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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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7 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

To you Miss Anauna, I request that you don't use the "Us and Them," rhetoric regarding me. It's known to be used with the underlining message of, Us being the good guys ( aka, on God's side ) and Them being the bad guys

It’s also been known to be used to distinguish two groups of people, so that you don’t have to say  ‘us and other us.’

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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On 3/23/2022 at 9:01 AM, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

This place of desperation seems to be fueling the aggressive flames of extremism within the organization and Society at Large.

May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening

Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises…..
I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear .

I think it was a hangover from Christendom  teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it..

I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them,

The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?…

I genuinely  would like to know what you mean please .

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On 3/22/2022 at 2:29 PM, Space Merchant said:

The thing is I have explained to him before concerning what transpired via Jesus' Kingship, only thing time he is simply being oblivious, yet he mentioned the war in the original post.

He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words… 

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On 3/20/2022 at 12:35 AM, Arauna said:

I agree, we can all ask for Jehovah's holy spirit and receive it. I do not know what she means by "guidance". 

I know that the prophets in Israel received more Holy spirit than others so they could finish a specific task Jehovah wanted them to complete. This fits in with the meaning in Jehovah's name.  "He causes to become" makes people become what Jehovah needs them to be so they can complete a task he has for them.   Or Jehovah worked in them until the task was completed.  Take for  example Cyrus......  Jehovah anointed him and it is clear from his life that he had some diplomatic  skills that were exceptional.  But after he, as a pagan Zoroastrian, had completed the task assigned him (unknown to himself)  - he went to war again and again to extend his realm and was killed by a WOMAN!  it is clear that he did not receive Jehovah's Spirit any longer.

Regarding the gifts of the Spirit - these went away after the Apostle John died.  The special gifts were given by the Apostles who "laid their hands" on those who had not yet received the Spirit.  They then could do the gifts mentioned in 1Cor 14.  But 1 Cor 13 clearly show that these gifts would eventually end and LOVE would replace all gifts in the congregation.

I studied this very well after I came in the Truth because I ran into an apostolic sect in South Africa who believe they are the true Apostles (inherited the apostleship from the original Apostles who passed this on to the next generation). And they do all these weird falling down when receiving the Spirit etc. they talk in tongues and other "gifts " as well.

The secret to understanding this very well is to look to the history in the bible on the "laying on of hands".   If I remember correctly it was only the Apostles who could do this or those who received a special Apostleship. ..... (to be sent out). 

We no longer do the laying on of the hands and when John died these special gifts died with them. 

Moses could do special signs.  Some prophets could do them as well as Jesus and Apostles.  Why?   These signs helped to establish the new congregation - that was the purpose.

Hebrews 2: "For it began to be spoken through our Lord and was verified for us by those who heard him,  while God joined in bearing witness with signs and wonders* and various powerful works and with the holy spirit distributed according to his will.

How interesting was that the group who guards the book of Enoch?

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6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Why are labels so important to you? If anything, Christians should continue what scripture states about being disciples and followers of Christ.

Thank you for your reply. And it seems more natural and accurate to me that JWs consider themselves followers and disciples of Christ. I think that's what other Christian denominations conclude about themselves too.

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6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Are you referring to equal before God, or are you referring to equality among humanity? If you mean the latter, that equality is displaced by homosexuality, which scripture rejects.

So, do you believe God should have homosexuals in mind?

144000 = Kings = political/administrative service/position........both, male and female

144000 = Priests = spiritual/religious service/position.........both, male and female

Priest = https://www.dictionary.com/browse/priest

a person whose office it is to perform religious rites, and especially to make sacrificial offerings.
(in Christian use)
  1. a person ordained to the sacerdotal or pastoral office; a member of the clergy; minister.
  2. (in hierarchical churches) a member of the clergy of the order next below that of bishop, authorized to carry out the Christian ministry.
a minister of any religion.
verb (used with object)
to ordain as a priest.
Did Chloe belong to 144,000? Did some other women in the first century and later belong to 144,000? If so, then they had the same type of calling as the male members. Same type of call. Same kind of service. The same amount of pay, so to speak.
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16 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So doesn’t God support gender equality when He promises "144,000" that they are all kings and priests regardless of gender? What they will be in heaven (or on earth) with Christ? Male, female or both or neither?

God's Order is vastly different from the Chosen notion, do not mix the two, and seems as though you are beating a dead horse, once again after both you and Witness were already refuted on this.

Chosen can be male or female, as of what was told to you and @Witness in that debate. But as for God's Order, concerning the roles of which Apostle Paul (Prophet Inspired) stated, Women are primarily Ministers (Extremely evident in the New Greek Text), as shown in said example, but never as pastors, holding Religious Office. In that debate, both you and Witness supported the Methodist idea (The Unisex Teaching/Practice of which was pushed and used by Mainstream Christendom), of which seems to be coming from Pearl. To add more to this, both you and Witness replies concerning such can be found in the thread where that Debate took place.

Likewise, the Bible makes this clear, even more clearer when the both of you purposed that a woman led the Corinth Church which is false, for Chloe and or her Household were Peacemakers (Matthew 5:9), on the same level as Abagail, in which both of you were incorrect, likewise with the existence of Christian Churches in Ancient Israel, long before the Christ was even born - a claim you both alluded to by throwing Prophetess/Judge Deborah into your ill assertion.

That being said, seems as though you are now jumping from God's Order to the Chosen, do not get them mixed them.

So the facts is as it is, women are as such of which was already stated:



That being said, regardless of whatever Exegesis that both you and Witness produce, namely from Pearl Doxsey, in this regard, you cannot beat the truth of the Holy Bible with out of Core Teaching ideas and narratives, as is assumptions concerning Chloe and Deborah.

The Biblical Facts left in that thread, refuted all 3 of you as seen in this link


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Is it proper for a woman to speak , presumably about religious subjects?

As long as they do not belabor to death imagined insults from thirty years ago, that would make a man stop and ponder … “Did Elaine ever own a horse?”.

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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

You used the word above...  I think you have no concept of the meaning or you are using hyperbole.  I have seen no extremism amongst JWs.  That is why I corrected your use of words. 

EXJWs who use the Extremism remark has a history, to the point it was adopted by some. Moreover, concerning the paradigm whenever I had dealt with them Extremism is a term used rarely concerning some folks in the political spectrum.

Concerning Extremism, the term began to be used against your faith community when Russia was in the process of targeting your faith, a long process that began in 2009, although, majority of EXJW never used the term at all until 2017. In 2009 the Supreme Court of Russia ruled out your publications as Extremist content whereas the Russian Jehovah's Witness argued that the ruling affirms a misapplication of a federal law on Anti-Extremism, which was indeed true for the JWs were right in this regard, due to this, the speculation of a major opposition against JWs was spoke of by officials stating it will be some form of a new era that would put the JWs in a difficult situation.

2015 came around and JWs started to be arrested for Extremism, possibly around 20 or less than that, but not before Kremlin Controlled Media started to produce fabrications and lies about your faith, using propaganda and Mega Church clips to claim that this was in fact the Jehovah's Witnesses, however, everyone who is not fans of the Kremlin didn't buy it, for JWs are not known to roll on the ground and hop like rabbits when asking for Holy Spirit. In addition to that in the same year, JW material and publication was confiscated. Likewise in the year, the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice got involved.

And of course Kremlin controlled media also pushed the idea, and soon, the EXJWs adopted this to apply to JWs, hence the events of 2017, the park situation, Warwick, etc. even concerning the ban, majority of EXJW praised Vladimir Putin, even now, they want him to eradicate JWs in Ukraine if he succeeds, which is evident in some of the remarks made by some, even by means of what @Equivocation said in the other thread.

My contact in Russia, who is in the process of getting his family out, knows about Jehovah's Witnesses, the events of 2015 and onward. Granted he is the patriotic type, anything the Kremlin and their allies does, he sees it as an injustice. He knows that The Russian Government is no stranger to twisting and abuse Laws to take out or label someone, as we can already see with the Kremlin Critics, namely Alexei Navanly, for the situation concerning JWs a pivotal thing in Russia that Alexei and others stood up for JWs against those who are of and support the Kremlin.

As side from that, it is evident as to how Russia abuse said laws because even around that time playing Pokémon can make you not only an Extremist, but a Terrorist Ruslan Sokolovsky situation, hence . As of recent, Russian Social Media has cracked down on sources they deem as Extremist because of the war with Ukraine.

As a side note, on Russian Social Media, the only people who were going after JWs were those who either supported the Kremlin, as well as those who follow the Russian Church, these same people went after those who the State Duma deemed a threat, common Russian folks defending their homes, as processed by Free Radio Europe concerning Soviets Era Homes.

That being said, it is rare for those who supported Putin for the ban in 2017 to change their mind, and as for my contact, who is not trust most Americans, his only comment to EXJWs around that time was [If Russia starts a war, I hope you come to the battle field to support the man you praise for such an injustice.]

He is extremely vocal, his connect is Free Radio Europe



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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

Is it proper for a woman to speak , presumably about religious subjects?

They can, however, there are those who take Apostle Paul's words WAY out of context. I remember one debate I was in in New York whereas a woman interjected with a question to both of us, my opponent, put his hand in her face and simply said, Apostle Paul gave counsel for you to shut up in a spiritual discussion. all the while with a smirk and a raised brow which I remember vividly. Granted the crowd who was listening, they were simply laughing, at the woman others at what the guy said, a few people took sides.

The debate was heated, it was concerning the Divinity of the Christ. Possibly one of the earliest debates, when I was getting started.

It gets worse, for on an extreme level, not only some profess women cannot minister, but that they are primarily there to be submissively (the world's view of the term) and to give birth only, which is a wrong mindset. An example is Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, who attested to and justified women should be totally silent when it comes to religious matters, misquoting Paul.


That being said, granted what the Bible says, even with evidence, Women can be Ministers. The role of a Shepherd or Pastor, even a Servant of some kind, was primarily male. Despite this, men and women not only make up the Church, but they work together granted the roles differ. God's Order is clear, it is not to demean someone, for in his Order, things work accordingly.


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