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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Actually, no! There are two separate issues. How, can you equate the nonsense of former JWs made up stance on biblical prophecy? You have the same failed argument of @JW Insider. He surmises, the only way to believe is to have the mysteries "specifically" written in the bible. I.E., 2520 has to be specifically written in scripture. Or 2 instances of 1260 specifically mentioned to equal 2520. If not, then it's only 1 time of 1260. Therefore, no prophecy. Forget the rest of the evidence. Since, those mysteries were meant for a chosen few, Why would scripture identify it as a mystery? Stellar minds. @TrueTomHarley should be proud! He's in the company of extraordinary geniuses. Superheroes of the Watchtower. 😏

Therefore, by definition, those two are separate.

Take for example one of the most important doctrines; The last days began in 1914. Jesus ’return is tied to 1914 because there was a war in heaven against Satan. It is a doctrine, derived from several "mysteries" contained in biblical passages about; 2520 days, 1260 days, day for year, seven times and the like, and  built with the help of "stellar minds".

Doctrine/s emerges from the "mystery" explained by some people. From the doctrine arises the "prophecy" foretold by Armageddon in this or that year, this or that period of time. How did the "overlapping generation" doctrine come about? In a similar way. What does the doctrinal interpretation of “generation” predict? Same again, Armageddon. 

Two "separate" things can't stay alive without each other..... in WTJWorg World.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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9 hours ago, Thinking said:

Many left over that,,,shaken because they looked to men….and a date…

Aren't JWs told to look to the leadership comprised of men, for guidance? Haven't they told JWs they must trust them because God does?  Who are you fooling but yourself?  It is a wise person that gets off a crooked path.  Prov 2:11-15  It is a wise person who can see how such a leadership has ridiculed the word of God.  (Eccl 1:15; James 1:17)

The same men continued to lead JWs down a crooked road, after 1975. 

 If the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century (the year 2000), which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. However, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that "the conclusion of the system of things" is moving fast toward its end. (The Watchtower, Oct. 15, 1980, p. 31)

Those JWs who picked themselves up after the 1975 debacle, straightened their shoulders and prepared again for the of the world to come to an end, by the year 2000.  This is oppression to lies; it is an emotionally draining captivity to false expectations. Do you really think Jesus meant that this is how he would feed his sheep, when he said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"?  Matt 11:28  

The Wt. continually creates situations that call for a spiritual adrenaline output, which runs people into the ground.  Any who realize this, have every right to reject what the leaders tell them - not in secret as JWs do here, but by standing up against lies, as Jesus Christ and the apostles did.  Since when did that change? When did it become a rule that a person cannot speak out against false teachings?  It became a rule when the Wt. was born. That type of "restorationism" is false doctrine, being "restored".   Matt 15:9

Adrenaline - "The secretion of adrenaline is a part of the human “fight or flight” response, the acute stress response to fear, perceived threat, or panic."      "...over time, persistent surges of adrenaline can damage your blood vessels, and elevate your risk of heart attacks or stroke. It can also result in anxiety, weight gain, headaches, and insomnia."

Isa 59:8 - They have not known the path of peace,
and there is no justice in their ways.
They have made their roads crooked;
no one who walks on them will know peace.




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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

That “broken phone” game has a bunch of written text. So, your argument and illustration is meaningless.

Not really because I had given evidence to the notation a while back, likewise with the fact a YouTuber, who is a former JW who debunked the whole thing only to be terminated by the EXJW community because they didn't want what he said about 1975 to come to the light. Likewise with another source found prior to the shut down of Yahoo Answers.


NOTE: Concerning the YouTuber, you and Witness were told this already, even previously:

On 11/23/2020 at 9:26 PM, Space Merchant said:

The only source that I cannot find anymore is the ExJW who was ran off of YouTube by the ExJW community (who got his whole channel deleted because of that one video despite 99% of his videos being strong criticism of JWs and what can be changed) who got his video deleted, likewise, with what was done to Mr. Cedars' friend.

NOTE: JWI even gave you his experience in which you agreed with him.

In regards to that it was addressed many times, this is why many, JWs, EXJWs, and those looking in have come to refute the 1975 claims (debunking) after an ample amount of research was done, as is some people actually getting the perspective of those who were there that when the JWs gathered (those who were still alive who understood context).

Further evidence also pertains to what @Witness posted a while back vs the 70s whereas when things are said, people often profess speculation aka the legitimate notation of F.U.D. was present then and those who believe it now.

If the latter regarding to 1975 was incorrect (that being, the JWs), as you and several claim, then it would not have stopped you, @Witness and @Patiently waiting for Truth to actually quote what equates to the highlighted [the world is going to be destroyed in 1975] directly, several times you were asked, every time you either dodge the question or simply do not know and begin to rant. In Butler's case, he mentioned that they specifically said this exactly, when asked for the quotation, he could not find anything, therefore, bought the lie, hence the Agenda. As for the EXJW that was terminated off of YouTube, the EXJW community effectively cut off his livelihood granted he was paying paid by YouTube as most have. The irony is, this EXJW agreed and disagreed with Jehovah's Witnesses on some things, but the day he made the 1975 YouTube video, your community, mainly the John Cedars troop, took him down; the irony in this also is your own communicated effectively ostracized him, but erased him as well.

That being said, regarding 1975, it is linked to the game Telephone and granted this was in the 70s, often things heard is publication, a parallel example to this would be the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 60s whereas one person says something, the others say something else, and their is panic and action that ensues; speculation. A more serious and legitimate comparison is Buy The Rumor, Sell the News (associated with F.U.D.)

Therefore, if the JWs actually claim what is cited in red, pertaining to Witness' and Butler's old remarks on here, then there wouldn't be a need for EXJWs to Excommunicate and Expel one of their own from the community due to this notation.

So to correct you:

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

your argument

Incorrect because this is based on facts and history. Research, of which both you and Witness do not like.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

illustration is meaningless.

Also incorrect because that is exactly what happen when there is speculation.

Therefore, Telephone, Speculative news, Tabloids, Buy the Rumor/Sell the News, and F.U.D. is even associated with the events of 1975, as is the EXJW that was terminated, who also based his findings on facts.

So Facts not only beats unverified bias opinions, it also beats speculative information and assumptions.

Therefore, if your notation was true, you'd quote the events of 1975 word for word.


10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you trying to say that people today are less prone to naivety than in the 1970s?

In the 60s, and 70s, even today now when it comes to media and tabloids, there is speculation, and this equates to stories, this also plays a role in Propaganda whereas one would have to do the research to actually know what is going on.

So if in this case, if someone says, to the effect, I am going on a trip for a while might not come back any time soon, some will speculate that the person may die/commit suicide, the person being kidnap, etc whereas in reality, the person took the trip to clear his thoughts, and those who know the context of the situation, the person itself, they understand that the speculation revolving around the person to be untrue.

That being said, this, speculative and or media bias can even be traced long before the 70s, and 60s, it has been around for a while, i.e. speculation and claims that can lead to problems, harm, even death.

This calls back to other events, for example, the 1900s in which an assumption led to blood shed.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And that today’s JWs think more with their head than their predecessors, so they’re more careful and don’t listen to GB enough?

Regarding speculative notations, this is in regards to people as a whole, not just JWs. @Witness succumb to such notations several times, hence why I mentioned her as with Butler, and you. In fact all 3 of you fell for an Alt-Right article.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

and that is; more information about WTJWorg.

So what is stopping you from actually quoting them saying the world is effectively going to end on that year?

Hence, the Telephone notation is justified here.

If you can pull anything be it an archived domain or a public domain, surely, you'd have a quotation, but to this day, it is unfounded.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And an increasingly rich history (and present) of failed doctrines.

So can you quote the 1975 notation then?

I told @Witness this and I told @Patiently waiting for Truth and yet none of them can bring a quote, instead, tabloid newspaper clips from the 70s. Every time when this notation of that year is addressed, it is never stated of what the faith community is being accused of - ever.

So I leave you with this, if the JWs did quote the following [the world is going to be destroyed in 1975] then quote them, Butler said they said.

So if you can find this you bore a True Witness. If it is unfounded, then you adhered to a False Witness.


Since Witness is paying attention to you, perhaps she can help you with that.

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37 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

The thing that often comes to my mind is the parable of the boy who continually cried “Wolf!!”, when there was no wolf.

somehow I find the same sort of thing acceptable with Air Raid drills.

This is comparable to the people like Jen Psaki. Just the other day she had the general public highly misinformed about inflation, and some people bought it, others did the research and refuted it.

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10 hours ago, Thinking said:

Many left over that,,,shaken because they looked to men….and a date…

That is what happens when there is a high level of speculation - F.U.D. (buy the rumor sell the news).

It is no different from a recent example, Jen Psaki, or the notations of an international conflict only to push an Agenda.


In the end, those who understood, knew context, those who do not, take ill action, and reap the seeds of their labor.

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For those that have been on the ARCHIVE for many years, we remember that what has been said about this if it was assembled and stapled  together it would be about  a 1000 page book.

Everything that has been said or could’ve been said has been said, over and over and over and over. Then it’s been rephrased a dozen times In a dozen different ways and that has been resaid over and over.

in a dozen different ways and that has been resaid over and over.

It’s real simple for me, because I was there and I watched it happen from California to the Congo and in the state of Virginia in the middle.

The battle cry was “stay alive till ‘75”

.…. which, surprisingly, I’ve been able to manage, so far.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Take for example one of the most important doctrines; The last days began in 1914. Jesus ’return is tied to 1914 because there was a war in heaven against Satan. It is a doctrine, derived from several "mysteries" contained in biblical passages about; 2520 days, 1260 days, day for year, seven times and the like,

Can you be absolute, 1914 didn't happen? That's the embodiment of a stellar mind. Intelligent people would see 2 situations. 1 The British freeing the Jews from Palestine, and 2 the start of a "global" war that hadn't been documented in Human history. 

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Doctrine/s emerges from the "mystery" explained by some people. From the doctrine arises the "prophecy" foretold by Armageddon in this or that year, this or that period of time. How did the "overlapping generation" doctrine come about? In a similar way.

Did @Pudgy tell you when Armageddon would begin? That's one smart mutt! Maybe, Captain Marvel can clue the rest of the intelligent class here, when it is. They're dying to know.

Even, if you had someone give you a clue with prophetic insight, you people are foolish enough to deny it. So, what's the point?

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

NOTE: JWI even gave you his experience in which you agreed with him.

In regards to that it was addressed many times, this is why many, JWs, EXJWs, and those looking in have come to refute the 1975 claims (debunking) after an ample amount of research was done, as is some people actually getting the perspective of those who were there that when the JWs gathered (those who were still alive who understood context).

JWI said, 1975 was a prophetic mistake made by the Watchtower, which @Srecko Sostar agreed to. Both present and former Jehovah's Witnesses came to that erred conclusion. So, I wouldn't use 1975 as an example, since there is still ignorance here surrounding the 1975 event that the Watchtower itself had to debunk in 1974. That, Jehovah's Witnesses here will accept it as truth, even though that 1974 article stares them straight in their face, is a different issue.

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The point is this:

invisible things that supposedly happened in heaven in 1914, for which there is not a single shred of evidence their invisible kingdom with an invisible presence supported by invisible people, or angels as the case may be is completely indistinguishable …… Based on facts…… From a delusional fantasy.

The Bible said that nobody knows when Armageddon is going to take place and it would surprise everybody.

So far, every person, group, and organization that has claimed insight and ability to explain prophecy as always without exception been 100% WRONG.

That arrogance, fraud and just being flat wrong has been going on for at least 2000 years.

There have been no exceptions.

And I believe, that is the point.


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I guess Jehovah's Witnesses, that were around in 1975, are seriously challenged by the lack of bible knowledge if they still don't get it. Never mind the nonsense former Jehovah's Witnesses still falsely claim, but current ones?

Yet, they quarrel about, who the wild beast is, lol! 😄

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