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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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If “appointed by holy spirit“ is supposed to be some sort of “foolproof” process, how could Paul have said (Acts 20:30) to first-century elders, “from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twis

Some jw's need to heed this advice when it comes to the catholic church. Scars are the battle wounds that prove we are still alive.

That being said, I can’t believe all the deceit and duplicity that goes on here. Aliases, counter-aliases—it’s enough to make a nice guy like me swear like a trooper. Which, of course, I would never d

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18 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

More effective than any wall Trump ever could have dreamt up. And free, too.

I dunno ....

If I was living in Guatamala, Honduras or Mexico, and I heard that Brandon was giving out $145,000 for each child that was temporarily separated from me when I illegally came to the United States, and then fly me to Florida all expenses paid, I would get a bowling ball bag with toothbrush and a change of clothes, get to the Mexican/USA border, stopping only at the Mexican equivalent of Home Depot to buy two 40 foot ladders and some duct tape, and 100 ft. of rope ......

The inmates are running the asylum ... it would be immoral not to.

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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:
On 11/26/2021 at 12:03 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Yes we judge others when it concerns us, but why get involved when it is just 'part of the world' ?

Friend, can you explain this motive? I merely ask, since you have a strong emotional attachment to child abuse that other people do. That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts, not a true Christian. How can any institution be blamed by the actions of another, worldly or not?

You seem to be coming at this from multiple directions.......... 

"emotional attachment " ?    I would call it empathy, due to having suffered similar (xero will now say I'm whining).

"That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts"  Yes

"not a true Christian."   That depends who commits the abuse and where. 

"How can any institution be blamed by the actions of another, worldly or not? "  Maybe not blamed for the actions, but blamed for their reactions. But you do not put it in any context, so your question is too 'open'. 

If the 'institution' is the JW Org, and if it deliberately hides CSA whilst at the same time pretending to be God's chosen Org, then warning should be given to the public about the dangers lurking within the JW Org. As an Ex-JW I feel it my Christian duty to warn people about the JW Org. Why ? Because i have knowledge of the workings of JWs and how they can manipulate people to gain people's trust. I have knowledge of the JW Org and the scaremongering it does in an effort to bring people into that Org... I do not have such knowledge about any other religion....... 

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I noticed in another post, you mentioned the data protection law of the U.K. I reference this here since it appears you have concerns over your personal information, while demanding that same institution violate that U.K. law to expose private information shielded by that same law for an institution, for the same reason you outlined for yourself. 

You seem to be aproaching this point from a wrong angle too.

The UK Data Protection Act gives me legal right to request my personal information. I have done this. My request has been accepted. They asked me for photo ID. I have sent them this ID. They are 'dealing with' my request. 

My original application for the information had to be answered within 40 days. That did so. All is going well on this. I am yet to see the outcome, but will make it known once i have a result. 

I have a legal (Data Protection) right to personal information about me.  If I required any other information I would need to use the 'Freedom of Information Act' UK. 

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Let me clarify my position. If you want to sue an institution for slander? How can we disprove your own slander, malice, defamation, against that institution you wish to sue for violating your right to data protection. I say this since there are numerous post here that could be used as evidence to show such slander about that institution and its members in a court of law.

Please give me three examples of slander by me against the JW org. Three, repetition for emphasis remember. 

You, and others, may disapprove of my comments, but that does not make my comments slander. 

CSA within the JW Org has been proven many times. Failed predictions in the Watchtower/JW org have been proven many times too.  The GB / Lawyers refusing to hand over a Database of CSA/Pedophile accusations is a way of hiding Pedophiles within the JW Org. 

3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Should any of this be indicative of a person, of Christian faith?

I have said many times that i do not expect to remain alive after the Judgement time, and if i die before, I do not expect a resurrection. My sins are many. BUT, my sins are commited against me. I bring judgement on myself, BUT I do not harm others. The Watchtower / JW Org cannot claim as much. 

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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

"emotional attachment " ?    I would call it empathy, due to having suffered similar (xero will now say I'm whining).

"That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts"  Yes

If I was to defend you in a court of law, would this mean a "personal" experience or empathy for others that have been subjected to a crime. You are correct, Any wrongdoer needs to go before the courts. Can you personally prove in a court of law, those subjected to harm which you have empathy for, can be demonstrated by actual and legal evidence? Referencing internet banter is not evidence.

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You seem to be aproaching this point from a wrong angle too.

The UK Data Protection Act gives me legal right to request my personal information. I have done this. My request has been accepted. They asked me for photo ID. I have sent them this ID. They are 'dealing with' my request. 

My original application for the information had to be answered within 40 days. That did so. All is going well on this. I am yet to see the outcome, but will make it known once i have a result. 

I have a legal (Data Protection) right to personal information about me.  If I required any other information I would need to use the 'Freedom of Information Act' UK. 

Then you would have to accept, since your request is being met, there is no slander or wrongdoing, and that institution is correctly applying the UK data protection policy. Just like, when a person gets fired from a job, slander cannot be attached to how an institution deals with its internal decisions. An Active religious member can be dismissed for none compliance of that institution's bylaws.

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

CSA within the JW Org has been proven many times. Failed predictions in the Watchtower/JW org have been proven many times too.  The GB / Lawyers refusing to hand over a Database of CSA/Pedophile accusations is a way of hiding Pedophiles within the JW Org. 

Can you personally prove CSA in a court of law in your behalf, and is that evidence under your care? However, I do not see where a legal proceeding would be inclined to hear "failed predictions" as evidence to CSA. Once again, do you have direct knowledge, this institution willfully withheld evidence in your case? Do you possess this evidence?

If you don't, this is the type of argument that can be levied against you.

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I have said many times that i do not expect to remain alive after the Judgement time, and if i die before, I do not expect a resurrection. My sins are many. BUT, my sins are commited against me. I bring judgement on myself,

This is painful to read friend. I hope your anger will not make this a true outcome.

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10 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I cannot shake the impression that those are the words of an evil Lawyer

Friend, I have no idea what your problem is, please don't make whatever allies you're life, be part of mine. I wish no ill will against anyone. If you are a Christian, you need to work on your bitterness, and rudeness. If you are a Jehovah Witness, you bring shame upon your own organization. Is this your intent?

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Just now, Dmitar said:

Friend, I have no idea what your problem is, please don't make whatever allies you're life, be part of mine. I wish no ill will against anyone. If you are a Christian, you need to work on your bitterness, and rudeness. If you are a Jehovah Witness, you bring shame upon your own organization. Is this your intent?

Go pound sand and leave my puppy alone! :)


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37 minutes ago, Anna said:

People quickly  jump to the wrong conclusions and just take themselves too seriously as well.

Can you explain how one should take, evil lawyer as? Or are you just another Jehovah's Witness entrenched in bitterness and being rude?

It would seem you Jehovah Witnesses just love to quarrel. Is your kind of behavior here indicative of your institution?

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