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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The first record of organized taxation comes from Egypt around 3000 B.C., and is mentioned in numerous historical sources including the Bible. ...(internet source).

Yet you mentioned Capitalism when Communism is more attuned with Marxism, something of which is an opposition to Capitalism. There is a reason why Taxation was brought up, and the fact you mention this now spins a contradiction on your original response - so were you just talking out of ignorance or lying at this point?

Also a source from a quick first item search on Google, doesn't really help, granted what else is contained in the article in question which does not help your case.

This is where you got your info by the way - https://onlinebusiness.northeastern.edu/blog/a-brief-history-of-taxation/

That said, if you speak of Taxation now, does that make your original response false?

12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Christian ideology/doctrine supports the tax system of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus and the apostles, as can be seen from biblical quotations.

Which still does not help your case with your original response.

12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But, what this have with @ By Isabella's  topic? 

The focus was on Communism from the start, in which Marxism is connected to it to some degree, hence why I mentioned CCP, for a reason, for Communism  is the same all around in regards to governments. You were even told this when you tried to equate the latter with Capitalism

On 11/12/2021 at 10:42 AM, Space Merchant said:

That has nothing to do with Capitalisms, this is in regards to Marxism. Marxism is the direct opposite of Capitalism, and it is aligned with Communism.

Perhaps next time do not confuse these things that put you in this position to begin with.

That being said, I suggest you learn what Capitalism is, and the very reason as to why taxation was brought up. On the other side of the spectrum, because of Capitalism, a danger chain of events that has taken place that can effect the common man, with an event in China, making it even worse. Moreover, intergraded Social Justice narratives that are problematic.

Don't be a Neeko or Hasan Piker, in this regard because what you are stating from before mirrors like that of their followers who I corrected.

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11 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I lean towards Blaze network and The Daily Wire. I also often take a peek at politifact. I used to be a Fox News fan until I heard this...

Those are more Conservative leaning, mainly due to people such as Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and Tomi Lauren, who is practically a time bomb of which emerged early on in Trump's presidency, perhaps even before that during the election race. Of these types I know because of BAMN (An absurd Left Wing group; the big sister of modern day ANTIFA). As for Fox, they have Tucker Carlson, although some of the things he says is correct in regards to specifics, however one needs to be very skeptical about the majority of what is said. Carlson and Lauren are primary targets of Left Wing groups and their Media, namely CNN, in addition to that, Ben Shapiro also, however, for some reason, for a time he was an issue to Pro Black groups associated with BLM (another crazed Left Wing group). To us Truthers, we don't really align with any paradigm, and to Independent Journalists, they do not always speak much of these people because Media as a whole is a direct opposite of Independent Journalism.

Essentially, post Bloodsport Era, the tension only went up dramatically.

That being said, the Media spun things around for various things, from court trials to the recent Moment Darrell Brooks situation, and also, COVID-19.

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So it seems that SM is against even watching world events on MSM. He is against being able to quickly see countries that have floods, volcanos, eathquakes, wars, et al. 

Perhaps SM wants to control people's minds. Perhaps he think he is the only one that has true information. 

For everyone that mentions any world news, it seesm SM know more or better. SM is a Truther. Is it only them that know truth ?  I don't think so SM. 

I'm not interested in 'left' or 'right' wing. I'm not interested in what people want to call other people or compare other people to. It just seems so childish that you have to A, group people together, B, compare people to villians. 

Can you not just see each person as an individual ?  Each of us here. Do you need to compare us to others ? 

I am an individual. I have no interest in politics. I am not right or left wing. I do not support any type of wordly government.

But i know you will continue to compare me to others, because it seems that is all you can do. 


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49 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So it seems that SM is against even watching world events on MSM.

I am against conspiracy, misinformation and falsehood, I say this all the time - literally. Even in debates, gospel preaching, etc, even to the youth that look up to me, always say this. This past 2 weeks, the MSM was lying.

50 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

He is against being able to quickly see countries that have floods, volcanos, eathquakes, wars, et al. 

In some cases they do lie in regards to specific events (i.e. German Journalist). I can give you several examples, if need be.

They profit off of crisis and people's suffering from said disasters also uses the same to influence. They also pain their side as saints in order to fulfill that agenda.

Also who said I am against the truth about natural disasters? I was quite vocal about several events in the past, so why spin that into a lie?

53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Perhaps SM wants to control people's minds.

That is quite the claim. Also, I think Facebook has already done the job for you.

53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Perhaps he think he is the only one that has true information. 

Truth is the real information, even in a grounded setting.

54 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

For everyone that mentions any world news, it seesm SM know more or better.

I am not the only one seeks truth in a sea laced narrative of lies that the MSM spouts on the daily. An example, JWI Insider, Arauna, Thinking, TrueTomHarley, NoiseySrecko, Anna, etc. know. Kosonen, him being a former JW, is on an equal footing to a degree when it comes to information, yet the latter always tries to get him to believe a conspiracy, even shot down, hence your tenure as JB and JB2. More so, both of us knew what was to come in 2021, and some of the things we said was a foreshadowing because the things the MSM do not tell you, some people will speak in regards to what is true.

It is not being about knowing everything, it is about knowing the Truth, and nothing but that concerning everything. An example of this is with recent events with Rittenhouse.

57 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

SM is a Truther.

Which isn't unknown to everyone, and I live by that in regards to the community itself.

57 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Is it only them that know truth ?

I mentioned Independent Journalists also and those who know of what they are conveying, JWI being an example.

58 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I don't think so SM.

That is quite a sheeple remark.

58 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'm not interested in 'left' or 'right' wing.

You say this but in the past you got tricked with Newscorp, The New York Times and various articles from the BBC. I mean, you got fooled by the NYTs when it comes to homosexuality because it mentions Jehovah's Witnesses, in that same article, it gave a list of Pro-Gay narratives to fit the agenda.

As pointed out before, you can easily be influenced by those with an agenda and express that influence without being affiliated. This is why the paradigm is dangerous for unware people such as yourself.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I'm not interested in what people want to call other people or compare other people to.

But you still get influenced by them, we have examples on this forum alone, by your hand and your other accounts. Not too long ago you didn't realize what seems to be a good thing can create indirect effects, even towards Christians.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It just seems so childish that you have to A, group people together, B, compare people to villians. 

That is the paradigm. They are both misguided, and some on the extreme have a level of badness as is ignorance to them.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Can you not just see each person as an individual ? 

I do. But you do not in some cases.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Each of us here.

If that was the case, then we would have grounded discussions from the get go. But even when this was coined, this never happened, even when stressed.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Do you need to compare us to others ? 

But it does not stop from you doing the same, @xero is an example.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I am an individual. I have no interest in politics.

But you succumb to their influence. Again, we have examples.

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I am not right or left wing. I do not support any type of wordly government.

Yet anything leaning left or right can still influence people with that mindset. Mainly if someone is unaware. 

1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

But i know you will continue to compare me to others, because it seems that is all you can do. 

Maybe if you actually looked for Truth, you would not be in this position.

That being said, the past 2 weeks when I was out, I was dealing with Leftists. Some of their influence enabled mob mentality in the wishing of a teenager to be imprisoned and or killed, raped even while at the same time defended a violent person and a child abuser. This caused several debates on why not only Leftists are wrong, but those who are not Leftist who adopted the influence, are wrong as well.

Tread carefully if you choose to. The MSM is not your friend.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

and the fact you mention this now spins a contradiction on your original response - so were you just talking out of ignorance or lying at this point?

I am not sure what you spins now? 

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The focus was on Communism from the start,

I have another perception and understanding about this topic...from the start. Focus is on HS and his/her/it role in WTJWorg and elections and appointments of JW elders.

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14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I am not sure what you spins now? 

Take a look at your original response vs the later one.

14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I have another perception and understanding about this topic...from the start.

Then why introduce Capitalism in regards to Marxism/Communism when that is on a different realm of it's own?

14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Focus is on HS and his/her/it role in WTJWorg and elections and appointments of JW elders.

What does Capitalism have to do the topic which is focused on JWs and Communism? You were already told how that is vastly different, outside of the mention of taxation.

That being said, such things can't be confused for one another, this is the biggest issue with the paradigm regardless if it focuses on an institution or not.

You may want to take another look at the link Isabella brought up. Also if we are going about a modern era, perhaps you may have a case.

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1 minute ago, Space Merchant said:

What does Capitalism have to do the topic which is focused on JWs and Communism?

Perhaps HS working better in Capitalist environment, and maybe because of that fact there is not spy elders in JW congregations. :)))

But HS obviously have big problem in Communistic territory because Party have more interest how to assimilate or put under control JW members. :)))

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1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Perhaps HS working better in Capitalist environment, and maybe because of that fact there is not spy elders in JW congregations. :)))

I'll ask you again - What does this have to do with Communism? You are not making sense, Srecko.

1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But HS obviously have big problem in Communistic territory because Party have more interest how to assimilate or put under control JW members. :)))

The articles spells a different story, i.e. the attempt of defamation, the mention of propaganda for a governmental gain over an adversary.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

An example, JWI Insider, Arauna, Thinking, TrueTomHarley, NoiseySrecko, Anna,

I had a very brief and blunted “sharp outburst of anger” with someone over Rittenhouse. In the process of restoring peace, I observed they shouldn’t put trials on the media anyway. To get the populace all worked up when they can’t know more than 1% of the facts? It’s just done for ratings. 

The only people who (hopefully) know it all will the the 12 of the jury. Let them decide it. Or, if you are not going to let them decide it, send them home. Nobody wants to serve jury duty anyway. Broadcast the entire trial on social media and decide the outcome by ‘likes’

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12 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I had a very brief and blunted “sharp outburst of anger” with someone over Rittenhouse. In the process of restoring peace, I observed they shouldn’t put trials on the media anyway. To get the populace all worked up when they can’t know more than 1% of the facts? It’s just done for ratings. 

The good thing is, if it was not public, the Prosecution would have gotten away with the misinformation they presented, especially in regards to the issue with the video footage's quality (original vs compressed). As for the media, mainly Left leaning, they tried to smear Kyle as if he was a White Supremacist, and lied about various other things regarding him. The Trial being public also allowed people to see other things, like what MSNBC tried to do, as is what took place outside of the courthouse, but like I said, the Left are crazy, so much so they got Facebook and Go Fund Me to strangle the funds for Rittenhouse.

The VIP of ignorance in the past 2 weeks was Joy Reid of MSNBC, who was among several people who wanted to stir up a race war by professing earlier on that Kyle shot and killed 3 black people, which caused pro black groups like BLM to be triggered. Among all groups in Kenosha,  Revolutionist were present, and among the people whom Kyle shot at, the 3rd, Gaige Grosskreutz, was one himself; not to mention him being foolish when giving testimony.

That being said, it is odd how BLM is involved even when given the facts, but they are attempting to use this opportunity because of the Blake shooting. And now the recent event at a Christmas Parade, they are trying to pin this on Kyle.

But as pointed out before, these events are merely leaks in a powder keg, this event with Rittenhouse, as is the events unfolding with the death of Ahmaud Arbery and how that case is doing. The MSM's agenda is to have a crisis, and to them, a race war may be something they want, not realizing we will end up with a situation similar to what transpired in 2017 whereas a rare moment the United Nations attempted to step in.

23 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The only people who (hopefully) know it all will the the 12 of the jury. Let them decide it. Or, if you are not going to let them decide it, send them home. Nobody wants to serve jury duty anyway. Broadcast the entire trial on social media and decide the outcome by ‘likes’

Yep, and they had a lot of pressure on them to, so much so, it was said by some during the 2 weeks that there will be people seeking to intimidate the jury, even the media.

As for the justice system, I always said it is a double edge sword in regards to all things, the good thing is the judge in question was not the one the prosecution, and the MSM expected.

That being said, this case as with Arbery, were among many rare moments where Truthers, Independent Journalists, Creators, Preppers even, and some Lawyers got together, but we are not out of the woods yet. As of right now, the case regarding the late Arbery is still ongoing, and the MSM is playing tricks still, only for people to expose them.


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19 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I had a very brief and blunted “sharp outburst of anger” with someone over Rittenhouse. In the process of restoring peace, I observed they shouldn’t put trials on the media anyway. To get the populace all worked up when they can’t know more than 1% of the facts? It’s just done for ratings.

I caught a glimpse of Judge Schroeder saying that he'll think twice about ever letting the media in his courtroom again.

If someone had only followed the terribly biased reporting of MSNBC, CNN, and the usual NBC,ABC,CBS TV news and their late-night comedy shows (Colbert, Kimmel, etc.), they would have come away with the idea that Rittenhouse was the white supremacist Trump supporter who crossed state lines with an assault rifle to kill BLM protesters and then turned himself in to the police who let him go.

18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The VIP of ignorance in the past 2 weeks was Joy Reid of MSNBC, who was among several people who wanted to stir up a race war by professing earlier on that Kyle shot and killed 3 black people, which caused pro black groups like BLM to be triggered.

Even NPR, up until the day of the verdict, kept using the expression "the man who shot and killed Black Lives Matter protesters." They later corrected this to "the man who shot and killed protesters at a Black Lives Matter demonstration" to be slightly more correct, but still avoid the outright admission that all his 'victims' were white.

The trial gave them even more optics for the narrative since Rittenhouse and Judge Schroeder both have Germanic names. I even saw people spelling the name as Rittenhaus.

A very interesting experiment for casual news consumers to do now is to watch a 10-minute video by Matt Orfalea which provides a very clear review of the case, making use of all the evidence in favor of a not guilty verdict. It's here, but might be hard to play because of YouTube's warnings about controversy and community standards. Be warned; it does contain the sometimes grainy video of the shootings.



When I was looking for this video, I didn't remember how to spell Matt Orfalea's last name, so that I also found a Matt Taibbi report --political reporter for "Rolling Stone" who is often wrong-- which covered this case correctly. It's here: https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-rittenhouse-verdict-is-only-shocking

I didn't watch the accompanying video, which appears to be related to the one above (per the byline). But the article mentions the MSNBC employee who was stopped for speeding through red lights while chasing the dismissed jury's bus from the courthouse, and who claimed in defense that MSNBC had ordered him to get pictures of the jury. This could have been jury tampering, but I suspect they only wanted to be able to say, in case of acquittal, that it was an all-white jury. Instead, they reported that it was a "mostly white jury as far as they could tell."

There is a racial element to the story, in my opinion. Video shows lots of guns among the white protesters. And it also shows many white protesters instigating the burning and destruction of property. Even the initial confrontation was due to Rosenbaum (first victim) literally pushing a dumpster fire towards a gas station. Pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire was probably a good analogy to what MSNBC and other MSM were doing.

I have a feeling that Rittenhouse might have been far too anxious to give the impression that he was an important, heroic good-guy protecting a "white town" from BLM overreach. The gun was carried for protection, yes, but it was overkill, even if it was the only gun he had access to (from his local friend's father-in-law). I believe his involvement in the confrontation with a crazy white supremacist-look-alike backfired. By "crazy," I mean in the medical sense of the word, because this man (the one chasing Rittenhouse) had just been released from a hospital after bloodying his girlfriend and trying to commit suicide.. But this victim truly looked and acted the part of a crazed white supremacist, and by shooting him, even in self defense, it triggered a few whites in the racially charged crowd to turn against Rittenhouse, as if Rittenhouse were a BLM sympathizer. This seems likely, even though unintended, from the Matt Orfalea video. But it would turn the whole narrative on its head from the perspective of the MSM spin.

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