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How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?


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7 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Can you explain how one should take, evil lawyer as? Or are you just another Jehovah's Witness entrenched in bitterness and being rude?

It would seem you Jehovah Witnesses just love to quarrel. Is your kind of behavior here indicative of your institution?

Is your name Allen Smith by any chance?

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IF THE child of God would draw very near, and would have the blessed realization of the Father's smile of approval continually, he must seek to have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men—a conscience which can truthfully say, I am striving to do that which would be pleasing to the Lord, that which is in full harmony with my covenant of sacrifice; and I am striving also to do that which would justly have the approval of righteous men.

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19 hours ago, Dmitar said:

This is painful to read friend. I hope your anger will not make this a true outcome.

Ha ha, you are so funny. You keep changing or adding AKA's and you keep deliberately twisitng most things I say.

That doesn't make you a 'good Christian' does it ? Cunning and deciet. 

And what's all this rubbish about you representing me in court ? I don't need you to represent me anywhere thank you. 

I have no anger. What I have is a level head and fair scriptural knowledge. Why should i expect to be saved when I commit sin regularly ?

The GB of JW Org also commit sin regularly but they expect to be 'lifted up' to a life with Christ in heaven.

So tell me 'friend', who is the humble one ?  Have a good day.


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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Ha ha, you are so funny. You keep changing or adding AKA's and you keep deliberately twisitng most things I say.

That doesn't make you a 'good Christian' does it ? Cunning and deciet. 

And what's all this rubbish about you representing me in court ? I don't need you to represent me anywhere thank you. 

Friend, I was I clear enough for you on the reason why I made the moniker change? I am not the one twisting things around. To the contrary. You claim slander when you, yourself, slander. I merely pointed out, how could you address that situation before a court since you made an idol threat to do so in another post against your former institution if they slandered you. A lawyer would need to understand your reasoning. I was not offering you my service, since it's clear you would undoubtedly lose in a court.

There is no deceit, and I'm sorry you feel that way. I recommend you accept everything that is posted against you, if you are just venting online.

There's no need to be rude and obnoxious about it. Perhaps, you are not a Christian in a Christian oriented forum. It is still no excuse not to be civil.

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I have no anger. What I have is a level head and fair scriptural knowledge. Why should i expect to be saved when I commit sin regularly ?

The GB of JW Org also commit sin regularly but they expect to be 'lifted up' to a life with Christ in heaven.

This suggests you do hold anger and hate. If you want to use words like slander, I propose you keep your slander in check.

3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Probably he is, plus a dozen other AKA's. :) He was noisy srecko it seems. 

Once again, friend. Was I unclear for the reason I made the name change, or are you just like the rest here that seem to thrive over arguments, being quarrelsome? If that is the case, why have this forum if people can't conduct themselves in a civil manner. This suggests this forum is not, Christian but a platform to vent and argue just like the world.

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On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, Space Merchant said:

A while back, there has been some people who pose as others, and or somewhat pretend to be someone else, often times, it is not 100%, for instance, we know Patiently is JB/JB1, although he denies it. Likewise we had some interesting characters such as a guy named Billy, Jesus Defender, and Alex, who coined "That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. 

In your case, I was able to discern Srecko from you ever since the Bible student discussion whereas the other Srecko has his own mannerism, often times, quite cryptic and unknowning.

Salutations, Space Merchant.


This is what I feared. It appears no one here can hold a civil tongue in order to have a constructive and a healthy debate.

 Therefore, I will stay silent in order not to offend anyone or be a cause of any further quarrels in my behalf. I can see where the left and the right will come together to vacate someone that is not welcomed in this forum.

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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Salutations, Space Merchant.


This is what I feared. It appears no one here can hold a civil tongue in order to have a constructive and a healthy debate.

 Therefore, I will stay silent in order not to offend anyone or be a cause of any further quarrels in my behalf. I can see where the left and the right will come together to vacate someone that is not welcomed in this forum.

It's just that you come off as totally fake.

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