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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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4 hours ago, Witness said:

  It sounds like the work of sorcery, of “lying signs and wonders”, just as 1914 was.

You just made my day, with this hilarious comment, just because the Jews were freed, and WW 1 started in that specific year, in 1914. I guess you don't have a clue on what it means to be spirit led. 🤣

It's sad that you refute Christ Kingship. 😪

*** w10 9/15 p. 25 par. 16 “Your Leader Is One, the Christ” ***
But Jesus himself indicated that this work would continue into the time of the end. After commissioning his followers to preach and to make disciples among all the nations, Jesus promised them: “I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 28:19, 20) Since being invested with kingly power in 1914, Christ is more than ever “with” his disciples and active as their Leader.


*** w13 7/15 pp. 24-25 pars. 17-18 “Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?” ***
What do “all [Jesus’] belongings” include? Jesus did not qualify the word “all,” as if to limit his belongings to earthly things. In fact, Jesus has vast heavenly authority. “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth,” he said. (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:20-23) His belongings now include the Messianic Kingdom, which has belonged to him since 1914 and which he will share with his anointed followers.—Rev. 11:15.
18 In view of the foregoing, what can we conclude? When Jesus comes for judgment during the great tribulation, he will find that the faithful slave has been loyally dispensing timely spiritual food to the domestics. Jesus will then delight in making the second appointment—over all his belongings. Those who make up the faithful slave will get this appointment when they receive their heavenly reward, becoming corulers with Christ.


What kind of Christian are you to deny the Kingdom of God to others? Better yet, who are you to judge the anointed within the body of Christ?

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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28 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Now, I'm not talking about people here that disgrace that unity and our Church. I'm referring to loyal and faithful JWs.

Oh you must mean the pedophile Elders and M/servants then.  The ones that interrogate young children to frighten them from going to the police. Your so called 'church' is already in disgrace earthwide. 

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Regarding the situation with 1914, the Pastor of Bible Students never made claim to being a Prophet Inspired. So much so Reslight, who studied the Bible Students, being one himself, gave ample information on this matter, as did the people of CSE and to credit, even the successor of bible Students, the Jehovah's Witnesses. Moreover, you have those who dabble in history.

This doesn't mean Pastor Russell wasn't spirit led. He didn't claim to the "faithful and Wise servant" even though some within his ranks suggested he agreed to it in private. I don't personally bother with "hearsay" to promote an understanding like @JW Insider used to. I refuse to subscribe to deception. This is the confusion I'm talking about that needs clarification. You and witness have a difference of opinion that none of you are particularly correct.

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Just now, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You seem to have roped me in on this idea of 'Unisex teaching'.  I am not @Witness, I do not believe that women should be 'leaders' in a True Christian congregation. 

You were added because you reacted positively without knowing what she was defending. No one question you concerning the view that isn't core.

For if that is what you stand on, you should have seen what she said right from the start, as is whatever Srecko pushed concerning Chloe.

2 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do believe that women are part of the Chosen 144,000 Anointed. 

As do I. Men and Women are invited by God to be Chosen, as in the 1st century and onward.

2 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Now concerning the JW org, I do think that women could be used to comfort other women and to comfort children when a woman or child is being interrogated by the Elders.. 

Christians, regardless of sex don't keep God's comfort to themselves.

As mentioned before when you were JOHN BUTLER, whatever Elders in the churches of JWs differ from one another, hence the smoking example I told you before, even more so, them, as with all men and women, are imperfect.

5 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

These two words 'the Church', what exactly are they supposed to mean when YOU use them ? 

What I have been saying all this time, when I speak of the Church, I refer to the same one of old, The Early Apostolic Church. The same one that is in the Holy Bible, the same one of which was spoken about in the Didache, by the Apostles in their age, their students, and the Church Fathers before the Roman Emperor shifted everything for the worse, creating both factions of Christendom.

For there is the early church, Babylon's Church, is the opposition.

6 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Those two words 'the Church', to me, mean the True Anointed ones, the 144,000 chosen ones that will be 'Kings and Priests' in heaven.  

Hence the early church of where Christianity was birthed. Not only it is a body under the Christ, but the people of the Spiritual House, unity among them, regardless of sex or status, Jew or Gentle.

They paved the path for us to follow, as did the Apostles, as did the Christ.

7 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I am constantly mentioning the coming 'new world', the cleansing of this Earth, God's heavenly Kingdom, and the reasons that this 'world' is so wicked.

You have to also proclaim the gospel of the good news, which was the primary command of the Christ.

8 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

  I constantly get my comments removed or not allowed on MSN articles.

There is a reason behind this, as to why. It is a shadow of what is to come, a level of Section 203 in Media and social media, across all platforms. Eventually, this will be on the forefront when Babylon makes it's move to deal with those against her who speak of Scripture and against Brazen conduct.

The Left will use people as tools, mainly the unaware for their own agenda, as soon as they reap some form of benefit, they will cast you out, or do it instantly if their agenda is ongoing.

That being said, it is far grander than that, too much to explain, but it is something I dealt with for years out of the paradigm, hence the view against the MSM. 

13 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I mention God's purpose for this Earth and that God offers ever lasting life when i comment on Facebook topics.

The gospel has to be proclaimed to the people as well. So much one can do from a platform vs legitimate proclamation of the gospel itself, moreover, it is far natural and organic to do such in a way verbally or in person.

Although other forms are alternatives, the primary is usually best.

15 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

BUT i do not go 'house to house' and I do not stand on street corners preaching.

You can still converse. Proclaiming the message of God's Word, even casually.

However, my case is far more different vs you or your former faith whereas a constant threat is the other faction of Christianity.


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7 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Oh you must mean the pedophile Elders and M/servants then.  The ones that interrogate young children to frighten them from going to the police. Your so called 'church' is already in disgrace earthwide. 

Why don't you ask your friend @Pudgy? He has personal experience with such matters. On the latter, the ones that are disgraced worldwide are ExJWs. 😁

You and witness seem to forget, JWs are the most persecuted earth wide; a complement to the apostles and Christ.

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5 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

This doesn't mean Pastor Russell wasn't spirit led. He didn't claim to the "faithful and Wise servant" even though some within his ranks suggested he agreed to it in private. I don't personally bother with "hearsay" to promote an understanding like @JW Insider used to. I refuse to subscribe to deception. This is the confusion I'm talking about that needs clarification. You and witness have a difference of opinion that none of you are particularly correct.

This is known, but concerning the Pastor, I believe JWI is aware of this, I recall even at one point he attempted to contact Reslight (also called Reslite by some) who is a Bible Student who knows a lot about Russell. Although he disagrees with JWs on some things, anything regarding the Bible Students he will defend, but even in Reslight's case, EXJWs come after him, as do the Trinitarians, likewise with Oneness believers.


I don't use opinions. Facts and evidence, literally.

That being said, concerning Witness, I already rooted out the problem concerning Miraculous gifts as to why she is on a defense concerning something that ceased. The image in my last response shows that the one she follows legitimately claim to having visions in her all explanation, something of which that concluded when it served it's purpose.

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24 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

I do not believe that women should be 'leaders' in a True Christian congregation. 

No, but you do promote there should be no leaders, or that everyone should be their own leader, like @Witness? Just like she confuses the word "oneness" so do you. 😏

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27 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Oh you must mean the pedophile Elders and M/servants then.  The ones that interrogate young children to frighten them from going to the police.

Should be noted that those who abuse children manipulate others to get to them, even people in institutions. For not all among their church members are child abusers, and a great deal of them are not equipped to handle abuse, this is why it was professed, even suggested by CSA prevention to teach people. Granted you just mentioned your Facebook issue of spreading the message, you can do your part in helping others to prevent abuse by teaching them - reach one, teach one.

As for the police, Bystander Syndrome is an issue, not in the churches only, but other areas too. For if not a teacher or a pastor who contacts them, the parents are capable too as a secondary. Because when Bystander Syndrome kicks in, consequence and a list of things come to mind, especially when such persons had never been in an abuse situation at all.

For instance, you can't expect a new pastor, probably around the age of 24, to handle something that he has never dealt with, granted, the person could have been raised as a Brady Bunch child.

That being said, this is why I am trying to salvage 2 videos concerning the events of Warwick, an actually CSA solution that disappeared when the EXJWs attacked a Bible Student. For this information coupled with CSA prevention is vital. 

Other than that, CSA is going to be a problem because as of late 2021 into 2022, child abusers are simply being let go, in the US and in the UK in which they can repeat an attack on children, this leaving people vulnerable, even JWS due to how broken US and UK laws are. even recently, in the US, there is a CSA situation in regard to a Woke Leftist named Ketanji Brown Jackson, as is the recent situation concerning a man released from jail after 5-6 days, Jussie Smollett. Stuff like this only emboldens CSA, therefore, use the solution provided by sources, like your IICSA to reach people. Like I said, JWs have a CSA problem, be that change, do not sit on a fence, be grounded with both JWs and EXJWs concerning the situation. For it would be wise to listen especially when someone who dealt with abused children is telling you this.

As a warning to you, your government released several abusers in a span of several months. Just be aware because they can go anywhere, be anywhere.


That being said, look at the thread where I gave information concerning Warwick Protest to @Equivocation, the name of Cedar's friend is the only clue to those CSA videos that has solutions, but you really have to dive into archives to find them, or whatever is left of them granted the EXJW community wiped everything.

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6 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This is known, but concerning the Pastor, I believe JWI is aware of this, I recall even at one point he attempted to contact Reslight (also called Reslite by some) who is a Bible Student who knows a lot about Russell. Although he disagrees with JWs on some things, anything regarding the Bible Students he will defend, but even in Reslight's case, EXJWs come after him, as do the Trinitarians, likewise with Oneness believers.


This is why I don't support people, including @JW Insider, and any other JW when it comes to false claims that lead to deception. I also have a True Bible Student as an acquaintance that is well versed in the Bible Student History. I'd say he has better knowledge than others, but he refuses to publish. As he stated, that's not part of God's plan, publishing spiritual food is. That should give sad people like @TrueTomHarley a clue.

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1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Now concerning the JW org, I do think that women could be used to comfort other women and to comfort children when a woman or child is being interrogated by the Elders.. 

Oh! Taken out of the ARC playbook, how quaint! But, I guess you missed the point; that hypocritical court was implying, they want the Watchtower to give women the authority of an Elder to "interrogate" the children or women, themselves. 

In other words, the ARC is suggesting the Watchtower go against God's inspired word in those situations. Funny, when it comes to the Australian government policing themselves by making whistleblowing a crime, such as it did with their immigration detention centers, the ARC court had no problem with it. 😏

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11 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

And now the cracks of the armor, is seen.

Cracks of the armor?  You don't make sense.  I posted the link to the blog page on purpose.   It hasn't been hidden, in fact it's been open for anyone and all to read, for a long while.  

You know, there is a scripture that perhaps you have read, but just as a reminder, sir - "Pride comes before destruction,
and an arrogant spirit before a fall."  Prov 16:18

I have never, ever had contact with such an arrogant individual who feels he sits on top of the world and knows ALL about everything and everyone, as well as their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.    

When the GB are dismissed by a coalition of elders and other anointed "ten kings" with them - when these men are most likely disfellowshipped, raked through the coals with sins exposed, then any JW who has heard of this from a woman named Pearl, will know that a prophet was among them and gave the warning that it would happen. (Ezek 2:3-7) The organization will last only one symbolic "hour" after that, before it too, will fall.    (Rev 17:12-18; 18:4-8)




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