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Paradise… Will it come?


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On 6/25/2022 at 7:37 PM, Chioke Lin said:

Commentator Patiently. You are now a nuisance and hostile to this discussion. I recommend no one pay attention to your ramblings. It's odd that you use the word patiently, when you have none.

It is not so odd that you are trying to cause me trouble just as you did previously. Will you try to get be banned again ? 

23 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

Screenshot 2022-06-17 130104.jpg

Mr Carroll every one of the pictures you put up on this forum is advertising the JW Org.

You are not promoting Almighty God. You are not promoting Yeshua. You are only promoting a worldly organisation.

It is so sad that your org does not even give respect to God anymore. All God gets is the letter J in the JW org. 

It is advertised just like any other business, and it shows no respect to YHWH or to Yeshua.

Keep putting up your adverts' then people will contiue to see whom it is that you serve, the JW org. 


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BUT, True Christians would NOT tell lies pretending to know when Armageddon is going to happen. True Christians would NOT insult and degrade the True Anointed ones. True Christians woul

Warning! @Peter Carroll "As far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men." Please try to be nice, be respectful. It is ok to disagree.... state that simply without the emotiona

Wow, I don't even remember reading such a thing in the Wt.  But I do know that the elders who "represent the royal priesthood" right now, are said to be the "princes" on the earth in the Kingdom.

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Getting back on topic.

Paradise… Will it come?

Yes of course it will. No matter what any of us on this forum do, God's plans have not changed. 

YHWH gave His son Yeshua, and Yeshua willlingly gave His own life as the perfect ransom sacrifice. 

All the squabbling that we do has no effect on God's plans. And not one of us here can guarantee that we will have life in God's clean 'new world'.  May you all have peace. 

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3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It is not so odd that you are trying to cause me trouble just as you did previously. Will you try to get be banned again ? 

Whatever ban means to you, I have no idea. But, whatever it is, It would be out of your own doing for being a nasty commentator. As you can see, you are around to continue your suspicions and hostility. 

This is not the kind of discussion, I'm looking for. To make it personal. It's better to continue the discussion started by the poster.

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Apostasy can be a component to false religion. So, members that attack their religion will have a say, how Satan will attack, Spiritual Israel.

Chrome Shower Arm and Flange

section 2

 Since, therefore, all things were made by God, and since the devil has become the cause of apostasy to himself and others, justly does the Scripture always term those who remain in a state of apostasy "sons of the devil" and "angels of the wicked one" (maligni) (from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1)

We cannot compare, when the pharisees were considering Jesus an apostate. They had an evil intent to charge him with heresy and blasphemy. To him for no logical reason. Anyone charged under the ancient law could receive a death sentence. Do we do that today? No, we don't in democratic nations.

False religion will be part of Gog and Magog attack.

A commentator mentioned Israel has not been attacked or taken captive for being “faithful” to God decrees. Would this be the same as saying, Israel was attacked for not obeying Gods’ Laws? So, the attack from the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, etc. can be added to the attacks upon Israel for God’s disobedience. To claim otherwise, it would be something we add to the bible, just like using the word “faithful” as a misstep to the bibles intent, since the nation of Israel was supposed to be "faithful" to God after they promised to obey his commandments.


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6 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

Matthew 10:34
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”


As the wicked begin dying off what will be the instructions?

Ezekiel 9:5

And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.

Jeremiah 16:5

For this is what Jehovah says, ‘Do not enter a house where a mourners’ feast is held, And do not go to wail or offer sympathy.’ ‘For I have taken away my peace from this people,’ declares Jehovah, ‘As well as my loyal love and mercy.

When the wicked loose God of Magog they will be utterly exposed. That's is why they wicked are fighting so hard for it.

2 Thessalonians 1:8

in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus.

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19 hours ago, BroRando said:

There would be No Need to DESTROY Gog of Magog if it was attacking the unfaithful...

God allowed his people to be taken captive by Babylon.  And what was the outcome later for Babylon?

He gave a warning early on to His people - 

If, however, you do not obey the LORD your God by carefully following all His commandments and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart in all your abundance,  you will serve your enemies the LORD will send against you in famine, thirst, nakedness, and destitution. He will place an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you.

The LORD will bring a nation from afar, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down upon you like an eagle—a nation whose language you will not understand,  a ruthless nation with no respect for the old and no pity for the young.” 

“They will besiege all the cities throughout your land, until the high and fortified walls in which you trust  have fallen. They will besiege all your cities throughout the land that the LORD your God has given you.”  Deut 28:15, 47,48,49,52

Yes, Gog of Magog did come upon the unfaithful of the nation of Israel.  Upon “Israel” today, it is not the political nations that you have to worry about, but the “Gentile” army of elders standing in the “holy place” which is the spiritual temple and dwelling of God in the anointed; replacing them as priests and cutting off their daily sacrifices of praise, “killing” them through disfellowshipping when they reject the wicked slave and her idol, throwing them out of the “synagogue” for their testimony to Christ- they, and many believers with them.    Ezek 44:6-9; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Dan 11:31,32; Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 11:1-3,7; 13:15; 18:4-8

For a nation has invaded my land,
mighty and without number.
Their teeth are lion’s teeth;
they have the fangs of a lioness.
They have destroyed my vines;
they have turned my fig trees into mere splinters.
They have completely stripped off the bark and thrown it aside;
the twigs are stripped bare.

Put on sackcloth, you priests, and mourn;
    wail, you who minister before the altar.

Come, spend the night in sackcloth,
    you who minister before my God;
for the grain offerings and drink offerings
    are withheld from the house of your God.  Joel 1

Rev 9:1-4 - The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 


Rev 11:1-3 - I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 

 It is impossible in the organization for anyone to follow the commandments fulfilled in Jesus Christ's teachings, when the doctrine of men takes precedence.  

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44 minutes ago, Witness said:

 It is impossible in the organization for anyone to follow the commandments fulfilled in Jesus Christ's teachings, when the doctrine of men takes precedence.  

You should know as you fight tooth and nail to keep Gog and Magog from being destroyed. 😀

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2 hours ago, BroRando said:

You should know as you fight tooth and nail to keep Gog and Magog from being destroyed. 😀

 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.”  Dan 2:44

In Revelation 20:7-9, have you noticed that after deceiving the “camp of the saints”/holy city\anointed, Satan is thrown into the lake of “burning sulphur where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown”?  Why doesn’t it mention Gog and Magog were thrown into the lake of fire?  Wouldn't they end up there?

Gog and Magog, are the organization/Beast of Rev 13:1 (Magog), and the false prophet /Beast of Rev 13:11 (Gog) that directs it. That is why.  They are one and the same.

 There it tells us that the Beast/organization (Rev 13:1) makes war with the saints. (Rev 13:7) 

 How?  By deceiving them. (Rev 13:14)

Wt's doctrine doesn't address the Beast from the Sea deceiving the anointed.  It also doesn't address how it's faulty doctrine of Gog and Magog showing up in "paradise", will explain the deceit that will overcome the "saints"/holy city there as well.  

Which proves that the anointed have been deceived all along in the organization.  

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3 hours ago, Witness said:

  There it tells us that the Beast/organization (Rev 13:1) makes war with the saints. (Rev 13:7) 

You can't have it both ways talking that Gog of Magog will not be destroyed.  When it turns on the FAITHFUL...in the LAST HOUR.. it will come to it's end...  You're all twisted into knots now Jesus and the saints are unfaithful?

Your side is losing the BATTLE... 

“The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for One Hour with the wild beast.  These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.  These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” (Rev 17:12-14)

To claim that the Lamb and those who are called and chosen and faithful as unfaithful is a LIE.  Not only will Gog of Magog be counquered but it will be utterly destroyed by the FAITHFUL. Jesus and His Chosen Ones...

Cry all you want.... it's going to happen in the last hour before the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ. We are in the second day now and it is dusk. At dawn of the third day... you will be thrown in utter confusion. 


Ezekiel 7:15

The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword, and famine and pestilence will consume those in the city.

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Chioke Lin, Mr Carroll & Mr Rando, it is sad to read the aggression in your words. I would hope that you would find peace in scripture but it seems not.  

Even when i say, may you have peace, still you return with anger and aggession. 

You even pretend that I am part of some satanic cult or that i am part of some false anointed sect. The bitterness from you shows through in your words. 

However, each of us must carry our own load. Each of us must answer for our own sins. Each of us will be judged by Yeshua.

Paradise, It will come.  Put your hope in YHWH through Yeshua, and may you have peace in your thoughts. 

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55 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Chioke Lin

I have no idea about anyone else. In my case, I don't find fault condemning your accusation, when the hostility comes from you. Consider your own behavior before you condemn someone else's.

Remember your own word's commentator: "Do as you please. I do not take you seriously anyway"

Another commentator apologized, and then it turned out to be insincere. Just because, people don't see eye to eye on certain things, doesn't mean they should be rude about it. 

In this case, you and, witness are as guilty as those being rude to you. Civility runs both ways. 

I'm new to this discussion forum. Does this mean, I'm not allowed to express my own opinion without being kicked out? I have stated before, if anyone feels, I shouldn't participate, let them be heard. For some reason, I was tagged by a commentator to be someone else, and that accusation continues.

This discussion forum shouldn't be about me or who I am, but what is posted as a topic. 

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