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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There are many pretenders out there, seen quite a lot during my debate days, the only recent group being the ones who preached that God sent COVID-19 as Judgment, these types are easily refuted.

That being said, the lure tactics, as mentioned, is not something they would normally do, so it is now isn't so much as a surprise when it comes from people from the EXJW community, granted the events of 2017 and onward were seemingly a foreshadowing.

This is greatly due to Satan's influence on the weak mind. However, it seems you have shifted from Unitarian to truther. The truther movement has it own problems while not having all the answers either. A community, built in trying to debunk conspiracies, doesn't always find the means to adapt the Christian life reality. Armageddon, tribulation are not conspiracies, but a prophetic marker for mankind.

But here is the thing about real JWs. They understand what is referenced in Matthew and Luke. They need to take place, that's a given. However, The key point to Matthew is simple.

NIV Matt 24:4-14

4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

NIV Matt 10:21-23

21 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22 All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

NIV Luke 12:53

53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Therefore, TRUE Jehovah's Witnesses don't need a play by play commentary as it's being done here. 


NIV 2 Thess 2:1-4

2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

As a truther, you might ask yourself, when did it become a conspiracy here.

Will there be JWs, betray the brotherhood to save their own skin? YES! There will be people that will stoop so low their actions won't be forgiven come, judgement day. Christ will have no mercy, as they showed none.

Has anyone seen the resemblance of the antichrist? NO! Therefore, all these reports here are premature. Just tieing in the rest of the rhetoric from this forum.

AMP 2 Thess 2:9

9 The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of Satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels — [all of them] lying wonders —



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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If it is true that "true Christians" go from house to house, literally, with good news, then yes, your work is stopped.

According to quotes bellow GB lead a double game. They can't be trusted.

Can you be trusted? :) 

However, it is only among Jehovah’s Witnesses that virtually all, young and old, male and female, participate year in, year out, in the house-to-house ministry. It is only Jehovah’s Witnesses who truly endeavor to reach all the inhabited earth with the Kingdom message, in obedience to the prophetic command at Matthew 24:14.

Because of the effectiveness of the house-to-house ministry, opposers in many lands have tried to stop it. In order to gain official respect for their right to preach from door to door, Jehovah’s Witnesses have appealed to government officials. Where necessary, they have gone to court in order to legally establish the right to spread the good news in this manner. (Phil. 1:7) And where repressive governments have persisted in forbidding such activity, Jehovah’s Witnesses have at times simply done it in a less conspicuous manner or, if necessary, used other means to reach people with the Kingdom message.

Although radio and television broadcasts have been used to spread the Kingdom message, Jehovah’s Witnesses recognize that the personal contact made possible by house-to-house calls is far more effective. It affords better opportunity to answer the questions of individual householders and to search out deserving ones. (Matt. 10:11) That is one of the reasons why, in 1957, the Watch Tower Society sold radio station WBBR in New York.



 Web Sites of “Jehovah’s Witnesses”: Consider, for example, some Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah’s Witnesses. They invite you to visit their sites to read experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and views about the Society’s literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used in the field ministry. These sites offer chat rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others, similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other sites where you can have on-line association with Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?

11 Having association via the Internet may not be consistent with the recommendation found at Ephesians 5:15-17. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/201999403

Your playing with words  to try to prove that our preaching  work has stopped…you NEED to beleive that to support your own arguments,,,time and time again you have had it explained to you that we still preach…by letters phone and Informally  and yes by the internet and zoom which is operated under careful directions so one’s like you do not enter certain meetings….

as a people we use the internet a lot now…but face to face and flesh to flesh  is a a better way to do it…it’s like the skin on skin meaning…but we have had to learn to make the internet work for this…the time will come when all this will disappear…even internet…and we will as a people adapt to that as well..if it should happen.

People are having bible studies and going on to be baptised…even in my own extended family…one’s who I never ever thought would…some of them have left the truth..didn’t cope with some things they thought were unfair or too wrong…but see the basics and the relationship to Jehovah is the most important thing…they are prepared to,put up with what they don’t agree with as they are usually not doctrinal concern..

Gods people will always have errors and many of them very grave ones ….like King David who did an census…and tens and tens of thousands of his people died for that error so you will be able always to show our errors on written paper.

To those who wonder about us…I hope you get to know a witness you click with and check things out now..all the best to those ones thinking on it…




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15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

This is greatly due to Satan's influence on the weak mind.

Indeed, but due to him being callous, he tends to get people who think they had fled from various tactics and temptations.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

However, it seems you have shifted from Unitarian to truther.

I don't shift, granted I am always leaning towards or alluding to facts, likewise when it comes to the Bible, from the examples from it.

Aside from that any Truther that shifts, there is a term we have for such ones.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

The truther movement has it own problems while not having all the answers either.

It would depend on which branch you are directing to. Everyone, even Truthers are imperfect, however, most of us rely heavily on facts/evidence (i.e. Sophie Long), especially due to the fact the Paradigm is relentless towards us and our counterparts. Then there are the pretenders, for I am not sure if I directed this to you or someone here, there are some of these types who attempt to pretend they are of the community.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

A community, built in trying to debunk conspiracies, doesn't always find the means to adapt the Christian life reality.

Which branch in the community? Because the community as a whole seeks truth, but in different branches, for instance, misinformation about a death, a missing person, they seek evidence. CSA, they look for, kidnappings, etc, mainly when it happens in their area. Some even see if they can track people via the listings in the stores of person's of interest, there are others who uphold the 2nd Amendment, Lawful types, others who deal with refuting the Paradigm, etc. It is quite vast.

Also on the contrary, there are legitimate Truthers who are heavily Christian. Some of which I made reference to, i.e. one who refuted EXJW followers of Rick Fearon. Or the events of 2013-2017 concerning Russia.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Armageddon, tribulation are not conspiracies, but a prophetic marker for mankind.

They're not conspiracies, God's Day will come a day to be witnessed by the Just and the Unjust. As for our Tribulations, it will be far more chaotic compared to what we see here.

The problem with some conspiracies is the Mainstream types tend to have an insane view of God's Day and End Times Tribulations. This is why I mentioned Lisa Haven by name because her being a Mainstream Christian and a Conspiracy Theorist tend to go on with outlandish opinions and oddities conjured up by her and her followers.

That being said, one thing I see as demeaning is the fact people attempt to water down what God is going to do with Jesus' Kingship, that, in of itself, is a problem, therefore, the truth along with evidence must be spoken in that regard, especially about God and Christ.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

But here is the thing about real JWs. They understand what is referenced in Matthew and Luke. They need to take place, that's a given. However, The key point to Matthew is simple.

Those notations have several contextual points, but the ones coined are fine.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

As a truther, you might ask yourself, when did it become a conspiracy here.

On the contrary, we are against conspiracy.

All in all, I do not see the idea of God's Day being a conspiracy, unless we are taking about the ideas of the Mainstream.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Will there be JWs, betray the brotherhood to save their own skin? YES!

Indeed, I mentioned this before. There will be some who buckle and will betray, especially when times are extremely tough. When the Endurance and Vigilance is not there, the Faith slowly goes away, and will be consumed by bad influence.

The Devil claims all who are at their weakest, falling and unable to get up.

All in all, this will be a surprise to the unaware, the dark persecutions, also mentioned here in the past, also linked with this.

That being said, this will be the notation for not just the religious, but the non-religious, and such types will be aggressive.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

There will be people that will stoop so low their actions won't be forgiven come, judgement day. Christ will have no mercy, as they showed none.

True. And there is no middle ground. One is either for God or they are not.

In regards to forgiveness, one of the JWs mentioned this a while back, people who exploits not only others, but God's forgiveness. People who do this, will not be in the book of life. What makes matters worse is that there are some who try to drag others down to their level too, i.e. Gangstalkers, perhaps the most subtle and problematic types of people to enter any institution, even a religious one.

15 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Has anyone seen the resemblance of the antichrist? NO! Therefore, all these reports here are premature. Just tieing in the rest of the rhetoric from this forum.

On the contrary, we have some idea of what it is, for the battle that started in the 4th century is still ongoing, for in the days of Lawlessness, there are many False Prophets and Teachers.

Those associated with the Anti-Christ will attempt to reach the people using the Christ, but promotes ideas that never originated with the early church, i.e. hence what I mentioned to you before concerning the Trinitarians who are on this forum, namely, Cos. For I am certain both you and I, as with some here, even the JWs understand that Jesus is God's Son, not God Almighty himself, nor do we water down the position of Christ and his Father. The Anti-Christ types also while promoting the Christ, will reject anything he says about God's Kingdom and it's purpose, and they spin contradictions that make no sense, at times disrespect God's Word in the process. They cry out the Christ and they do not follow him truly, for instead, they follow their own Exegesis and the ideas of the Mainstream. The list continues. Even in the other thread, the followers of Pearl, some of their ideas don't line up with Christian Ideology, no God-fearing Christian Man would defend same-sex marriage, hence the influence in today's society is a ridiculous.

All in all, we need be careful of these types.

That being said, you coined Truther many times, Solider of God was not only a Truther himself, but he seen these things take place and gave warning to people, hence my mentioning the Desmond situation, as is the events of 2016 Washington, for if I recall, I believe you told me you knew. Likewise with Elijah, who is also against the badness taking place, so much so, he is the only Christian of Restorationist I know to have gone off-grid, literally.

The Anti-Christ may not be a single soul, but it is still a dangerous enemy, at Babylon's disposal, as is the Beast, for Wednesday of last week is an example to be careful; such ones will use Christ in order to get people to bend to a Tradition that never originated with the early church, and they do these during War-Time to draw people in.

All of us need to be not only enduring, but vigilant, even JWs, for last I told them, they, and their EXJW counterparts, can break under enough pressure.

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55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Aside from that any Truther that shifts, there is a term we have for such ones.


57 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary, we are against conspiracy.

Definition of truther

A) one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy 


B) someone who does not believe the generally accepted explanation for an event or situation and thinks it is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people



1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

All of us need to be not only enduring, but vigilant, even JWs, for last I told them, they, and their EXJW counterparts, can break under enough pressure.

Everything is subject to breaking. In one way or another.

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18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:


Care to elaborate? Apostasy dwells in those who are alienated from God pertaining to Faith. So I don't see your point.

The term is misguided by the paradigm, for sometimes those who seek truth can't tell the difference between what is real or not when it comes to whatever research they make. Especially now, during a time where truth is shrouded by a flood of propaganda.

18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Definition of truther

A) one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy 

B) someone who does not believe the generally accepted explanation for an event or situation and thinks it is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people


And of course, you attempt to go by the MSM playbook.

Instantly checked with a quotation.

It should be noted to you, as to why we are heavily censored, as is misinformation about the community is spread so much so to equate us to Conspiracy Theorist.

That being said, the notations pertaining to the actions of the Wild Beast and of Babylon attest to what the Bible says of what is to come, as is the movements she, and the beat makes. To attest to the Truth, someone such as myself can see and refute someone, such as yourself, who is willing to use Justifiable Cause to defend misleading information; we call it out, and this is but one of several examples. When it comes to missing persons and similar situations, we look for the truth of the matter and not follow the misinformation from the MSM. We adhered to what is true concerning enabling of abuses in various notations, even counties, of which they deemed us and our counterparts, as the enemy. We are also heavily censored, and from there, information in regards to us, as changed, even by definition, to others, being too close to the fire, i.e. Serena Shim, who was also a Journalist, and never forgotten.

Although the term originated back during 9/11, it has other branches to it too whereas a more truthful push concerning the movement originates from.

We tend to be more aware than most. Information can be concealed, but you need to realize there is a line between truth and conspiracy.

In that same thread you were corrected, next to Butler. If I were you I would gamble a debate about it only to be exposed.

18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Everything is subject to breaking. In one way or another.

There is no question to that. We even seen you break a few times to protect something via Justifiable Cause.

That being said, the truth of the matter is, they haven't stopped preaching, and or isolated to only phones and letters. This excludes pretenders.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Aside from that any Truther that shifts, there is a term we have for such ones.

Hence, the problem with truthers in the video. When your focus changes, then you shift, let's not play with words.

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary, we are against conspiracy.

All in all, I do not see the idea of God's Day being a conspiracy, unless we are taking about the ideas of the Mainstream.

That's where the statement that I made about debunking comes into place. It certainly isn't a progressive agenda in the Unitarian Church.

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

In regards to forgiveness, one of the JWs mentioned this a while back, people who exploits not only others, but God's forgiveness. People who do this, will not be in the book of life.

Does this mean Judas will be forgiven? How about those that have commented crimes against humanity? 

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary, we have some idea of what it is, for the battle that started in the 4th century is still ongoing, for in the days of Lawlessness, there are many False Prophets and Teachers.

Since I'm referring to present times, and not the optics of knowing, can you give me an example of whom you think is the antichrist?

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Which branch in the community? Because the community as a whole seeks truth, but in different branches, for instance, misinformation about a death, a missing person, they seek evidence. CSA, they look for, kidnappings, etc, mainly when it happens in their area. Some even see if they can track people via the listings in the stores of person's of interest, there are others who uphold the 2nd Amendment, Lawful types, others who deal with refuting the Paradigm, etc. It is quite vast.

Since the truther community has its own problems within, let's just say, ALL!


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23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Hence, the problem with truthers in the video. When your focus changes, then you shift, let's not play with words.

What focus has changed? For last I checked, they tend to focus on what is factual and or seek evidence.

Unless you want to give a clarification on what kind of shift are you referring to, granted I gave an example to a mutual confidant.

23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's where the statement that I made about debunking comes into place. It certainly isn't a progressive agenda in the Unitarian Church.

I am not affiliated with Progressivism. Nor am I of the Unitarian Church. I am not a fan of Agendas as you already know from the other thread concerning Archives.

Speaking of the Unitarian Church, this was a mistake Patiently (Butler) made, when he tried to equate me to Interfaith.

23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Does this mean Judas will be forgiven? How about those that have commented crimes against humanity? 

Forgiveness is something we should attest to. Exploiting God's love via Forgiveness is a problem.

A criminal can commit a crime and he repents and asks for forgiveness. Another does the same thing, but willfully continues his actions for he knows he can manipulate and exploit such forgiveness and or outright continues to do bad without remorse, there is a difference. There are Biblical examples pertaining to 2 Kings which sheds that similarity.

23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Since I'm referring to present times,

Hence ongoing.

Clearly, both you and I are seen as a threat to the Mainstream, their influence is everywhere, even among EXJWs.

23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

and not the optics of knowing, can you give me an example of whom you think is the antichrist?

I gave a summary in my last response.

I'll just quote it for you

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Those associated with the Anti-Christ will attempt to reach the people using the Christ, but promotes ideas that never originated with the early church, i.e. hence what I mentioned to you before concerning the Trinitarians who are on this forum, namely, Cos. For I am certain both you and I, as with some here, even the JWs understand that Jesus is God's Son, not God Almighty himself, nor do we water down the position of Christ and his Father. The Anti-Christ types also while promoting the Christ, will reject anything he says about God's Kingdom and it's purpose, and they spin contradictions that make no sense, at times disrespect God's Word in the process. They cry out the Christ and they do not follow him truly, for instead, they follow their own Exegesis and the ideas of the Mainstream. The list continues. Even in the other thread, the followers of Pearl, some of their ideas don't line up with Christian Ideology, no God-fearing Christian Man would defend same-sex marriage, hence the influence in today's society is a ridiculous.

All in all, we need be careful of these types.

That being said, you coined Truther many times, Solider of God was not only a Truther himself, but he seen these things take place and gave warning to people, hence my mentioning the Desmond situation, as is the events of 2016 Washington, for if I recall, I believe you told me you knew. Likewise with Elijah, who is also against the badness taking place, so much so, he is the only Christian of Restorationist I know to have gone off-grid, literally.

The Anti-Christ may not be a single soul, but it is still a dangerous enemy, at Babylon's disposal, as is the Beast, for Wednesday of last week is an example to be careful; such ones will use Christ in order to get people to bend to a Tradition that never originated with the early church, and they do these during War-Time to draw people in.


23 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Since the truther community has its own problems within, let's just say, ALL!

The only problem we have is censorship, suppression, and misleading notations.

That being said, in regards to your remark, for example, what is our problems concerning 2016? Or Desmond, JW Russia Ban? Conspiracy?

From what I am aware, we are right in these notations, so much so, you even attest to agreeing, especially concerning the remark pertaining to 2016 and Desmond.

To add briefly to Desmond, we pointed out that the influence is indeed causing problems, even for those who truly follow Christ. Hence the institutions contribute to the problem in some cases, i.e. Loudon County whereas Truthers got shut down whereas misinformation is spread like fire.

Likewise pertaining to this thread, the remarks of JWs ceasing is false. What is true is they are still doing what they do, and this is known by most, even their opponents (clearly not the ones here apparently).

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26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

What focus has changed? For last I checked, they tend to focus on what is factual and or seek evidence.

Unless you want to give a clarification on what kind of shift are you referring to, granted I gave an example to a mutual confidant.

Here we go again, playing with words. Stay focused.

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I am not affiliated with Progressivism. Nor am I of the Unitarian Church. I am not a fan of Agendas as you already know from the other thread concerning Archives.

Speaking of the Unitarian Church, this was a mistake Patiently (Butler) made, when he tried to equate me to Interfaith.

Glad you finally made that correction. People here for a long time including the people you defend here, @Arauna, @Thinking, @TrueTomHarley, @JW Insider, @Pudgy, @Witness, so forth and so on, thought you are a Unitarian Christian, when you're not by your own words. You just like to debunk, which has no real meaning in Christianity.

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Forgiveness is something we should attest to. Exploiting God's love via Forgiveness is a problem.

A criminal can commit a crime and he repents and asks for forgiveness. Another does the same thing, but willfully continues his actions for he knows he can manipulate and exploit such forgiveness and or outright continues to do bad without remorse, there is a difference. There are Biblical examples pertaining to 2 Kings which sheds that similarity.

That wasn't the question, was it. You enjoy evading the question then complain after how you are a good debater, and you won't fall into any trap. A trap you yourself caused. 

Forgiveness is a given. DO YOU BELIEVE JUDAS WILL BE FORGIVEN? How about those that committed CRIMES against humanity. How about those that blaspheme against God's Holy Spirit? IS THIS PLAIN ENOUGH FOR YOU, not to play with words?

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Hence ongoing.

Clearly, both you and I are seen as a threat to the Mainstream, their influence is everywhere, even among EXJWs

So, you know who the Antichrist is?

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

I gave a summary in my last response.

I'll just quote it for you

A none response is not a response, not a quote. Care to clarify?

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The only problem we have is censorship, suppression, and misleading notations.

Not according to other truthers. Does this mean, you're not a true, truther? It would appear, you reject what people say about truthers from within their own community.

26 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Likewise pertaining to this thread, the remarks of JWs ceasing is false.

This is coming from @Srecko Sostar just to waste his time here. A true JW knows the preaching work hasn't stopped.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Definition of truther

A) one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy 


B) someone who does not believe the generally accepted explanation for an event or situation and thinks it is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people


That's what the video shows. There are, truthers, but then again, there are people calling themselves truthers. Seems just like in Christendom. You have true Christians, and you have people pretending to be Christians. A realistic operation coming from Satan. The thing about those that enjoy debunking, sometimes they debunk themselves.


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34 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

@JW Insider ... so forth and so on, thought you are a Unitarian Christian, when you're not by your own words.

For the record, I never thought SM was associated with the Unitarian Church. I've even corrected others who thought so, because SM was always careful about how he used the term Unitarian (and Restorationist, etc.). For that matter, I am also a Unitarian (and a Restorationist). I don't know much of anything about these Truthers, though.

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When people acknowledge other people or remark about a certain religion as to think they are associated with a certain religion, there's no clarification needed. However, those that identify themselves with other forms of religion while declaring themselves a Jehovah's Witness is classified as an apostate. Therefore, anyone considering themselves a Unitarian or a restorationist is NOT a Jehovah's Witness. That should be clearer for the record.

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      merci pour ton travail très utile. tu es une aide qui fortifie
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    • Pamela Dunston  »  T.B. (Twyla)

      Hi, TB
      I would like to get the weekly meeting and watchtower materials  and the 2024 convention 
      Attend the 2024 Convention—“Declare the Good News!”
      notebook, I just recently got a new computer, If don't mind my brother to add me on and allow me access to our study again.
      Thank you, so much
      Sister Dunston
      · 3 replies
    • SpiritualSister 24  »  DARLENE2022

      Hello, Darlene, I just love your name, I had a cousin named Darline, and had a classmate also named Darlene! It's a pleasure to know another Darlene! Especially a Spiritual Sister! There's some websites, Ministry Ideaz , JW Stuff.com, and Etsy that I use to order my yearly buttons for the Conventions! They always send me what I order, and their also Jehovah's Witnesses, that send us the merchandise we order!  You can check out these websites, and they might have what your looking for! I hope I have been helpful in assisting you, Darlene! Agape love, Shirley!😀
      · 1 reply
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