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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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20 hours ago, Arauna said:

My dear, I read it daily.  I love the Insight books. The difference between me and you is that i love this food from Jehovah. do you?

There are "nougats of truth", as I had said, and found in those books; and the Aid to Bible Understanding comes closer to those examples than the Insight books.  As you read about the anointed as a spiritual temple, compare that with what GB G. Loesch has now said; that every JW is now, the spiritual temple.  Which will you choose to believe?  Are these changes toward more truth, toward a more brilliant "light"?  Which offering of "food" will you love?   These are changes that have led to full-fledged lies, just as the development of a frog begins with an egg, to tadpole, and eventually becomes the adult frog.  Frogs plagued Egypt; lies by false prophets/GB, and the elder/organization are the plague facing God's anointed "kings of the earth" (Rev 1:5), and all JWs today.  (Rev 16:13-16)

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On 3/29/2022 at 5:43 AM, Dmitar said:

Am I saying, be harsh as me? No! @Space Merchant doesn't allow for attitudes, even though he might slip once in a while with me. But, he puts his best foot forward, which is something you should all have learned long ago.

I am incredibly critical (often times strict), mainly after someone has been discerned, and in regards to debating experience, as is my time in CSE, The Christian/Hermeneutics Stack Exchange, I tend to be critical of anything that is misleading, false, and or does not make any shred of sense outside of grounded discussion.

Just recently, I, along with others, were in a heated debate for a few days with, believe it or not, specific types of people who were discerned to be among those who defend something of which @Patiently waiting for Truth mentions a lot here. Truthers refer to such people as Pedophilia apologist, who assume such disorderly behavior is a sexual orientation. The debate came forth due to the Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas situation. These people knew they lost the debate in which I and others were against them and because of it, they had mad threats and ill remarks towards children.

This goes to show you what I said a while back of how such persons are going to be a problem in 2022 in all things revolving around CSA, in the US and in the UK. Hence my remark towards Linda James, in the other thread concerning the reopening of institutions, will spark problems, i.e. Disney is having some CSA issues of which now people are starting to see when the aware knows.

On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

I think I made that point with Scripture but that is true. I saw the link for Pearl Doxsey so I didn't believe her to have such a gift when she hasn't come into contact with the original apostles. The narrative with the Angels of Jehovah is pretty sus too 😬. In her post she tried to convince Jehovah’s Witnesses that she had visions, etc whereas us and the majority know the truth of the matter.

That is why she cannot be trusted, especially when you have an alleged chosen who, in other remarks, tends to lean on Feminisms, an ideology that should NOT be among Christians. So she is just as confused as her acolytes.

On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

But yeah, these Miraculous Gifts had a purpose for the early Christian Congregations, but evidently stopped, seeing the point you made a out Apostle John. So anyone who does or says otherwise after that, or as you mentioned those names and Constantine, can easily fit into the False Prophet category. 

Indeed for the claim of False Prophet can be coined easily in that regard, as is what Paul said to the Galatians, or what even Apostle John said in his letters.

On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

The Ukraine Russia conflict is causing a lot of crazy stories to pop up, so I wouldn't be surprised if some brings us claims of a vision. Not too long ago I saw somewhere that a man was empowered by the holy spirit stating that he saw a vision of Vladimir Putin in chains being judged by God and evidently cast into Hell by Angels.... When I saw this my reaction was 🤨 because anyone who knows the truth can see through that issue.

An example of those who claim to be Prophets Inspired. Insanity at best. More so when they get engulfed by the Agenda's Propaganda.

On 4/4/2022 at 8:41 AM, Equivocation said:

So yeah, no prophets inspired, but, there's spirit led ones, i.e. Christians, ministers who preach the good news and talk about Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, as well as provide information on what God's Kingdom will do. Not to mention using the Bible to counsel and help people of all nations and ages regardless of gender or background. 

Which is what I explained to Butler, Witness and Srecko several times of which 2/3 of them believed the latter had contacted an Apostle before 100AD. Only this time they tried to challenge the Bible and the history of Christianity itself.

On 4/4/2022 at 8:49 AM, Equivocation said:

Yep. A lot of people also are starting to see the UN as not only useless, but still a legitmate threat. I started looking into what they want for money, religon and politics and it isn't fun for anyone. 

The United Nations will indirectly get to God's people, even your faith. As of now they are not Hellbent on targeting to destroy, simply they seek to influence. As is the Harlot.

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13 hours ago, Arauna said:

Ah, come on! This is just a silly offended way of getting more attention on yourself! 

I guess your stupidity is yours! 

Remember what that animal commented to thinking.


I know a black heart when I see one. Try NOT to defend a D'fd freak! Madam JW, lol!!


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I just had a scary thought ……..,,,,,,

What if, in the New System ……. Everybody is like Dmitar?













….. ( announcer with headphones intones melodiously into the radio microphone…..”Six diving boards means there is never any wait … at the Empire …. Hancock  …. Building. Free monogrammed body bags … for EASY identification, and free parking ….. with validation …. At the Empire …. Hancock …. Building.”).












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7 hours ago, Pudgy said:







I just had a scary thought ……..,,,,,,

What if, in the New System ……. Everybody is like Dmitar?













….. ( announcer with headphones intones melodiously into the radio microphone…..”Six diving boards means there is never any wait … at the Empire …. Hancock  …. Building. Free monogrammed body bags … for EASY identification, and free parking ….. with validation …. At the Empire …. Hancock …. Building.”).












Then you would know you were just dreaming….or having a night terror 

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On 4/6/2022 at 2:29 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

I recently had someone try to undermine this is a completely novel way, by claiming that WWI was nothing unique, that many wars in history could be classified as “world wars.” He pointed to a published book to that effect. Remember, he told me, WWI was initially called the Great War, and was only renamed later. 

Yeah, when there proved to be a sequel, I replied. That would have been the perfect time to rename it World War VII if there was anything to this theory of yours. I swear, let Jehovah’s Witnesses take a stand on anything and a cottage industry of retro-scholars arises to torpedo it.


When I was young and in high school….I was an avid reader…the only subject I got an A in was history…but even at 14 and 15yrs old….I could see that the WW1 was very different to other wars…one aspect that was glaring to me as a young girl..was how women had changed in our clothing dramatically …in the Era of WW1…it was shameful to show one’s ankle and a woman was really fully covered…yet that same woman would still be Alive in 1960 and 1970s….her generation lived to see the bra less look…the mini skirt..the topless bathing…the see thru braless look ….the nudist beaches…the free sex..for everyone …and hippie era ….I often wondered what they thought..she would have been about 70 / 80 yrs old as they watched this phenomena…..because no other war before..had ever caused such a thing to be able to happen….at the time I didn’t own a Bible and had no religion to speak of….

This is just one aspect that ..that Huge war caused…it’s tentacles rearranged everyone’s thinking and attitudes around the world ….I really dont know how anyone can say that it was just like any other war…and I’m not even considering  anything from a spiritual view ….just a common sense thinking ….practical thinking….factual thinking….that fellow was right…it certainly was a GREAT WAR ..like never before it rocked the earth and set the foundation for the second GREAT WAR…they say in the scientific world that it actually affected everyone genetically …their trauma and PTSD was I imprinted  in their genes to be passed on to their children …it really was like no other War…perhaps the first  -PAINFUL -pang felt from that pregnant woman.

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3 hours ago, Thinking said:

it really was like no other War…perhaps the first  -PAINFUL -pang felt from that pregnant woman.

It's a little vague to me. Is the First War just the beginning of labor/birth pains that will enable the "birth of the Kingdom" after a while? Or did the birth pains have to start earlier in order for the "child" to be born at the same time as the beginning of the First War?

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41 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It's a little vague to me. Is the First War just the beginning of labor/birth pains that will enable the "birth of the Kingdom" after a while? Or did the birth pains have to start earlier in order for the "child" to be born at the same time as the beginning of the First War?

I dont understand what you are asking…your a little vague to me???..

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