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Russia declares groups linked to Church of Scientology as ‘undesirable’

Patiently waiting for Truth

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Russia has designated two California-based organizations linked to the Church of Scientology as “undesirable,” a move that could formally ban the group.

The Prosecutor General’s Office in September said the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises International and the Church of Spiritual Technology “pose a threat to the security of the Russian Federation.”

The issue will now be taken up by the Ministry of Justice, which, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, could outlaw the groups under laws governing “undesirable” foreign nongovernmental organizations.

Russian authorities in recent years have gone after the Church of Scientology, ordering the closure of the group’s Moscow branch, according to news reports. The Justice Ministry has also declared some of the group’s literature extremist, Reuters reported.

The government has barred more than 30 groups under a 2015 law that made membership in “undesirable” organizations a criminal offense, the Associated Press reported. In 2017, Russia ruled the religious group Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremist” and has since sentenced 14 adherents to six or more years of prison.


Scientology was established in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author, and the Church of Scientology has been acknowledged as a religion in the United States since 1993. Scientology is known for its celebrity followers, such as actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

The church has claimed it has 8 million members worldwide, with about a third of those in the U.S., but many critics have suggested there are between 25,000 and 55,000 active Scientologists.


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Interesting data on the number of members. Scientology originated later, much later than WTJWorg. And it has the same number of members.., even though they don’t preach the JW way.  

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2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Scientology was established in 1952 by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction author, and the Church of Scientology has been acknowledged as a religion in the United States since 1993. Scientology is known for its celebrity followers, such as actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

The church has claimed it has 8 million members worldwide, with about a third of those in the U.S., but many critics have suggested there are between 25,000 and 55,000 active Scientologists.

Interesting data on the number of members. Scientology originated later, much later than WTJWorg. And it has the same number of members.., even though they don’t preach the JW way.


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This is why it was said ever since the Pokémon guy was banned, it will indirectly effect others. To this say, many people are not so aware of the timeline of said events and what it is close to. Although Scientology never originated from the Christian Revival, the fact that this route is taken, will indirectly hit others, and those already hit will be hit even harder; kicked while they're down.


Regarding Russia, be very very careful, with the media coming out from there as is those who report it.

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The Russian orthodox church is the state religion and they are building back communism better with building the "national family" ....... nationalism. Religion is the vehicle to build a strong family and family values.  (Hitler also built the family through nationalism). The philosopher in Russia whom all are following is Alexander Dugan. A staunch proponent of the Russian orthodox.church.  Any foreign religious entity will now have a target on it's back.

Russia is the King of North - with its allies. While China is threatening peace in the far east with the  possibility of invading Taiwan...... and strutting its strength all over the area, Russia is showing its muscles in the Balkans and Black Sea area.  Instead of "peace" it has taken a little "piece " of land here and there..... just like Germany did some 80 years back. 

Regarding NATO, Russia is issuing regular warnings..... I suspect that problems could erupt in the Balkans because Russia is supporting the aggressive stance of Russian orthodox countries. 

Humans do not learn from history....... most don't learn from biblical history either. ...

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@Arauna One of the reasons why the ban was well timed, as well as the deployment of FindFace (which is now, it's cousins, being used more and more in the US and the UK in the age of COVID-19) and soon in some places, a two-tier system. The Alexi situation, as is with the Pokémon guy, the child who was arrested, the Librarian, actions of the Duma, Soviet Era Home issue, as is the man who got raided were all to masks what is taking place in Russia.

At one point they were going to ban all Bibles that the RoC were not using.

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@Arauna I can't edit my original post, a bit related, but it seems there is going to be a mass exploit of the situation to be used on religious folks. More so granted there has been another attack on the First Amendment, I have to look to see if the UN has done anything, but this time, it is from the ACLU. COVID-19 in connection to this, could render anything Bible based spoken to be met with some form of retaliation, hence, a cog in the machine that paves a path for the events of 2030 as is the reset.

That being said, you and your faith has now been placed in the spotlight of Freedom vs Compliance, something of which that continues to grow from the events of 2017 and onward.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

but it seems there is going to be a mass exploit of the situation to be used on religious folks. More so granted there has been another attack on the First Amendment,

All international laws have been broken in the rolling out of this.  Have you noticed they have made decrees but it is not passed through the congress and it is not law in the regular sense  but "mandates" from Biden - given to all companies to comply.  I think they are afraid to make it law because then they are breaking international laws such as the nuremburg laws.

This whole thing is driven by getting companies to comply.  Most people need to work and later when they bring in passports and ID 2020 ,,,,,, one will definitely not be able to buy or sell. So most will comply.  I think the realization will start when people develop immunity disorders and cancers (more than usual - long-term effects will be bad) and they are requested to get regular boosters. 

Yes - they will come for religion - most Christians are talking about the jab as the 'mark of the beast' and especially the gun-carrying conservative Christians will be targeted. This is why our peace loving organization is complying because I am sure Jehovah is directing them. They are also putting the Kingdom work first - keep on providing food at the proper time.  JWs will go down after we bring the "message". 

Individuals like me, who have health issues and understand that this "sleever" can mean my death, may go to prison before the others. I understand and accept that.  The world is going to turn nasty soon. They will let us free for a little while and then the "climate lockdowns and restrictions" will start.   These people are determined to get their will done.

Thanks to Jehovah.... they only rule "for one hour".

(I was a little miffed tonight when I attended midweek meeting ... there is a Russian brother that always refers to the "sleever" ... basically he is a proponent of it ... and very self-righteous in his promotions.  I felt like asking him if he would take responsibility for my death if I felt pressured to do what he says!   But my silence prevailed.... LOL

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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

I'm guessing we won't see a Mission Impossible movie  shot in Russia any time soon.

This excludes those of status, granted, fi you are aware of how those integrated within the system operates vs. those who are not. Then again, most Russians like him anyways.

@AraunaYes, but some people have a breaking point, even Jehovah's Witnesses, granted, they have never been in a Freedom vs Compliance like situation that can spark an artificial form of division, in which even an indirect action can effect them, i.e. The ACLU and or whatever the UN attempts this time in regards to the 1st amendment, should something get restricted/limited, it could barr you from preaching the gospel quite easily to a degree. Also it can be weaponized against by opposition, mainly those who are Anti-Scripture (or irreligious). So in a sense, everyone is in a tough spot right now, therefore, you need a Batman level of endurance to get through the current situation, as is, what is to come; for the constitution itself is technically what his preventing the US from turning into Australia at such a fast rate. I cannot speak for the UK, a US ally, because in the next few months, the people there will start to get hit by the changes. Consider this your Moses and the Israelites in the Wilderness type situation.

There has been some indirect actions committed, which is slowly moving now just towards faith base communities, but the Bible itself. Many people who I am familiar with, such as Solider of God, Ezekiel, etc. even one of your own, the Arab JW in the UK, mention this for a while. At times, we were often criticized and even censored to a degree because of it, even more now in regards to the school system talk. Evidently, in short, the motive of these entities is to consider some parts, if not some, most parts, of the Holy Scripture as Hate Speech, and in order to do so, some of said entities have their way in the education system and they do this because they have access to children, in turn, this enables indoctrination of the children, in a sense, even getting them to see God and his Word differently if the situation calls for it. Some of them fight it, some succumb to it.

That being said, there is a lot going on, even in the Truther community, we are bombarded with a lot of stuff taking place right now, all that can be said late Fall into Winter it is going to be Hell. This I can tell you in regards to COVID-19, as of recent focus, there is information on the US military, their intelligence for it is likely that they will take over the tracking of and mandates system with a cloak and dagger like tactic, which in turns correlate with the break down of the federal government’s plan for a 4th procedure.

As for Russia, it won't be too pretty for them in the coming months, it is already revealed they are attempting to not show weakness because of COVID-19 and military cogs will have their day in what is to come.

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This excludes those of status, granted, fi you are aware of how those integrated within the system operates vs. those who are not. Then again, most Russians like him anyways

I was wondering if Tom Cruise would be willing to shoot a movie there now seeing how passionate he is about his religion.

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13 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I was wondering if Tom Cruise would be willing to shoot a movie there now seeing how passionate he is about his religion.

As already pointed out if you missed it the first time

16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This excludes those of status

Tom Cruise is someone of status. Regardless of his following, nothing can't really be done in regards to him because of this. This is how things are played in the world spotlight, however, anyone in the same boat as Tom Cruise who does not have status, will get the boot. So in his case, should be shoot a movie there, he would not have any issues.

When it comes to the 2 factions of world powers and or important figures, status is what separates those of of top tier vs those of lower tier. Now if you went there now to make a movie with the same plan Tom has, chances are, unlike Tom Cruise, you'll end up in the same situation like that of an Alexei Navalny Hero with FSB being the one to come after you, perhaps have your door sawed down whether you are a Russian native or not.

That being said, some people are not aware of this status role, let alone how Russians operate when it comes to faith, politics, etc. As if the Soviet Era Home situation would give people a clue. Then again, most do not really pay attention of what is going on there.

As of recent, he only completed with a Russian film crew.

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