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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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If “appointed by holy spirit“ is supposed to be some sort of “foolproof” process, how could Paul have said (Acts 20:30) to first-century elders, “from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twis

Some jw's need to heed this advice when it comes to the catholic church. Scars are the battle wounds that prove we are still alive.

That being said, I can’t believe all the deceit and duplicity that goes on here. Aliases, counter-aliases—it’s enough to make a nice guy like me swear like a trooper. Which, of course, I would never d

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Reminds me of the chronic whiners.

Keep trying xero. You might even be funny one day.  But oh dear, what it takes to hide you conscience xero. 

But of course Jesus Christ examines hearts. So it's between Him and you. 

And wow now you've got a second in command :) well done tom. 


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On 11/19/2021 at 3:11 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Great. Just great. Think how THAT will look on his FB page, Brother Sensitive.

My initial response is to begrudge any video inserted in a comment. It’s generational, ‘talkin bout my generation,’ and doesn’t apply to younger people, who are used to them.

I ask, How much time is demanded? 2 minutes? or 2 hours? I have to click to find out. At least when JWI lays 30 pages on you, there they are. You can see at a glance that they are thirty pages.

Assuming I get past this, then I must hunt up a set of headphones unless alone, for fear others in the house may not want to hear the unknown stuff, as I myself am not sure I want to hear it.

Anyhow—at last I watched this video from College Humor, which I like a lot. But it is not really PSomH. The ding dong in the video has had nothing happen to her but identifies with calamity nonetheless. PSomH has had plenty of CSA calamity (before he became a JW, and assuming he is Butler, as many have said). Xero might not know this, as Butler revealed this long ago. Some experiences are so horrific that they warp your judgment forever more.

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On the other hand I read in Scott Adams' book "Loser Think" that thinking you can read the minds of people is loser think. I try not to do that. I don't hate people I don't know and hate never met. Nor do I (beyond the bloodless agape) "love" people I've never met. I feel good about the brotherhood and I've had this confirmed where ever I've traveled. I don't know the governing body personally, as individuals, but I have respect for them, but at the same time, I recognize they are ordinary humans being used in extraordinary ways, but I don't look at them as being in control because I don't believe they are. If some imagine that, it's their problem, not mine, but I also don't know if any do imagine that. The bible tells me to stare intently at the chief agent and perfecter of my faith, which is Jesus and this is what I try to do. Those who look away at people or the people Jehovah uses whether these be sacred or secular authorities, the scriptures still make clear what our individual responsibilities are and we act wisely when we focus on these things under our control rather than on the past, or what we imagine the past to be, or the future which is also not ours to foretell or control. All we have is now and whether we choose to believe and obey Jehovah when he tells us "This is my Son, listen to him." or not. I think we might all feel a bit more peace if we did these this.

But...we're all going to miss the mark, including me and that's to be expected too. Just keep getting up and trying again.

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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

My initial response is to begrudge any video inserted in a comment. It’s generational, ‘talkin bout my generation,’ and doesn’t apply to younger people, who are used to them.

I ask, How much time is demanded? 2 minutes? or 2 hours? I have to click to find out. At least when JWI lays 30 pages on you, there they are. You can see at a glance that they are thirty pages.

I agree with you on this. If videos are aimed at me then the commenter has wasted their time as I don't watch the videos.

If a person cannot be bothered to put their thoughts into their own words then why should I bother to take note of a video.

8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

PSomH has had plenty of CSA calamity (before he became a JW, and assuming he is Butler, as many have said). Xero might not know this, as Butler revealed this long ago. Some experiences are so horrific that they warp your judgment forever more.

 CSA = yes... Butler = yes.    warp your judgement = possibly but not mine :) 

Empathy, concern, love, worry, for others, yes. But to me that is the Christian way. 

Expectations of something better from an Organisation that says it is the only true way of serving God. 

8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There are no bad things happening anywhere.

Just watching MSN news online is depressingly upsetting. So many countries, so many promlems, so much suffering and death. Yes it proves that we need God / Christ to interviene soon. 

8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Drudge Report

American ? I'll have to look into this one. It means nothing to an Englishman. 

7 hours ago, xero said:

I don't know the governing body personally, as individuals, but I have respect for them, but at the same time, I recognize they are ordinary humans being used in extraordinary ways, but I don't look at them as being in control because I don't believe they are.

You are entitled to your opinion that the GB are 'being used in extraodinary ways'. But the question is then, who is the GB being used by ? :) 

Quote "but I don't look at them as being in control because I don't believe they are."... So who authorises the 'Shepherding the Flock' book then ?  That is the rule book from the GB. Who writes the rules for baptism, the many many questions ?  Who decides what is a disfellowshipping offence and what is just a reproval ?  Who gives appoval for  the ministry slips / reports ?  Who decided that the Kingdom Halls no longer belong to the congregations ? Who decided that all money be certralised and that Kingdom Hall Congregations would not keep their own money ?  

And who is deciding not to release the full database of CSA accusations to the ' Superior Authorites ? 

The GB has total control. That is why they are called the Governing Body, because they govern / rule over the whole congregation earthwide. 



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