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CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News

JW Insider

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Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs..or doormats….I dont join in a lot here because it gets a bit childish ….but do not be mistaken Dmitar….Jesus is the Chief Com

Right here:  I’m working up a post on this one. Not quite there yet, but an excerpt is:  It didn’t take long for word to spread about the new UN statue—doesn’t it looks a lot like one

Oh great! You’ve doxxed them. Now they’ll be deluged with scammers and telemarketers! Good work, Bowser.

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50 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Just this week another CCP employee was taken into custody for trading secrets - it does not matter if CCP are technologically ahead or not.... their vicious methods are as bad as CIA tactics and propaganda......

If I were you, I wouldn't just believe everything I read based on the headlines. There was a headline like this in the Washington Examiner earlier this year:


Chinese-born chemist convicted of stealing $120M in US trade secrets for CCP

If you just read the headline, you'd get the idea that a Chinese person was probably working in the US, as a kind of spy for the CCP, who stole and sold $120 million worth of trade secrets to the CCP. Right?

But when you read the actual story, you see that it was a US citizen, born in China, but who had worked in the US for 30 years, who thought that a Chinese company might buy trade secrets she obtained from Coca-Cola where she had worked as a chemist. The amount of money she thought she could get is not stated. For all we know she thought she could get $10,000. Or perhaps she wanted no money at all, but just wanted the Chinese company to know that Coca-Cola had been using a toxic BPA coating on the inside of its cans for years, and was now doing this research on BPA alternatives which were less health risky. The $120 million figure is the value that Coca-Cola said they spent on the research for alternative can-coating technologies.  Also note that the headline mentions the CCP, the communist party itself. It doesn't mention that she thought there were a couple of companies in China who might be interested, and that it was only the court that decided that this meant that her intent was to help China and therefore help the CCP. 

That said, I would say that the stealing of trade secrets happens a lot. It's just that it is not specifically a Chinese thing. As you probably know Astrazeneca's primary research is headquartered in China, and they worked on Covid virus technologies with Oxford and pushed to have this technology shared freely with the world. Bill Gates interfered and pushed for Astrazeneca NOT to give away the technology because it would have reduced the profits from other Pharma companies. It also turns out that those very few and rare blood-clotting issues that Pharma/Fauci took advantage of (to gain market share for Pfizer and Moderna) were actually nothing in comparison to the 40,000+ adverse effects (from a 3-month period) that mostly showed up within 24 hours of the Pfizer vaccine, as now shown in the first FOIA release of the Pfizer/FDA documents. There were dozens of questionable deaths that raised no flags to Pfizer, and were not made public, while the president of Pfizer had been claiming that there were 0 deaths.

I don't expect US companies and Chinese companies to be all that different with respect to stealing trade secrets. But there is a tendency when one speaks of the topic, to immediately think not only of China, but to blame it on the CCP. 

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Senate Passes $50 Billion Bill To Combat Chinese Influence By Developing Own Panda

WASHINGTON—Securing a rare bipartisan consensus as both parties acknowledged the growing influence of the nation’s biggest geopolitical rival, the U.S. Senate passed passed a bill Monday allocating $50 billion to compete directly with China by developing pandas on American soil. “If we continue to rely on China for these highly sought-after bears, we may one day wake up and discover we no longer have an adequate supply of giant pandas,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, explaining that if the United States failed to make a substantial investment in its panda infrastructure now, it might find itself forever at the mercy of a powerful Chinese monopoly. “But the days of depending on foreign pandas such as Tian Tian and Mei Xiang will soon be behind us. Over the next decade, our domestic panda program will produce bears that are larger, cuter, and can consume bamboo at twice the rate of their Chinese counterparts. Ask yourself, who should be deciding where these adorable animals are dispatched in nations across the globe? China or the United States? I think the answer is clear, and that’s what this bill represents.” Passage of the bill follows recent intelligence reports indicating China now has the ability, through its panda loan program, to shut down America’s entire network of zoos with a single command from Beijing.


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9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

How does your attitude comply with scripture? Are you implying a Christian should not be a slave to God? I obey my creator YHWH, who do you obey with being part of this world, when it shouldn't be invoked in a Christian life? Are you a Jehovah's Witness?

Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs..or doormats….I dont join in a lot here because it gets a bit childish ….but do not be mistaken Dmitar….Jesus is the Chief Commander of Jehovahs army…he trained and was with Joshua and Kaleb and their ilk to go in and slaughter men women and children and to do so without any compassion  or sorrow….and he had good reasons for that tough seemingly cruel action….why are YOU here…if you are not JW…do you want to find error with us…..don’t bother….we have a massive amount of errors that have proven to be cruel and ruthless at times……I am not like some here who won’t acknowledge them….but…we also have much love and empathy…and the ONLY people that put Jehovahs name back on high where it belongs…however you want to pronounce it….they/we are also the only people that organized a massive preaching work at much effort and cost to get Jehovahs plan known and the hope out to the nations…..all that even with those massive errors…and just for that one fact alone…he will reward any….ANY…who have tried to do that……….so what is it you want from here….why are you here?

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14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

If I were you, I wouldn't just believe everything I read based on the headlines

Advice taken - but I have to add.   I usually like to hear people talk about their own experiences - how they fled - how they escaped and why.  Such as Tibetan families, Uyger families who still have families back in China....and women who were picked up by the government - just before their babies were born - babies taken out, sterilized and the women thrown on the side of the road......far away from home.  This is the kind of EXPERIENCES  I have listened to.    I like personal stories.... so one can evaluate all the facts to see if the story is fake or not. 

 I do not trust any news.  I worked for newspapers and paid for advertisements on TV - I know where their finances come from. Much of the news received large sums from CHINESE cover organizations. At present more than 50 percent of finances for TV stations and other media is coming from pharmaceutical industrial complex as is the FDA and most of the Allopathic health industry.  Money talks.  Hospitals and the entire system have been compromised by money.

The smoking gun for me is the fact that the world-class virologists, excellent heart specialists and other experts,  who know what they are talking about, are being silenced.  One need not have a PHD to figure out that the world around us is a false world created for us by those in power.... and this includes China.  The West is imitating China - as I said on this platform before.

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On 12/20/2021 at 3:39 PM, Dmitar said:

How could this impasse be clarified?

I am happy that you are asking questions..... but you go out from the premise that the final war of Armageddon will be between Jews and gentiles. Read Revelation 19 and you will see it is a war between Jesus (righteous warfare as he rides a white horse) against all humans who do not accept his governance. There is only two sides: human rulership or Jehovah's  rulership and his moral principles.  These godly principles are the rules on which the new society will be based.

The theme of the bible is the choice which Adam made.  Human self-rulership and human choice of their own morals (good and bad) OR the good and bad prescribed by Jehovah and His kingdom which will restore the world to His original purpose.

Right throughout history there has been all kinds of human rulerships and philosophies which people made up. Jehovah gave a list of the empires that would rule over his covenanted people... one can follow them in Daniel. The seven heads were egypt, assyria, babylon, persia, greece, rome and anglo-american empire - which came out of the little horn which came out of Rome.

These governments come right down to our day.  The trick is to see where revelation takes over from Daniel.   It is quite clear with a little study. Daniel and Ezekiel gives events which will happen in our time as well.  Revelation talks of the beast with the 7 heads (political system) and the image of the beast - which is scarlet and full of blasphemous names.  The Image of the beast will turn against religion (the image in NOT the beast itself but gets life from the seventh head of the beast. )

Unfortunately, witness conflates all these - she is sloppy and not meticulous.  In my study of the other prophecies - they went into fulfillment EXACTLY and meticulously.... I give attention to every word!    

I do not pretend to know it all - but I have had a keen interest in these things for quite some time and I am not loved because of this!  However, I am not here to please people...... One must be prepared to be hated by those who have no fear of god but promote their own ideas!



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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

The trick is to see where revelation takes over from Daniel.

Right here: 


I’m working up a post on this one. Not quite there yet, but an excerpt is: 

It didn’t take long for word to spread about the new UN statue—doesn’t it looks a lot like one of those end-time Bible beasts? "Did they really think that they could put this up without anyone noticing?" said Michael  Snyder, who runs a religious blog.

The statue reminds me of Geoffrey Jackson’s words that, not only does Jehovah do something, but he does it in style. No, not that Jehovah gooses them to erect that statue, or any other. It is a gift from the Mexican government. But it’s like when people do something unknowingly that fits right in to the narrative, almost like one of those hooks in jaws scenarios.

I mean, come on! Here the JW organization has for 80 years identified the UN organization as the wild beast that “was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss,” the wild beast that is the image of the one that “was like a leopard, but its feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth [which] the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority,” the wild beast that draws its power from the seven world powers of Bible history it reflects, the wild beast that through it ALL the (ten) kings of the earth get a temporary crack at world rulership—who can forget that Daniel vision of the beast like a lion with wings of an eagle?—the JW organization puts such identification on the table, and then the UN itself erects a statue as though to say, “Yep—that’s us!” A guy can be forgiven the feeling that someone is manipulating the minions. 

Enter Scopes.com, the secular fact-checking site. Scopes.com, who wouldn’t know the significance of a scripture if they choked on one as a chicken bone. Scopes.com, who explains it all away by observing that, yes it is a composite beast, and yes, there are similar beasts in Daniel and Revelation, but this beast says it is good and the beasts of the Bible say they are bad—and besides, the Bible vision is a flying lion, whereas the UN displays a flying jaguar, and don’t those Bible people know the science of zoology? With this bit of secular theology, Snopes figures it has fact-checked the case closed.


Don’t get your wild beasts from Snopes, who wouldn’t know a wild beast from a gerbil. Get them from Jehovah’s Witnesses who would and who have written it up here.

What is Wild beast: https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/scarlet-beast-of-revelation-17/

It’s not enough that the UN erects that swords into plowshares statue from Isaiah and it’s but inspirational sloganeering for them without a prayer of it ever becoming reality and then Jehovah’s Witnesses come along and implement it without fuss? 

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Unfortunately, witness conflates all these - she is sloppy and not meticulous

I thinks she views the world as though one of those Marvell Avenger movies, with good superanointedheros battling evil superanointedheros for control of who gets to preach the good news to the minions of the earth.



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12 hours ago, Thinking said:

Are you one?….being a witness of the Almighty does not make us push overs

Does, answering a question with a question a gimmick Jehovah Witnesses often use, instead of answering a simple question. I find it hard to encourage someone to be a Jehovah's Witness with such an attitude as a student of the bible. Does everyone here need to be a Jehovah's Witness or Ex-Witness in order to be here in this forum. I get rude criticism from both the hard left and right. 

Have you asked the same question of Space Merchant?

What is the purpose then to hold an open forum, if only you people can comment? Does this mean, I will need to be rude and obnoxious as most are here, in order to be accepted into this fold?

I asked a question on why @JW Insider was so concerned about China he was willing to defend a corrupt regime. I didn't engage in his personal politics of China as @Arauna is doing. There is no need for me to do that. 

If I wanted to engage in politics, I would offer the US finding of Human Organ trafficking by China that many institutions are aware of with the Chinese prison population. Well documented evidence of Chinese Hospitals preforming transplants on the same day an execution was preformed. These are human atrocities that happen by corrupt regimes. Even though China signed the Organ Harvesting act of 1984, it has not complied. Jehovah will erase all those regimes that have nothing to do with Christ Kingdom. 

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10 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Does, answering a question with a question a gimmick Jehovah Witnesses often use, instead of answering a simple question. 

It’s a game older than Batman:

“On top of Gotham, way way up there on that crazy high tower, Batman confronts his nemesis. “Now I’m going to kill you!” he snarls. “You’re going to kill me? You made me!” the Joker screams. But Batman is not to be outdone. That young punk who became the Joker murdered his parents long ago—gunned them down in cold blood before the impressionable lad’s eyes, plunging him forevermore into a twisted life of crusading revenge. “I made you? You made me!” he growls. Jack Nicholson does an aside: “I say he made me. He says I made him. How childish!” he mimics, before taking a punch that flattens his face.”

From ‘TrueTom vs the Apostates’—now in print and cleaned up to remedy format issues.


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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It’s a game older than Batman:

Does this mean, Jehovah Witnesses use cartoon characters to follow God and Christ? Why not use Jesus as an example? I would think that would be more appropriate than some man-made and part of this world character. However, thank you for your response. 

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