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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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9 hours ago, Arauna said:
On 4/14/2022 at 7:51 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Thousands of pedophiles earthwide in the JW Org

You have no proof of that number - it is merely an accusation. since 1957 until the Australian commission there were slightly more than ONE thousand names...... cases where there were accusations made.

The ARC mentioned just over one thousand pedophiles in the Australian part of JW org.  Each Pedo had more than one victim.

The UK has had two investigations both have found pedophilia in the UK JW org. The Charity Commision and the IICSA. Online proof is available......... 

In America there have been many law suits / court cases about Pedophiles in the American part of the JW org.

The point being with America that it has a hidden Database of pedophile records going back 25 years, BUT Australia's records went back over 50 years. I think that gives question as to what happened to the other 25 years of records in America ?  Also who is paying whom to keep those records secret ?

In Canada some lawyers wanted to bring a massive court case (some thing like 66 million Canadian dollars ) against the Canadian JW org, but for some reson they were not allowed to.  So we have no idea how many Pedophiles there are on record in the Canadian JW org. 

Then we have the Netherlands 'Reclaimed Voices' / Utrecht University with at least 751 reports ranging from incest to rape. The Dutch JW org went to court to try to stop the publication of the report. 

Spain, 27th october 2018, Abusos JW sent letter to their Ministry of the Interior to urge for investigaation into the JW org Spain. 

And we haven't mentioned half the world yet ! But you will probably get the drift of it all. 

I repeat THOUSANDS OF PEDOPHILES in the JW Org earthwide. 

And all JWs, just by being JWs, are supporting the GB and the other leaders in hiding the Pedophiles in the JW  Org. 


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9 hours ago, Arauna said:

Who is the fibber here ?   Does your false accusations make you righteous before god? Does your false teachings make you more righteous with god?  or are you just a hateful person taking out your gall on JWs here, with NO hope of eternal life yourself.  Many people choose to become opposers instead of showing repentance. 

I think I've given proof that my 'accusation' isn't a lie.  I don't have any false teachings as I am not a teacher. I do however give warnings to those who could easily become victims. 

I don't have hope of eternal life but that does not make me hateful of TRUTH. I hate the things that God hates. 

Repentance ?  For leaving an immoral organisation ?  So tell me, what should I show repentance for ? 

Of course i have sin, we all do, but opposing the immorality and lies of the JW Org is not a sin. 

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

Believe me, I do not think there is not a person who has not had their feeling or ego hurt in the course if time.  But we are all stronger after it. We are all very imperfect after all. 

I am speaking of much much more than ego and hurt feelings …it was wickedness a cruelty unscriptural and ended in some one’s death…and blood guilt….

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11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

two investigations both have found pedophilia in the UK JW org. The Charity Commision and the IICSA. Online proof is available......... 

In America there have been many law suits / court cases about Pedophiles in the

No one has denied that it has happened in the JWOrg. It happens in the entire world where people work with children...... and it seems that it will soon be accepted as normal behaviour in  wider society due to the fact that they are now teaching porneia to children as young as five in schools all over the world- part of the curriculi. . Even people who have been fighting against pedophilia have been hiding their own pedophilia behind a so-called hate for it.

But -  you try to make out that it is one in every ten JWs instead of one in every 100 thousand which sucumbs to pedophilia. You also try to create the impression that it is acceptable to us. We do NOT teach it and neither do we accept it.   This is what I object to-  that you try to criminalise every single JW. This is not logical reasoning but an overwhelming unreasoning hate-OCD. 


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10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If I was on a boat drifting toward the falls which I did not expect to survive, I would not be using all my energy hollering to those on shore how they are doing everything wrong.

Exactly! What a waste of a precious life! All that time and energy spent on negative activities!  Non-life non-love activities.

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9 hours ago, Thinking said:

cruelty unscriptural and ended in some one’s death…and blood guilt….

Only Jehovah can  sort this out. Jehovah knows if there was true repentance...... like in the case of David.... he was allowed to live after causing the death of a person. .... and taking his wife. 

Unfortunately, good people can succumb to bad things and other righteous people suffer the consequences. This calls for tremendous self-control, restraint, forgiveness and a  keeping of focus on  serving Jehovah to the best of our ability. People are people (jws are just people)  and we trust that most of them stick to their faith ..... but sometimes they disappoint the community/ and congregation.

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
13 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So tell me, what should I show repentance for ? 

Almost in the same breath you’ve answered your question:

The point being Tom that Arauna places being oposed to the GB of the JW Org as being non repentant. 

You and her seem of the same opinions. But I've seen it in action. Congregants have to 'repent' to the Elders. The Elders act like priests 'showing forgiveness'. Whereas in truth a person should repent before God through Yeshua and should not need to prove themsleves to men. 

12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Will you even be doing the Memorial this year?

No I will not. The Memorial is for the True Anointed.  I do not pretend to be Anointed, neither do i know anyone that is. 

As for the 'Easter bunny', the chocolate eggs are a temptation, but no. 

12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If I was on a boat drifting toward the falls which I did not expect to survive, I would not be using all my energy hollering to those on shore how they are doing everything wrong.

Now the point here is this. Would you give warning to others of the danger ?  Or, would you be so selfish as to let others perish ?  You seem to be saying that you would only care about yourself.  

Yeshua preached the word boldly and gave warnings to those that would listen, EVEN THOUGH he knew he would have to die for it.  

11 hours ago, Thinking said:

I am speaking of much much more than ego and hurt feelings …it was wickedness a cruelty unscriptural and ended in some one’s death…and blood guilt….

This i have witnessed locally in my ex congregation. A young man who was once a M/S but mysteriously 'left' the Org at the same time a prominent Elder was D/fed, left his wife and even left England / moved back to Wales. The young M/S never returned to the KH and before i left the Org, I would often ask if anyone visited him, or could i have his address that i might visit him, but I was met with silence. That young man commited suiclde.... 

But I've noticed over the 3 or so years that I've been on here that more and more JWs are telling the truth about happenings in their own congregations. And what you mention sounds very serious.  @JW Insider once spoke about an incident involving a 'close relitive' of his, which seemed quite serious too.  

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

This is what I object to-  that you try to criminalise every single JW. This is not logical reasoning but an overwhelming unreasoning hate-OCD. 

In war, someone has to make the weapons before they can be used. Those who work in the factories making weapons are as guilty as those who fire the weapons.  In the JW Org, any JW that 'looks the other way' when injustice or immorality takes place, is as guilty as the one commiting the sin / crime. 

2 hours ago, Arauna said:

Exactly! What a waste of a precious life! All that time and energy spent on negative activities!  Non-life non-love activities.

And you think that serving your GB is possitive ? :)  All that time wasted handing out doom and gloom magazines with horrible pictures of destruction on the fron cover.  All the hatred of non JWs. All the pain caused by shunning. All the pain and suffering for children forced to do things for the sake of the GB. 

Yeshua's way is nothing like the ways of the GB / Org. Yeshua has all authority, not your GB. 

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41 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

You and her seem of the same opinions. B

Your actions give us the same opinion.  Why is ALL  your hate directed in only one direction?   Hate is not a godly quality if you were a true follower of christ.  Even people from other religions are not as set in their hate as you are..... this demonstates an attitude which Jesus does not approve of.  It is not a righteous attitude because your accusations would.......


47 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

doom and gloom magazines with

be more logical and not so wildly unreasonable.   See above? I guess you have not seen all the wonderful pictures of the future paradise. 

I think I will cut off this conversation. I have no time to spend with you. You are destructive and the worst kind of leaven. You hang out here because you need some form of revenge....  I do nog plan to be your next victim. 


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18 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I had read of ill-goings-on in the first-century record. Congregations described in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 were veritable basket cases, some of

Excellently explained my dear!

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