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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So the WTJWorg organization solely led by the Holy Spirit along with all the JW people in it fell victim to “rumors”?

You seem to be out of focus. Something was said, and some people assume otherwise, therefore, their move begot an action whereas some believed God's Day to be of that year vs those who understood, and took in context.

This is no different from what Psaki and the OMG WE ARE ABOUT TO GET NUKED troop running around the community.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

How is this possible when JWs are the only people who are “spiritually awake” from long past,  while the whole world sleeps in “false dreams”?

Not sure what Spiritualistic rhetoric is that, but you'll have to elaborate what you are conveying.

If you imply they see themselves as perfect prophets, then that is a bad assumption, for we been through this route before, as is with @Witness who alluded to the same notion a while back when in reality they are imperfect at all. All of us are imperfect. 

There is a difference in a prophet inspired and a prophet not inspired.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

As imperfect people they continue to produce imperfect spiritual food with hilarious outcomes. :) And JW people take this position seriously. It seems how they are aware of own imperfection and imperfection of their religious leaders, but still continue to obey them.

Yet no mention of God's Day being 1975 in regards to claim. Tough crowd.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Then would you be so kind to tell us what you told me a while back, that the JWs claim 1975, from your source (reddit) was indeed the end of the world?

What do you think Armageddon means to JWs?  It means the destruction of the "world" as they know it.  Analyze the first paragraph, with eyes open.  




1968 Awake.jpg

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

JWI was not talking about prophecy, more so experience. Srecko reacted in agreement.

JWI experience lack facts. He agrees with many false claims coming from former Jehovah’s Witnesses. He hasn't held back punches and is very vocal about not accepting certain prophetic timelines. 


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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You alluded to it concerning prophecy, it being from a publication is irrelevant, and the response was the whole situation dwelled on speculation. Therefore the EXJW claim [1975 the JW said God's day will come; the world will end] is false.

The truth is concerning human history, nothing more.


It was Not EVER said Gods day would come or Armageddon…..it was alluded to strongly that it was a significant event and meant something important ….

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44 minutes ago, Witness said:

What do you think Armageddon means to JWs?  It means the destruction of the "world" as they know it.  Analyze the first paragraph, with eyes open.  

You should be ashamed of yourself for this kind of woeful foolishness. 

*** w74 10/15 p. 635 Growing in Appreciation for the “Divine Purpose” ***
The publications of Jehovah’s witnesses have shown that, according to Bible chronology, it appears that 6,000 years of man’s existence will be completed in the mid-1970’s. But these publications have never said that the world’s end would come then. Nevertheless, there has been considerable individual speculation on the matter. So the assembly presentation “Why We Have Not Been Told ‘That Day and Hour’” was very timely. It emphasized that we do not know the exact time when God will bring the end. All we know is that the end will come within the generation that sees fulfilled on it the sign that Jesus Christ said would then be in evidence. (See Matthew chapters 24, 25.) All indications are that the fulfillment of this sign began in 1914. So we can be confident that the end is near; we do not have the slightest doubt that God will bring it about, the speaker stressed. But we have to wait and see exactly when, in the meantime keeping busy in God’s service.

Once again, you show the reader what a false prophet you really are. WAKE UP! Readers, don't accept the obtuse narrative of former Jehovah's Witnesses. That includes @Pudgy 

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Those of us that attended those assemblies back then understood very clearly what 1975 was about. Were there ignorant Witnesses suggesting other things, yes! Some even got D'fd for promoting a false narrative that affected weak-minded people that got sucked into believing such nonsense.

This just shows @Witness was NOT a member of that institution and is relying on disgusting internet chatter.

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

But these publications have never said that the world’s end would come then.

Dear Dmitar, dear Allen, 

Who are you trying to protect?  What are you defending?  The sly way the leadership promoted, but didn't promote, a date for Armageddon to come?  Isn't that called hypocrisy?   Is this how Jesus expects those whom he sends, to teach his sheep?  John 13:20 

Prov 13:5; Luke 12:1









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4 hours ago, Witness said:

What do you think Armageddon means to JWs?  It means the destruction of the "world" as they know it.  Analyze the first paragraph, with eyes open.  

Really? This was the same image from the original post when you were asked.



Nowhere in that small snippet did we see:

  • Acknowledgement that, to your claim, they attested to God's Day being 1975.

Nor anything pertaining to the End of the World on that day or year in general.

The image in question does speak of the End Times (as most of their articles even archives pertain to) but nothing suggest the latter claim which was proven to be false by many, even by EXJWs.

To @Pudgy he was right about those crying about wolves... Only in this case, there is literally no wolf...


That being said, every time I asked you, to show evidence, you go around it, and relied on speculation and assumption. This is why others, be it JW, EXJW, etc, should they do the research it will ultimately scatter, no, reduce the old 1975 claim into oblivion. The irony of it all is the alluded quote I mentioned to @Srecko Sostar was from your original thread prior to the one JWI made who, at the time, was annoyed by yet another 1975 thread.

Again, we all witness here, once again, you attest to using a false speculative narrative to re-write history, exposing you for justifiable cause aka, Agenda.

As a side note, there was no publication or whatever article they had at the time, even Archived, that ever suggested that 1975, let alone the 70s that God's Day will come.

Again - 1 John 4:1 is used against you.

I don't know if you've been living in isolation for years, but if you didn't know, Christians been stating the End Times is near and or Tribulations times are to come, etc. something to that effect. Although we do not know when, it does not mean we can take something out of context to assume otherwise.

If you make a claim so and so said this or that, at least back it up, but again, unfounded.

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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

JWI experience lack facts. He agrees with many false claims coming from former Jehovah’s Witnesses. He hasn't held back punches and is very vocal about not accepting certain prophetic timelines. 

Unfortunately concerning what was said to Srecko, the focus was experience. As for Facts, 1975 was pure speculation that birthed the concept of 1975 produced by former JWs, so the claim made by the latter is false and was debunked numerous times.

The reason Witness said what she said shows you has no evidence, performing a Razor in the process.

Speaking of 1975, unknown to EXJWs who still believe that narrative, the Mainstreamers who are are of JWs and their former members, often times exploit these claims to draw them to their side. On this forum alone @Witness and @Srecko Sostar, as is Butler, all fell victim to it. @Cos goateed them, as did the deserter known as @Jesus.defender and the other Trinitarians who often crawl out of the abyss whenever specific years and dates are brought up. Both Witness and Srecko also fail to see how they became tools to Trinitarians in the process, and there is ample evidence of that here.

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Who are you trying to protect?  What are you defending? 

I protect no one. However, I'm a defender of the truth. As proven, those are just false accusations coming from Present and former Jehovah's Witnesses here. There was NO insinuation about the end of the world. Therefore, I'm proud to have been part of an event that can't be duplicated. It was also a turning point for humanity, if you do a proper research, humanity made a vast improvement upon itself.

If you realized, you would speak Christ truth. 

2 hours ago, Witness said:

The sly way the leadership promoted, but didn't promote, a date for Armageddon to come?

That is something you are promoting. The, sly of words to conceal the truth.

2 hours ago, Witness said:

Isn't that called hypocrisy?   Is this how Jesus expects those whom he sends, to teach his sheep?  John 13:20 

Prov 13:5; Luke 12:1

These are questions you should be asking yourself. It would be more hypocritical to lead God's sheep astray. Remember Matthew 18:6 that you have quoted in the past. 

Therefore, it is you that needs to open her eyes!

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3 hours ago, Thinking said:

It was Not EVER said Gods day would come or Armageddon…..it was alluded to strongly that it was a significant event and meant something important ….

Exactly, so every time I see someone say the JWs claim 1975 is God's Day or the End is to come, I call them out for it. The EXJWs and the Mainstream also weaponize this narrative, this is why when I ask for a direct quotation, they only give me an image that does not pertain to what is being asked.

The sad part of it all, there were some EXJW that were essentially kicked out of the EXJW community who said otherwise after Research, this is why I brought up the YouTuber as an example, in which followers that follow @Srecko Sostar's favorite willful adulterous, Ceadrs, had his livelihood demolished.

All videos terminated, and channel terminate, all because he knew about 1975 despite the fact he agreed and even disagreed with JWs on somethings. This shows that Apostates also prey on former members who do not truly link up with their community. There are several instances like this.

That being said, a while back YouTube use to be somewhat of a job for monetary gain (it still is but back then it was an early stage) for some people early on, and in those days, that is where their currency/money comes from. So can you imagine, you a YouTuber, and YouTube is your only job only for a group of people to show up and terminate your livelihood because they wanted to keep their Agenda as the main historical narrative from their point of view?

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11 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Unfortunately concerning what was said to Srecko, the focus was experience. As for Facts, 1975 was pure speculation that birthed the concept of 1975 produced by former JWs, so the claim made by the latter is false and was debunked numerous times.

This didn't stop JWI from voicing the same false narrative. It doesn't matter how you wish to approach it, you are correct, that false narrative was debunked by the Watchtower itself.

14 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Speaking of 1975, unknown to EXJWs who still believe that narrative, the Mainstreamers who are are of JWs and their former members, often times exploit these claims to draw them to their side.

You can add several more names to that list, here as vocal present members. They know who they are. 

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