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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Perhaps we should ask @Srecko Sostar. Does he consider NoisySrecko a jibe? Or is he flattered?

At first I felt weird that someone called Srećko a noisy person. But he calls himself to be noisy, not me. Because he could use the name Noisy Tom, for example. That wouldn’t bother me, hahaha.
So let him call himself whatever he wants. There is no insult to anyone.

17 hours ago, NoisySrecko said:

Definition I use:

Of a person or group of people), stridently seeking to attract attention to their views. 

This explains what he mean about self and his position, role at this forum club.

Some in America would say, the show must go on.

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On 11/24/2021 at 3:29 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'. It's probably because you are mostly Amarican though :)

Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world.

For if a man knows there is a Tiger in his village, he prepares himself, but a man who is unaware of the Tiger will most likely be mauled to death because he didn't have the knowledge of a potential danger. Something of this regard can be liken to Proverbs 22:3 and all references to it.

The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Moreover, these events ties in to things globally, not just America, an example would be these court cases, which now concluded, which got people around the globe speaking, hence the world is watching. Hence, the week I was out, I was in debates, majority of them being with Leftists who do not know the justice system.

That being said, it should be known to you even Christians of old, as is followers of the True God were knowledgeable and aware of things happening around them although they are no part of the world, an example would be the decree that took place in Joseph and Mary's time concerning the month of Ethanim. For if followers of God and his Christ know what is going on around them, granted we have several examples, what is stopping you, as a Christian, or anyone else to do the same?

Like I said, there are people who are aware of things, and there are those who are unaware, which often times, succumb to Bystander Syndrome. Symbolically, there is a Tiger, in your neck of the woods, which was professed to you weeks ago, perhaps, maybe, you know.

On 11/24/2021 at 2:31 PM, xero said:

False. The crime stats are such that white people are more likely to get shot under the same circumstances and this due to the ferguson effect. 

This is true, however, usually what is professed, even when it comes to pushing the narrative, the media often uses any situation where it is a black person (ironically never someone of authority, i.e. David Dorn). Also there are statistics, which is public; for black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, about 33% of that 13% is related to crime, some of which there is police involvement, which does not involve any of such persons being shot and or killed in the process (some instances, but not insanely high) because of the low percentage, however, this does not stop various pro-black groups, and Leftist, who do not know this information will proclaim their own information. So if we are to take 2 situations, a white man being shot vs a black man, the agenda wants to push a racial narrative, so the black person being shot will be the choice of media content for them. We can even see this in regards to both Wisconsin incidents - Kyle Rittenhouse vs. Darrell Brooks Jr., and in regards to Darrell Brooks Jr., this guys history, alone with how they let him out, is quite surprising to me.

On 11/24/2021 at 9:46 PM, xero said:

I'm talking about the police response. I'm not talking about the rate of offending which is highest in the black population, likely due to the ruination of the family at the hands of leftist policies going back to the Johnson administration which incentivized single parent families.

The extreme Left does not realize how damaging their actions are. It'll be worse for not just the black community, but everyone else once the reset starts; as we speak a great transfer of wealth is taking place.

That being said, the family is a strong unit, if the system can break the family, then it can break each individual that make up the family very easily.

@TrueTomHarley I do not believe they are both the same Srecko, one is actually aware of most things.

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On 11/24/2021 at 1:41 PM, NoisySrecko said:

It would seem, it also happens here with statistics. The way a question is framed, and answer might not give it justice. The perception of some reporters can differ with an indirect inference. The cops in an upper class neighborhood might spend time defusing a white counterpart to give up and not resist. The same scenario with a black person might not get the same consideration and that cop will be more motivated to shot first and ask questions later, than with a white person.

Case in point. A black man wielding a knife is more likely to get shot than a white person wielding a knife. This scenario happened recently in two cases. The black person was killed, and the white person, even though he stabbed the cop in the neck, didn’t get fired upon. Then it becomes optics rather than facts or statistics.

Yes, but you also have to factor in the statistics, in regards to crime and police involvement, granted that black people make up 13% of the U.S. population. However, as I mentioned recently, it is no surprise that the agenda of the media will only showcase a black person in such a predicament, like Jacob Blake vs a Nashville Resident; both had a knife, both shot at by the police, but only one made big headlines. Now for black on black crime, the media's agenda can twist such situations into a Frankenstein monster to get pro-black groups up in arms in regards to race against their own in the black community who can see through media deception.

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16 hours ago, xero said:

How about "dungy" as in "dungy idols". To be true to the emotional content and derision present in scripture it should have been "sh*tty idols". It isn't as if these were smeared w/dung. It was a judgment.

It's totally appropriate.

I believe this sarcasm defines this moniker as either the librarian or JWinsider. People distant to influence bad behavior. Certainly not conductive of good Christian standards. Sad really, when human imperfection takes the best of us. 

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16 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You may be right. Stand by for my latest persona: NoisyNoisySrecko.

Can you clarify what you mean? Are you displaying discontent by a moniker that is not your own, or does it have to do with misguided emotional issues of not being able to have a civil discussion? You mentioned if I could give you one or two examples for your consideration on bad behavior, this is example 2. 

Once again, my intent was not to make this a quarrelsome issue. Perhaps I am dealing with the wrong type of Christians here.

"IF any man would be more abundantly used of the Lord in His blessed service, let him seek first to be fitted for it more and more. Let him imitate that beloved and honored servant, Moses, in meekness, humility, energy and untiring zeal and self-sacrificing service of the Lord. But the wise steward will seek always to cultivate along the lines of his natural abilities, and not expect the Lord to work a miracle for his advancement, and so waste valuable time seeking to develop that which he does not by nature possess."

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48 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

es, but you also have to factor in the statistics, in regards to crime and police involvement, granted that black people make up 13% of the U.S. population. However, as I mentioned recently, it is no surprise that the agenda of the media will only showcase a black person in such a predicament, like Jacob Blake vs a Nashville Resident; both had a knife, both shot at by the police, but only one made big headlines. Now for black on black crime, the media's agenda can twist such situations into a Frankenstein monster to get pro-black groups up in arms in regards to race against their own in the black community who can see through media deception.

I agree friend. My thought is not just in statistics, no more than facts. These are plain to see.

Race Relations in America_ Examining the Facts-ABC-CLIO (2021)

Data collected on fatal police shootings reveal that African Americans are approximately 2.5 to 3 times more likely than white Americans to be killed by police. One explanation for the racial disparity frequently used to defend police killings of African Americans is that they are more likely than whites to be armed and to resist arrest, thus necessitating violent force by police. A competing explanation centers on the racial biases of police officers and maintains that the explicit and implicit biases of officers affect the snap judgments they make about African Americans—including whether or not to shoot. Research provides support to the latter perspective, though the evidence is not conclusive.





 Robin (1963) studied 32 fatal shootings by police in Philadelphia from 1950 to 1960. Twenty-eight, or 87.5 %, of these involved blacks, in a population estimated to be about 22 % black. The proportion of those killed who were black, then, exceeded population - based expectation by 65.5%. Robin also reports that the population - based rate of deadly force for blacks in Philadelphia was about 22 times that of whites. Results of a mail survey for seven other cities indicate a range from six to nearly thirty times the white rate for blacks.

 Takagi (1974) draws upon data from the VITAL STATISTICS, and reports that 48.7 % of the decedents due to police use of deadly force nationwide were black in 1960 through 1968. He estimates that 10 % of the population at that time was black, yielding a higher-than-expected black representation among deadly force decedents of 38.7 %. He further describes these data as revealing that while deadly force rates for both blacks and whites increased over these years, the rate for blacks was always at least nine times as high for blacks as it was for whites.

 It is true, conditions have improved over the decades, but not to a noticeable extent from another race perspective.

 My observation is on why is it necessary to make any distinctions from God’s creation, here. This is one reason why “whites” in America think they are obligated to maintain their superiority over other races.  A predicament that is even vocal in this forum. Why? What is the need?

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A while back, there has been some people who pose as others, and or somewhat pretend to be someone else, often times, it is not 100%, for instance, we know Patiently is JB/JB1, although he denies it. Likewise we had some interesting characters such as a guy named Billy, Jesus Defender, and Alex, who coined "That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. 

In your case, I was able to discern Srecko from you ever since the Bible student discussion whereas the other Srecko has his own mannerism, often times, quite cryptic and unknowning.


That being said, it would not be much of a surprise if another Srecko popped up at any point.

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
On 11/24/2021 at 8:29 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'. It's probably because you are mostly Amarican though :)

Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world.

There is a difference between 'being knowledgeable' and/or, taking sides. 

I gave the example of 27 people drowning in the sea between France and England. I have knowledge of it, but I don't take political interest in it and I don't lay blame for it.  

In a previous comment Tom wrote that he was in an agruement about a certain court case, and I said that was getting involved, which is part of the world. 

But once again you look for fault in me. I hope that gives you pleasure. 

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Just now, Space Merchant said:


A while back, there has been some people who pose as others, and or somewhat pretend to be someone else, often times, it is not 100%, for instance, we know Patiently is JB/JB1, although he denies it. Likewise we had some interesting characters such as a guy named Billy, Jesus Defender, and Alex, who coined "That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. 

In your case, I was able to discern Srecko from you ever since the Bible student discussion whereas the other Srecko has his own mannerism, often times, quite cryptic and unknowning.


That being said, it would not be much of a surprise if another Srecko popped up at any point.

One Srecko is one too many.

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do not deny being John Butler. But I've no idea about the JB1 

SM probably was using JB1 as shorthand for "4Jah2Me." That was the name you took just after "John Butler." It was very easy to identify you --you didn't try very hard to hide the fact-- but I understand why you thought it necessary to avoid admitting directly to being the reincarnated (re-insiliconated)  "John Butler." But you have already admitted previously that "4Jah2Me" was the name you had when you changed it to "Patiently waiting for Truth." That means, by the transitive property of multiplication of identities, that you are now admitting that both the previous names were re-instances of John Butler. But that should be no big deal to any of us. It's just an interesting observation that helps to understand your issues and concerns more clearly: like noticing all the points in common between "Cesar Chavez" and "NoisySrecko." 

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

"That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. 

I remember that. It was pretty funny. I always got the impression that the first thing you must always type in any response is the term "that being said" and then you work your post before and after that expression, just to make sure it's in there. But then again, you probably already know that there is another person, not nearly so active, who has never used that particular expression here, but who has used at least half a dozen other terms and definitions that would otherwise have been mostly unique to you.

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