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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

who wanted to stir up a race war

When a reporter asked Trump (this was some time ago) about the spate of black persons shot and killed by police, he responded that police kill a lot of persons, including white persons. If fact, they kill more white persons than blacks. Incredibly, the reporter did not seem to know this. The statement had to be “fact checked.” The next day came the admission that—yes, what Trump said is technically true, but that’s only becasue there are more white people than black people.

If you follow the news of police shooting as reported by media, you might think that the very purpose of police was to kill black people. I wrote my proposed solution in ‘No Fake News but Plenty of Hogwash’ (since withdrawn for rework):

In the course of their job, police shoot hundreds of people per year. How should one report this? Put all shootings on TV. All of them. Run them 24/7 in the order in which they occur. Create a dedicated channel: The Shooting Channel. Make it freely available. Give every network a cut so no one will complain about ratings. Promote “The Shooting Channel” heavily. Ban shootings on any other channel.

Put white-on-black shootings on. Put black-on-white shootings on. Put black-on-black shootings on. Put white-on-white shootings on. Put Hispanic-on-Methodist shootings on. Put Buddhist-on-nudist shootings on. Put redneck Alabama white-on transgendered Vietnamese shootings on. Put them all on. Let viewers decide for themselves which shootings are significant and which are yawners. Otherwise, the newspeople will cherry-pick their favorites and start a race war. 

2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I have a feeling that Rittenhouse might have been far too anxious to give the impression that he was an important, heroic good-guy protecting a "white town" from BLM overreach.

I did learn from my experience that much is generational. Those of my generation are not the slightest bit shocked that during a time of unrest, ordinary people should assemble so as to protect livelihoods at risk. But there is a younger generation that thinks first of how when someone shouts “Fight!” people who just love to fight on any pretext will come running to extract their pound of flesh, and bring their guns with them. I have to admit, if you viewed in that way (which I don’t in this instance) it does change your view of the outcome.

I even triggered the remark that I am out of touch with the thinking of the current generation. Tell me something I didn’t know.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I caught a glimpse of Judge Schroeder saying that he'll think twice about ever letting the media in his courtroom again.

Same, I caught that one too. But the only good pros to that is that anyone paying attention to that Trial can see what the Prosecution tried to do. The people who attack the judge are more inline with anything pertaining to Marxism and Socialisms, namely, BLM and anyone assisting them such as the Revolutionist, who are of the Left. The man shot by Kyle, Gaige Grosskreutz, is a Revolutionist himself, for he is part of the People’s Revolution Movement, a social justice (SJW) group that originated in Milwaukee.

Plus in various discussions, you can see the difference between someone who watched the Trial vs those who didn't and focus on the MSM only.

4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I didn't watch the accompanying video, which appears to be related to the one above (per the byline). But the article mentions the MSNBC employee who was stopped for speeding through red lights while chasing the dismissed jury's bus from the courthouse, and who claimed in defense that MSNBC had ordered him to get pictures of the jury. This could have been jury tampering, but I suspect they only wanted to be able to say, in case of acquittal, that it was an all-white jury. Instead, they reported that it was a "mostly white jury as far as they could tell."

Yep, that last 2 days of the Verdict was chaotic, and it also exposes MSNBC for what they are, and now people question past articles and stories they profess; ironically afterwards, they still continue to spread misinformation, even now with recent events in Wisconsin. From what I heard prior to the verdict, among the Jury, it was 7 women, and 5 men, one of the men was African American.

4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

There is a racial element to the story, in my opinion. Video shows lots of guns among the white protesters. And it also shows many white protesters instigating the burning and destruction of property. Even the initial confrontation was due to Rosenbaum (first victim) literally pushing a dumpster fire towards a gas station. Pouring gasoline on a dumpster fire was probably a good analogy to what MSNBC and other MSM were doing.

I have a feeling that Rittenhouse might have been far too anxious to give the impression that he was an important, heroic good-guy protecting a "white town" from BLM overreach. The gun was carried for protection, yes, but it was overkill, even if it was the only gun he had access to (from his local friend's father-in-law). I believe his involvement in the confrontation with a crazy white supremacist-look-alike backfired. By "crazy," I mean in the medical sense of the word, because this man (the one chasing Rittenhouse) had just been released from a hospital after bloodying his girlfriend and trying to commit suicide.. But this victim truly looked and acted the part of a crazed white supremacist, and by shooting him, even in self defense, it triggered a few whites in the racially charged crowd to turn against Rittenhouse, as if Rittenhouse were a BLM sympathizer. This seems likely, even though unintended, from the Matt Orfalea video. But it would turn the whole narrative on its head from the perspective of the MSM spin.

Yes, Conservatives proclaim him as a Hero, but in reality, although he could lawfully defend himself, it appears to have panic, then you Jump Kick Man, who some say may have embolden Huber to attack Kyle. BLM is a problematic group, and I myself often get into heated discussions with pro-black followers because of them and their Leftist allies, even recently because of the Rittenhouse Trial. On the other side of the spectrum in regards to all this, someone like Rosenbaum should not have been out in the first place, likewise with his friend, Kaminski, who fired shots prior to Rosenbaum chasing Kyle.

That being said, the way the MSM is reacting, as is anyone like a Hasan Piker or a Seder is reacting, it shows that eventually these people want a system in place, a Socialist one, and eventually a Marxist one, granted most Leftist groups adhere to Marxism, namely BLM. We will see what will take place after the reset.

Other than the Arbury Case, I am looking forward to the Giselle Maxwell one, but I doubt this will be public, so this one would be difficult for some of us to get information on.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

When a reporter asked Trump (this was some time ago) about the spate of black persons shot and killed by police, he responded that police kill a lot of persons, including white persons. If fact, they kill more white persons than blacks. Incredibly, the reporter did not seem to know this. The statement had to be “fact checked.” The next day came the admission that—yes, what Trump said is technically true, but that’s only becasue there are more white people than black people.

A lot of people even reporters ignore facts and statistics, even when it comes to police shootings. But sadly, they already put in the influence and it has some people thinking with the wrong info, namely some people who follow specific pro-black media who spins a lot of information to make anyone who isn't black somehow an enemy. Some African Diaspora media is quite dangerous and misleading, mainly on the issue of CRT; hence why Higher Education can be an issue with some form of indoctrination being taught to the kids. The MSM also supports CRT, and deem anyone against it an adversary, which is insane.

That being said, they do not want to admit Trump, although he is problematic himself, to be right, hence the NPC narrative of the MSM - Orange Man Bad. Now look what that got them? In addition to that, Trump was their biggest source of revenue and views.


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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

A lot of people even reporters ignore facts and statistics, even when it comes to police shootings. But sadly, they already put in the influence and it has some people thinking with the wrong info, namely some people who follow specific pro-black media who spins a lot of information to make anyone who isn't black somehow an enemy.

It would seem, it also happens here with statistics. The way a question is framed, and answer might not give it justice. The perception of some reporters can differ with an indirect inference. The cops in an upper class neighborhood might spend time defusing a white counterpart to give up and not resist. The same scenario with a black person might not get the same consideration and that cop will be more motivated to shot first and ask questions later, than with a white person.

Case in point. A black man wielding a knife is more likely to get shot than a white person wielding a knife. This scenario happened recently in two cases. The black person was killed, and the white person, even though he stabbed the cop in the neck, didn’t get fired upon. Then it becomes optics rather than facts or statistics.

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41 minutes ago, NoisySrecko said:

The cops in an upper class neighborhood might spend time defusing a white counterpart to give up and not resist. The same scenario with a black person might not get the same consideration and that cop will be more motivated to shot first and ask questions later, than with a white person.

This is a reasonable point to speculate, however it not only depends upon the specific villain, but also the specific cop. A study of the Philadelphia Police Dept conducted during the Obama years found that black cops were slightly more likely to kill black suspects than were white cops, attributing it to increased “threat misperception.”

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Just now, NoisySrecko said:

It would seem, it also happens here with statistics. The way a question is framed, and answer might not give it justice. The perception of some reporters can differ with an indirect inference. The cops in an upper class neighborhood might spend time defusing a white counterpart to give up and not resist. The same scenario with a black person might not get the same consideration and that cop will be more motivated to shot first and ask questions later, than with a white person.

Case in point. A black man wielding a knife is more likely to get shot than a white person wielding a knife. This scenario happened recently in two cases. The black person was killed, and the white person, even though he stabbed the cop in the neck, didn’t get fired upon. Then it becomes optics rather than facts or statistics.

False. The crime stats are such that white people are more likely to get shot under the same circumstances and this due to the ferguson effect. 

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Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'. It's probably because you are mostly Amarican though :) 

Seriously. Tom said he was 'arguing' with some one over that court case ??? Did i quote you right tom ? were you really arguing about a worldly court case ? 

There must have been similar things happening when Jesus was on Earth, but i don't think He would get involved. 

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5 hours ago, xero said:

False. The crime stats are such that white people are more likely to get shot under the same circumstances and this due to the ferguson effect. 

I think the above statement is blatantly false, because in the USA, white people comprise 87% of the population, and black, brown and people of color compose 13% of the population.

The reason black, brown, and people of color get shot, arrested, and imprisoned more often is because THEY COMMIT 60% OF ALL VIOLENT FELONY CRIME.

If you remember how to setup a simple proportional algebraic equation you can calculate the actual violent felony crime rate committed by blacks, browns, and “coloreds”, in comparison to the violent felony crime rate of white people.

During WWII, there were many, many millions of good and wholesome Germans, but those on the battlefield, wearing Nazi uniforms, were many, many, MANY times more likely to get shot.

Like the standup comedian Ron White often said on stage, pausing for effect, sipping from a glass of whisky: “In Texas … if you kill somebody…..(pause)…… we’ll kill you Back!”.


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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

I think the above statement is blatantly false, because in the USA, white people comprise 87% of the population, and black, brown and people of color compose 13% of the population.

The reason black, brown, and people of color get shot, arrested, and imprisoned more often is because THEY COMMIT 60% OF ALL VIOLENT FELONY CRIME.

If you remember how to setup a simple proportional algebraic equation you can calculate the actual violent felony crime rate committed by blacks, browns, and “coloreds”, in comparison to the violent felony crime rate of white people.

During WWII, there were many, many millions of good and wholesome Germans, but those on the battlefield, wearing Nazi uniforms, were many, many, MANY times more likely to get shot.

Like the standup comedian Ron White often said on stage, pausing for effect, sipping from a glass of whisky: “In Texas … if you kill somebody…..(pause)…… we’ll kill you Back!”.


I'm talking about the police response. I'm not talking about the rate of offending which is highest in the black population, likely due to the ruination of the family at the hands of leftist policies going back to the Johnson administration which incentivized single parent families.

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I also am talking about police response ....

"Rev" Jesse Jackson is a Black political activist, at one time the most influential in America ... and suspected clergyman, and certified con-man once ran for President of the United States.

During the 2008 Presidential election about Obama he stated he would "Like to cut his nuts out".

He grew up in Greenville South Carolina, admitting that when he was a young man working in a hotel restaurant, he used to spit in white peoples' food, and once stated (a matter of record that can be looked up) something to the effect that

" .... if I am walking down the street at night, and I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around and see that it is a white man .... I breathe a sigh of relief ...".

I still don't understand why humans do not drink out of a bowl.

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16 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'

It’s okay to know things. It doesn’t in itself make you ‘part of this world.’

Some firebrand bro on Twitter tweeted how JWs are NOT interested in politics. Sometimes they are, I said. What they are not is partisan, or non-neutral, but as a field of activity, sometimes they keep abreast of it. He replied once more that JWs are NOT interested in politics. When I answered again, I was blocked.

Granted, one foolproof way to stay neutral with regard to politics is to know nothing about it. I do not criticize anyone taking that route. It’s a practical strategy.

Some people are greatly interested in sports. Some people care not a whit. Some people are greatly interested in cars. Others wouldn’t know a Astin Martin from a Yugo. Some are interested in the human interaction that is politics. Some are not. Not a problem, any of it. It’s all personal choice. The thing that nettles is when people misrepresent their non-interest as piety.


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