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The whole world is unrighteous but not every person is wicked. 

Is that so? But some of your reactions here can now be deemed questionable, if you hold true to that statement. As is with your remark to @xero in this same thread, concerning unproven animal cruelty, you were quick to make a remark, even being unaware of how Americans tend to leave well trained dogs alone at times, moreover, granted the owner is JW, and Xero is most likely JW, you were quick make an assumption. That is the same mindset of those in London with ill intent of their own to some degree, but with some parallels.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I don't care what they have put in writing because they admit that they tell lies

But when Facebook spouts lies, and or those not realizing what Big Tech is capable of, why not speak in the same manner in regards to that?

I brought up Boris Johnson for a reason, and regards to what he told children recently, Facebook blocked opposition truth with misinformation. Surely you can leave Facebook just from that, can't you, hence, the older discussion.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

They call it 'spiritual warfare'. 

Christians are aware that there is spiritual warfare taking place, it isn't uncanny for them to state the same thing. For, there is indirect action that is effecting any Bible Reader as we speak, even young ones.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

'having a form of godly devotion'

There are JWs with Godly devotion, there are even some here. But the fact you are steering more and more into GB/WT mantra to evade the Facebook question is predictable, even evident.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Tell me now, is Facebook pretending to be the 'one true religion' ?

No one is mentioned Facebook as a religion, it was coined that CSA exists in Facebook, anything pretending to child abuse, grooming, sodomy, rape, luring, human trafficking, rape, as is with the numerous of those who exploit the system for power and political gain, attempts to deplatform.

That said, CSA is there, again I ask you, what is stopping you from leaving, granted you easily left JWs for CSA primarily. CSA in this form is, in a sense, far worse than that of old tactics used by those with ill intent, and it is far more dangerous now in the age of COVID-19.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Is Facebook pretending to serve God properly ? 

There are people looking at specific individuals as "God" and "serve" said God. Then you have the situation with Big Tech. Clearly you are unaware of your so called tool of a platform. Then there is censoring, which correlates with CSA.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:



23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So there is no comparison between the JW Org and Facebook.

There is a comparison. You always see me say that no one is immune to child abuse. Child Abuse is in schools, churches, etc, therefore I always bring up education, ironically, IICSA even addresses something similar to the source I use.

As always pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune either, and some folks can potentially not notice the Red Flags, even EXJWs, are unaware, granted, a year or two ago, Truthers found someone, from the EXJW community who essentially defended an abuser. Facebook, also has CSA, and it is rampant, and the fact the police are struggling with this in the United Kingdom should alarm you.

Seems you are adding on to the narrative to deviate from a simple question.

23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

They are totally different types of organisations. 

Ok, then answer the question - If you can leave your former faith because of Child Sex Abuse, why can't you do the same for Facebook (various media)? Which has it worse concerning Child Sex Abuse, in some cases, the algorithm itself enables big problems for children.

Everything I said in the past is true, concerning some people, even those of other faiths, in addition to that, Anna's remarks in an old thread. The irony here, the question addressed towards you makes it wildly predictable.

That being said, perhaps next time you should be aware of your own platform and be very careful of what you say. CSA exist everywhere, and it is far worse in media then it is in schools and churches because of how much of a dynamic abusers have to use said tools, even use the system to lie in order to gain access to children. Why else you think Facebook is changing their name? Many reasons to take the smoke off of them if you.

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2 hours ago, xero said:

I pretty much live for a mention in a thread anywhere. I'm starting a scrapbook. :)

Because what he said just recently contradicts due to what he addressed to you.

The thing is, anyone can be of any community, leave it even, sometimes return to it, however, it is hypocritical to use one problem and pretend it isn't somewhere else. Although Facebook is problematic in many cases, it does not prevent someone to leave unless they choose to, therefore I didn't see why he danced around a simple question.

That being said, I mentioned Bojo (Boris Johnson) for a reason. Granted animal cruelty, and children was brought up, Boris Johnson made a dark and unsettling joke to children about, feeding the people to animals. Now there is no question of what is to come to the United Kingdom in the coming months. This also all connected to the United Nations because the focus is on Climate Change; they released a bizarre video recently after Bojo's remark. Hence the remark in question a outlandish, concerning the fact he was focusing on animals regarding climate change. That in of itself, is borderline cruelty.



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Just now, Space Merchant said:

Because what he said just recently contradicts due to what he addressed to you.

The thing is, anyone can be of any community, leave it even, sometimes return to it, however, it is hypocritical to use one problem and pretend it isn't somewhere else. Although Facebook is problematic in many cases, it does not prevent someone to leave unless they choose to, therefore I didn't see why he danced around a simple question.

That being said, I mentioned Bojo (Boris Johnson) for a reason. Granted animal cruelty, and children was brought up, Boris Johnson made a dark and unsettling joke to children about, feeding the people to animals. Now there is no question of what is to come to the United Kingdom in the coming months. This also all connected to the United Nations because the focus is on Climate Change; they released a bizarre video recently after Bojo's remark. Hence the remark in question a outlandish, concerning the fact he was focusing on animals regarding climate change. That in of itself, is borderline cruelty.

Climate change is a joke. It's like complaining about plate tectonics. It's all about controlling economies and power. Weather is not climate change, but every time someone gets hot, cold, wet or dry windy or whatever, we're all supposed to nod sagely and intone "climate change at work".

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Climate change is a joke. It's like complaining about plate tectonics. It's all about controlling economies and power. Weather is not climate change, but every time someone gets hot, cold, wet or dry windy or whatever, we're all supposed to nod sagely and intone "climate change at work".

True, and often times it is manipulated by those in power and politics. So in regards to what is to come very soon and the Reset, it would not surprise some should the narrative comes into full force.

It would not be a surprise should they use animals in a way to manipulate people, after all, they defended Fauci, yet if it was someone else, they'd attack them for it.


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On 10/29/2021 at 4:54 AM, Space Merchant said:

That being said, perhaps next time you should be aware of your own platform and be very careful of what you say.

I forgive you for bullying me. I forgive you for your rudeness and your aim to domineer me.  I forgive you for trying to discredit me. I continue to forgive you because Jesus said this is what we should do, forgive. 

However I will continue to give my opinion on things no matter how much you disapprove. The more your insult me, the more I know I'm doing what's right. The scriptures make it clear that we must suffer for our faith. 

Your defense of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Org is rather disturbing considering how immoral they are and the lies they tell. You obviously feel that they are 'doing good' so maybe you are deliberately turning a blind eye to their sins.

Do you really think I'm naive ? You are trying to put pressure on me to leave social media as you are aware that I can use social media for the benefit of others and myself.  I use social media to warn people of the dangers of the JW Org. 

Perhaps you should advise ALL JWs and ALL Christians not to use any social media. :) They would probably tell you to mind your own business.   I know that may English JWs use Facebook including Elders. 


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