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Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is


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@Isabella So where is the Animal Cruelty? 🤔 It is not uncommon for well trained pets to roam when their owner isn't present. I mean, some people have been doing this so it wouldn't put it past me that this brother did.

@xero Sometimes people do leave their pets out if trained. So I guess people are not pet owners will come up with their own assumptions on things, not realizing what is the truth in the matter. Also Climate Change can be over exaggerated by some to the point that they entertain the idea that 'culling the herd' would be beneficial. Then you have the UN thing regarding Climate Change. Crazy stuff. 

Oh boy the usual suspects again @Space Merchant and @Patiently waiting for Truth.... I guess I know who brought up CSA this time and once again I see who is in the right here.🧐

@Patiently waiting for Truth As someone who is still technically a youth, perhaps the youngest one here, there is some form of CSA on social media, so I wouldn't say that's hypocrisy because it has been going on for a while, even Facebook's predecessor, Myspace. So CSA is everywhere not simply in religous congregations, or in schools or clubs. It's own social media too.

Anyways, I dunno man, I wouldn't call him a lair. He just 'cross examined' everything related to CSA in order to press you to answer a question which is parallel to current and long deleted threads which you were involved in. Usually if he recounts something related to what is said or directly, chances are it isn't a lie, I noticed he pulled a few jabs from that one thread I will not mention because it'll just send this thread into another off topic conundrum. But he IS RIGHT, that question could've easily been answered but you kept it dragging along only to paint yourself in the wrong. You are literally proving his point even through a cross examine tactic about Facebook and CSA. Dunno were working for Facebook and Watchtower defense came from, since Merchant operates on a logical with centered reasoning and you don't. Smh.

The simple answer would be, you wouldn't leave despite it happening on Facebook. I guess now Facebook is as he puts it, your Kryptonite.

It also makes sense for him to even bring it up because of the mass censorship that went down after the Facebook whistle blower thing, and some of that censorship not only revolved around politics, but CSA too. I know a bit of this because my own professor, one of them, seems to be a die hard blue check mark guy, not reader. Although he knows I am JW he at times lowkey try to encourage ideologies that are not in line with God's standards. Other then the Truther thing, him and the only other guy who was affiliated with Jehovah’s Witnesses, are spot on with certain subject matter.

Anyways, please next time this thread is about Animals and or Animal Cruelty. I don't see why you added Child abuse into this but the Revelation of Facebook should have kept you in check. NOW THEN as for the topic, there isn't much evidence of that being Animal Cruelty, and the fact you don't judge as you claim, that contradicts what you said on this thread. Here in America, some people do leave their pets unattended ONLY if their well trained domesticated pets. Likewise with any uncanny animals people tend to have in the house such as chickens, ducks, etc. Yes, people do have pets like this. This excludes anything such as a snake, lizard, etc. Certain animals even if trained you cannot leave alone because they can potentially become prey to predators. So this JW who leave his dog out is most likely trained and as the Merchant stated, there is a Rule of Thumb when it comes to these situations. Obviously he would NOT leave his dog unattended if was NOT trained. Although it is done here, even in other cultures that is applied, even for some in our community. So I don't know why someone who assume something without some form of credible information.

As for Climate Change, other than this whole thing supposedly effecting people, it does to animals too. Clearly Bill Gates isn't doing much with that private jet he is using.

@Space Merchant I kind of see what you did lol. Anyways, you are right, CSA is a problem on social media, even Facebook. There were rumors were the algorithm of Facebook and all under it, make it difficult to even track suspects on the platform. And it isn't a shock to people, me included, of what's going on on there, even what is allowed to the point people would find loop holes in the system. This was the case with YouTube and Reddit a while back too. 

Like I said, I am most likely the youngest one here and I grew up in the social media space. There is always some bad apples on the platform, also those who encourage bad behavior. Now again since this is ANIMAL CRUELTY we are talking about, I seen what people do with animals on there, not good. There were some people who would harm even kill an animal for likes and attention. Like what you said, Facebook can't be a replacement to anything pertaining to realism, and real people in a social setting are not on this validation high to do such a thing when it comes to harm towards other people and animals. Other then that, this is why people need to be careful but at the same time you can't do much with all this censorship going on. Crazy to think someone but this stuff is true. "WATCH ME KILL A CAT ON FB LIVE" and should someone announce that, the Watchers will come give likes and view such Cruelty. The world can be twisted at times. Smh 😐

@TrueTomHarley Well it isn't too surprising if some people will ignore that information willfully. I guess now we can start using the term 'predictable' since that is being thrown around.

@Pudgy Yeah, some people can be cruel to animals. I have a few family members who try to take in resuce dogs. One of my family members is a rich guy but humble. As Space Merchant puts it, there are people who are cruel online but at the same time there are those who utilize such tools to help, which is what my relative does. He has a lot of space to hold dogs, so far he has a about 7, 2 dogs he saved, the history of those dogs were in dog fighting matches which is highly illegal.

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I would consider that animal cruelty.... however... remember that the cheeseburger I just ate was from a cow that was just minding his own business and chewing his cud not even a few days ago. Ko

(Is this really Isabella, or has she been hacked?)  Isn't it illegal Stateside to let your dog lose in the streets ?  Could cause a traffic accident.  It would be a Christian attitude for yo

Sigh….though it has nothing to do with anything in the thread, out of left field comes this gem from PSomH: “Neither the search nor the investigation produced any evidence that the Belgian Jeho

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4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Once again it is you that is comparing the JW faith, to Facebook. Do you honestly think there is a comparison ? 

No, from the start it was mentioned CSA is everywhere, it exist not only in the noted institutions, but also in Social Media as well. CSA is one in the same in ALL aspects, the difference is tracking, identifying, etc.

Be it a faith group or your, so called tool of which you defend, even with the article presented to you, CSA exists in it. I don't see how a minor being raped on FB live and the aftermath blew past your view; ironic because not too long ago you mentioned a biker gang who stops CSA, of which a branch related to them deal with online threats.

You are being quite delusional, Butler, as usual, and ever so predictable.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Comparing CSA in what is supposed to be 'the one true religion', with CSA in social media which is 'part of the world'.

Never compared the two, merely stated CSA exist in faith groups, namely JWs, as well as on Facebook. You told us because of your 3 months research, that was the reason to you leaving, hence the question, if you were supposedly to do the same for Facebook, you would not do the same, your dancing allowed everyone to see you yourself engineered your own demise on this thread. Quite poetic.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

My Christian conscience does not tell me I should leave Facebook.

So tell me this, if you did 3 months of research pertaining to CSA on Facebook, will you leave it, just as you did your former faith? In regards to Anna, there is more to it.

Clearly you won't. Perhaps if the IICSA comes out with a piece on Facebook, you'd still leave your twigs in the sand - oh wait, they mentioned awareness in this regard, perhaps that is enough, to push you to quote on quote - leave.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

That is why i do not leave Facebook. 

And yet CSA is uncontrollable on social media, mainly on Facebook's child, Tiktok. As is with it being very difficult and complex due to the fact of how predators operate on the platform and it is way more worse than the norm with institutions. Granted you are of the UK and the article in question coined Grooming of children, this should have been something that caught your attention, which it clearly did not. Therefore, your comments pertaining to earthwide remarks can be called into question.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I could leave Facebook, but I do not have reason to leave it.

Child sex abuse, violence, rape, etc. Continue to enjoy your tool. Just next time in regards to CSA choose your words carefully. Because now it can be used against you in regards to a social platform which you deem as real.

The issue here is your remark, of which no one, be it JW for former, would never profess, but you were the only one to have made the remark, which puts you in this compromising feeble position.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I did have good reason for leaving the JW Org. 

You left due to CSA, as you pointed out from your 3 months research. Yet the latter remarks makes your statements murky.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But you don't say that to JWs about the Watchtower / JW Org do you ?

I did. I mention time and time again, JWs are not immune to child abuse, therefore, no one is immune to CSA. So mush so others mention it but you play ignorant. In fact, my first interaction with you, this was said. JWs, among them are the aware and unaware, and the unaware, even former ones, are subjected to bystander syndrome. There are many examples, even on here, for instance, Srecko being unable to identify Red Flags of an abuser and or the fact of how they can exploits the situation around them, the people, to access children, not only they abuse authority in some instances, they can abuse various laws, i.e. go to a state where technically an abused victim is forced to marry their abuser, reasons why I mentioned the double edge sword aspect of the justice system, which isn't too far with what is done in the UK.

The difference is Facebook and social media operate on algorithms and automated systems, which can be exploited by a subnet of people, and with this tool, they can take action with ill intent. in regards to CSA, this is 100% the case. This is why children are easily groomed, lured, etc on the platform, this is why teenagers are easily tricked into exposing themselves to those who abuse the tool, i.e. the sharing of porno graphic images/videos. Then you have the human trafficking and kidnapping aspect which is the core problem since the inspection of social media, hence those missing persons cases, majority of the time, it due to a missing persons case, and speaking about that, there was a recent event on your neck of the woods.

That being said, no one is immune, but to be unaware, even in social media is further evidence of how well rooted Big Tech has a hold on some folks, you being an example. With what is to come soon, mainly in the UK, let's see if you can keep that same energy when the exploits increase it's complexity.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

CSA is in the 'religion'

Child sex abuse is not a religion. What sorcery are you professing this time?

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

that they encourage other families to become part of,

Actually, those intertwined with child sex abuse do encourage one another, and they commit the crimes. Who do you think is have sexual relations with minors if said minor is sold off? This is why us Truthers took issue with Jeffrey Epstein, even your own, Prince Andrew. They do not operate as a religion, they operate in ways to access institutions, namely, religions, to commit harm and manipulate, as well, with clubs, schools, even social media. Often times, the Cult of the Woke enables such ones, as is those who joke around about pedophiles, at times, do not realize what harm they are doing by pushing pedophiles in the direction of children, hence the direct/indirect weaponization of child abuse.

As we speak, what I forewarned, is evident and true, and it will be quite the hell for many children if more and more people continue to act as bystanders, even on social media.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

but you don't criticize them for it. 

I do criticize the unaware. Bystander Syndrome, I say it many many times. The unaware are often the times that they think they are immune, and will make a mental note that if it does not happen to them, they're in the clear. Unfortunately they are wrong. The unaware also does not put forth application of education. The unaware are also defensive in most cases even if a truth is put in front of them and they do not seek a middle ground in some cases.

You even replied on other occasions pertaining to that notation, even towards me. So why now suddenly you stumbled off your perch and act as though nothing was said? Perhaps, you yourself are among the unaware? Possibly true due to you going defense mode for Facebook in relation to why the question was addressed. Even more because The Woke tricked you with a few News Articles. If someone, you included, gets tricked by Wokeism, that is absolutely a sign of an unaware individual.

4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Now that is hypocrisy.

And yet if you search Bystander Syndrome, Sarah Payne, Red Flags, etc. I mentioned such.

Hypocrisy is when one, such as yourself, is this ignorant of Facebook and the CSA on it.

That being said, a hammer is a tool. A man can use it to build a house, another can use it to kill a man, this applies to Facebook, a tool, as you stated.

Since you will never answer the question, it will be address based on your reaction, whining and dancing.

@Patiently waiting for Truth based on what was said in the past by him and him alone (He who shall not be named), even if he researched CSA regarding Facebook, he will never leave the platform.

Your absurdities are predictable. Going forward, choose your words wisely because that in of itself can be your own undoing. And like I said, should CSA come up again, anyone, perhaps Tom even, could use the Facebook remark against you. Therefore, you set yourself up just by dodging the question.

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2 hours ago, Equivocation said:

As someone who is still technically a youth, perhaps the youngest one here, there is some form of CSA on social media, so I wouldn't say that's hypocrisy because it has been going on for a while, even Facebook's predecessor, Myspace. So CSA is everywhere not simply in religous congregations, or in schools or clubs. It's own social media too.

Essentially the point. CSA is everywhere, there is no escaping it, there is no one or group on earth that is immune to it. Sexual Immorality is conjure by means of sin, and imperfect man sadly is in subjection to it, those who given in to such urges. Therefore, the JW faith, Facebook, no one is immune, and abusers are not foolish either because they can exploits anything and or anyone around them, even social media, of which is quite damning because of many problematic issues.

I merely brought forth the question because of @Patiently waiting for Truth's old remark when he use to go by he who shall not be named. The same one who always brings up CSA at the wrong time. It was borderline cross-examining, but not so much. More so focus on question, which, usually in debates, the opponent stems away from the question only to back themselves into a wall, other then that, it was in connection to his words pertaining to CSA related issues.

That being said, yes, when Myspace was popular, many teens were on it, from Middle School to High School, college, etc. This later resulted in some people exploring the system to which minors get involved in very bad situations. When he who shall not be named, JB, does not recognize is that these tools can be used in the wrong hands. He attested to the idea in many of his comments of why he left his faith and had his focus on CSA and all pertaining to it, even attack others in the process, yet when the reverse is done, the fathered man acts like that of a cornered small beast yelping in front of a person who does not seek to anything to it.

As for the subject matter. There is no sign of animal abuse. Like what was pointed out, it is not uncommon for any man or woman to leave a trained animal alone. Now since Facebook was coined, yes, animal abuse does exist on the platform, as with all others, unknown as to why some of it is somewhat allow, remains a mystery. There is also a beastiality problem (something of which the Bible considers unnatural) where animals are sexually abused also, take this example - https://www.thedailybeast.com/florida-vet-prentiss-madden-who-shared-videos-of-himself-sexually-abusing-dogs-gets-21-years-in-prison

That being said, false claims about, or misinformation related to animal abuse can often times be dangerous to the owner because like other forms of brazen conduct, there are those out there who will even commit harm on the owner, perhaps even kill in the name of the animal in question.

Therefore, one needs to defend him or herself. Here are some quick examples related to what is mentioned:





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@Space Merchant you seem to have a follower, @Equivocation

But both of you deliberately avoid the true issue.  When you both stop your fingers typing rubbish and when you both sit and think, then you might just get a little understanding of the true issue.  But I won't hold my breath as I can see that you both don't want to understand truth, and there is none so blind as those who do not want to see. 

SM, i see you one again misquote me deliberately by splitting up my sentences in to tiny pieces.  This is quite funny because it follows the GB / Watchtower in it's ways of misquoting people. 

Back to topic. 

As for animals, dogs are not allowed to roam free here in the UK. Any dog that is allowed to roam free anywhere near a road would be in danger. 

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

@Space Merchant you seem to have a follower, @Equivocation

Perhaps because he isn't dense, likewise with others who ahs taken issue with you. I guess for good reason due to the last racial situation in which admin got involved; hence why some of the call backs, was from that thread.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But both of you deliberately avoid the true issue.  When you both stop your fingers typing rubbish and when you both sit and think, then you might just get a little understanding of the true issue.  But I won't hold my breath as I can see that you both don't want to understand truth, and there is none so blind as those who do not want to see. 

Animal and Child abuse isn't rubbish. A blind man who cannot see the folly in his tool let alone his own contradicting statements is problematic. 

You are the last person to speak of truth regarding social media. The fact you deem it real and got tricked by the woke shows evident to that.

If I am blind, why was I aware of the CSA issue and Animal abuse issue on Facebook? A woman was killed the other day, guess how.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

SM, i see you one again misquote me deliberately by splitting up my sentences in to tiny pieces. 

And? I have not misquote you, I paraphrased majority of what you profess concerning CSA. Your own word when used with Facebook instead, you could not really do much to speak on the matter.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

This is quite funny because it follows the GB / Watchtower in it's ways of misquoting people. 

Who are about the Watchtower, but the fact you keep going to them like a toddler to his mother to deviate from the Facebook mantra speaks volume. Animal and Child abuse is Hellish on social media, how can you be this blind to such a thing of the tool you use? No 3 months research I bet.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Back to topic. 

Next time do not throw things into a topic. Because there will be things said of which you do not have the checks to cash, yet again.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As for animals, dogs are not allowed to roam free here in the UK.

On the contrary, the rule of thumb applies even in the UK, in some parts, not all. This can be said in rural like areas, and the like. This also plays into the fact that in the UK, under law, animals are viewed as sentient beings, in the same footing as humans, so to speak.

However, cruelty, still is an issue there, be in on the streets or online pertaining to the UK.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Any dog that is allowed to roam free anywhere near a road would be in danger. 

Not exactly, that is half correct, hence what was mentioned earlier on.


EDIT: You can dislike all you want, it will not deter the fact of what you convey. A bit sad, if I may add.

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9 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I guess for good reason due to the last racial situation in which admin got involved

???????????????? Here you go dragging in things totally off topic.

11 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

If I am blind, why was I aware of the CSA issue and Animal abuse issue on Facebook?

You are blind to the difference between the JW Org and Facebook.....

  But probably because YOU go looking for abuse, I don't go looking for it because i use FB as a tool. 

13 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Animal and Child abuse is Hellish on social media, how can you be this blind to such a thing of the tool you use? No 3 months research I bet.

I find it strange that YOU go looking for such things on FB.  Why do you go looking for it ?  It never 'pops up' on my FB pages. I see my family and friends and Classic cars, vintage photos, motor scooters, men's fashion through the ages,  BUT NEVER any 'abuse'. So it seems YOU must go looking for it to find so much. 

Why do need to go looking for child and animal abuse on Facebook SM ? 

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

???????????????? Here you go dragging in things totally off topic.

A remark, was not going off topic, granted some of which was already paraphrased in older responses, hence CSA and what I said earlier. If I wanted to elaborate it into a topic, I would, but I focused on the pertaining comments only, from you.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You are blind to the difference between the JW Org and Facebook.....

On the contrary,

  • Jehovah's Witnesses have CSA problems
  • Facebook has CSA problems.

No one is immune.  You were told the imperfections of man results in sin, that sin, being abuse towards children as well as animals, or any living soul, mainly if the brazen sin harbors ill intent.

On 11/6/2018 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

In this day and age, a child can be swayed by an abuser from a game such as Minecraft (it extends to even social media, something of which I will post very very soon putting forth the facts),

On 3/17/2018 at 7:49 PM, Space Merchant said:

Same thing goes for other things, social media and online video games (possibly the subtly in these things tend to be very dangerous) to where abusers also use and prey on young victims, especially on popular games the kids play nowadays Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc (apparently old fashion Mario and Donkey Kong is too retro for today's tech kids) for predators will pose as a "friend" in the game to lure their victims, despite such cases already, especially the recent Minecraft one that had a happy ending to it for the child and her family (link here), the games were not commended, but the parent's as do others also, are told to better supervise and educate children of online games, as well as social media, for back then to now, social media was literally haven for abusers - some also who bribe children to do things, at times offering real money just so they can blackmail the victim and record or take images of them, a situation similar to a friend of mine who passed away via suicide due to exposure and blackmail, for I have mentioned this before here.


CSA is the same across the board, you said it best, Earthwide. Does not matter the faith, the background, the chosen genre, space, etc. If you want to speak about bindless, we can see you display that, granted the information about the 5k UK kids seemingly fell off your radar, in reference and link. Ironic that you were as quite as a mouse on that, open your eyes, JB.

The only difference is CSA is complex in detection in the social media space (many, many examples, as pointed out even by UK police), of which Facebook is associated with, likewise, with the various medias birthed by Facebook such as Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Tiktok being infamous for some cases. Social Media's, as is Facebook's predecessor, was no stranger to CSA, granted, a lot of child luring and grooming began.

For example, Myspace, granted it was already said to you how pedophiles exploit not only groups, but also resources, such as social media, it is not unknown to anyone, they care capable of doing the same - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-397026/How-paedophiles-prey-MySpace-children.html



Sky News - https://news.sky.com/story/facebook-responsible-for-94-of-69-million-child-sex-abuse-images-reported-by-us-tech-firms-12101357

Hence Red Flags. Abusers exploiting resources, etc.

Since the inspection of social media, abusers took up the space, granted of gaining access to children without much of an effort compared to schools and churches; even so, they are difficult to detect until you are serious about doing some detective work.

That said, with what Facebook, even Apple and other Big Tech is doing now, parents and guardians will need to step it up as not only the hackers are getting smart, but the abusers as well.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But probably because YOU go looking for abuse

This stuff is public. Loudoun County was public, but Wokeism and the Left likes twisting things and censoring people, me included. Everyone knows that child abuse is earthwide, as you said. I don't see why you changed tuned in that regard, granted from other information pertaining to it which one can paraphrase.

In the Truther Community, this information pops up in all branches, talked about a lot, as of recent Child Abuse and Sex Rings related to the United Nations; even missing children/persons cases, some of which pertains to CSA, be in the US, and even the UK, or elsewhere there are Truthers, even those in connection with Independent Journalists, in which some of us have sources.

Granted there is too many to count, some of them I usually bring up, even in the thread of which you mocked what we are doing.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I don't go looking for it because i use FB as a tool. 

Pedophiles uses Facebook as a tool. Will 3 months of research change your mind? Clearly not. Therefore, I agree with Anna's remark.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I find it strange that YOU go looking for such things on FB.

I do not need to look if the information is public, as well as sent forth. A link in regards to the UK was just presented to you, which you ignored.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Why do you go looking for it ? 

Because there are people out there that are taking action in regards to CSA in some way shape or form, even doing what it needed to prevent more victims. You should know I have been doing this every time the subject of CSA comes forward, likewise with missing persons.

At times I do not need to look for it if the community pushes it, as is, with what can be done to help if such is even within a locality.

Solutions were even presented, and in that span of time, clearly you didn't apply or did anything.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It never 'pops up' on my FB pages.

It pops up on independent sources and various communities and or groups, i.e. IICSA, ARC, etc. Even those who, which I attest to, outside of the paradigm.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I see my family and friends and Classic cars, vintage photos, motor scooters, men's fashion through the ages,  BUT NEVER any 'abuse'.

Because you are clearly of the unaware, and of no community.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


You favor Sky news do you not? You can see that. BBC? You did post such before, which was public, granted they are both in the paradigm.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So it seems YOU must go looking for it to find so much. 

And clearly that isn't the case hence what I said for months, years here. Assumptions only make you look silly, JB. But what more to deviate from the fact the very tool you use is also in the hands of abusers who can exploit anything they touch for ill intent, effectively putting both people and animals at risk, and the unaware are always unaware of this notation.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Why do need to go looking for child and animal abuse on Facebook SM ? 

The point was already address. If a child goes missing and or anything pertaining to CSA, Truthers and Independent Journalist inform those in their community, I do not have to do much, I am just send the info to do what I can, mainly due to the fact of my history. You mock a community, yet you do not know how they operate, FYI, one instance, we found among ExJWs, let that sink in. This is also how I was aware of the IICSA situation with Theresa May, and when I asked you, granted you follow IICSA heavy, you didn't know what I was referring to.

That being said, it can be seen here regardless of what you said to Anna in the past, should it pertain to something else, you defend with deviation and no truthfulness.

Continue to consume Wokeism on the social platform and be unaware, for those who are aware knows the dangers and are awake in this sense when it comes to animals, women, even children.

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36 minutes ago, xero said:

Trying to get through to some people is worse than going through a root canal. You might as well just pull the tooth and get an implant. The infected thinking is coming from the heart, not the head.

It seems as so, but I am use to it, and keep a col and mild temper in the process. Not sure when your faith group was professing gospel if you has ever met a paradigm level of opposition outside of the religious space. Running into people affiliated with groups such as ANTIFA or the groups that predate them, is a different story, depending on race, sex, or leaning, it could land you into some heated confrontation, something of which I had seen a while back before the New Normal when it comes to the debate space. The most interesting confrontation was from a UC Berkley teacher, who I deem an adversary for she was the only person I was confronted by twice, with both instances lasting for a while.

As a side note, it seems sticking true to Scripture in the eyes of such people who deem one Conversate, mainly on key issue, such as Abortion. Perhaps that is also a reason why, even to some IJ and Truthers, some Anti-Trinitarians who are against it, your group included, are viewed as Conservative or Right Wing as well.

That being said, it is evident that some people are unaware of how well trained animals and their owners operate, be it in the United States or the United Kingdom, and they do not know legitimate animal cruelty, and failed in this sense, when they consider and assume a rule of thumb as cruelty; that in of itself, is a disservice to the owners out there who trained their animals well because, as the UK Law puts it, sentient beings, of which they call animals.


Another notation is that an owner who loves their pet, know that in some areas, not all, trained animals cannot be left in certain places, i.e. examples mentioned such as the British Man of authority who has some fetish for killing and tormenting cats. Then you have the folks on social media abusing animals, even killing them for show, in some instances, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, etc reinstate these people when their ill intent has not change, which shows, such people can play the system because not only they have ill intent, they seek validation with the do it for the gram/vine mantra. For social media does not have much of a counter for this type of animal abuse, even kids get in on the action.

The good thing is, there is a subnet of people out there, even various communities, that are against such, and will conjure up an opposition against it, and at times, take action. The woman in the picture above I will redact, but a while back there was a push to get her off YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, however, after some time, she came back somehow only to commit the same acts again, and soon after another push she was terminated. It is unknown of her status on other platforms. Likewise with CSA, Animal Abuse is something that is worse too, and actions should be taken, but at the same time, is is tricky because people tend to make accusations against pet owners, an example, Isabella's remark of which she herself was ignorant of the rule of thumb.



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20 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary,

  • Jehovah's Witnesses have CSA problems
  • Facebook has CSA problems.

Oh dear SM you are still whinging like an old woman. 

The big difference between the two is :-

The Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the 'one true religion' and they pretend that people need to be in that religion to be 'saved'. So, JWs deliberately go out and canvass to bring whole families into their religion. They use fear mongering to frighten people into the religion. And they pretend that the JW Org is a safe place to be.  Unfortunately the JW Org is like a whitewashed grave. It looks nice and clean from the outside, but it's unclean the inside. 

People are tricked into joining the JW Org, and therefore are in danger both spiritually and physically. 

I don't see anyone going door to door telling people to join Facebook, or pretending that FB is a true religion. Parents should control their children's internet action. Adults should be wise enough to know how to use the internet properly. 

And i would guess that even you use social media including Facebook. But we will never know because you hide behind that 'mask'. 

We can only agree that yes, CSA is everywhere earthwide. But unfortunately You are such a control freak that You seem to tell me that i cannot have my own opinons and cannot have my own Christian conscience.  

I am not angry with you, I just do not understand your attitude. 


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My Guardian is an old man now, but sometimes late at night he tells me stories of when he was a young man, circa 1969, when he left Virginia to make his fame and fortune in Hollywood, California, during the "Hippie Years".

Life was tough back then for a young man with few skills, but he broke his ankle, and had enough insurance money left over to buy a red Honda CB350 motorcycle. He was riding around on fire trails in the Hollywood Hills and found a pig, which he adopted, and they used to ride around together on his motorcycle.

Wilshire Blvd, had depressed  train tracks running down the middle of the street in certain areas, and about 2AM trains would creep through the area.

He loved that pig, as they were riding down Wilshire Blvd, and in making a left turn My Guardian got his front tire caught in the train track groove, and he flipped his bike over and the hot muffler was on and burning his leg. His pig, by now missing a back leg, with only three legs pushed the bike off of his trapped leg, and saved it from serious injury, bonding them even closer.

A pig that special you just don't want to eat all at once.



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On 11/2/2021 at 8:39 AM, Equivocation said:

Likewise with any uncanny animals people tend to have in the house such as chickens, ducks, etc. Yes, people do have pets like this.

We used to have a green dog, that before we got his tail "fixed", had been an alligator.

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