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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

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25 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then learn about the differences between a seer and a prophet that are being misrepresented here. Give something to the visitor they can really use as truth and knowledge. 

Sadly if anyone points out the difference as I mentioned, a thread will pop up later with those who believe otherwise. The reason I often use quotations or source a thread.

Perhaps a better idea would be to create a thread to give the difference in full detail so should something like this come again, simply source/cite it. Revelator should be added to that list also, since many do not know or confusion that, as is, Visionary. Visitors can easily get to said thread if need be without cutting vines to find information.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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2 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
25 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Then you should mention the differences instead of telling the visitor there is no such thing as spiritual gifts when you are talking about literal abilities. To different issues.

The alluding was quite obvious, as for where I quoted myself. It came from a thread concerning False Prophets.

18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

So, you don't believe the bible is the "inspired" word of God just to remove yourself from your error like @JW Insider How does this gem square with people using a false tool in Christianity, then?

There is something very peculiar about me speaking to Dimitar through a mediator. It is all I can do not to wear a veil afterwards.

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@TrueTomHarley Sometimes when comments overlap, it can get confusing if one isn't paying attention. But as mentioned to @Dmitar a better approach concerning visitors would simply be to make a thread of the subject itself; this is what I did in the past concerning Trinitarian claims vs the Bible, as well as the Child abuse prevention, of which that topic in of itself someone translated into a different language, so I would have to update/revise it and create a thread, especially now due to how problematic the situation is in 2022.

That being said, most visitors, well now, tend to stick around the main part of the forums granted they have little to and or limited access to see anything mentioned here.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, most visitors, well now, tend to stick around the main part of the forums granted they have little to and or limited access to see anything mentioned here.

That's the point about the visitor. Let's not make it confusing for them by confusing ideologies. 

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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The alluding was quite obvious, as for where I quoted myself. It came from a thread concerning False Prophets.

There are variables when it comes to the word inspiration. While it would be unconscionable for a Christian to think they are NOT inspired by the word of God, a Christian can also be influenced and inspired by the devil in order to become his false prophet. We see that every day here.

I have no doubt a true Christian won't believe a Catholic Father has the ability to forgive "sin" as they advertise, thus making them false prophets for suggesting such a literal cleansing of the soul when Jesus didn't even do that with Lazareth. Meaning, Lazareth didn't wake up a perfect man (sinless state).

However, this doesn't mean, God with NOT give guidance to those he chooses to be worthy to receive such gift.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I quoted the Word to be inspired several times, however, there was a time Bible tampering did exist and they had won out, only for Textual Criticism to come into play. That is why I told Srecko the following concerning early and later sources.

Do you think, God has allowed his inspired word to continue in darkness and corruption? Don't you think, that's a good reason for someone to receive an exact understanding with his written word by God's Holy Spirit? That would mean God has inspired someone, worthy.

This understanding about the word inspired needs to be retuned to a proper spiritual meaning.

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I appreciate True productive Christians, not sideshow clowns. I also don't appreciate people trying to correct me without correcting themselves first. Bible knowledge goes a long way.

Learn the difference if you are a Christian! That's what, proclaimer of the truth means.

The other, didn't someone just mention not to directly answer, certain people here (We Won't Mind)? Make up your minds. You make yourselves seem mentally challenged.

When Jesus and the apostles, when they spoke about the written word; how many times did anyone see them joking about it, or injecting humor into their conversations?

Yes! There is a time and place for joy and happiness, but NOT at the expense of driving away a potential follower of Christ. Especially in this day and age. 

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1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

That's the point about the visitor. Let's not make it confusing for them by confusing ideologies. 

The thing is they do hang out in the main page, which is outside of this club. In the past, visitors had the ability to speak their peace, but not anymore, they can come to this club and after a few clicks the club is blocked. 

Guests, at the time who did interact were usually the ones who didn't like the misinformation or falsehood being spoken. This was the case with some of them interacted with the likes of Witness, Srecko, Jesus.Defender and Cos.

The only time a visitor did ask to use something here was the information addressed concerning child abuse, and this guest in question was not on a warpath as our friend on this forum who often yells from the roof tops about it, but does not do anything.

This is the main page - https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/

I cannot speak for the other clubs though since majority of the traffic is here, however, one club that was opened up because of cause, a guest did interact more concerning a missing persons issue, granted at the time, myself and others were posting everywhere concerning people instead it being in an isolated community.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

There are variables when it comes to the word inspiration. While it would be unconscionable for a Christian to think they are NOT inspired by the word of God, a Christian can also be influenced and inspired by the devil in order to become his false prophet. We see that every day here.

True, a Spirit Led Prophet and or Christian, I mentioned this. Likewise with the counterpart, those who are influenced by the Devil who assume their experience is of God, when it isn't. The very reason I quoted Galatians 1:1-11's point to Witness.

I had ran into a lot of people who assume they have some level of inspiration, as is abilities, even debated them.

The show they give when they assume they have the spirit is quite silly. Then you have the Demonic types, manifestation of evil spirits, etc. Who, in most cases, are dangerous, even towards Christians, in some instances, such people can break someone's faith if caught off guard. No Christian is immune to such if they do not notice such an enemy, this is the same case with JWs, who are caught off guard by such and they themselves can fall.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

I have no doubt a true Christian won't believe a Catholic Father has the ability to forgive "sin" as they advertise, thus making them false prophets for suggesting such a literal cleansing of the soul when Jesus didn't even do that with Lazareth. Meaning, Lazareth didn't wake up a perfect man (sinless state).

Yes, but this also treads beyond Catholicism, i.e. PEAK, KAIROS, etc. who believe they can heal and cleanse.

The fact such False Prophets exist also causes people to be confused of who is and who isn't a False Prophet in most cases, especially if the latter is heavily involved with Babylon the Great.

This is why when the day comes when Babylon goes after God's people, it will be a critical time to be enduring.

This is why I discern and maintain neutrality with individuals who show what spirit they have and my reaction/response towards such persons, hence the verse I always quote.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Do you think, God has allowed his inspired word to continue in darkness and corruption?

Although Bible Tampering was a thing, even winning out, there were people who fought to protect God's Word and Translate the Bible with the earliest sources known compared to those who have violated Deut. 4:2. Some where even killed for it, i.e. William Tyndale.

Those who make up the latter are the majority of Mainstream Christendom, unfortunately for the EXJWs, in this regard, they are consumed by it, granted, whenever they talk about Bible Translation, the talking points of the Mainstream they adopt.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Don't you think, that's a good reason for someone to receive an exact understanding with his written word by God's Holy Spirit?

Yes, and due to that, such ones discover the truth concerning Bible Translations, as is the sources. Coming to the realization of the actions of Mainstream Christendom has fooled them.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

That would mean God has inspired someone, worthy.

When they find truth concerning the Bible, yes.


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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The thing is they do hang out in the main page, which is outside of this club. In the past, visitors had the ability to speak their peace, but not anymore, they can come to this club and after a few clicks the club is blocked. 

Actually, all a person needs to do is google a topic, and they can freely see the discussion. You are talking about those with access to these sites to post. Therefore, it's not that closed or blocked as you suggest. Just like the example you just provided, with your link coming from the same forum.

I can be banned from posting, but I can search for topics with Google.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

True, a Spirit Led Prophet and or Christian, I mentioned this. Likewise with the counterpart, those who are influenced by the Devil who assume their experience is of God, when it isn't. The very reason I quoted Galatians 1:1-11's point to Witness.

Then, this should be your main point when you argue with @Witness. Once again, a visitor doesn't necessarily see the full intent of a post, once the topic switches to many unrelated topics to the original post.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes, but this also treads beyond Catholicism, i.e. PEAK, KAIROS, etc. who believe they can heal and cleanse.

The fact such False Prophets exist also causes people to be confused of who is and who isn't a False Prophet in most cases, especially if the latter is heavily involved with Babylon the Great.

This example was meant to go toward intent. This is an easy way to show how a person can become a false prophet.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Although Bible Tampering was a thing, even winning out, there were people who fought to protect God's Word and Translate the Bible with the earliest sources known compared to those who have violated Deut. 4:2. Some where even killed for it, i.e. William Tyndale.

Not just in that time. Jewish scribes had fear, if they distorted God's word, they would be punished by God. A reason, they didn't use God's  real name as not to receive retribution for using God's name in vain. The thing is, it wasn't meant to be erased from scripture, it was meant not to be used by a false tongue. Some schools of the law (thought) also feared those with authority. They didn't want to offend those Gods and receive the wrath of those in authority.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes, and due to that, such ones discover the truth concerning Bible Translations, as is the sources. Coming to the realization of the actions of Mainstream Christendom has fooled them.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

When they find truth concerning the Bible, yes.


This is why it's important to bring the discussion of the word "inspired" to its proper context.


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On 3/19/2022 at 8:37 AM, Space Merchant said:

But I left them with a question to name someone who is indeed inspired, and still, no answer was given.

I don't know who "them" is, but every anointed priest is inspired by Holy Spirit at their anointing, which I have already mentioned. (Rom 5:5; 1 John 4:6; 1 John 2:27; John 15:4-8,16; Rom 2:29; Heb 8:10; Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10)   But if they refuse to act upon it through obedience to Jesus Christ, and his word...and instead listen to men and their lies, they eventually lose God's Spirit. (Matt 5:13; Luke 11:31; Matt 25:14-30)

Since an anointed priest under Christ is inspired by Holy Spirit, so too would be any prophet sent by God.

"There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift."  Eph 4:4-7



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@Witness The Them remark was in regards to you and Srecko, granted originally you made the thread about False Prophets.

The Chosen has nothing to do with the non-existence of Prophets Inspired after Apostle John. Therefore, you cannot name one, or call to existence any who came forth after John. For if his students were simply Prophets Inspired, it is 100% accurate to note no Prophet Inspired existed afterwards, especially with the events of 325AD and onward.

As a side note there were Chosen who were indeed Prophets Inspired, but these persons were around John's time, and the majority died out, with the last of Inspired Prophets to remain alive was Apostle John himself, hence Apostle Paul's message to the Corinthians in his First letter regarding of such a time to come.

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On 3/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Dmitar said:

Actually, all a person needs to do is google a topic, and they can freely see the discussion. You are talking about those with access to these sites to post. Therefore, it's not that closed or blocked as you suggest. Just like the example you just provided, with your link coming from the same forum.

I can be banned from posting, but I can search for topics with Google.

True, but as of recent, Google has done a bit of scrubbing, so you have to be more detailed in the search. Normally if I look up the thread name, it is the first pick, but after the last 3 months, it has been moved to pages, and eventually, a detailed/advanced search must be done.

One has to remember that Google is part of Big Teach and they are no stranger to Censorship and they support it.

True, you can be banned, but Google wills scrub what it needs to scrub.

At times they get more serious about it too, for instance, Loudon County, those who spoke up, as myself included have, were targeted by keyword censorship effectively making what we say non-existent, more so, anything YouTube related, Google is tied into YouTube so censorship is in full force.

So one cannot put too much trust in Google, granted in specific cases, they want you to see what they take a liking to.

On 3/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Dmitar said:

Then, this should be your main point when you argue with @Witness. Once again, a visitor doesn't necessarily see the full intent of a post, once the topic switches to many unrelated topics to the original post.

I have done so, even in her original thread. However, the adoption of Mainstream concepts concerning such Prophets, she thinks otherwise, as do most people who do not truly know the difference.

But as pointed out, the events of 325AD is a dead giveaway, as is the students of John, who they themselves were Prophets Not Inspired.

On 3/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Dmitar said:

This example was meant to go toward intent. This is an easy way to show how a person can become a false prophet.

Yes, and still the Mainstream is like that of an enemy that does not know it is put down. Granted the fight between both factions persist, it will only end when the End Time Tribulations come, as is when the Commission ceases. But around that time, Babylon will use those for her to go after God's people with a serious intent to put them down, as is the Beast who will have it's role to play. During that time, endurance is going to be key as is keeping one's faith strong (Jude 3).

For False Prophets will be even more callous in action.

On 3/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Dmitar said:

Not just in that time. Jewish scribes had fear, if they distorted God's word, they would be punished by God. A reason, they didn't use God's  real name as not to receive retribution for using God's name in vain. The thing is, it wasn't meant to be erased from scripture, it was meant not to be used by a false tongue. Some schools of the law (thought) also feared those with authority. They didn't want to offend those Gods and receive the wrath of those in authority.

Yes I am aware of that, but in the fight for Bible Translation, people were indeed attacked, killed for it. And by whom, the side who took favor with Roman Emperors. I believe even at the time of Jerome, some people also attest to the fact the Church was Latinized, to some extent.

On 3/19/2022 at 7:20 PM, Dmitar said:

This is why it's important to bring the discussion of the word "inspired" to its proper context.


True, likewise with knowing those today vs the time of when John was alive.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

For if his students were simply Prophets Inspired, it is 100% accurate to note no Prophet Inspired existed afterwards, especially with the events of 325AD and onward.


The last prophet is spoken of in Matt 17:11, which Jesus spoke about after the visionary event on the holy mountain with his three disciples.  Moses and Elijah were seen in vision, with Jesus.  He then tells his disciples that "Elijah" would come and "restore everything".  This is clarified in Mal 3:1-4; 4:4-6; Rev 11:1-3.  That being "restored", is the Temple/dwelling in the hearts of the anointed "living stones".  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17.

They are found in the Watchtower under the "iron" fist of the elder body and a wicked slave.  (Matt 24:48-51)


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