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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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@Srecko Sostar

When you have a chance, research the difference that these people here don't seem to understand. It's funny how they consider themselves smart but lack biblical intelligence.

There is a BIG difference between a perceived "Biblical UNITY" which every true Christian should possess, and a Unitarian, along with a Unitarian Church. 

That theology of none Trinitarianism should be in the minds of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yet, the term Unitarian is being used incorrectly by Jehovah's Witnesses here.


In Scotland there are in the larger cities and towns about ten Unitarian churches. In that country occurred the last execution for blasphemy against the Trinity in the person of a young student, Thomas Aikenhead, hanged near Edinburgh in 1696. The present Unitarian Church of Edinburgh, originally strictly Calvinistic, having adopted the principle of free inquiry, became Arian and finally humanitarian under the pastorate of Dr. Southwood Smith in 1812. In Wales about thirty-four churches of this faith are reported; and there are several strong societies at Montreal, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and other places in the British colonies in Canada, India, and Australia. The English Unitarians maintain a missionary college in Manchester, a Presbyterian college at Carnlarthen which educates Unitarian and Independent ministers, and the larger unsectarian institution of Manchester New College, removed recently to London. 

Building the true life

A Congregational minister once said to a Unitarian minister, "Can you conceive of anything greater and higher than the life and teaching of Jesus Christ?" and the Unitarian minister frankly answered, "No." "Then what is the difference between your conception of the character of God and the character of Christ?" and he as frankly said. again, "That it was a very fine point." The apostle, as a wise master builder, had laid this foundation as the basis of the new life; not himself, or Apollos, or Peter. The Corinthians were to be rooted and built up in Christ, and in no other. But they were to take heed how they built themselves up on Him.

Therefore, unless these Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves Calvinistic, then yes! They are Unitarian. Keep in mind, only those here would consider themselves that.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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5 hours ago, Thinking said:

Hahah….yes I do have trouble with it …especially when it’s written…sarcasm is another that I cannot discern ..in written form…I think I get muddy in it too…which is funny really as B Splane at our last big convention said….” You Australians need to be careful with your speech as some think you come over as harsh and sarcastic “…..I smiled as he said that..( as I know I come over as blunt..) 


You know, if we back up and take another look at this—I think it accounts for why much of our audio and video production comes across as so bland and plain vanilla. If you add any of the spice that makes speech and text interesting, it becomes a turn-off to someone of another culture and background. So the brothers avoid the pitfall altogether. They trowel it on unambiguous and unfettered with anything potentially off putting. It is a test for those used to fine writing and oratory to not be so full of themselves, dial back artistic considerations, and just deal with ‘just the facts, ma’am.”

Even I—I know you will not believe this—have inadvertently been misunderstood and have given offense to some, without any bad intention whatsoever! And don’t get me started on all the rest of you. 

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13 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I was pleased to learn that Sir Isaac Newton could accurately be described as a “Unitarian Restorationist” Christian, as obviously (to me at least ….),

One thing about Isaac Newton is that he was spoken of as Demonic by the Mainstream because he didn't accept the Creeds or believed in the Trinity. He knew God was the Father and Jesus was the Son.

He is still attacked by the Mainstream today, so much so, some try to twist his views. Some Black Hebrew Israelites, also try to proclaim that, although Isaac was a White British Man, believe it or not, is not British and somehow among the Jewish Tribes.

In short, you'd be surprised of other things I've ran into.


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Of so-called Christendom, probably one-half believe that Jesus was merely an imperfect (sinful) man like other men, except that he had more than ordinary ability—a man superior to his day—a man who, as a teacher of morals, properly ranked with Confucius, Socrates, and Plato, though, they think, less philosophical than the two last. His death they regard as remarkable for cruelty and injustice, but aside from the fact that he was a martyr to principles of truth, they recognize no merit in it. He died, say they, as any other man dies, and for the same reason. As a member of the same human family, he would have died as any other man sooner or later, anyhow. They say, the value of Jesus' life and death consists entirely in the moral teaching, influence, and example which it affords mankind, showing to all men that they should lead pure, moral lives, and rather sacrifice life than principle. Of this view are almost all connected with the "Universalist" and "Unitarian" denominations, as well as a large proportion in all other denominations, sometimes called "Liberal" and "Independent" Christians—"advanced thinkers," etc.

We wish every reader to note carefully that the "nineteenth century light," of which these so-called "advanced thinkers" boast, is an earthly light. It is such intellectual philosophy and science, falsely so called, against which we are warned. (1 Tim. 6:20.) It not only ignores, but opposes the heavenly light—THE WORD OF GOD.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

He interviewed a Unitarian Universalist, not a Biblical Unitarian.


1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, this is like 100% equating Jehovah's Witnesses to Seventh Day Adventist, and or Islam. To mix things up, makes no sense, unless one does so to cause confuse or weaponize misinformation.

UU, BU, JW and SDA. What, who they are? They all claim how they are Christians who have trust, who believe in one book, Bible. 

Who confusing who by claiming such thing?

Are you willing to admit that they are all Christians or not? Just some of them or just one group? Which group of the above is a true Christian group, in your opinion?

You somehow "boast" with claim how you are BU and not UU and as such, i suppose, "better" than UU. "Better" in sense -closer to truth or completely in the truth? Of what value is that to me? Of no value. That claim can just be of some value to you. To me and other here, that only can mean to have information what is your "religious ID". :) 

Those videos just showed how people are disunited. And that no group and no individual has a monopoly on "the truth".

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50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

UU, BU, JW and SDA. What, who they are? They all claim how they are Christians who have trust, who believe in one book, Bible. 

So as a former JW such as yourself, you believe Jesus is not the Son and that God manifested a human form called Jesus? Clearly not, however in some instances you stood by Trinitarians, being used by them.

Anyways that is the issue with the Oneness belief, although they are semi-Trinitarian, they still lean towards the Mainstream.

A Christian is a name given to God's followers who follow Christ. But at the same time, many strive to be like the early church or replicates it whereas some do not, and they are mislead and or go follow different Christology, you should know this, you were in the same debate thread when @Cos challenged me and several visitors.

That being said, you confused your own faith for others, such as Prosperity Preachers who are primarily Trinitarian.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Who confusing who by claiming such thing?

One realizes that Core Christian Teachings exist since the day the Christian Churches were formed. Example, me adhering to God's Order, and you/Witness professing something entirely different, the Unisex idea into the Christian faith profess by the Mainstream.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you willing to admit that they are all Christians or not?

Whenever I speak of he apostolic church it is pretty clear of what I had told you for several years now. In regards to those who came out of the Christian Revival (historical), some lost their roots, some maintain them.

The Unitarian Universalists evidently lean towards Interfaith, hence the Oneness view. Early Christians prior to the events of the 4th century were Subordinationists, they clearly didn't have a Oneness view.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Just some of them or just one group?

This was already mention several times to you.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Which group of the above is a true Christian group, in your opinion?

I do not rely on opinions, only facts. The True Church is the Apostolic Church, hence those who strive to follow that path.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You somehow "boast" with claim how you are BU and not UU and as such, i suppose, "better" than UU.

If I believe God has manifested into Jesus then perhaps I would be a UU, but clearly I believe Jesus is God's Son.

This ahs nothing to do with being better. Boasting? Not really because any thinking man can see one is associated with Oneness, an the other is not. After all, you showed the difference without realizing it only to equate.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

closer to truth or completely in the truth?

Well Jesus is God's Son. He isn't God or a literal manifestation of God. Therefore the Bible has this truth, which is 100%.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Of what value is that to me? Of no value.

This has nothing to do with value, more so to call you out for mixing things you have no idea about.

Therefore, it is further evidence to my critical thinking remark I made elsewhere concerning you as is the lack of research.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

That claim can just be of some value to you.

Well if you are lying you will be called out.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

To me and other here

Only @Dmitar and the only reason he is getting along with you because of a maculation he made on his part elsewhere, evident by the wild use of emojis.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

that only can mean to have information what is your "religious ID". :) 

So can you quote me professing Oneness as a truth?

I'll wait.

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

hose videos just showed how people are disunited.

You had it right the first time until you messed up the second time.

Then you confused a BU for UUs.

So now you put yourself in a bind, how can I believe in Oneness if I believe Jesus to be God's Son? Let alone the notation of baptism?

50 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And that no group and no individual has a monopoly on "the truth".

Says the man who believed that somehow assumes that Deborah, a Judge of Israel, had lead Christian Churches in the Nation of Israel despite the fact Mary never existed yet to birth Christ Jesus, let alone the start of Christianity.

That being said, you have proven the case I made to Witness.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you willing to admit that they are all Christians or not? Just some of them or just one group? Which group of the above is a true Christian group, in your opinion?

Keep chipping away, Srecko. He won't engage in a personal level. It has to be third party or nothing. I guess, that's why @Witness gets frustrated with him, when he's not a JW to give a "personal" account on that type of Christian life. You have to have been, in order to fully understand. 

There's a difference. We can understand the mechanism's of other religions. Unless you've lived a Catholic life, then you can't have that personal understanding, since there are None practicing members and others full of Jesus is God and I worship the Virgin Mary diehards. Then you have the in between.

It doesn't hurt growing up with friends that were of different denominations, either.

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9 hours ago, Thinking said:

Very sad all the way around….but this is how the demons infiltrate all forums ..

Yes, and the fact you mentioned Kel, he himself is neutral with JWs, however, he did point out anyone leaving the faith will evidently end up like some you see here, such as @Srecko Sostar, thus fall into a misguided state of mind; even Apostasy. He also makes note of how Trinitarians normally target those who normally do not debate, in this case, your faith community, however, there was one live instance where a JW did debate making the Trinitarian Faction as a whole look foolish. The irony of that debate, although the man isn't a JW anymore but has not dwelled on apostasy as most have, the disgruntled EXJW community will weaponize this person, any chance they get and defend some notations of the Trinitarian opponent from that debate.

Trinitarians of the Mainstream are cunning when it comes to dealing with Anti-Trinitarians, for in your case, somehow they applied the Cult and or Sect idea towards your faith group, which over the years, got people believing this to be true, while legitimate cults run rampant, hence the Disgruntled EXJWs who are already caught by that influence, as is the notation of the Hardcore Atheists who applies this idea towards The Abrahamic Faiths as a whole.

That being said, speaking about debates; some folks who are non-religious over the years, for every Cyborg-Ninja Jesus remark I ever heard, perhaps I'd be a rich man.

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2 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

He won't engage in a personal level.

I have, several times actually.

14 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

It has to be third party or nothing.

I use only facts, the Bible and quotations only. Call backs to, apparently one irked you this mention to speak this way.

3 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

I guess, that's why @Witness gets frustrated with him, when he's not a JW to give a "personal" account on that type of Christian life.

This shows you do not fully read what @Witness says, well, Pearl, in this case. It is a mix of being a former JW along with Exegesis that do not line up with Scripture.

I am not going to believe that the Devil took out Egyptians, nor will I believe Chloe lead a Church to justify change in God's Order, nor will I adhere to Conspiracy, let alone the idea JWs are literal Extremist.

When it comes to Christian life, one must adhere to what is written, not go around it.

This is why Witness/Pearl's ideas are a problem by some, and influence is there, hence the two I debated prior to going to Washington.

Moreover, you are now using the Witness logic, but many, many times seen here, she was not part of something, but attempted to use Justifiable Cause to appear right, i.e. Smurf Girl, United Nations, Secular Law, etc.

6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You have to have been, in order to fully understand. 

What JW believes Chloe operated as the head /leader of the Christian Church of Corinth?

The only people who adhere to the Unisex ideology to overwrite God's Order, let alone what Apostle Paul said are those of Mainstream Ideas. We should NOT be trying to go around the Order of the Church and how it is set up.

8 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

There's a difference. We can understand the mechanism's of other religions.

But you confused such as of recent along with @Srecko Sostar

  • One believes Jesus is God
  • One believes Jesus is God's Son
  • One believes God to have manifested into a person called Jesus.

You can't mix these up and claim to visitors that one should be truthful.

8 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Unless you've lived a Catholic life, then you can't have that personal understanding, since there are None practicing members and others full of Jesus is God and I worship the Virgin Mary diehards.

People are aware of Catholicism be it of it or not. The creeds of the 4th century, they apply, we know the original Church didn't have Creeds until the events with Constantine came into place, First Council of Nicaea 325AD. Likewise with the Spanish Inquisition.

11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

None practicing members and others full of Jesus is God and I worship the Virgin Mary diehards.

I hope you realize Catholicism has Creeds, they're Trinitarian, and are of the Mainstream.

11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then you have the in between.

There is only 2 factions concerning God and Christ, the denominations of both factions are known.

12 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

It doesn't hurt growing up with friends that were of different denominations, either.

Who said otherwise? The only issue is the Core Teachings as is the still ongoing battle that started in the 4th century.

Therefore, it shows you didn't know the events of 2016 granted there were many swept away by Babylon. So what you addressed to me elsewhere, you truly did not know.

That being said, if you truly want to do our visitors any justice, use discernment.

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@Srecko Sostar

What needs to be understood here, biblically is, the unity and oneness spoken in scripture is meant to unite true believers. It has nothing to do with the name "Unitarian" since that is a philosophy enriched by men as thinkers to compare scripture with man's interest. It would be the same if a Scientist uses scripture to make a debate about creation.

Chapter 8: Don't Walk in Your Sleep! (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)

Jesus Christ both unites and divides. Those who have trusted Him as Saviour are united in Christ as God's children. We are members of His body and "all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). When Jesus Christ returns in the air, we shall be "caught up together" (1 Thess 4:17) never to be separated again.

But Christ is also a divider. "So there was a division among the people because of Him" (John 7:43; 9:16; 10:19). Faith in Jesus Christ not only unites us to other believers; it also separates us spiritually from the rest of the world. Jesus said, "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world" (John 17:16). There is a difference between believers who are looking for the Lord's return and the people of the world; it is this theme that Paul developed in this section.

His purpose was to encourage the believers to live holy lives in the midst of their pagan surroundings. He did this by pointing out the contrasts between believers and unbelievers.

Therefore, the phrase you're looking for is UNITED IN CHRIST!

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I do not rely on opinions, only facts. The True Church is the Apostolic Church, hence those who strive to follow that path.

Ah, I understand now. :)) Since no religion today bears the title the Apostolic Church, not even WTJWorg because they call themselves JW, that means there is no one true church today. According to you, the Biblical Unitarian is not true either because they are called BU and not AC.

I get it now this too. It is important to strive to follow (even in wrong way and with plenty of errors) to be true church. :))


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