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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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19 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Are you talking about the Anti-War ‘60’s/‘70’s Hippies?

No, grated the Great Awakening, there were legitimate groups out there with real claims of  something happening on that exact day. This is why I mentioned Herbert W. Armstrong. Armstrong's fourth and final prediction was a literal one and he gave a date, he was specific, often times, even vague.

A snippet in relation to him, in his case, he gave a description of what would happen

[The beginning of the European broadcast provides the context of a booklet published in 1956 called 1975 in Prophecy! In this book Armstrong put forward a controversial vision of what the world could look like by 1975— featuring illustrations of mass burials and tidal waves destroying cities. Overall he thought that World War III and Christ's glorious return were at the doorstep and that world peace and utopia would follow. Armstrong believed that God had exciting plans for mankind that would see the end of such wars—though the message went far beyond an earthly utopia.]

The problem here is the fact he attested to visions, this is a person, among many, out of the Great Awakening who claim to be a Prophet Inspired, in which such Prophets are capable of having visions like that of those of old, but in reality, such an ability died with the last Apostle, John.

Then you have the Comet Kohoutek situation in which the one who professed this, also claiming to be a Prophet Inspired, said it would happen, 1974, but it did not occur.

Both situations the claim of God's Day was mentioned and was literal, even in the works surrounding these predictions, hence a failed prediction in that era, and in regards to these 2, no speculation at all, granted the literal sense. There were others too, and there were some of which people did not make the claim of God's Day that is to occur, more so, attesting to being vigilant for no one truly knows the day or hour, not even the Son.

The hippies is a story for another day.


17 minutes ago, Pudgy said:


A superman joke, when someone does not want to reveal themselves so they act different and or pretend they are not the person at all. Clark Kent pretending he isn't Superman towards other people, hence having a mask (his glasses). This is why I addressed this to Mr. Butler concerning his masks remark, which, in this case - backfired.

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I immediately see two things wrong with your above analysis.

Number one: if all these people in the “great awakening“ were part of a great awakening and they were all wrong it seems to me like a  “great going to sleep“.

Number two: Clark Kent was not pretending to be Superman……… Superman was pretending to be Clark Kent.

there is a difference.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

As for the New Normalcy, people have become increasing violent and have ill intent. Not sure how your faith community deals with that, unless you are aware enough for situational awareness.

Yes, I believe Satan has control of everything. It is like à tsunami flood - the wickedness.  In the great tribulation we all will be tested to keep our Christian personality and faith in Jehovahs promises. Each person is responsible for their own faith. The GB is there to provide us with spiritual food but when the government cuts of electrical power (and blame Russia or some other EMP event ) we may be cut off from meetings and the support we give each other. 

I agree, the UN plans to give WHO control (UN) and they are busy extending their powers.  WHO can then call a world  emergency and the whole globe governments will have to obey..... they can call a new pandemic even if there is not one.... in order to control us.  They have already started the severe environmental reforms.... banning plastic bags (soon to come) and 

I think the 2nd lockdown will be worse and kill more people. I SPECULATE that it will be like the 2nd time the Roman's came back to destroy Jerusalem.  The UN will act as the entity of destruction..... call out peace and security and turn against religion. ... this is the beginning of the real great tribulation. .... just my thoughts. 

The entire world is watching Russia while other plans with UN are going ahead.  Right until the end the King of North will be pushing. I keep watching the UN (image of the beast) because this is our clue on how far we are down the timeline..... 


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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
14 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As a Christian I will keep calm here.

The random ALL CAPs suggests otherwise.

Yeah. :)

6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
14 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Truther ? I think not. Denier more like. 

Don't even know the term. What makes this remark more laughable

I read an evolutionist book by Sean Carroll, partly to answer back the atheists who would say I never did. He complains again and again about “evolution denyers,” It was like the pebble in my shoe that over time drives me nuts. How come he can’t spell the word right? He’s been to college & grad school, even has a PhD. Is he doing it just for the sake of ridicule? But that would seem childish.



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What has been meaningless for decades is calling Russia the King of the North and the United States the King of the South. First of all, Russia is east of America, and America is west of Russia. So much for literal and symbolic geography. 

Or do you think that God sees it from heaven, so that the sides of the world are arranged differently for Him?

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15 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

First of all, Russia is east of America, and America is west of Russia. So much for literal and symbolic geography. 

Before I suggest you get your eyes checked, can you explain this contradictory statement?

Anyone seeing a flat map might consider Russia is in the upper north quadrant, and if they want to get technical, they might even propose NW. So, are you suggesting NE and NW as a round globe view?

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What has been meaningless for decades is calling Russia the King of the North and the United States the King of the South.

You are saying Jehovah is meaningless by calling the rival kings  of the Greek period KON and KOS?   IN our time the same kings reappear and designated as the king North and south

Daniel 11: “In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing,* and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood. 4


So we just use the words Jehovah in his Word described it as.  Sorry if we bore you but it has a lot of meaning for us who go by bible's words and terminologies.

And it makes perfect sense because USA is now forcing all the smaller countries to choose sides....... India has not yet because it plans to buy Russian energy at cheap prices....

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35 minutes ago, Arauna said:

You are saying Jehovah is meaningless by calling the rival kings  of the Greek period KON and KOS?

Sorry no, I didn't say that. Because YHVH did not write anywhere that Russia and the United States are in question. This was stated by interpreters several centuries later after the Bible was already completed in writing.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What has been meaningless for decades is calling Russia the King of the North and the United States the King of the South. First of all, Russia is east of America, and America is west of Russia. So much for literal and symbolic geography. 

Or do you think that God sees it from heaven, so that the sides of the world are arranged differently for Him?

Their use of the “king of the north” suits their purpose to fulfill their interpretation of scripture.

GB member Kenneth Cook It shouldn’t surprise us that this powerful government has been persecuting our peaceful law-abiding brothers and sisters.  Why not?  Because that government is fulfilling Bible prophesy.  Please find Dan. 11.  In verse 40 it refers to what the Bible calls the king of the north.  Of that king, Dan 11:41 says,

“He will also enter the land of the Decoration and many lands will be made to stumble.” 

He continues,
Today, Russia and its allies are fulfilling the role of the king of the north. 
As discussed in the May 2020 Watchtower, Russia and its allies are not the first political power to act as the king of the north, but they may well be the last."

His helper, Hermanus Van Selm explains that the names, king of the north and king of the south, are determined by the literal location from early Jerusalem.  But, “Over time these thrones have been occupied by various political powers

In their video they explains how they labeled nations as king of the north over the years. Whatever suits their purpose at the time to attempt Bible fulfillment, they have labeled as the “king of the north”.



Going back to Dan 11:41, he says Daniel foretold that this king would enter the land of the decoration, meaning that he would interfere in a significant way with the activities of God’s people – of JWs.

The “land of the decoration” is also referred to in other Bible translations as the “land of Beauty”, “glorious”, “promised”, “pleasant land”; all referring to Israel.  Why didn’t he specify that this refers to a people, not to “activities”? 

He really couldn’t point this out, as it would contradict with their teaching that the anointed “Israel” are the locust scorpions of Revelation 9, bringing their stinging message to the world. Locusts devour land.  So the contradiction exists in their two doctrines.  Since he says the king of the north halts the “activities” of JWs, should it be said that Russia is the locust army of Revelation 9? We've got one entity apparently interfering with JW activity, as well as devouring a literal land - the Ukraine.  Then, we have the anointed appearing as locusts, also "devouring" the world with their scorpion-like stinging message. The anointed must not be very successful at "stinging" since their activities have been halted in one part of the world.  

Do they know what they are talking about?  I believe they purposefully confuse JWs to hide both identities as fulfilled within their own organization.  There is an activity and a people that have been “devoured” – the royal priesthood found inside the organization, who must bow down to its leadership and their army, “man of lawlessness”, that “sits” in the Temple of God  – over the “living stones” – God’s “special possession”.  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)  The elders have "entered" God's "land" and dwelling of His Spirit.  (1 Cor 3:9; Ezek 44:6-9)

"Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! "   wt 02/8/1 p. 13,14

Every JWs, especially the anointed priests, needs to pay attention to Jesus' words:  

“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."  Matt 24:15,16

Locusts desolate - devour - land. The king of the north, the locust scorpions, are the elders who will not tolerate any challenge to their rule.  (Rev 13:1,2,5-7,15)

“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, (John 15:16)
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,”  (John 15:5)
Says the Lord of hosts;
12 “And all nations will call you blessed,
For you will be a delightful land,
Says the Lord of hosts."  Mal 3:11,12






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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Before I suggest you get your eyes checked, can you explain this contradictory statement?

Anyone seeing a flat map might consider Russia is in the upper north quadrant, and if they want to get technical, they might even propose NW. So, are you suggesting NE and NW as a round globe view?

As far as can be seen both countries are in the northern hemisphere. So there is no north and no south in their relationship with each other.
And the relationship should be viewed in a literal physical and geographical sense according to WTJWorg interpretations of the biblical books. For they have always taught the Witnesses that the north and the south are viewed in relation to the biblical kingdom of Israel.
If we went behind the map then Russia would be west and the USA east, or?

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