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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

hat is true, as well as the fact even the government cannot govern themselves. If they had to use God's Word, at times, they'll do so incorrectly. But granted of how man's law is, as is the recent situations mentioned, it is a double-edged sword which can prove to cause more problems for anyone, even concerning CSA.

Well, the proof of that, are in the proven facts about the Australian government and the ARC court. However, when it comes to CSA, you had an entire city in the U.K. try to hide facts about child abuse to those that were investigating certain allegations. That means, the entire city government was involved, and it was proven. I can't begin to explain the child abuse in Canada with their government run orphanages. Yet, these countries, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, are the most critical against the Watchtower. That just means those countries are hypocrites when it comes to not allowing investigators to look into their enteral problems.

5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

xactly, a level of bystander syndrome. This also goes for those of domestic abuse.

Moreover, the culture concerning Police has changed in which people deem them the enemy because of a few bad Individuals, for instance, the case of Daniel Holtzclaw, and his actions in the black community and how it concluded.

Glad you see the truth correctly. Unfortunately, you can't force people, especially here, to see that truth.

5 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I have many times and those who speak of CSA don't take action, but I guess the next time CSA is brought up, I might just update my thread concerning CSA and teaching children. Granted it benefited the visitors before, it is would be a good thing to bring it up again. But as of recent, I am looking for the video and information of what I told @Equivocation, even @Patiently waiting for Truth. If I can find it, or whatever is left of it, I can add that to my update.

Glad to see you are welling.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Then you followed scripture to a certain point. You say, you have Christ as your spiritual head, even though he is the Son of Man.  Can you explain this conflict?

Now come on, Allen.  By the way, thank you for your condolences. 

I think you are the one in conflict with your thoughts.  Jesus is the Son of man and the Son of God.  So, do you realize what you are saying, that not only should an anointed woman, or any woman, be submissive to the Son of Man, which is correct, but all fleshly men who claim to be “spiritual” – like the Preacher?    Do you realize that you have put Jesus Christ on par with fleshly men? 

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Does this mean Pearl Doxsey has direct conversations with Christ, just like the Pope thinks he does with God in that little darkroom above the Vatican? Can you post proof of this? I thought ExJWs don't believe the anointed have a direct channel to heaven by inspiration. So, what you are saying, Your anointed sees Christ materialize to Pearl like he did with the apostles and Paul. Are you now saying Pearl Doxey is the 14th Apostle, like the Mormons believe Joseph Smith was?

What on earth have you been drinking?  :)  

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Now come on, Allen.  By the way, thank you for your condolences. 

Your most welcome.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

I think you are the one in conflict with your thoughts.  Jesus is the Son of man and the Son of God.  So, do you realize what you are saying, that not only should an anointed woman, or any woman, be submissive to the Son of Man, which is correct, but all fleshly men who claim to be “spiritual” – like the Preacher?    Do you realize that you have put Jesus Christ on par with fleshly men? 

Can you expand on this, since all of humanity was given the opportunity to be saved through Christ? Christ is the way for the anointed, other sheep and all mankind. Meaning, regardless of man or woman, Christians are to trust the word of God, not pick and chose what we like out of it, or do you think that should be allowed?

1 hour ago, Witness said:

What on earth have you been drinking?

While, it is a valid question, and adjusting for humor, I would say the same thing you are. 😏😅

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On 3/27/2022 at 3:35 AM, Pudgy said:

Good Points 

The Bible says that any congregational discipline has to be done before the entire congregation.

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not do that.

End of thought.

Yes but one aspect of the argument with this is that every man and his Dog on line and even in some congs claims to be saints or annoited…and many are blatantly not and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them…

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On 3/27/2022 at 1:50 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

So we have a scenario like this:

Adam and Eve are perfect. Angel xy is perfect.
Adam and Eve sinned (as perfect individuals) and were punished for slowly aging, getting sick, and dying.
Angel xy sins (as perfect individual) but does not punished to grow old, does not get sick and does not die.

What's this all about?

-Are there two or more kinds of "perfection"?
-Isn't the punishment for sin death?
-Does the Bible promote the postponement of the death penalty for sin?
-In both cases, is it not disobedience that should be punished by death?
-Why didn't Moses get the inspiration to tell us in writing whether God warned / informed the angels during the creation of the angels that they would be punished by death or that there might not be such punishments for them?

In the Bible, God has written that the impunity of the guilty causes the guilty to continue to do evil and that evil will therefore spread more easily and quickly and prevail over the good.

What message did God send to men, and what to angels when God immediately expelled the first people from Paradise and left Satan in his Perfect Family in heaven?

They ….man and angels are under two different laws…man is under the laws of the earthly kind…their home is the earth.

Angels are under the spiritual  laws for spiritual beings..their home is the heavens.

1) satan and his minions have suffered….their dominance over the earth has been severely  curtailed..they can no longer roam the earth and feel the delights of man…not just with women…but not taste the delights of food and the breeze on their faces they do not have the blatant power of rulership over man and beast as they once had …they are not served by slaves anymore..they do not enjoy the slumber of a good sleep…and have their every need kept anymore..remember….they Were MIGHTY KINGS ruling over their own personal domains…..That is now gone ..and given to paltry man..of who they utterly despise.

2) They have endured the loss of their children..even tho many were grown men many would also have been young and children when the flood came..just because they are fallen angels does not mean they did not love their children dearly as anyone on earth does.

Can you imagine watching  you children being violently killed..not just by torrential brutal downpours of rain but the volcanic sub terrain that exploded with boiling  water from the earth…it would have been a long drawn out death for all of them….as they had extra strength to fight these things off…and they would have fought for their lives….Their parents watched this slow death and could not do anything about it..these of superhuman strength were shackled and must have screeched in anger and rage over such inabilities they now had….they also could no long pro create.having the ability to create is something highly desirable to them…they are very very jealous that mankind can keep doing this….angels have not got the power to create anything or anyone…one reason why they despise men..

3) When excluded from the heavens they were excluded from any spiritual  truths there after…hence spiritual darkness ..

The fallen angels are In The Throws  of death..as to what they are now compared to what they were when they first sinned….and they know it..but their deaths are on a spiritual  timeline fitting for spiritual beings…quiet different to mankind’s…..but mankind has hope to get up from his grave…but these angels will have no such hope…hence their punishment will in the end be much more server than man’s.

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8 hours ago, Thinking said:

They ….man and angels are under two different laws…man is under the laws of the earthly kind…their home is the earth.

Angels are under the spiritual  laws for spiritual beings..their home is the heavens.

Maybe it makes sense. But then we wonder, if some action is a sin in one group?.... and the same action in another group is not a sin?

What two different laws are you actually talking about? Where does the Bible list them?

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37 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Maybe it makes sense. But then we wonder, if some action is a sin in one group?.... and the same action in another group is not a sin?

What two different laws are you actually talking about? Where does the Bible list them?

Both parties sinned..wether of the heavenly arrangement or the earthly arrangement…the only law Adam and Eve had back them was one as far as I know..and that was not to partake of the fruit of the tree.

This law of obedience was required….from his earthly family.

As far as Heavenly laws…Jehovah is a God of Justice and that alone requires many laws that are laid out in the Bible…for earthly mankind and heavenly spirits.

Ezekiel is one scripture where it shows he has a legal system in situ above In The heavenly realm.
Ezekiel : 21:27.A ruin a ruin a ruin I will make it.and it will not belong to anyone until the one who has the —-Legal Right —-Comes and I will give it to him.

That legal right was established in the heavens ..you would know this

American Standard Version 
Isaiah 61:8. For I Jehovah love Justice I hate robbery with iniquity and I will give them their recompense in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them .

Psalms 37:28 Jehovah is a lover of justice

Job 38 :33 Do you know the laws governing the heavens, can you impose their authority on the earth

Psalm 33:5 he loves righteousness and justice .

1Peter 5:8 keep your senses be watchful as you ADVERSARY the devil walks around like a roaring lion ready to devour you.

Just this one scripture shows the fallen Angel has broken a law against his father Jehovah..as he became his adversary

Strongs Concordance 

476 antidikos ( an accuser, adversary brings formal charges ie they are binding to exact penalty . Satan acts as such an adversary —- bringing a law suit —-of darkness against believers for their eternal damnation .

At this very moment and since Adam and and Eve their has been a legal fight between Satan and Jehovah and the laws Satan has broken…it’s difficult for Jehovah because he cannot break his own righteous laws…..where as Satan can break every law or principle he was taught In  heaven .

Jehovah has his own council chambers Psalms 89.5-7.

the heavens praise your wonders LORD YOUR FAITHFULNESS TOO, In the ASSEMBLY of the holy ones. for who in the skies above compare with the Lord Who is like the Lord —-among the heavenly beings. —-in the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared.—-he is more awesome than those who —-surround —him.

Psalms 82:1 God has taken his place In ——-The divine council in the midsts of the gods he holds judgment.. —-

We can see from just these few scriptures that God has laws he abides by and he himself cannot break them…he holds court In his heavenly council and he rules over his —-spiritual beings in his divine council…—-Satan and his followers once gathered with him.

These angels obviously had laws they needed to abide by…it would be great to know what else what said there but he has given us a peak at what happens .and this is just one account…—-laws or legal ramifications would have been spoken—-of as well as many other aspects concerning the earth.

Jehovah has legal obligations….to his heavenly family and those who break his laws of Justice..and to his earthly family…who disobey him.

Even the stars must obey his heavenly laws….

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Maybe it makes sense. But then we wonder, if some action is a sin in one group?.... and the same action in another group is not a sin?

Does it make sense? All creation is under the same laws, since God made those commandments and laws. Satan was punished for his disobedience and free will. The legion of demons had their offspring punished by disobeying God. Those Nephilim had angelic spirit in them. That's why they were so strong. Humanity was punished for their disobedience and wickedness. A sentence that came directly from God.

What part of that misrepresentation of scripture makes sense to you? What part of Matthew 6:10 doesn't register?

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@Equivocation Granted I had to go over it, this seems to be the case I pointed to. Concerning these verses Book of Acts concerning the passing of these gifts (Acts 8:18; 10:44-46) as is those not being able due to the not being among Apostles, although inspired (Acts 8:5-7, 14-17), for the Apostles had such power to do so. This is why in this case it is highly unlikely anyone after the Apostle Age has such abilities. Pertaining to your other thread, as to what I told @Pudgy, a recent example of such claim of abilities concerning visions was of that of a woman, who had been deceased for sometime, the MSM is now talking about, Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, otherwise known as Baba Vanga for short, also given a titled as Nostradamus of the Balkans.

For the claim of miraculous gifts after 100AD is a problem. So in this regard, a person, especially one in question, claiming to have several visions, as is the claim of inspiration by means of it, can lean towards being a False Prophet.

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1 hour ago, Thinking said:


I don’t understand how a prophetic book can explain legislative topics. Ezekiel is a book that contains visions, prophecies, and hopes for the restoration of worship of God, according to your publication: TEACHING BOX 1B An Overview of Ezekiel

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