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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:Glad you finally made that correction. People here for a long time including the people you defend here, @Arauna, @Thinking, @TrueTomHarley, @JW Insider, @Pudgy, @Witness, so forth and so on, thought you are a Unitarian Christian, when you're not by your own words. You just like to debunk, which has no real meaning in Christianity.
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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Here we go again, playing with words. Stay focused.

There is no playing of games. Also an appeal to motive is not a wise move to make.

Therefore, you are free to speak your peace, but unverified remarks are unfounded.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Glad you finally made that correction. People here for a long time including the people you defend here, @Arauna, @Thinking, @TrueTomHarley, @JW Insider, @Pudgy, @Witness, so forth and so on, thought you are a Unitarian Christian, when you're not by your own words. You just like to debunk, which has no real meaning in Christianity.

On the contrary, you are the one playing the words, NoiseySrecko. I am a Biblical Unitarian Christian yes, however I am not of the Unitarian Church. Your claim was to associate me with the Unitarian Church, a mistake that Butler made,

as did Srecko. As did some Trinitarians here, namely @Cos who debated me on that and the 4th century.

I am woefully neutral and mild with people however when I see something that dwells in what I am against, I speak. Likewise when challenged to debate or discussion, given my history, I am committed to challenge in the realm of refutation. This is the same case on pervious forums, such as, CSE, as is others. Likewise in areas where I have legitimate rivals, i.e. members of BHI, BAMN, etc. The misguided types, although they are wrong, I pity them, even if they repeat the mistake.

That being said, if I were you, I wouldn't make the err Cos and Butler made.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Not according to other truthers.

All Truthers spoke of censorship and the rise of it. Therefore, you are incorrect. We were hit by it for a long time, before and after the death of Shim. The information we dwell on, scrubbed from the internet.

A good example of this our view of Section 230. Elsewhere, many of us were hit, myself included.

Therefore, according to the community, we know.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Does this mean, you're not a true, truther?

I am truly a Truther. So much so to understand to discern even those who lean towards a side and or who is neutral.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

It would appear, you reject what people say about truthers from within their own community.

How so? How are you so sure of the community if you are now realizing what it is?

For last I checked, you didn't know about branches.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

This is coming from @Srecko Sostar just to waste his time here. A true JW knows the preaching work hasn't stopped.

Well, it's Srecko. Dwelling in his own tricks.

4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

That's what the video shows. There are, truthers, but then again, there are people calling themselves truthers. Seems just like in Christendom. You have true Christians, and you have people pretending to be Christians. A realistic operation coming from Satan. The thing about those that enjoy debunking, sometimes they debunk themselves.

How so? You are not clear on what video you are attesting to, likewise, it seems you didn't see the quotation left for Srecko when Butler challenged me on the Truther notation.

That being said, what was mentioned, surely you have some insight on it, what I left for you in red in regards to your claims.

That being said, as for the thread, they haven't stopped preaching the gospel.


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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

For the record, I never thought SM was associated with the Unitarian Church. I've even corrected others who thought so, because SM was always careful about how he used the term Unitarian (and Restorationist, etc.). For that matter, I am also a Unitarian (and a Restorationist). I don't know much of anything about these Truthers, though.

I was never part of the Unitarian Church at all. I remember mentioning my upbringing as a Biblical Unitarian before. I am aware of others in Unitarianism who do go to a physical church, but my case was quite different, as is my baptism, in a literally small waterfall, Bassin Bleu. As for being an Islander, hence the title, also true due to where I was raised, which is why I Dmitar had trouble around dealing with cultural aspects a while back. As for faith, it was mostly built up in the household itself. In your case, your faith community had actual churches to go to. Unfortunately, what Dmitar fail to see is the upbringings of different people is vastly different.

As for Truthers, I mentioned to Butler before, the term originated in 9/11 - 9/11 truth movement, in which the word was used whereas later on, the term became associated with people wanting to know what is true by means of facts and evidence pertaining to various things and events, for example, the situation with Propaganda used to mislead, something of that nature, we try to look for actual facts of said information to see what is true and what is false despite the opposition from the paradigm and the MSM, who often times tried to link us with legitimate Conspiracy Theorists. Granted the branches in the community is vast, for some try to help out in various situations, many in one's area, like recently, a missing person, and or things of that nature, even things pretending to what Butler yells about the most, CSA. Some are those who broke away from the MSM, to others those effected by the 2008 events, even their children end up in this route to essentially avenge their parents, for a repeat is happening now but the people are prepared. Others the lies of the MSM or political figures, to some, corruption, etc. In my case, falsehoods and ill influence pushed by the paradigm. So much so the influence of finding truth spread out to others. We somehow cross paths with Journalists who are independent. There are some who do pretend to be Truthers,  for example, we had a couple  former members of your faith who attempted only to get called out for it, one was mentioned by name in another thread, as is him being exposed as a Wiccan Paganist.

For a number of events pushed me into that community and for a long time now, even as of recent with all the propaganda. Even more with legitimate rivals I had cross paths which who are extremely twisted, broken and or misguided by the paradigm and it's influence.

That being said, outside of Babylon, there are threats, the MSM is one, but there are others too.

As for how I got here, was due to the debates whereas not only I debated one of your own, but numerous Trinitarians who were apparently attacking Muslims in a discussion whereas some Triune believers cited some people here concerning information to defend the Trinity. If it were not for that heated debate, I'd still be at CSE and elsewhere. I never began debating here until I was challenged by Cos, Shiwii and Matthew, but Cos primarily.

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5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Here we go again, playing with words. Stay focused.

Glad you finally made that correction. People here for a long time including the people you defend here, @Arauna, @Thinking, @TrueTomHarley, @JW Insider, @Pudgy, @Witness, so forth and so on, thought you are a Unitarian Christian, when you're not by your own words. You just like to debunk, which has no real meaning in Christianity.

That wasn't the question, was it. You enjoy evading the question then complain after how you are a good debater, and you won't fall into any trap. A trap you yourself caused. 

Forgiveness is a given. DO YOU BELIEVE JUDAS WILL BE FORGIVEN? How about those that committed CRIMES against humanity. How about those that blaspheme against God's Holy Spirit? IS THIS PLAIN ENOUGH FOR YOU, not to play with words?

So, you know who the Antichrist is?

A none response is not a response, not a quote. Care to clarify?

Not according to other truthers. Does this mean, you're not a true, truther? It would appear, you reject what people say about truthers from within their own community.

This is coming from @Srecko Sostar just to waste his time here. A true JW knows the preaching work hasn't stopped.

Don’t bring me in on your ridiculous argument…as far as SM goes I believe him to be truthful…Sheeesh!

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

For the record, I never thought SM was associated with the Unitarian Church. I've even corrected others who thought so, because SM was always careful about how he used the term Unitarian (and Restorationist, etc.). For that matter, I am also a Unitarian (and a Restorationist). I don't know much of anything about these Truthers, though.

Oh for  goodness sake!

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

There is no playing of games. Also an appeal to motive is not a wise move to make.

Therefore, you are free to speak your peace, but unverified remarks are unfounded.

Stop that third person nonsense. Your playing games. 

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary, you are the one playing the words, NoiseySrecko. I am a Biblical Unitarian Christian yes, however I am not of the Unitarian Church. Your claim was to associate me with the Unitarian Church, a mistake that Butler made,

Care to explain your remarks since @Witness has mentioned it recently? More of the same, misdirection. Blocking you again, you're an unless debater. Play your mind games with your Jehovah Witness friends here.

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30 minutes ago, Thinking said:

as far as SM goes I believe him to be truthful…Sheeesh!

Indeed, your kind believes everything a worldly person has to say. Yet, you draw the line with bible truth, 🤪

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@Patiently waiting for Truth. Back to topic. I believe there are test areas where the door-to-door preaching work has resumed. These areas have a low Covid-19 percentage. If the program is successful, with the Omicron variant, then more territories will be opened to the preaching work. Perhaps in your area, you have seen it.

The preaching work will continue one way or another as described in scripture by the great commission, and witnessing to all the nations.

Satan tries to stop the gospel, but will be unsuccessful. Only God will close the door on the preaching work, just like he did with the door in Noah's ark.

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21 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Indeed, your kind believes everything a worldly person has to say. Yet, you draw the line with bible truth, 🤪

I dont know where you have been but we have not used worldly as a description for those not of our belief for a very long time?

It was a terrible way of speaking and we have corrected that attitude.

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20 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Stop that third person nonsense. Your playing games. 

3rd person? There is no games to be played in a discussion, but I can see the appeal to motive from that alone.

22 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Care to explain your remarks since @Witness has mentioned it recently?

Although Witness is misguided, I do pity here. But to make claims even to add words to her mouth, is kind of unfounded. It is already noted of who challenged me on that, and I mentioned them by name, primarily Cos. Witness was probably somewhere in that debate, perhaps briefly, and never dwelled on Anti-Trinitarian vs Trinitarian discussion, granted the focus was heavily on that vs anything pertaining to JWs whereas even some guests got involved, the visitors you speak of.

As can be seen by Cos ridiculous notation, of which as stated, Mainstreamers do hold an influence on EXJWs, as seen in that debate.

On 8/28/2017 at 6:12 AM, Cos said:

Folks, the facts are these, the NT explicitly uses the Greek term theos (“God”) in reference to Jesus Christ. Further, there was a consistent application of theos to Jesus Christ long before the 4th century AD!


Christian authors such as Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Melito, Athenagoras, and Irenaeus all spoke of Christ as “God.”

Therefore, your claim, is unfounded. You were told before, at least have evidence. Around that time you were among your older tenures.

34 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

? More of the same, misdirection. Blocking you again, you're an unless debater.

So be it, it does not matter to me, I simply respond to a response.

34 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

More of the same, misdirection.

Sure... Yet you even throw a debate opponent, Witness into the mix when you made an unfounded claim even about her. To Weaponize a former JW, this is a new one.

35 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Play your mind games with your Jehovah Witness friends here.

And yet another appeal.... And you say I am the one playing games.

That being said, you just gave yourself more call backs, for visitors to see, if anyone of us quotes them.

For if your words are not true, why speak them, NoiseySrecko? If I were you, I would focus on that lesson and apply it.

That said, games and assertions do not work on me, perhaps next time try harder.

32 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Indeed, your kind believes everything a worldly person has to say. Yet, you draw the line with bible truth, 🤪

Quite the remark of one who makes unverified claims, and cannot keep his word as bond.

But I digress. 

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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

Don’t bring me in on your ridiculous argument…as far as SM goes I believe him to be truthful…Sheeesh!

I simply speak truth to the best of my ability, whatever anyone does with the information, so be it. I think he brings you in in order to make an appeal that only backfires, ironically, he brings in Witness, although she is essentially like Ms. Haven, it is kind of odd to add to her words. In addition to that he is extremely lucky, I never quote his last tenures because it would break some of his notations with his new name/tenure.

That being said, concerning the topic itself, in short, it is known that your faith community still preaches the gospel, namely over the phone and letters. Hence the COVID-19 restrictions, of which was mentioned.

So my response to Butler was correct, none of them are preaching to different houses. Perhaps soon you may be doing so, but you have to understand, things are different now. I remember telling @ApostaBabe Linda James that because of the change in society, especially now, preaching to houses will be somewhat difficult and or problematic. Likewise with any of your churches opening back up, you have to be extremely vigilant now, hence the change in society and the mindset of people. I also talked about Gangstalkers, any religious institution that opened a while back became subjected to such types, so even when there is happiest of going back to an institution, you still have to be hyper vigilant of those who come to said institution for their own personal gain, as is theft.

So in short, extra precaution and safety.

While your faith community was away, there were some religious folks of the Mainstream who acted as a substitute for those who normally preach the gospel. From the Black Hebrew Israelites to the Jehovah Warrior types who think Jesus is Jehovah, as is the ones who claim COVID-19 Endemic was somehow judgement from God, even those who use ill influence to spread some weird Exegesis about God and Jesus that makes no sense. So when you do return, you shouldn't be surprised to see some of these folks come around, as is your embolden opposition from the EXJW camp, more influenced by not only conspiracy, but ideas from the Mainstream. On top of that Babylon herself is more dangerous than before, so Mainstream Christendom does hold some more power, and some tricks.

There will be political conflict. The mention of Pearl's followers and some of their ideas resulting in Right Wing Conservatives to confront them, that should some form of awareness of what is to come when things open back up. Then there is the level of Authoritarianism and the broken justice system.

Therefore, watch your step, not for yourself, but for those around you.



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1 hour ago, Thinking said:

I dont know where you have been but we have not used worldly as a description for those not of our belief for a very long time?

Doesn't make it any less true. Stick to your writing style. I will stick with mine. However, this should show how intelligent you people are for @TrueTomHarley, since I am dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses without it.

*** ws18 November p. 25 par. 16 Who Molds Your Thinking? ***
16 Can we completely avoid worldly ideas? No, we will be exposed to some of the world’s ideas because we cannot literally get out of the world. (1 Corinthians 5:9, 10) Even when we are preaching, we will hear people express wrong ideas and false beliefs

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