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Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is


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I would consider that animal cruelty.... however... remember that the cheeseburger I just ate was from a cow that was just minding his own business and chewing his cud not even a few days ago. Ko

(Is this really Isabella, or has she been hacked?)  Isn't it illegal Stateside to let your dog lose in the streets ?  Could cause a traffic accident.  It would be a Christian attitude for yo

Sigh….though it has nothing to do with anything in the thread, out of left field comes this gem from PSomH: “Neither the search nor the investigation produced any evidence that the Belgian Jeho

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On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I forgive you for bullying me.

It isn't bullying, granted you were the one that told everyone here if something has CSA you would leave it, even abstain from it. Granted, you told us this regarding the JW faith for that was your reason for leaving - understandable, but why could not that be applied to a media platform of which is extremely problematic when it comes to CSA, I wonder why.

Hence, this is why you should choose your words carefully, therefore, Anna, was 100% correct in the old thread - CSA was NOT the sole reason.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I forgive you for your rudeness and your aim to domineer me.

Speaking Facts and using your own words is not being rude. Again you deviate from the question asked.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I forgive you for trying to discredit me.

You said that regarding CSA you left JWs, that is what you said, therefore, nothing is discredited.


Everything pertaining to Child Sex Abuse on this forum alone, with practically 95% of your comments is factual to the statements you made for months here.

Even here, when the subject matter is about Animal Abuse, you brought up CSA out of nowhere, yet now when your own remarks come to your doorstep, you scream discredit accusation? Friend, this is truth, live up to your words.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I continue to forgive you because Jesus said this is what we should do, forgive. 

But you should always be ready to speak, granted you were the one who attest to the idea of leaving anything that contains CSA. If you can't answer that, then it shows regardless if there is CSA, you'd still use said tool.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

However I will continue to give my opinion on things no matter how much you disapprove.

But you said you would leave something and or a group because of Child Sex Abuse, yet somehow Facebook is on the Accepted Friend Request List, thus, it shows you are in the category of Compliance in the face of your own statements.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The more your insult me, the more I know I'm doing what's right.

You said insult, yet not one insult is mentioned, the fact you make the accusation of insult yet cannot show evidence of said insult, shows how strong your deviation is.

CSA is the subject matter, of which you brought up, is it not? It isn't an insult to speak on your own words, but it is insulting to run in hypocrisy to your own words. If we are to speak further on insult, you should check your remark to Xero where you first uttered CSA.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

the more I know I'm doing what's right.

So tell me, what is so right to remain on Facebook when you yourself said you would leave something if it has CSA riddled all over it?

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

The scriptures make it clear that we must suffer for our faith. 

So what about the 5k UK kids? Clearly you never did anything on Facebook to combat CSA, let alone recent events. Surprised that this discovery by the UK police did not move you to leave a social platform.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Your defense of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Org is rather disturbing considering how immoral they are and the lies they tell.

Never brought up JWs, merely brought up Facebook. As we can see, you continue to bring up JWs and the Watchtower only to defend your own skin, running from the question in of itself.

You speak of defense, so tell me, a girl who was abused live on Facebook by someone twice her age isn't enough to get you off of Facebook? Or perhaps make awareness of CSA? No?

Of course not because if the CSA issue was that big for you, clearly you'd use your platform to try and add positivity and how to combat CSA.

You want to speak of immorality, perhaps the many women and children abused on Facebook live would have their say, over perhaps the 5k children.'

Clearly, never once, you bring forth awareness of CSA on such a platform, reasons why when former PM May was mentioned, you had no idea.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You obviously feel that they are 'doing good' so maybe you are deliberately turning a blind eye to their sins.

I don't care about Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower because the focus here is CSA and your own words as is your hypocrisy to your own statements.

I am pretty sure no Jehovah's Witness, current or former, would ever make such a statement while at the same time playing favorites when it comes to others media or tools. That is 100% hypocrisy.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Do you really think I'm naive ?

You are, JB. Because it is unwise, 100% to ever make such a statement, but you do the opposite when it is another form of media. Therefore, you should have given more detail to your statement and perhaps made it clear to everyone else first. Which you did not.

Yet when it is revealed how dangerous your tool is, you run from a simple question with absolute deviation. Therefore, going forward, anything related to CSA, this can be brought forth at any given time, as is your past statements, which ignites more flames.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You are trying to put pressure on me to leave social media as you are aware that I can use social media for the benefit of others and myself.

The question was, in regards to your own statements on CSA, if you can leave JWs for CSA quickly, why can't you do the same for social media, specifically, Facebook, which in the realm of Social Media, CSA is not only far worse, but complex to track? Facebook couldn't even suppress/stop a child being sexually assaulted, raped, on FB live. In some cases, the viewers, watching the rape; often times people state if they themselves should be charged, hence the situation with Bystander Syndrome. Likewise with animals being tormented, assaulted even, killed on live, hence Animal Cruelty, same situation.

Granted, if you can leave anything with that magnitude of CSA, surely you can do the same, but clearly you can't, therefore, your past statements are quite contradicting.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Perhaps you should advise ALL JWs and ALL Christians not to use any social media. :)

The problem here, no one has made the statement you made, reasons why I mentioned the thread with Anna, even quoted her.

You were the only person to attest to the fact anything with CSA one should leave it, hence your own situation. Therefore it is said as to why you should have been very careful with your own words.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

They would probably tell you to mind your own business. 

Actually if you check some of the threads of where I mentioned Social Media and it's problems, some things were very positive. Unlike you, some people, even JWs, former ones who are not disgruntled, even will acknowledge the fact CSA is all over social media, but still use the platform anyways, to some, they actually spread awareness if anything, actually looking for neutral ground to speak should the discussion calls for it. In the other thread, both you and Srecko never once reached this level, and in regards to you, your statement, puts you in the spotlight.

Even outside of that, they would not, mainly due to the fact those who are serious about CSA seek neutral ground with all people instead of being one sided. An example would be the CSA cases in the JW faith, current and former JWs who know the justice system, even law would speak, but they would come into a confrontation with former JWs who became disgruntled. Look at half of what Srecko brought up on CSA vs the latter, that in of itself is an example, even more, a lawyer who deals with CSA, Srecko, and even disgruntled JWs believe that he is being paid by the JWs despite the fact this lawyer is defending an abused victim, another example would be your own remark towards @TrueTomHarley on this thread and what you said to Xero which was completely out of left field.

On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

 I know that may English JWs use Facebook including Elders. 

And? Name one who made the statement you made and did NOT live up to said statement and all that equates to it.



That being said, going forward, perhaps choose your words wisely because it seems that now said words are deemed indefensible; mainly going forward when it comes to CSA.

Dancing around and Deviating from questions only makes you look more guilty, perhaps sent yourself free from that truth next time around.

Anna's response was related to what you said to AllenSmith34 a while back, as is, what came forth afterwards from it.

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Just now, Pudgy said:

Do they mention the nephilim with the hunchback named Boofus?

What's interesting is all the speculations w/regard to motivations and the like as well as things that were possibly going on at the time. Take for example the bible's clearly pointing out how no one in the line leading to Noah ever did anything interesting, like build cities, make interesting technological improvements or the like. Only Cains line. Total silence as to why. In Noah primeval they turn the normal humans into people who either collaborated w/the sons of god who forsook their proper dwelling place and became slaves to these or hid out in the hills as rebels against them and for Jehovah. Too, the picture is that the remoteness of Jehovah was the same as the remoteness we feel and most felt insofar as they didn't get any miraculous signage of Jehovah's presence and perhaps felt as abandoned as many may feel at times. The accounts of the first six chapters is pretty sparse on details, so I'm enjoying the speculation. The author has the sons of god using humans to create these "Nephil" creatures which are abominations and giving birth to them kills the humans, but the sons of god blind them into thinking this is some sort of sacred service instead of the horror that it really is.

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@Pudgy The truth is, that everyone uses social media, it is both a blessing and curse. Unfortunately, CSA exists even on social media and it is uncontrollable, as is far more complex compared to the norm of someone going into a school and or a church with one ill goal in mind; more so, it is very problematic when it comes to people end up as a Missing Person, for social media can be used to look for the lost, and to those with ill intent, used to lure someone to them, which is why the recent news about the police in the UK, them having a difficult time. Social Media also connects to various media, even the world of video games, where majority of the player base are children, hence why gamers often joke about how annoying kids can be when you play competitively against them. So one is to be very careful and if given the chance, teach about safety online, for there are many cases.

The problem here, mainly in regards to @Patiently waiting for Truth is hypocrisy. He attest to the fact if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away, which was the case with him being a former JW, but in response to that, Anna mentioned the total opposite. I've mentioned before that because of various situations, even CSA, some people would leave, some people won't leave, in fact, some people tend to try to remedy the situation and regardless of either side they would never make such a statement, if anything they would want better measures, how to improve, clarify, etc., but in the mind of JB, total abstaining from anything having CSA, yet, when Facebook comes to question, I was given a dance talent show, which was predictable, and in his dance, he uses the Jehovah's Witness' Shield defense to hide from the question, which is silly. It was also foreshadowing due to past threads/comments.

That being said, in the case of Animals, there are some good things on social media, at times, too over the top, but at the same time, there are people committing acts of Animal Cruelty on Social Media. There was a woman tormented her pets, yet she still remains on the platform.

Facebook at times tries to stop such acts, but often times, any ill acts pushed on to the media, often slips by - https://www.onekind.scot/facebook-rules-let-animal-abuse-slip-through-the-net/

And even the children of Facebook such as Instagram, and Tiktok, is even more horrific when it comes to Animals - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/animals-youtube-facebook-tiktok-video-b1906254.html

The list goes on, and it all pertains to the notation of abuse, be it a person or an animal. The biggest problem is that the viewers of said content, are simply there to laugh, i.e. The Snoop Dogg Bird.

21 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Timmy’s once again stuck down in that well.

Unfortunately it has been revealed that someone cannot live up to his own words when it comes to a social media platform. The irony because he was the one who mentioned CSA.

That being said, granted the question could not be answered and an attempted elegant dance around it, is evidence to the fact, some people do not always defend their own statements which they often say on occasion even when it is not necessary.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The problem here, mainly in regards to @Patiently waiting for Truth is hypocrisy. He attest to the fact if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away,


3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You said that regarding CSA you left JWs, that is what you said, therefore, nothing is discredited.


So how do you relate these two comments of yours ?  Yes I left the JW Org because of the CSA, but now how will you give evidence that I said I would leave ANYTHING if it contained CSA. 

I have never said if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away, 

So now, show me your proof that i did say it . 

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The truth is, that everyone uses social media,

Oh so EVERYONE uses social media. So then why are you telling me to leave it ?  You think I don't know why ?

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

It isn't bullying, granted you were the one that told everyone here if something has CSA you would leave it, even abstain from it.

Give me proof that I said those words. You twist words just as the GB / Watchtower / JW Org and JWs twists words. You misquote and tell lies just as they do. So now give me proof that i said i would leave something if it had CSA. 

Maybe you are a secret JW :) . There must be some reason you love them so much. 

It is so funny to read your words. You are the one dodging around, trying to hide the JW Org's pedophilia / CSA and other immorality. I wonder why you are trying to do that ? 

You see, I'm not telling anyone to TRUST social media, but JWs and their GB ARE telling people to TRUST the JW Org. That is one big difference. I'm not defending Facebook, I'm just using it. 

I presume you've already spied on my 5 FB pages. You seem to know so much about me :) . 

Have a good day SM, you and I know we will all be judged at Armageddon. 


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33 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So how do you relate these two comments of yours ?  Yes I left the JW Org because of the CSA, but now how will you give evidence that I said I would leave ANYTHING if it contained CSA. 

Check the thread in question as is your response to Allen, of which is quoted there in regards to what you stated as an Earthwide issue.

33 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Oh so EVERYONE uses social media. So then why are you telling me to leave it ?  You think I don't know why ?

Yes they do, but clearly they never made a statement such as you yourself.

34 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Give me proof that I said those words. You twist words just as the GB / Watchtower / JW Org and JWs twists words. You misquote and tell lies just as they do. So now give me proof that i said i would leave something if it had CSA. 

These are not misquotes, if they were, the statement from the thread in question, as pointed out Anna was correct. Therefore, CSA exist everywhere, even in faith groups and institutions as is within the numerous threads of which you always bring up CSA to the point even JWI made reference to what you've been doing. Often times you even seek challenge concerning CSA, even here when Xero made a remark about Animals, you bring up CSA out of nowhere, and here we see you seek to defend a social media platform being unaware of what is taking place, even that of your own soil. You even went as far as to hand hold JWs/GB in the process, unwise.



It never ends with you, and seems now going forward Facebook is can be used as a Kryptonite.

50 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

t is so funny to read your words. You are the one dodging around, trying to hide the JW Org's pedophilia / CSA and other immorality. I wonder why you are trying to do that ? 

Seems funny to you that CSA is weaponized by you nearly every time. CSA is no joking matter.

I do not dodge and never have dodged, so why should I be the one to do so? I was the one who told you CSA is dangerous on social media, as is pointed out social media is not realism.

Hide pedophilia in the JW faith? How? JW are not immune to CSA, as someone who deals with children before and missing persons cases, those of us who are aware know no man on earth, group, club, etc. is immune, even the IICSA and the FBI are not immune to CSA. I suggest you wake yourself up from the dream world you are in, Butler because such sins exist due to the imperfections of man.

53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You see, I'm not telling anyone to TRUST social media, but JWs and their GB ARE telling people to TRUST the JW Org.

The thing is, your statements pertaining to question. You continue to put JWs in front of you when you continue to evade the CSA question of social media.

Actually, regarding trust, I suggest you read Facebook's guidelines. Whenever you make an agreement, there is a form of trust that is form - https://transparency.fb.com/policies/community-standards/

56 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I presume you've already spied on my 5 FB pages.

Butler, you always bring up CSA, therefore, nearly a majority of threads regarding it, you are present, always, even when unrelated in which you caused a reaction from The Librarian and the Admin.

I have no need to look into your Facebook, granted I am Anti-Agenda in the face of Big Tech. Regardless, I doubt you never once made any grounded discussion on the platform and what you consider REAL is a false reality.

The fact that social media can get you to assume such as realism already shows you are just a cog in the machine. Perhaps you'll go META.

That being said, the only time I and or the Truther community had to go into Facebook was in relation to missing persons situations, be it of a minor or someone older, otherwise CSA related, this is why back in 2017 folks in various communities were pointed out as an abuser/seeking to abuser, and or grooming a children, which makes the situation in the United Kingdom right now not much of a surprise for us, be it child or animal.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Have a good day SM, you and I know we will all be judged at Armageddon. 

But you said you judge people, so a change of narrative? You make yourself very predictable.

That being said, the remarks from Anna, you talking to Allen can be found there, concerning CSA. As pointed out, going forward, Facebook will be the green rock for you concerning CSA going forward; that is, the next time you want to throw in an unrelated narrative.

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11 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, the remarks from Anna, you talking to Allen can be found there, concerning CSA.

So all can do is bluff, because you are a liar.  You pull stuff from the past BUT you cannot pull stuff that is not there :) 

You lied, deliberately lied about me.


Truther, ha !  A long way from truth SM. 

16 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You continue to put JWs in front of you when you continue to evade the CSA question of social media.

But it's you that makes the comparison. 

5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

if you can leave JWs for CSA quickly, why can't you do the same for social media,


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On 10/29/2021 at 2:33 PM, xero said:

Climate change is a joke. It's like complaining about plate tectonics. It's all about controlling economies and power. Weather is not climate change, but every time someone gets hot, cold, wet or dry windy or whatever, we're all supposed to nod sagely and intone "climate change at work".

True, and granted the animal situation, people are being blamed. They'll say animals are suffering because of what we are doing, yet, these same people pollute the planet at a greater scale. As of recent, Biden and Bill Gates. This is why the UN thing with the dinosaur speaking is very odd, and sadly, people fall for this, for the Agenda seems to work it's way into the minds of most.

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2 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So all can do is bluff, because you are a liar. 

They're not bluffs. Anna did call you out, pointing to the fact your statement was not the only reasons of which you made it out to be so.

3 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You pull stuff from the past BUT you cannot pull stuff that is not there :) 

Unfortunately they are, hence I mentioned Allen.

As for Tom and Xero, your remarks are in this thread, other times you say you do not judge, but you end up doing so.

4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You lied, deliberately lied about me.

I did not lie. If that was the case, there would not be a reason to mention the 3 people in those threads.

4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


If it was a lie, why would I bring it up?

5 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Truther, ha !  A long way from truth SM. 

Yet we see you continue to weaponize CSA as usual. That is true, as is your defense of Facebook.

As for the quotes


You did, granted you went as far as to bring forth faith and the one true religion remark when you were merely told about Facebook. even after the fact you mentioned GB to deviate from a small question. You also went on to speak about other things regarding JWs or GB that is unrelated.

As for the second


Hence Anna and Allen, in their respects. Surely if you did research on Facebook, I doubt you'll do the same thing.

That being said, I highly recommend you, someone who seems to bring up CSA all the time, even proclaiming it is an earth wide issue, look at the platform you use as a tool. Let's see what happens in 3 months time the more you read into such things, either Anna was correct and you were in the wrong, or the opposite.

On a side note, Section 230 is problematic, evidently, it will be for you indirectly soon.


Facebook's Apps Used To Groom 5,000 UK Children: Report


Whistleblower: Facebook's response to child abuse 'inadequate'


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21 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
35 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You lied, deliberately lied about me.

I did not lie. If that was the case, there would not be a reason to mention the 3 people in those threads.


Bringing other people into it makes no difference. Anna's opinion is just that, it's her opinion. 


Call in everyone on this forum if you like. It will not prove you right in this case. YOU LIED. 

8 pm UK time. I've had enough of you for one day. I'll check back tomorrow to see your reply. 

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53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


Never did.

53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Bringing other people into it makes no difference.

Well if it made no difference you should not have made a response to begin with because the question in regards to Facebook was connected to that thread, as with Allen's. You should have steadied yourself the first time I mentioned it.

55 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Anna's opinion is just that, it's her opinion. 

Yet your response to her and Allen raises question, as is what you said to Xero and Tom here.

55 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


Check the threads mentioned.

55 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You are squirming. 

Not really but ok, yet you are the one using all caps.

56 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Call in everyone on this forum if you like.

No need to, just pointing out the fact in regards to CSA.

56 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It will not prove you right in this case.

Actually it did, we can see how much deviation you did just from one question.

56 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


Yet we can read the numerous threads concerning your utterance of CSA.

57 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

8 pm UK time. I've had enough of you for one day.

Go ahead. Just know CSA is in the tool that you are defending. That shows you are unaware. 5k children of which are effect, police baffled and recent events of missing persons and a list of other things. Never once you made awareness to said tool, effectively showing the latter was correct the whole time.

58 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'll check back tomorrow to see your reply. 

Perhaps this time you'd answer the question.

If you can leave JW faith regarding CSA, why can you not do the same for Facebook granted in remarks as to why the question is addressed to you.

That being said, to be in denial of hypocrisy is far worse than being a lost soul.

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12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

If you can leave JW faith regarding CSA, why can you not do the same for Facebook granted in remarks as to why the question is addressed to you.

Once again it is you that is comparing the JW faith, to Facebook. Do you honestly think there is a comparison ? 

Comparing CSA in what is supposed to be 'the one true religion', with CSA in social media which is 'part of the world'.

My Christian conscience does not tell me I should leave Facebook. That is why i do not leave Facebook. 

I could leave Facebook, but I do not have reason to leave it.  I did have good reason for leaving the JW Org. 

I know you will tell others that I'm 'dancing around again', but others can read this and make their own decision. 

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Just know CSA is in the tool that you are defending

But you don't say that to JWs about the Watchtower / JW Org do you ?

CSA is in the 'religion' that they encourage other families to become part of, but you don't criticize them for it. 

Now that is hypocrisy.  Have a good day SM. 

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