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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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If “appointed by holy spirit“ is supposed to be some sort of “foolproof” process, how could Paul have said (Acts 20:30) to first-century elders, “from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twis

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12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world.

The question of "possessing (certain, particular) knowledge” was raised in Eden. God did not want the “knowledge of good and evil” to come into the possession of Adam and Eve. Whatever that could and should mean.

"Being knowledgeable"* could lead to processes that end in failure. Individuals and societies have a great deal of knowledge accumulated over the centuries. And now the world is facing several types of serious disasters, which some say are related to the "use of advanced knowledge" and human character. Advanced knowledge of atoms led to the atomic bomb (today it is an outdated example).
The other extreme would be in possessing a smaller range of knowledge and living “in harmony with nature”. Then there might not be catastrophes caused by the human factor, but only those catastrophes that are "normal" processes in nature itself. In the nature that is an integral part of the planet Earth, and which was created by God who actually initiated all these processes, believers would say.
Do the “believers” of any denomination have the knowledge that God by His knowledge created a planet that has volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, climate changes that go from great hot to ice ages and so on? And that people will die from something at some point (with or without knowledge of it)?

"Part of the world"? We all are part of the same world, no matter of Biblical terminology and using of same terminology for theological and doctrinal reasons.  People before us left us a world as it was when we were born, and today we are creating this world as it is and we will leave it shaped according to our “knowledge” for future generations. So each individual is a “part of this world,” not the different one we would like to have in our dreams.

* Synonyms:

well informedinformedlearnedwith great knowledgewell readwell educatededucatedwidely readeruditescholarlyculturedcultivatedenlightenedawareacquainted withfamiliar withwith a knowledge ofwith an understanding ofconversant withau courant withau fait withskilledexpertcompetentproficientup onup to date withabreast ofat home withno stranger toexperienced inpracticed inwell versed inseasonedinformal:clued up aboutgenned up aboutplugged intoswitched on to


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22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do the “believers” of any denomination have the knowledge that God by His knowledge created a planet that has volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, climate changes that go from great hot to ice ages and so on? And that people will die from something at some point (with or without knowledge of it)?

.... and more to the point .... were the Dinosaurs really the first rulers of the planet?  And what was it about the Dinosaurs that warranted dropping a big rock on the Yucatan Peninsula and having a mass extinction event .... or two .... or three?

And does Bob the Dinosaur REALLY live behind the sofa, and the only reason  we don't know about it is he and his family are Nobodysaurauses?

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20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

SM probably was using JB1 as shorthand for "4Jah2Me." That was the name you took just after "John Butler." It was very easy to identify you --you didn't try very hard to hide the fact-

Quite simply my name John Butler was blocked. I don't care what any administration says. I was removed without warning and completely blocked from re-entry as John Butler.  Not one warning. And I did not make threats and did not encourage others to make threats or do harm to anyone. Simply put, i was removed because someone in 'authority' here didn't like what i was saying. I just put it down to Elders running this forum. And i know what Elders are like. :) 

I wasn't trying to hide anything. I had no need to. I just wasn't able to use my real name as it was blocked. 

Causing a division in the forum congregation :) . I was de/fed....................... 

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On 11/26/2021 at 5:03 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes we judge others when it concerns us, but why get involved when it is just 'part of the world' ?

Friend, can you explain this motive? I merely ask, since you have a strong emotional attachment to child abuse that other people do. That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts, not a true Christian. How can any institution be blamed by the actions of another, worldly or not?

I noticed in another post, you mentioned the data protection law of the U.K. I reference this here since it appears you have concerns over your personal information, while demanding that same institution violate that U.K. law to expose private information shielded by that same law for an institution, for the same reason you outlined for yourself. 

My example here would be, if I was to defend you in a court of law, how could we demonstrate, your right to data protection against the data protection compliance of an institution?

Let me clarify my position. If you want to sue an institution for slander? How can we disprove your own slander, malice, defamation, against that institution you wish to sue for violating your right to data protection. I say this since there are numerous post here that could be used as evidence to show such slander about that institution and its members in a court of law.

Should any of this be indicative of a person, of Christian faith?

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