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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Please give us whatever examples you have of modern-day prophecies that have been issued and any that have been fulfilled.

Prophecies issued today and fulfilled?  Major prophets appeared to God’s people to warn them of their sins, and to repent before their destruction.  From the beginning, God outlined the necessary obedience to His laws.  He also explained what would happen if they were disobedient.  When they strayed from Him, a prophet was sent to get them back on track and to warn them of impending destruction.  In Daniel’s case, his visions concerned more than one time period, one being the last days that concerns us; as were John’s, who received a different picture of the same last “fourth beast”.  A prophet is sent to give the meaning, the identity, of the last two Beasts.  The GB act as prophets giving their depiction of who these Beasts represent.  They are not inspired, but just recently they have shed some confusing “new light” on Revelation’s Beast from the Sea. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/revelation-13-beast/

It will not matter that they are not inspired to shed accurate understanding, they will be listened to, and jw . org will become more of a cesspool of confusion than it already is. 

Jesus Christ opens Revelation’s scrolls in the end time, and shares this information with a messenger/"angel"  – a prophet. (Rev 5:2-4; 10:1-3,5-7) That person gives us the true identity of the last Beasts to come against God’s people, because of their sins and idolatry.  This prophet and those with her, are messengers declaring the need for God’s people to repent and flee from the two Beasts of Rev. 13. (Rev 14:6-12)  That is what “Revelation” is all about, the “revealing” of the understanding of the last days, through a prophet that God sends.

I find it interesting that one would mock such a thought, that God would choose a nobody, let alone a woman, to work with Jesus Christ in helping us understand why the great tribulation and Armageddon involve God’s holy people. But when has the majority of God’s people really listened to any prophet He has sent? Yes, they mock the idea; while at the same time tolerating repetitive lies by eight men, even revere them, as they dress in suits and stand in their expensive broadcasting center, lavishing fake love on eight million people.  This woman asks for nothing, but to receive the message, which is no different than any prophet sent to God's people.  The organization and its leadership milk their listeners for whatever they can get out of them, monetarily, emotionally and physically.   

It should be clear, but it’s not, that Jesus who didn’t have a place to lay his head, would not choose the Watchtower and its corrupt leadership, to reveal the understanding of the last days.  Have they gotten it right yet?


2 Thess 2 - Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from uswhether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 

Who has prophesied that the “day of the Lord” has already come, in fact in the year 1914?  Who has asserted at times, that they are on par with the apostles?

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed

What is the rebellion?  Well, who has replaced the royal priesthood which is not scriptural?  (Num 18:5-7; Ezek 44:6-9)  Who can’t be challenged because of this decision?

the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

What is God’s Temple? – 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22

The elders are the man of lawlessness.  The man of lawlessness/organization is the Wild Beast of Revelation.  Matt 24:15,16; Rev 13:1,2,5-7,18. 

This is a prophesy fulfilled and interpreted through the Holy Spirit, which inspired a prophet to voice it. 

What will happen if one doesn’t listen?

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

This chapter begins by showing us that 1914, claiming to be the "day of the Lord" is a lie. It is a delusional teaching, but people love it, they love the wickedness. They don't want to give it up since the core existence of the Watchtower organization is based on this lie.   (Dan 9:4-11)

Revelation 18:4-8 is a warning to God’s people as well. 


This is a prophet's vision








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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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5 hours ago, Witness said:

The apostles were persecuted because they were true, obedient followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and not to the doctrine of men.

So, how do you justify it with the Son of Man, and earlier when the Son of Man was not present?


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6 hours ago, Witness said:

With exJWs, it is through disfellowshipping, loss of family, and deemed as spiritually dead.

How does applying scripture to disassociate with bad company, not relevant? Now, the latter is what ExJW's bring up as an excuse. There's a difference when family members reject going to a family member's birthday party or get drunk in the nearest bar. Have an adulteress affair because it’s exciting. I'd say a good percentage of ExJWs feel they have missed something out of life for being loyal to God. That's just ignorance in their part. Some seem to forget, by behaving badly, it will get them in the same amount of trouble if NOT more for their bad behavior. It's another thing, having to live with a member that has disgraced him or herself before God. That baloney of silence is exaggerated by the ranks, not reality.

Now, an unrepentant soul is spiritually dead, but under whose eyes also. Who do they need to bow down and ask for forgiveness, if not in front of God, by reaching out to the church that will reestablish their good intentions before God?

If one sins before the Church of Christ, then that sinner needs to be reinstated by the Church of Christ. Oneness doesn't have the same authority as you might think.

6 hours ago, Witness said:

If the GB are truly followers of Jesus Christ, how are they persecuted?

Think about it. Before, it was the millions of ExJWs and now because of those ExJWs, so is the governments of this world. Russia should mean something to you. Just like in Rutherford time. The difference back then, It was the Catholic Church that did the persecution. However, I can also link many Christian denominations with that persecution, not just the Vatican. Even though Pope Francis was pretty harsh when he mentioned, the Catholic Church needed to do more about evangelizing because they were losing too many church members to that heathen church. I guess he forgot to look in the mirror that day. 😂

6 hours ago, Witness said:

They control everyone and everything within in their power.

How is being spokesmen for God, controlling? Since they base everything on scripture, does that mean you are controlling others? How is your power to influence, different, here in this forum?

6 hours ago, Witness said:

They make sure to silence individuals who speak against them.   Those that are persecuted for rejecting THEM and their false doctrine, control no one. 


Have they silenced you? Have they silenced those most harsh critics of the Watchtower? How is the Watchtower administration persecuting ExJWs? Are you confusing spirituality with government sanctions? Any institution has the right to sue for "copyright" violations. Are you suggesting the Watchtower shouldn't sue someone that gives out false impressions about the Watchtower? Where do you stand, when you believe, someone else is giving a false testimony about you? 

When ExJWs are giving out, false interpretation about bible understanding, are you suggesting a True Christian should ignore the bible principles about false prophets? Here, I will include those that pretend to be JWs, also.

I told @Arauna once she was a seasoned Chrsitain, even though her obtuse response was typical of her. Why shouldn't that be applied to you as well. To any thinking person, "seasoned" means "with knowledge."

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6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Seeing that it died with apostle John, this miraculous gift of speaking in tongues, along with the other ones,

There were false Christians (weeds already amongst the Christians which would exploit this to their own benefit.  The Greek influence (gymnasiums in the decapolis  etc) was so prevalent as well. They stuck to the main tenants of the christian faith but it soon morphed into something more powerful.  Constantine the great saw the potential and exploited it.


4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

commentators here clarify the difference between "direct" and "indirect" prophecy

If it proved to be true it is prophecy.  Today we just deal in direct prophecy received from Daniel, john and gospels - those which pertain to our day.  The other prophecies have mostly gone into fulfillment.  When we see it clearly manifesting so that there is NO doubt - then we can say it pertains to our day.

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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Does this mean, those that apply scripture in their lives aren't heavenly directed, spiritual, or inspired?

It is with such things that GB juggles.

They claim how they are not inspired by spirit and they are not infallible but they are guided by the spirit, ............. so it is a guarantee that they can be given complete trust.


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47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

but they are guided by the spirit, ..

This is a fact - one cannot say they have NO spirit.  This belies all the promises from Jehovah. They do have our trust because they are honest and do their best for us.  The prophecy in Ezekiel we have just studied indicates that there will be an administration.  Why? because they give us food at the proper time so the whole brotherhood remain in unity. Without this organization everyone will be doing their own thing and teach different things.  We remain one because we are united.  If we understand something differently we wait until better light comes. We realize Jehovah has to work with flawed human beings...... not infallible.   So you seem to have a beef with us.....  but you have NO trust.

The prophecy in Isaiah 2: 2-4 indicates that in the last days Jehovah will have ONE people out of all the nations and law will go forth from Zion....   Surely this info needs to be redistributed?  So yes.... the organization is not your idea of perfection ...... but God never gave an indication that it would be perfect.  But they have been diligent to prepare us for Armageddon and displaying the qualities of god, which includes trust and love for god and for our brothers.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

They claim how they are not inspired by spirit and they are not infallible but they are guided by the spirit, ............. so it is a guarantee that they can be given complete trust.

Well, with that, there needs to be a correct understanding of their words. So, far there hasn't been any by JWs or ExJWS here. Do you believe the anointed should be inspired by evil? How about; do you believe the anointed are perfect?

That should give you a clue about the words, not inspired and infallible. However, if you believe the anointed should be perfect, then you're the only one. No one on earth, not even Jesus, had that capability. That’s why Jesus was born perfect.

Healing sickness and raising the dead were miracles to prove God's power and ability. Yet, not one of those touch by miracles became perfect, or can you give me an example of a person receiving perfection (sinless state)?

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2 hours ago, Arauna said:

They do have our trust because they are honest and do their best for us. 

One should always appreciate and believe in the honesty and integrity of other people. It is commendable that JW have faith that GB wants to be fair and honest. Other people outside the JW community need to be able to understand that JW members want to trust their leaders and consider them honest. It is a good quality in any interpersonal relationship that enables success.

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

So yes.... the organization is not your idea of perfection ...... but God never gave an indication that it would be perfect.

I think the problem is in withdrawing the thesis that equates (human) perfection with infallibility. It's not quite the same.

The best examples of this are Adam and Eve. Perfect people, but that didn't save them from making a fatal mistake. 

Invoking imperfection, over and over again when something is said and done wrong, becomes meaningless because the state of "imperfection" becomes a tool to justify and excuse one's own inability to do something with the least bad consequences.
GB uses such a tool to justify his own misguided guidelines that they worked for in the name of God. Therein lies their guilt.

If they had said clearly and loudly that they have an opinion and belief about a doctrine that is such because it seems to them most accurate, then they could rightly invoke imperfection, so they were mistaken. But when they claim that doctrines are the only and unique truth because they come from God, then all subsequent wisdom, they later show, makes no sense.



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9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

should always appreciate and believe in the honesty and integrity of other people.

The bible shows that we must hope if they are not following Jehovah's standards but I do not trust them just because they are human.  When I was a widow I learnt the true nature pf people - the hard way.  I was an innocent and believed all people to be different levels of good.  I have learnt the hard way.  

Humans have perfection to the degree that they can perfectly accomplish the purpose and morals as instructed by Jehovah.  Without Him they are following their own ideas and can become fallible.  Only Jehovah has absolute perfection which is infallible. 

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15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

@Space Merchant  I think that the adult / mature thing for me to say here is that, you and I should agree to have different opinions about things.  As for you saying you do not have opinions, well once again we must differ here.

Unfortunately I do not use opinions. Facts, ample evidence concerning bible truths, only that, as is, the truth of whatever Mainstream or paradigm try to conceal.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

My feeling about you is, that you are a 'cold hearted' Theologian.  What I mean by that is, you have vast knowledge of the scriptures but you seem to lack the faith and direction of a True Christian. 

Knowing Scripture does not make anyone cold. Nor do I like faith. Granted, I am able to understand what the Greek text conveys what transpired from the days of the early church into the 2nd century.

If you want to speak of being cold, one can simply bring up your Ebonics past, even though a teenager told you to cease.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Jehovah's Witnesses are the same. One difference with the JW's though, they are given direction by 8 men in America.  

Jehovah's Witnesses are irrelevant. What matters is concerning what the Bible says concerning Miraculous Gifts of old, the truth concerning what took place.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I have no idea if you 'follow' any direction from any 'religious' humans, though it seems as if you are the one giving direction to others. 

I follow the early apostolic church. You asked me in the past this same question, and it has always been the same.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I note you have a young follower here. So sad to see a young man worshipping you. He seems to think you are winning battles here :) .  What you are actually doing is pretending that you are always right, and he is fooled by your words. He is young, he will learn. 

He isn't a follower, but he himself stated what I conveyed to be true, as is @Arauna

I am, not pretending to be right either, granted, I hold truth and evidence to the highest regard possible, even concerning the Holy Bible. One does not need to be advanced in Scriptural knowledge to see that the Unisex Teaching is not of the Church, but surely, you would not bat your eyes in that regard because of justifiable cause, hence, being hypocritical.

The fool is one who cannot convey Scripture or content. But even when it comes to specific words in Scripture of which you were found to be guilty of - as seen here [THREAD]

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You and I cannot have a proper basic discussion because you have a totally different mindset to me.

The irony is I have before, but you interject with remarks, many times, this is why by means of discernment, things go the way it is.

Moreover, this remark of yours is in err because when my discussion was with Srecko, you made an ill remark which brought you into this position to begin with, hence why I brought up evidence to claim, even the second account, as is the Ebonics claim.

My mindset is extremely neutral, but due to position, it is very clear that I make a response to falsehoods, all the time, I literally say it time and time again. I am also clear of mind to the point I can see problems.

I am against falsehoods, I am against Conspiracies, Agendas, etc.


On 6/23/2018 at 9:06 AM, Space Merchant said:

Everything I address is always in a single post when a response is required. I do not seek what I want, I merely address what is truth out of the bundle of lies and or conspiracy people will bring up, I did it before, and I will do it and always will do it again - especially when met with individuals like you, who are all the same, especially the "you deny Jesus"category.

Therefore, while you yourself await truth, even in regards to a Unisex practice of which has blown past your mind, as is the events of the 2nd century, in my case, I look and look for what is true concerning the Bible.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

  YHWH will work through Yeshua, the Earth will be cleansed, those considered worthy will live on, and the dead will be resurrected. All of those things will bring praise to YHWH through Yeshua.  Those are things that God has allowed me to know in my heart. 

Would it not make sense to fully understand the Word of God? For there was a reason as to why in the Age of the Apostles and in Pentecost 33AD these things happen.

The miraculous gifts of the Spirit, including apostleship, prophecy, visions, tongues, healing, resurrections, and miracles served the purpose of validating the message about Jesus during the early days of the Christian Church, but now that the apostolic age came to an end, the scriptural revelation is complete, therefore, the miraculous gifts do not characterize the normal and expected operation of the church body today.

The thing is here, you seem to not understand what miraculous gifts even entails, granted everyone knows what transpired in Pentecost 33 AD, but afterwards, is a different story.

That being said, I guess throwing Apostle Paul under the bus is only convenient when necessary, hence Srecko and Witness.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

All of those things will bring praise to YHWH through Yeshua.  Those are things that God has allowed me to know in my heart.  

But you can do more to know his Word concerning miraculous gifts, let alone the New Covenant and the Commission. Speaking of the Commission, Jesus gave command concerning this, but I doubt you or someone else knows what that entails either, or has done did in the last 24 hours.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

However I still believe that nearer the end of this old system of things, the True Anointed will be given more accurate knowledge through Holy Spirit, and true direction will be given to those seeking to serve YHWH properly.

As do I, but in the matter of truth, the Chosen does not have miraculous gifts of the spirit. They're spirit led. This excludes them being on Mount Zion granted, this will be the day they appear alongside the Christ in his second coming.

15 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Ten (earthly) men clinging to the the robe of a (spiritual) Jew.  The True Anointed will become more apparent to real Christians. 

Which is known, but as a Christian, you should be knowing of what the Bible says.

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