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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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4 hours ago, Pudgy said:

When I posted this article, it was not directed at anyone. I posted it because it was JW news that was not available on the JW.org website, no more.

James oh James, you just cannot decide which side of that fence to be on can you ? 

You know they are wrong but you are still frightend they just might be right :) ....  

Well maybe they are half right, but oh dear, that means they are half wrong tooooooooooooooo :) 

It must be difficult for a man that is pretending to be a dog, to have to make genuine decisions. 

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Pudgy is merely an affectionate literary device, like “BLACK BEAUTY”, the novel, being told from the perspective of the horse.

As have stated before, over an over and over here, for perhaps nine years, that I consider Jehovah’s Witnesses right only 15% of the time …… but WHICH 15% make all the difference.

For perhaps nine years I have constantly challenged all comers to show me something better, and ALL HAVE FAILED TO DO SO.

Humans, all humans, are “just ugly bags of mostly water” And are prone to all manner of failures and faults, and so are you and I .

If it wasn’t for Jehovah’s Witnesses my entire life would have been much worse, and I may have killed innocent people in Vietnam, the Congo, the Middle East, or Peru.

I have no fear of death, because I never expected to live past my 40’s, so “theocratic” Boogyman threats, and even directed gunfire I find silly, not scary.

It is YOU, PwfT, that are half afraid JWS MAY BE RIGHT, not me.

That is why you continue to hang out here.

My estimation is that they are right 15% of the time …… in a world where all the others are so much worse.

When a person is afraid of dying, there begins the search for comforting lies.

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12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


You dodo! Bolded, all-caps, and in red!?

12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

“This is just the start,” former Jehovah’s Witnesses member Patrick Haeck told Het Nieuwsblad. “We are going to the European Court. This has to stop everywhere.”

He may find this not the cakewalk he imagines. The ECHR has repeated found that the tension between JWs and vocal ex-members comes from the latter group, who refuse to accept the views of their believing relatives. That court has a sound track record of righting the wrongs of lower faddish and/or populist courts.

In a separate recent ruling from the ECHR toward Belgium, the Court ruled that country out of line in discriminating against JWs. Moreover, it did so in “a surprisingly quick decision compared to its usual standards.” One can almost picture the justices saying, “Oh. Belgium, is it? They may not know law but they know what they like.”

Why do you not spot the obvious misrepresentation?

7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

“Jehovah’s Witnesses state that ex-members should be shunned like the plague,” said lawyer Pieter-Bram Lagae, who assists the ex-witness who started the case.”

All one must do to cut through his hyperbole is read published Watchtower counsel that humanitarian concerns do not terminate with disfellowshipping. One need not run from a DFed one “like the plague.”

7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

“We act, for example, for a man whose wife is still a member, and he is ignored in his own home.”

This will be because the man has become a fanatical crazy who will not leave his wife in peace but works 24/7 to undermine her belief system so that she tunes him out to preserve her sanity. It has to be something like this because, again, Watchtower published counsel is that normal marital relations continue in the aftermath of a disfellowshipping, minus only the spiritual component.

No, they will not have an easy go before the ECHR. Probably the case will be reversed by a higher court before it ever gets there. It is possible the case was poorly defended. More likely, though, the local court already had its mind made up with regard to ‘anti-cult matters,” like the Russian Supreme Court of 2017, and were ready to slap down a guilty verdict on any pretext. 

From BitterWinter: The general principle that “ostracism” per se is not justiciable, and teaching “ostracism” is not forbidden has been affirmed by a large number of precedents, including at the European Court of Human Rights and in cases in the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany. It was confirmed last year by the Court of Rome.


7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

James oh James, you just cannot decide which side of that fence to be on can you ? 

You know they are wrong but you are still frightend they just might be right :) ....  

Well maybe they are half right, but oh dear, that means they are half wrong tooooooooooooooo :) 

Well, he’s not stupid. And he sees what your newfound belief system has done for you. It is you who puts the dog into dogmatic, not he.

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With regards to the above - I find ex-witnesses love to gloat over any form of negative news or findings regarding JWs.

They are losing sight of this:  Authorities are letting violent criminals out of jail at present because they are not supposed to be 'confined' ; or..... they are from one of the minority groups which cannot ever be deemed criminal or racist but are criminal due to their social conditions or the past racism towards them or... some other made-up philosophy .  All kinds of wickedness is now tolerated as long as the perpetrators profess the new transgender values and the new warped sexual values as acceptable; justice is no longer justice but targeted to achieve the new goals.

In this kind of environment "everything" (meaning every deviation) is acceptable to the majority...except a clean condition before Jehovah.  Do you not think this is by Satan's design in the system he is running?  Do you not think this will become worse and JWs will eventually be persecuted as prophesied?

Yes- JWs are very flawed as people but very few of us have criminal inclinations........... So ask yourself the question.

Whose side are you on?  The good and bad values of Jehovah or your own. Take into consideration that this was the original sin:  Adam rejected the "good and bad" of Jehovah and chose his own values.  In this system you will eventually be forced to except the values of the system.  There are just two sides:  Human government and its values or Jehovah and his values.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:


Come, come, don’t gloat over an absentminded typo. You are not PSomH. She has many times said her eyesight is terrible.

11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

If it wasn’t for Jehovah’s Witnesses my entire life would have been much worse, and I may have killed innocent people in Vietnam, the Congo, the Middle East, or Peru.

If I had been saved from massive bloodguilt and my entire life been markedly improved, I would not continually find cause to bite the hand that fed me.

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1 hour ago, xero said:

I despise noisy anti-JW complainers. It's the same w/the evangelical rabid-atheists. Both of these groups are intolerant of diversity of viewpoint and want that these be silenced or converted.


For twenty years they hung out with an excommunicated JW cousin. And now after 20 years Anthony III is giving a speech and giving a lesson to the Italian Brethren. And this df cousin who has returned hypocritically accuses his JWs cousins. And this kind of speech should be imperfect tolerant "spiritual food"?


Anthony III knows who God's "enemies" are and rejoices in their deaths. How "tolerant" viewpoint he has.  



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As you may or may not be aware TTH, in the Truth there is no means to address grievances. And until the last 8 years the Governing Body has acted as if it was infallible, inspired of God, and more.

This is no longer the 1950’s.

Even a dog does not like to be beaten, even by the persons that fed him.


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