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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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Oh, just as an aside, in Finland the government considers impairing a person’s right to vote in any way to be akin to a crime against humanity and a violation of a persons basic human rights, therefore the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Finland does not in anyway impose congregational sanctions against any brother or sister who chooses to vote, and does not speak against it in any way whatsoever, which would be a punishable felony, as a violation of basic human rights.

I agree with that.




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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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8 hours ago, Thinking said:

I did not know of some churches going door to door…I know SDA do try off course the Mormons..and I know some have tried individually go door to door..which is commendable…but they sort of don’t last….

It is more so standing on corners and the like. For me personally, the ones more troubling to deal with is the Black Hebrew Isrealites. They themselves tried to change history for the wrong reasons.

That being said, it is going to be tough.

8 hours ago, Thinking said:

People are now angrier than ever…so many unemployed and on government payments…lost employment..a drop in the manner of living.

Prices of food up as well as petrol…floods and fires and a virus that has terrified everyone and a corrupt government….so yeah we really hope no more door to door work….it’s a different world out there now..

And it will get worse should the gas, energy, and now wheat supply shifts in an unfavorable direction. This will effect people who do not know what is taking place in the background, even members of your faith.

even mentally one needs to defend themselves. Although @Dmitar would say otherwise, he agreed several times on the fact of the influence that has flourish recently in which it can effect some people namely younger people., for ill influence can effect everyone if they're not careful.

7 hours ago, Thinking said:

I do know of some that have left us and gone on to fortunetelling and full on spiritism…..I do not understand how anyone can blame the faults we have….and turn to Satan and act as his mouth peice …it beggars belief.

This particular EXJW is an interesting case, this excludes the others who went into spiritism full 100%, for this one, he slowly got into it. Despite preaching against JWs for he was essentially the voice of the Warwick protest and a legitimate rival to one of @Srecko Sostar's following, John Cedar (who is now known to be immoral), as for spiritism, he slowly began to be influence by spiritism. After the protest against JWs, he was shown in a video after his rant about the park situation doing a Wiccan practice - The Maypole, the picture below is an example of what that is


After the video came out, he made another one after he was called out by EXJWs, but soon after he deleted both videos yet for this major error, EXJWs still defend him and they still attack Cedars, however, despite this, he still communicates with Wiccan practitioners, who drew in more EXJW converts.

This is the same EXJW turned Wiccan who attempted to pretend he was a Truther, as is a member of a Hacktivist group only to get called out. As of now he also dwells on conspiracy. For even former members of your faith they need be careful, but most do not watch their step.

That being said, this same move is made by others, to trick people into accepting traditions, stating God sees them as harmless. So one need to be careful.

Granted @Dmitar was confused with his Unitarian remark as was @Srecko Sostar. There were no churches in the area at the time, so learning of God and the Bible was in house, for my Father had a reason for this because of a practice in my mother's country which is related to Spiritism as with violence (although at the time his country his no different), so holding on to what the Bible says is light holding a sword to fend off an extremely disaster laced influence which claim many. As for Biblical Unitarian, this is in regards to the fact my Father, as with me also, believe God to be the Father only, and the Son is the Christ, hence me being vocal against the Trinity and Mainstream, as is some of what spill over into the Anti-Trinitarian faction. Because of Restorationist movement, it actually gives the Anti-Triniarian a legitimate fighting chance against the Trinitarian and the Mainstream.

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4 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Oh, just as an aside, in Finland the government considers impairing a person’s right to vote in any way to be a kin to a crime against humanity and a violation of a persons basic human rights, therefore the watchtower Bible and tract society in Finland does not in anyway imposed congregational sanctions against any brother or sister who chooses to vote, and does not speak against it in any way whatsoever, which would be a punishable felony.

Speaking about voting, sometimes one's stance can cause someone to make assumptions. For instance, a JW can preach to someone in a Blue State on the matter of, for example, child abortion and life. Granted all of us know how life is viewed, even what the Bible says, the home owner would mistaken you for a Right-Winger whereas that same home owner is for abortion. They conclude that, although neutral, you are a Conservative Voter.

Even when it comes to a Biblical view, those of he political paradigm often confuse themselves.

Elsewhere there ae those who force you into a political side.

That being said, in the New Normalcy, the paradigm is a lot more aggressive.

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When I was a teenager I was exposed to the words of Thomas Jefferson, who said “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility towards every form of tyranny over the mind of man.“

I realize now, that since then, I have never been “neutral”. 



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54 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

he was essentially the voice of the Warwick protest and a legitimate rival to one of @Srecko Sostar's following, John Cedar (who is now known to be immoral)

Chasing after the prostitutes in Thailand, he was, on his donor’s dime. It happens to all of them sooner or later.

(How’s that for a salvo?)

I’ve had it in for him ever since he kicked me off his website and then let the impression stand that my people “ordered” me off when in fact it was his doing.  


Alas for the scripture that “commands” me not to rejoice over my enemy’s downfall. And the one that “orders” me not to bear grudges. Pesky also is the one that “orders” me to put coals on his fat head and means some mushy thing about kindness. But I take it all to heart. Nothing but love and kisses here.


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Jesus was accused of sedition because he preached about a kingdom not being of this world. 

1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

in Finland the government considers impairing a person’s right to vote in any way to be akin to a crime against humanity

This reminds me of the jab.  They do not speak against the jab.  Soon the governments will become more adamant especially when they want to barcode everyone in some way and jab you every year.  Each individual will have to make their own decision as to what they will do...... no more holding of hands...and leading the toddlers along..  We must learn to think and please Jehovah because we want to!

59 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

altar of God

I read an old JW publication in which it explains this very well.  It refers to Psalm 45 where Jehovah will prepare a body for Jesus and he laid it upon the Altar of Jehovah - in the greater temple sanctuary.  This altar stands for the "will of Jehovah".  Jesus came to do the will of Jehovah even right to his death.  So, do we do the bidding of men to stay out of trouble and worship the beast? Or do we do the will of Jehovah and stay faithful only to Him.   There is a difference to fighting for 'freedom' in a political way and only staying calmly and peacefully faithful to Jehovah because Jehovah recognizes our right to choose to serve him. Like Jeus we could be called seditious at this point.

The Mosaic LAW given to the Israelites guarantees freedom of choice and a freedom to own your own property - no one should covet it and take any property of yours away.  So it is in the law of Jehovah.  BUT one must be cautious to politicize this freedom and stand up against government.  It should only be a religious choice.  Especially when the government starts to take away your property, and fine you, and even put you in jail, because you refuse to vote or obey mandates which takes away a choice. 

We all will be facing these choices soon! Be careful not to politicize your choices.

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Biblical Unitarians, according to this gentleman in video, believe that Jesus will come again on earth to fight against enemy and judge mankind.

Also they believe how Holy Spirit (different from holy spirit as he wrote) is only one of many names that God have. If I understand his speech, Holy Spirit is God's name (because He have many names) and holy spirit is His attribute, a trait He gives to people (when creating he gave a part of his personality to human or He give holy spirit in exceptional events)

This is different and opposite of JW's doctrines as I see. How you explain this difference between your "religion" and JW's religion?



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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Chasing after the prostitutes in Thailand, he was, on his donor’s dime. It happens to all of them sooner or later.

Yes, and for all we know due to whomever he was with, since this is in the realm of Prostitution, be it a person (which is known) or several (a possibility due to how some operate in that regard), among them could be trafficked sex ring victims, and or underaged, for in Thailand the age of consent is 14-15 there is no question that some people with ill intent, often go to the country for that reason and try to shroud themselves, granted how high this notation is, especially in Thailand Bangkok - of all places in Thailand. This is something his followers will either soften the blow or avoid talking about, and or listen to what he has to say not realizing how things are in Thailand.

That being said, since he truly wanted to commit sin via adultery willfully, what hurts one's yoke with their mate even harder is with a Prostitute, his brazen fun and games until he was caught (for if he wasn't caught, he would be remorseless), hence the rift in the EXJW since the 2017 incident in the Borough is a large one.

There are parallels situations, someone from the Mainstream who made the news I believe, but ironically, the fact this Mainstreamer was a Woman, clearly in that moment the justice system didn't do much; other situations similar too.

All in all, like the Wiccan practitioner, he scrubbed some information on the Warwick situation too. For regarding these 2 former JWs, is is evident that they adhere to ill influence, and the action that follows. It also is a nod to the problems of Mainstream Christendom, in which forgiveness is often times, mostly, exploited, in short, people who play with God's forgiveness will fair badly in the end.


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43 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Biblical Unitarians, according to this gentleman in video, believe that Jesus will come again on earth to fight against enemy and judge mankind.

Ok. And? As do most who understand Core Teachings of the legitimate Christian faith vs the other faction that originated in the 4th century, he mentions this early on in the video. For in the days of Constantine, our predecessors, The Subordinationists, it was a dangerous time for them. This even goes into the Reformation, we had to deal with Catholics. Most Subordinationist Christians were killed, even in an era where there was a new Emperor.

To not accept the Creed or the Trinity, death will follow. Therefore, Jesus is not God, he is God's Son.

Moreover, Subordinationists never fought compared to the early days of Mainstream Christendom who took over. Then you have to factor in the issue with Bible translation.

God's Day, Jesus does come back to fight against lawlessness and badness.

43 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Also they believe how Holy Spirit (different from holy spirit as he wrote) is only one of many names that God have.

God and the Holy Spirit are separate, for the Spirit isn't a literal being. He literally says this in the video Perhaps you took this man's words out of context. He mentions that Trinitarians believe in One God, but in 3 persons, therefore, in the Trinitarian view, The Holy Spirit isn't separate from God, but God himself, essentially. As far as I know, JWs, Muslims and most Anti-Trinitarians do not believe that the Holy Spirit is God, nor do they believe Jesus to be God, rather, the only God, is the Father (YHWH); Jesus states this too.

Unlike our other Unitarian counterparts, we believe Jesu pre-existence. As far as I know most Anti-Trinitarians, even JWs, believe this, but JWs are noted by opponents as Semi-Arians because they believe, like the Subordinationists Jesus was created by God. Some of the Unitarian Church outside of Biblical Unitarian believe Jesus only came into existence when conceived by Mary.

43 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If I understand his speech, Holy Spirit is God's name (because He have many names) and holy spirit is His attribute, a trait He gives to people (when creating he gave a part of his personality to human or He give holy spirit in exceptional events)

God's name? Srecko, are you aware of what the holy spirit is and what it is capable of?

The Holy Spirit is from [of] God and it itself has many names. Granted this video was posted in my other debate, even the website of this man made the correction; @Costried to get me on that, but failed. Moreover, another person similar to the man in the video, Kel, made the correction.

God indeed has many names, as is his Son, as is his Spirit. His spirit is used to direct his followers, in the past, enabling them to do miraculous acts. The Holy Spirit can be prayed for, and given to those who ask for it. Hence, the ending remark is correct.

The debate against @Cos concerning the Holy Spirit, probably the only debate where I was annoyed with a Trinitarian. Ironically @Dmitar was mentioned in this debate as his last tenure

I remember talking about this video years ago on here, likewise with Kel and Buzzard. 


43 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

This is different and opposite of JW's doctrines as I see.

From what I am aware, the core teachings they're aware about, the only difference is that they're as a whole an organized group compared to others. So not sure of what you are attesting to.

Most of us Anti-Trinitarians trust the Bible also.

43 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

How you explain this difference between your "religion" and JW's religion?

One is organized and one is not?

That being said, at the end he made it clear of the different Unitarians out there.

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

This reminds me of the jab.  They do not speak against the jab.  Soon the governments will become more adamant especially when they want to barcode everyone in some way and jab you every year.  Each individual will have to make their own decision as to what they will do...... no more holding of hands...and leading the toddlers along..  We must learn to think and please Jehovah because we want to!

They'll eventually track bank accounts with some new ruling.

They're also afraid to say COVID-19 is Endemic.

Although they less restrictions, chance are, they'll bring them back, so for example, if you do go preaching, who is to say you'll be stopped to have your papers checked?

That kind of power those in power will not let go 100%, temporarily, but not permanent.

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57 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

since he truly wanted to commit sin via adultery willfully, what hurts one's yoke with their mate even harder is with a Prostitute, his brazen fun and games until he was caught (for if he wasn't caught, he would be remorseless),

I’ll concede that some of the artwork in JW publications is ridiculed. But sometimes it is spot-on. Those pics of the people of God surrounded by frothing, raging, and undisciplined hooligans, shaking their fists in the air—promising freedom but being slaves themselves to corruption—Those pics could not fit anyone more closely. I mean, the guy was the public face of anti-Witness “activism.”

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13 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, at the end he made it clear of the different Unitarians out there.

Which one (Unitarian) are you? True, false, original, modified, factionalist ...?

22 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

God and the Holy Spirit are separate, for the Spirit isn't a literal being.

 I do not understand. I don't think JW understands you either. So I ask: How is God separated from his spirit? 

Do you have your spirit? And are you separated from your spirit?

I am not separated from my spirit. My spirit and I are one. I am also not detached from my intellect and mind. :))


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