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CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News

JW Insider

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On 11/22/2021 at 11:54 PM, Dmitar said:

I would suspect an academic view

Many academics are now agreeing on my opinion - especially those who are trying to publish studies on the heart problems young people now experience with the new obligated "sleever"  interventions.  Two reputable academics could NOT get their studies published (openly rejected) because all journals are now owned by those who are running the great reset. This is not science but scientism.  

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Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs..or doormats….I dont join in a lot here because it gets a bit childish ….but do not be mistaken Dmitar….Jesus is the Chief Com

Right here:  I’m working up a post on this one. Not quite there yet, but an excerpt is:  It didn’t take long for word to spread about the new UN statue—doesn’t it looks a lot like one

Oh great! You’ve doxxed them. Now they’ll be deluged with scammers and telemarketers! Good work, Bowser.

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On 11/23/2021 at 2:57 AM, JW Insider said:

doesn't mean that the US doesn't want shining examples of democracy producing strong economies.

On 11/23/2021 at 2:57 AM, JW Insider said:

A major point of all this news, especially the last couple of 60 Minutes that I watched, was to make sure that the US audience does NOT see any leftist/socialist government as "democratically" elected.

Most people are still stuck in the war between the iron and the clay....(the little divisive wars in every country) when their focus should be on the eighth king who will rule for an hour - the scarlet beast (UN) who is the image of the world political system. At least it seems the whole globe  is following the plan or "image" the UN is putting in front of them in a "lockstep" fashion.  193 nations signed the UN Agenda 2030 and WEF trillionaires helping them to accomplish the great (economic) reset. The reset will focus on health and the environment to get us into the digital panopticon. (digital 24/7 total surveillance). To do this they will lock us down for health reasons for our 'own benefit' and environmental reasons because we all will die soon if they do not do this for the collective good of mankind. Yes, the earth is ruined by the very corporations who are now bringing about these oppressive measures which is creating a mass psychosis. Follow the money and the changed word definitions and the changed laws and you will see who is behind this! Already we can see what kind of rulers they will be by the measures that are being taken. Zero outbreaks of this virus is not possible because it is like a cold virus.... yet people who have just been in contact for a second are thrown into a prison for 14 days and it seems the prison guards can keep them there as long as they wish! (australia with austria and germany in lockstep)

Heard this week that they want to abolish the Nuremburg Code!  That gives one a good indication of where we are heading.  The 'false prophet ' in the past pushed democracy like a prophet........ but behind the scenes with the help of leaders such as Kissinger and Klaus Schwab they realized that it is just a matter of  time when stocks will not be able to grow any longer. The system will need an economic overhaul.  They thought: One cannot have more and more consumers on the globe who do not have the skills to provide their part in productive labor...... and stocks cannot grow forever and yield profits for the privileged. They also realized that AI will make many people redundant in jobs such as the medical field, drivers, legal persons and many jobs we thought would always be needed.

Under the great reset we are going into a virtual (metaverse) world where AI will take away these jobs. People will get medical advice online and the right fix on their genes will be loaded down by cell phone. Natural medicine is set to disappear and all medicines will be a form of gene therapy. Although AI does not have compassion - this will be the new enforcers of law.  One can go on and on.  No wonder there is talk of eugenics on the table as many of these leaders are atheist and known to support eugenics.

The good news in all of this:  They were building their Babylonian tower in opposition to Jehovah and would work together for this. Genesis 11:6 Jehovah then said: “Look! They are one people with one language, and this is what they have started to do. Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them.

One digital language has now led to Xenobots made from a conglomeration of parts of cells with synthetic programming on them via CHRPR and given life by a frog cell. If these things get into water and proliferate we can ay good bye to all life on earth which can be crowded out. If they get into a human arteries - we are all dead or mixed with synthetic life.  Jehovah knew that humans without his standards will be up to no good (selfish and egotistical).

As Jehovah did at Babylon - he will step in once again. He will mix up their plans before they have completed it.  Once there is proof beyond reasonable doubt of the extreme suffering and pain that is brought about by the most advanced human rulership - ever!  ..... Jehovah will put in their hearts to turn against religion!  This will create a division in their plans and their oneness of purpose. Their purpose will fall apart in front of their eyes and bring the greatest tribulation ever! 

Globalization has linked all the largest corporations on earth.  They are all of them heavily invested in China and Russia too!  So, it is true that they will cry about their money as revelation 18 indicates. 

The bible does not lie - if we think about it - it is happening exactly as written! May we inspire others to put their faith in jehovah.

Sidenote: Our brothers will do everything needed to keep producing spiritual food. This is their commission - not to write about politics and divisive things but stick to a positive message. When the time comes that the panopticon wants them to accept worship of transgenderism or transhumanism, then they will refuse.

GB update number 9 indicates that people will be able to attend meetings online when the rest of the brothers return to physical attendance. The article: will life return to normal has this to say:  "What it means for you: People have reacted differently to the pandemic and its consequences. Allow them their opinions, but respectfully stick to the good decisions that you have made. Be considerate of the unvaccinated, the elderly, and those with serious underlying health issues."

This indicates that the GB has a balanced way of viewing this but I have noticed that some brothers promote the jab more than the kingdom message - lol.  



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I read about the Chinese Jews in China - how their synagogues have been demolished and how they have been treated. Same as Falun Gong and Islam adherents. Any group with its own culture that does not conform to worship of the state is defamed by propaganda and persecuted.  This is true Mao se Tung policy in a modern application.

I still see China as the ally of the king of the North.  Russia has aspirations of an Eurasia and China wants to take over Taiwan. China is not a purring kitty cat - she is a dragon!..... and proud of it! 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

I read about the Chinese Jews in China - how their synagogues have been demolished and how they have been treated. Same as Falun Gong and Islam adherents.

Consider the source, though. This is the Epoch Times, a newspaper run by a cult that was banned for its violence in China. This included hundreds if not thousands of knife attacks in China. Even murders. Because they declare themselves to be so vehemently anti-communist they find that they can get US and Western funding for their media projects which are guaranteed to intersperse ridiculously false claims against the CCP.

In every major "state of the union" speech, the CCP leadership always emphasizes and celebrates the number of different ethnic groups and cultures found in China. They also regularly publicly declare against the tendency of the Han Chinese majority to act superior or prejudiced against minority populations. Muslim customs and culture are celebrated, and the use of their own local language is promoted in areas where those local languages are used. (I was surprised to learn that Mongolian has been dying out among Mongolians outside of China, yet Mongolians in China are encouraged to use and learn their customs and language, and you can see this in the bilingual signs in Chinese Mongolian neighborhoods and schools.) The same is true among Uyghur populations as you can see from the bilingual signs the Chinese government provides in their neighborhoods. The CCP has been supportive of Muslim populations all over China, supporting the building of mosques, etc. Muslim populations have grown in China because China never imposed the one-child policy on ethnic minorities. The Uyghur population itself has grown in spite of false claims of genocide. Their language and culture is supported in spite of claims.

Of course, many Uyghurs are terrorists and nationalist/separatists who have killed persons in attacks in China and thousands have also crossed the border to fight alongside Al Qaeda in Syria and other places in the Middle East. So it's true that many have been put in prison, and the Chinese prison system apparently forced radicalized Muslims to get "re-education" propaganda to "appreciate" the Chinese government, along with the usual job training and rehabilitation training that Chinese prisons are known for.

I have a feeling that the United States loves it when various bandwagon activist groups promote the claims of Falun Gong, Adrien Zenz, and ex-patriate families of Uyghur separatists/terrorists. This is because it deflects from western civil rights abuses, and the fact that the USA has continued to promote the killing of millions of Muslims through sanctions and war in Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. 

Also, just a few years ago, the US had a 70% positive view of China, which has now quickly dropped to 30% with a very high percentage of Americans feeling we should actually invade China. The regular anti-China news stories are often comical. Often they are debunked within days, but repeated again so often that the majority of Western audiences will not realize it.

Here are just a couple of examples:

  • The NYT just ran a repeat of the debunked story of a Chinese tennis star who never claimed she was sexually assaulted, but the story repeated that phrase several times. The most recent version of the NYT story even printed the original post from the tennis player in Chinese, but naturally, the NYT wouldn't include a translation, which would have ruined the claims of the NYT story. The story also made claims that those who continued to support her had numbers in their social media names and are therefore "bot-like" without admitting that this is also common in the United States (jw-tj-1914, john316, tess04211967) but that it is even more common in China because the "tone" of certain number combinations when spoken aloud actually produce an echo of common phrases in Chinese. Even stupider was the claim that she shows a picture of herself with stuffed toy animals,. implying that she must be trying to prove she is OK when she isn't. That just shows how uninformed the writer was about the popularity of stuffed toy animals in China, or it shows how uninformed the writer hopes the readers of the article will be.
  • I understand that CNN just recently ran another interview with one of the infamous Uyghur women who has made claims about harsh conditions in a Chinese "concentration camp." In the interview she claimed that they took away and replaced her passport so that she couldn't leave the country. CNN even printed a picture of the passport as if it was some kind of evidence. But someone noticed (and reported elsewhere) that the passport proved she was lying because the dates on it showed it was still valid during the time she claimed to be imprisoned and made the claims that she couldn't travel. So what did CNN do? They didn't correct the story, or remove that part of the interview, or remove the picture of the passport. Instead, CNN decided only to black out the dates on the passport, but keep the picture. 
  • The 60 Minutes TV program aired last week with another anti-China story, as they seem to do every other week or so. It was mostly about how Xi is scaring the West by cracking down on excessive capitalism and capitalists. This last one tried to appear more balanced by offering nearly equal time to a Chinese spokeswoman who gave reasons and evidence for why this was a reasonable approach to the excesses and abuses. But their "equal time" was balanced by an expert whose basic tactic was not to give any evidence but just ended up with: "Well, they can say what they want, but can you really trust them?" In other words, just an appeal to prejudice rather than worrying about facts and evidence.
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2 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Consider the source, though.

Please - understand that the ENTIRE political system is darkly corrupt and that China is not an utopia - that is in essence the  main message of the bible.  China was the testing grounds for the new policies being implemented in the West!  I watched many EU meetings and SAW with my own eyes and heard what was was said. China is their darling because it it tyrannically totalitarian since XI became the new leader. This is how they want to bring in the great reset! with tyrannical lockdowns and mandates for everything!  

I do not really read Epoch times - I just watch the headlines.....  There are many organizations for human rights trying to stop the sale of body parts in China.  The far left press (CNN and the others you like very much) will never mention this  /or deny it ....... because they do not care for human life.  Babies being aborted at nine months and other atrocities going on is not really mentioned in the pro-eugenics and pro-transgender press.  In one day in UK two digit numbers of babies are  dying in ONE hospital alone after pregnant mothers took the new "sleever".   I have not seen anything in the far left press.  I do not like far right press either (I do not take part in local politics or I do not think it worth it to even have an opinion about it....) but one has to get news from somewhere and then use good judgment.  

There are now international efforts to get China to agree to stop their harvesting of body parts and you are still denying  that it is a possibility!  This reminds me of the Kristalnacht .... German Jews did not realize that their government would go as far as to kill them.  We have seen so many genocides in the 19th century (including in China during the previous communist regime) and still you do not believe that a capitalist china, which is returning to Mao brand of communism can do this! Most of my friends who were working in China have left.  The only journalists allowed there now are the ones who have been bought and paid for!... or think China is wonderful!

I leave it at that!  I do not argue about these things as I told you before - I saw this coming - and now we already have extreme countries following the Chinese model - and you are thinking that one part of Satan's world is not so bad! The west is as bad as the east but the king of the North's  (anti-religious - only worship of the state allowed) model is being followed. Only religion of the state will be allowed soon - the bible predicted this!  Russia is building nationalism with its resurgence of the empty Orthodox religion!


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Just now, Arauna said:

Please - understand that the ENTIRE political system is darkly corrupt and that China is not an utopia -

I agree, of course, that China is not a utopia.

2 minutes ago, Arauna said:

China was the testing grounds for the new policies being implemented in the West!  I watched many EU meetings and SAW with my own eyes and heard what was was said. China is their darling because it it tyrannically totalitarian since XI became the new leader.

People often claim that China was the testing ground for new policies like "social credit scores." This wasn't true. There were some businesses that wanted to try something related to this, and there were a couple of cities that tried and abandoned it. It had already been tried in many ways and in much deeper fashion in the West through Internet tracking data, continued bank redlining, housing policies, credit card expenditure tracking, private prison policies, credit score abuses, arresting and harrasment of leftist and environmental activists, facial recognition tracking, the "New Jim Crow," "canceling" of social media accounts of those who try to discredit mainstream media, etc.

It's true that China has had some specific problems not so well known in the West, such as people rushing onto trains at the last second to try for a free ride. (Like NYC turnstile-jumping but onto more expensive, long-distance trains.) Facial recognition was supposedly going to make it easier to catch and punish this crime. At any rate, even when most of these tests were short-lived and abandoned, there seemed to be a new policy in the West to exaggerate them. They made it look as if they not only started in China, but had become ubiquitous there. Thousands of memes and videos about Chinese social credit scores were spread with made-up claims.

In my opinion, China is not totalitarian. There are those who would like us to think so because that would provide Western policy maker with a comparison so that anything can be attempted with the claim that 'at least it's not as bad as it is in China." In fact, vaccinations in China are still voluntary, in spite of false claims that they are being forced in the way that many Western nations have threatened to do.

China has tried some stupid policies. So has the West. China is still a fairly backward and relatively poor country. But the average person is doing better in terms of services, education, health, housing, etc., and the poorest have all been pulled out of poverty levels. Communist policies are loved by the majority but are probably "painful" to those who now have less in order to help pay for the "rising tide" that helps the majority. But the majority love their government because they feel represented by them. In the West, a small minority of millionaires and billionaires will fight tooth and nail politically to avoid having their taxes go back to the levels in the time of Eisenhower and even Kennedy. And their tax breaks take away from the services that would otherwise be available to the poor in the US for example, who therefore feel they are not democratically represented. Lifespans among the poor in the US were already decreasing well before Covid-19.

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33 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

were some businesses that wanted to try something related to this,

Global corporations are involved in this - not small little companies.

34 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

such as people rushing onto trains at the last second to try for a free ride.

This is nothing compared to the other problems they have!

34 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

hina is still a fairly backward and relatively poor country

Like all totalitarian countries - most of the budget does go into surveillance and into the military - on this point you are correct.

35 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

China is not totalitarian

Just like Russia is not totalitarian - but human rights is a matter of the whims of the leadership and dispensing with humans because they are "undesirable" or in the way is OK.  And I agree the west is very similar and worsening at present because the final goals of world governments are merging.  Satan is promoting one world counterfeit government to bring his brand of totalitarian peace and security to the world.  Any Chinese person who now speaks against anyone in government is breaking the "harmony" of society! ... and can be silenced!

45 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

a small minority of millionaires and billionaires will fight tooth and nail politically to avoid having their taxes go back to the levels

They are the small millionaires that are not comparable to the trillionaires.  BlackRock assets are estimated to be 9 trillion.... Most of the noteworthy billionaires all have charity foundations that pay very little taxes and give donations to all the companies that promote their agenda. They also get billions from governments for dispensing vaccines and other services which enrich them and enrich their charities.

47 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

e poor in the US for example

Listened to a speech made by Gates this week. He speaks about the poor etc but it is window dressing and he pays a PR company to enhance his image.....  He was friends with Epstein because Epstein knew someone who could be bought to obtain a Nobel prize for peace for him - to enhance his image. Love of self is evident! The wish to control is also evident as he has the greater stocks in all education, pharma, agriculture, and UN and private corporations which work with the UN.

We are in the time of the end - I know you do not believe this - but believe me, this is the agenda that Satan has - the counterfeit single entity (UN) has been captured by the billionaires (WEF),which will try to bring their brand of peace and security as far away - disconnected from a creator - as possible. 

They cannot openly say that they want to run things and their way is the best (which is an atheist, transhumanist singularity based on scientism).  They are slowly subjecting humanity to it in a lockdown strategy and mandates that have to be followed.  The stranglehold will be complete by 2030.  

If a war breaks out - Russian and China will both flood the countries they want under their domain before the UN pulls everyone together  into their fold. 

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

We are in the time of the end - I know you do not believe this -

To be fair, he just called Bro Rando unfaithful and indiscreet for stipulating this system will go on twenty years, whereas it could end tomorrow.

3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

The NYT just ran a repeat of the debunked story of a Chinese tennis star who never claimed she was sexually assaulted, but the story repeated that phrase several times

Oh come sir, I think you’ve picked a poor example. The NYT reads sexual assault everywhere. It is sometimes true and sometimes not.


3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I understand that CNN just recently ran another interview

Oh come sir, I think you’ve picked another poor example. Anything from CNN is.

Isn’t China on the cusp of assimilating Taiwan, a island nation that doesn’t want to be assimilated?

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

In my opinion, China is not totalitarian.

Be that as it may, I can’t picture Bezos or Musk being muzzled as Ma was. You mentioned several posts ago how Trump lost a trade war with China. Other than short term, I wonder if it is possible to lose a trade war with a communist country. Clamp down on a too-audacious businessman and capital flees to where his counterparts won’t be clamped down upon. Alibaba, China’s Amazon counterpart, has lost about 2/3 of its stock value since Ma was reigned in.

And I don’t know what to make of reports that a good percentage of skyscrapers in China have never been occupied. Any edge you can provide on that? It seems crazy and unbelievable. But then, in a command economy where supply can be irrespective of demand, maybe it is not.

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Just like Russia is not totalitarian - but human rights is a matter of the whims of the leadership and dispensing with humans because they are "undesirable" or in the way is OK.

I never said Russia wasn't totalitarian. But I will say that totalitarianism has often been exaggerated for geopolitical purposes. But I have seen enough Hollywood movies to know that Russia is evil. (Actually, one of my best worldly friends from work came from Russia after '95 and has a sister-in-law who won an Oscar, also Russian for best costume design and now I notice the name in the credits of several historical movies. I worked with this Russian from 1995 to 2012 and we even ate at their house a couple of times. He was a physician and she was a math PhD. We got an excellent historical review of Russian history from a St Petersburg family who lived it personally. It was useful to learn about a range of issues, both good and bad, from someone who mostly hated living there, but understood the politics and the trouble with "intellectuals" who were too reluctant to show support for the party.

Both countries (Russia and China) have problems with human rights for many of their own people. For comparison, the USA  appears to be much, much worse on human rights against persons in other countries, however. The USA pushes for starvation, war, and civil war to keep many countries weak. When the US promotes a coup and leaves the country in chaos (Libya, Nicaragua, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, etc.) it isn't a failure, it is a success in creating the chaos an weakness intended. When the US promotes economic sanctions against a country it is really for the purpose of creating, not only dissatisfaction, but actual starvation. And where "aid" is offered, it is often only offered with military and imperialist motivations. Almost anything one hears about China's supposed military bases, especially in Africa, turn out to be non-military ports infrastructure beneficial to both countries. When the West does it, it's always asymmetrical. The same is true of the loans for infrastucture from the World Bank and the IMF. Yet all that guilt from the West is projected on China because China also loans money to many countries.

Basically the only remaining countries with a death penalty are the USA, China, and some Middle Eastern and majority-Muslim countries. I believe that China thought it was OK to donate the organs of executed prisoners until just a few decades ago. I don't know if this has completely stopped, but I see that even those "China experts" who still believe it goes on admit that they haven't seen any evidence of it for several decades. Yet, I still see it debated in American academic journals for promoting the practice in the USA. (It's been illegal in the US, to accept even voluntary donations from death-row prisoners since 2013.)

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

This is nothing compared to the other problems they have!

I was only sharing something I was reading about a tech company that wanted to set up facial recognition to solve some crime problems in China. I read that it was abandoned. Not that it won't come back, perhaps on a larger scale. But, so far, I think more global companies and governments are salivating for this in the West.

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

Like all totalitarian countries - most of the budget does go into surveillance and into the military - on this point you are correct.

I understand from sites like this: https://sipri.org/sites/default/files/2021-04/fs_2104_milex_0.pdf that China has nearly 5 times the number of people that the USA has, and yet spends only a third of what the USA spends on military. That means that the US spends about 15 times as much as China, per person. And with a GDP of about 15 trillion, they spend about 252 billion on military. About 1/60th. The US GDP is about 21 trillion, and the US spends about 750 billion on military, or 2/60 -- twice as much. And the amount China spends on surveillance is much, much less than the USA.

China is not imperialist, as the US is, and does not need the control over other countries that the US apparently feels it needs. The US has bombed the following countries since WWII: (according to the site: https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/heres-a-list-of-all-the-countries-the-us-has-bombed-since-world-war-ii-172786/

  • China 1945-46
  • Korea 1950-53
  • China 1950-53
  • Guatemala 1954
  • Indonesia 1958
  • Cuba 1959-60
  • Guatemala 1960
  • Belgian Congo 1964
  • Guatemala 1964
  • Dominican Republic 1965-66
  • Peru 1965
  • Laos 1964-73
  • Vietnam 1961-73
  • Cambodia 1969-70
  • Guatemala 1967-69
  • Lebanon 1982-84
  • Grenada 1983-84
  • Libya 1986
  • El Salvador 1981-92
  • Nicaragua 1981-90
  • Iran 1987-88
  • Libya 1989
  • Panama 1989-90
  • Iraq 1991
  • Kuwait 1991
  • Somalia 1992-94
  • Bosnia 1995
  • Iran 1998
  • Sudan 1998
  • Afghanistan 1998
  • Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999
  • Afghanistan 2001
  • Libya 2011
  • Iraq and Syria 2014 –
  • Somalia 2011 –
  • Iran 2020 –

Compare that to the number of countries that China has bombed or invaded since WWII.

So if you are using military expenditure to identify totalitarian countries, China doesn't compare all that well. And of course, these numbers use a very conservative method of counting military expenditure. There is also the amount of military equipment sold to police departments, the weapons sold to Saudi Arabia to help them bomb Yemen. Undocumented "aid" to dozens of countries to help them build up borders against countries the USA doesn't like. And foreign aid with strings attached to allow the US to build military bases.

6 hours ago, Arauna said:

Any Chinese person who now speaks against anyone in government is breaking the "harmony" of society! ... and can be silenced!

Anything is possible. But why do you always sound so sure that things are so much worse there than they are in say, the United States, for example? Are you sure there have not been many more persons silenced in the USA, even though the US population is so much smaller?

6 hours ago, Arauna said:

They are the small millionaires that are not comparable to the trillionaires.  BlackRock assets are estimated to be 9 trillion.... Most of the noteworthy billionaires all have charity foundations that pay very little taxes and give donations to all the companies that promote their agenda. They also get billions from governments for dispensing vaccines and other services which enrich them and enrich their charities.

Agreed. And I agree with the issues respecting the misuse of philanthropy, etc.

6 hours ago, Arauna said:

We are in the time of the end - I know you do not believe this -

You are wrong there. I think you get that idea because I don't believe in all these end-time scenarios that you often predict are really necessary.

6 hours ago, Arauna said:

The stranglehold will be complete by 2030.  

Anything is possible in an unpredictable and chaotic world, but I think it's dangerous to start concerning ourselves with various scenarios that are expected to happen in the next few years. There is no guarantee this system will last that long. It gets back to the old problem of "looking for a sign." I think about why Jesus said that a wicked generation keeps looking for a sign. When Jesus' disciples asked for a sign the first thing Jesus said is not to be misled by wars, reports of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, famines, etc., because those things can take place at any time, and aren't necessarily tied to the "end." The real thing comes as a thief, as if without warning. Not that this applies to you personally, of course, but there is always a danger of other persons becoming complacent when they think the end can't happen yet because a certain expectation hasn't happened yet.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Isn’t China on the cusp of assimilating Taiwan, a island nation that doesn’t want to be assimilated?

That's a great topic. But I am signing off for the weekend.

5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And I don’t know what to make of reports that a good percentage of skyscrapers in China have never been occupied. Any edge you can provide on that?

Actually, yes. I have looked into that because I thought it was crazy too. It is crazy in an economy like ours, but I do understand why it was done. Tempting as it is to give an opinion, I'm still signing off for the weekend though. 😉

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16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

hat means that the US spends about 15 times as much as China, p

Frankly - the core argument is: whether China is totalitarian. You refuse to acknowledge that they are killing their own citizens and incarcerating citizens because they are not allowed to have a religion.  This is why these lengthy arguments lead to zero because the real issue is always negated and changed.... ... America is also doing so, or America is using money for this and that!  We all know USA has a CIA which is eveil and has overthrown countries and did terrible things. BUT - China is continuously having 24/7 surveillance on their own citizens in the cities and are eliminating citizens as though they are fodder!  .....a practice which will soon be in the west as China is the model for the NWO. The passport is a control mechanism being sneaked in. 

As I said before - numerous times here!   We have an example of the Nazis :  the Jews themselves never believed that humans could do this to other humans and were slaughtered. ......  I on the other hand do believe that humans are fully capable of doing this! ... especially if government propaganda and surveillance is part of every day life!  it also buys the  silence of the majority and very scared citizens.

16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I don't believe in all these end-time scenarios that you often predict are really necessary.

Some of them have already come true - we are seeing totalitarian mandates spreading throughout Europe (without regard for the persons with underlying conditions).... - and I can quote you numerous scriptures which indicate that this will be the case! 

I am just preparing my brothers for the worst scenario which seems to be coming to fruition. A totalitarian government can also push their idea of morality and eugenics on a propagandized population.  Those who fear and conform may find themselves marked with the idols the beast is forcing them to worship.  

Of course I know that Jehovah will step in.... and stop their Babylonian tower !  But it will not be a picnic before we get to this point!

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Hadn’t this none Christian inquiry already been answered in another thread?


Chinese Official Accused of Sexual Assault Played Key Role in Setting Up Beijing 2022 Olympics

HONG KONG—Beijing has turned to a familiar playbook to deflect criticism and minimize discussion in China about a tennis star, analysts and rights activists say, as it faces global questions about sexual-assault allegations.


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by General Assembly resolution 260 A (III) of 9 December 1948 Entry into force: 12 January 1951, in accordance with article XIII

The atrocities are “egregious,” indeed, since the Chinese government’s actions in Xinjiang have violated and continue to violate every single provision in the UN’s Genocide Convention, and include mass detentions, forced labor, torture, forced sterilization, and rape.



Genocide and crimes against humanity occurred during the year against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang. These crimes were continuing and included: the arbitrary imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty of more than one million civilians; forced sterilization, coerced abortions, and more restrictive application of China’s birth control policies; rape; torture of a large number of those arbitrarily detained; forced labor; and the imposition of draconian restrictions on freedom of religion or belief, freedom of expression, and freedom of movement.

Significant human rights issues included: arbitrary or unlawful killings by the government; forced disappearances by the government; torture by the government; harsh and life-threatening prison and detention conditions; arbitrary detention by the government, including the mass detention of more than one million Uyghurs and other members of predominantly Muslim minority groups in extrajudicial internment camps and an additional two million subjected to daytime-only “re-education” training; political prisoners; politically motivated reprisal against individuals outside the country; the lack of an independent judiciary and Communist Party control over the judicial and legal system; arbitrary interference with privacy; pervasive and intrusive technical surveillance and monitoring; serious restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet, including physical attacks on and criminal prosecution of journalists, lawyers, writers, bloggers, dissidents, petitioners, and others as well as their family members, and censorship and site blocking; interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, including overly restrictive laws that apply to foreign and domestic nongovernmental organizations; severe restrictions and suppression of religious freedom; substantial restrictions on freedom of movement; refoulement of asylum seekers to North Korea, where they have a well-founded fear of persecution; the inability of citizens to choose their government; restrictions on political participation; serious acts of corruption; forced sterilization and coerced abortions; forced labor and trafficking in persons; severe restrictions on labor rights, including a ban on workers organizing or joining unions of their own choosing; and child labor.

The King of the North that is now comprised of China and Russia are positioning themselves. Why should it matter to a Christian on how man concludes its earthly race? Christians just need to know it will and be spiritually prepared for it.

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