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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

but as of recent, Google has done a bit of scrubbing, so you have to be more detailed in the search. Normally if I look up the thread name, it is the first pick, but after the last 3 months, it has been moved to pages, and eventually, a detailed/advanced search must be done.

Any topic related to this site is open to the public in various forms. Google is just one of them.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I have done so, even in her original thread. However, the adoption of Mainstream concepts concerning such Prophets, she thinks otherwise, as do most people who do not truly know the difference.

If that's your observation, then more is needed.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

still the Mainstream is like that of an enemy that does not know it is put down. Granted the fight between both factions persist,

I understand you wish to contribute with, general observations. However, we are dealing with this specific site and people here with distorted understanding of scripture and other institution's literature.

We should use whenever possible other literature to convey or to show similarities, however, the adjustments need to be made here, by responsible people, not people that just want to win with their falsehoods and manipulation.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes I am aware of that, but in the fight for Bible Translation, people were indeed attacked, killed for it. And by whom, the side who took favor with Roman Emperors.

Point being, God has not allowed his inspired word to be subverted by man. Man can attempt it by Satan's influence, but it will never be tampered enough that responsible people can't see the difference.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

True, likewise with knowing those today vs the time of when John was alive.

This is why a "seer" can be inspired by God even though that person is not a prophet. A prophet can be both, but not vice versa. Therefore, It wouldn't matter if there is no prophet after the last apostle died. God will still use responsible men to fulfil the prophecy, with a worthy individual Full of God's Holy Spirit, or a seer with God's grace specifically dedicated to a certain task.

People overreach with their assumptions about the phrase supernatural. The angels are in heaven. Anything they do is supernatural. If God sends an angel to earth as a messenger, that's supernatural, but in a good and positive way. 

Satan's influence on earth is a bad and negative observation of the supernatural.

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Any topic related to this site is open to the public in various forms. Google is just one of them.

Perhaps, but the scrubbing issue is quite annoying by Google and others like them.

10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

If that's your observation, then more is needed.

There is a lot more in that thread I am referring to, I was only brief here, but the claim was the faith community in question made the claim to be Prophets Inspired, at the level of having the ability to have accurate predictions, but this in of itself is an incorrect claim. Butler also made a similar assertion, even here when he didn't know of what is being conveyed.

But as mentioned, often then not, the same thing has often repeated to the same persons, time and time again.

10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I understand you wish to contribute with, general observations. However, we are dealing with this specific site and people here with distorted understanding of scripture and other institution's literature.

Members of the Mainstream have come here, and their influence also spills over to specific persons. The reason why I mention some have sided with Atheists and Trinitarians just to attack members of their former faith, even going as far as to use misconceptions and same tactics. @Cos was one, relentless ones are usually Shiwii and Jesus.Defender. For not only they embolden EXJWs, so to speak, they also try to twist Scripture to make it seem Jesus was God, and in Shiwii's case, he had quite a twisted view concerning Jesus' Resurrection, attempting to include the Trinity Doctrine into specific verses concerning that, for these things can fool the visitors. The irony in this also is the fact the others did not challenge him because they depended on him at the time to create more opposition of their former faith. The only Trinitarian who is still somewhat active here is Matthew, of whom you are familiar with who created a specific thread concerning you.

10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

We should use whenever possible other literature to convey or to show similarities, however, the adjustments need to be made here, by responsible people, not people that just want to win with their falsehoods and manipulation.

True, but as you can see, that in of itself is a battle. Someone tried to start grounded discussion before, a few people actually, but the same group of people often come around to create issues.

10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Point being, God has not allowed his inspired word to be subverted by man. Man can attempt it by Satan's influence, but it will never be tampered enough that responsible people can't see the difference.

Which is true, but still we have to battle against the Mainstream. As of the last several years, concerning the Bible it has brought in more people to combat the people who defend later sources of which to push the Trinity Doctrine which never originated with the Early Church.

I have made some threads in the past calling out claims of Trinitarianism when it comes to Translation changes of which they use to push the Triune teaching.

10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

This is why a "seer" can be inspired by God even though that person is not a prophet. A prophet can be both, but not vice versa. Therefore, It wouldn't matter if there is no prophet after the last apostle died. God will still use responsible men to fulfil the prophecy, with a worthy individual Full of God's Holy Spirit, or a seer with God's grace specifically dedicated to a certain task.

Yes. There are Prophets, however, there aren't any of which who can transfigure, have visions, predict specific events, heal/raise dead, etc. of which is granted by means of God's Spirit, around John's time.

Prophets, as with Seers, are Spirit led (Inspired by Holy Spirit), this is what I stated to @Witness and Butler here and in the original thread, in addition to what these kinds of Prophets are doing, i.e. preaching gospel of the Messianic Age. To them, it seems as though they're attesting to the fact Inspired Prophets who are capable of such abilities are still present today, which puts Christianity's history itself into a contradiction, as is John's Students, and their history.

Christians today are like that of Prophets who are led by the Spirit.

11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

People overreach with their assumptions about the phrase supernatural. The angels are in heaven. Anything they do is supernatural. If God sends an angel to earth as a messenger, that's supernatural, but in a good and positive way. 

Which is true, but then you have Rebellious Angels who do the opposite, moreover, such pose as God's Messengers, which is why Paul's words in Galatians is one of which that provides counsel.

And speaking of Rebellious Angels, those who claim to be Prophets Inspired, for instance, being able to raise the dead or heal, do not have God's Spirit with them, but a Rebellious one, which can fool people. This also relates to what @Equivocation brought up in his thread about a man who claims to be a Prophet Inspired and had been to/seen Hell, which is something not true.

Another example is a contact I have in Russia, who talked about a guy who claim to be Jesus with the Holy Spirit (The Russian Jesus).

Those who are of God can see such people like this are in err.

11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Satan's influence on earth is a bad and negative observation of the supernatural.

It is, and even now, speaking about his influence, Babylon has been making a few moves recently concerning the Information War over in the EU. For in times like this, people need be aware of the real enemy of whom is deployed by the Devil.

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27 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:
11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

People overreach with their assumptions about the phrase supernatural. The angels are in heaven. Anything they do is supernatural. If God sends an angel to earth as a messenger, that's supernatural, but in a good and positive way. 

Which is true, but then you have Rebellious Angels who do the opposite, moreover, such pose as God's Messengers, which is why Paul's words in Galatians is one of which that provides counsel.

Are you talking about the past? And what is the range of that past (BCE to CE) when angels came to earth as messengers?
If you are talking about the present, are you claiming that angels are transmitting news to people today? 

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2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you talking about the past? And what is the range of that past (BCE to CE) when angels came to earth as messengers?
If you are talking about the present, are you claiming that angels are transmitting news to people today? 

How does a person receive God's Holy Spirit?

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14 hours ago, Witness said:

The last prophet is spoken of in Matt 17:11, which Jesus spoke about after the visionary event on the holy mountain with his three disciples.  Moses and Elijah were seen in vision, with Jesus.  He then tells his disciples that "Elijah" would come and "restore everything".  This is clarified in Mal 3:1-4; 4:4-6; Rev 11:1-3.  That being "restored", is the Temple/dwelling in the hearts of the anointed "living stones".  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17.

Moses and Elijah were indeed Prophets, but they passed long before the events of Pentecost as is Apostle John's Exile to Patmos. Not to mention that Christianity, or the Christian Church did not come into existence until things leading up to the New Covenant and Jesus' death and resurrection was set forth, of which Apostle John was alive around that time. It is also impossible that Moses, as is Elijah had outlived Apostle John, when only John himself lived out his days close to the start of the 2nd Century (around 100 AD).

Note: Moses lived up to 120 years of age, although when he died is not really known, some attested to him dying around 1473 BCE. It is also stated that God himself (obviously via Shaliach) is said to have buried The Levite, for there is no grave marker, more so no one, not even Satan knows where exactly Moses was buried, granted the Devil sought the body of the Prophet for his own ill intent deemed unknown; even had a dispute with The Archangel for the body of Moses, as for the argument itself, also unknown.

You also have to be very careful with Matthew 17:11 because a small misstep can lean one towards the reincarnation idea. Elijah had since expire (said to have passed around 849 BCE), but it was spoken of that someone like him will appear, for this was prophesied by Prophet Malachi, hence the verses you cited. The Jews in the pervious verse, Matthew 17:10 had this expectation of a Prophet similar to Elijah to come. Some assume it to be Jesus Christ himself as seen in Matthew 16:14 (and ref.), others John the Baptist who is the Son of Elizabeth and Zechariah (Matt. 3:4; John 1:21). Regards to his parents, the Angel of God was quite clear; John will be like Elijah, not Elijah himself (Luke 1:17). And to this, Jesus and John are not Elijah (literally), and in John's case, he isn't a reincarnation of Elijah for the reincarnation idea is not Biblical. John did the work as did Elijah had done in his lifetime. Sometime after John's death, Jesus went to a high Mountaintop with his followers and it was there that Jesus transfigured, whereas a vision is shown with Elijah and Moses concerning the things to come, hence the passage in association via reference - Mark 9:1-8; both Moses and Elijah were not really there, hence transfiguration and vision.

In this state, Jesus is radiated in brilliant light, himself and his garments, in glorious holy glow, and quite bright, as the Bible shows us and from there, the visions came forth.


NOTE: The Holy Bible does not teach reincarnation, and such a term never was in the Old and New Text. The reincarnation teaching is associated with the teaching of the Immortal Soul Doctrine of which came much later via a Philosophical Greek concept.

That being said, John the Baptist did not outlive the Apostles (namely Apostle John), nor did Moses, and especially not Elijah, for if anyone remembers, Malachi only made the proclamation of prophecy in a span of 450 years after the death of Elijah.

14 hours ago, Witness said:

They are found in the Watchtower under the "iron" fist of the elder body and a wicked slave.  (Matt 24:48-51)

As far as I know, even the Watchtower is aware that Apostle John outlived everyone, so mentioning them is irrelevant concerning Prophets inspired and not inspired. This is common knowledge to almost the majority. As is them being aware of what Apostle Paul conveyed concerning such gifts, i.e. to raise the dead and or have visions, had ceased, for Christians have God's Love, and are spirit led, which can be seen by the actions of John's students, especially in their difficult circumstances.

That being said, were you confusing John the Baptist with Apostle John? Granted you brought up Elijah, it seems you are looking at the Baptist himself. Apostle John outlived him too.

Apostle John was born around 6 AD and died around 100 AD whereas John the Baptist was born around 1 AD whereas his death is somewhere around 28–36 AD whereas his death was by means of a beheading. Pentecost itself took place in 33 AD (hence Acts 2), for Jesus had since died and had been resurrected prior, as for his Apostles and followers, they continued when Christianity was evidently birthed. We know Apostle John lived that long also because the 2nd Century started around 101-200 AD.


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12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you talking about the past? And what is the range of that past (BCE to CE) when angels came to earth as messengers?
If you are talking about the present, are you claiming that angels are transmitting news to people today? 

You are asking me or @Dmitar? If me, Rebellious Angels are indeed active. As they were in the past, even present day.

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1 minute ago, Dmitar said:

How does a person receive God's Holy Spirit?

If we are going to rely on WTJWorg theology, then man cannot "receive" HS, but only be "guided" or "motivated" to do / speak something (or be stopped from doing / saying something).
The effect ( to be guided/motivated) is achieved, as far as I understand the interpretation of WTJWorg, after the individual reads the Bible a lot, strives to work according to biblical principles and prays to God for help.

"Receiving" gives the impression that we have come into possession of something because we have received it from someone. But to receive HS includes the active side of the Giver, and that would be God. However, as WTJWorg teaches, this kind of "receiving" ended in the First Century. 

Every “receiving” of HS from God includes, according to the Bible as far as I remember, supernatural action and a supernatural manifestation that is, in fact, visible to humans.
There is nothing supernatural about reading the Bible, praying to God, and trying to apply certain principles in one's life.
There is nothing supernatural in the WTJWorg doctrines or in the JW's virtual worship in the past two years.

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5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If we are going to rely on WTJWorg theology, then man cannot "receive" HS, but only be "guided" or "motivated" to do / speak something (or be stopped from doing / saying something).
The effect ( to be guided/motivated) is achieved, as far as I understand the interpretation of WTJWorg, after the individual reads the Bible a lot, strives to work according to biblical principles and prays to God for help.

"Receiving" gives the impression that we have come into possession of something because we have received it from someone. But to receive HS includes the active side of the Giver, and that would be God. However, as WTJWorg teaches, this kind of "receiving" ended in the First Century. 

Every “receiving” of HS from God includes, according to the Bible as far as I remember, supernatural action and a supernatural manifestation that is, in fact, visible to humans.
There is nothing supernatural about reading the Bible, praying to God, and trying to apply certain principles in one's life.
There is nothing supernatural in the WTJWorg doctrines or in the JW's virtual worship in the past two years.

People can pray to receive the Holy Spirit as is be guided by it, Srecko... Granted the Holy Spirit is associated with God himself.

The term Supernatural is essentially something that is unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature itself.

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21 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You are asking me or @Dmitar? If me, Rebellious Angels are indeed active. As they were in the past, even present day.

Both in fact. :) 

Are you suggesting that "good" angels do not communicate with people, but that only "evil" ones are allowed to "approach" people and seduce them?

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4 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Both in fact. :) 

Are you suggesting that "good" angels do not communicate with people, but that only "evil" ones are allowed to "approach" people and seduce them?

If you read the response, I mentioned the latter to, you quoted me partially. Although both in some instances deal with people, the Rebellious ones lean towards some actions deem negative, and in regards to Spiritism, there is manifestation, Bad Omens, etc.

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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If we are going to rely on WTJWorg theology, then man cannot "receive" HS, but only be "guided" or "motivated" to do / speak something (or be stopped from doing / saying something).
The effect ( to be guided/motivated) is achieved, as far as I understand the interpretation of WTJWorg, after the individual reads the Bible a lot, strives to work according to biblical principles and prays to God for help.

Then you never understood the Watchtower Literature or the bible. What you are saying, God "guided" the apostles even though they received the spirit of God to heal and raise the dead. To a Christian, those abilities are more than guidance. Therefore, a Christian will understand the difference between, direct and indirect.

8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"Receiving" gives the impression that we have come into possession of something because we have received it from someone. But to receive HS includes the active side of the Giver, and that would be God. However, as WTJWorg teaches, this kind of "receiving" ended in the First Century. 

Therefore, you believe the Watchtower is conveying, god's Holy Spirit stopped after the first century, is this correct? Can you give me an example of this?

10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Every “receiving” of HS from God includes, according to the Bible as far as I remember, supernatural action and a supernatural manifestation that is, in fact, visible to humans.
There is nothing supernatural about reading the Bible, praying to God, and trying to apply certain principles in one's life.

There are 2 separate distinctions here. What does reading the bible have to do with a supernatural event given by God? Are you saying, God doesn't have the ability to send an angel as a messenger to whomever he wants, just because we are not in bible time? Once again, what's the difference between direct and indirect?

15 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

There is nothing supernatural in the WTJWorg doctrines or in the JW's virtual worship in the past two years.

This is a none responsive comment from a former Jehovah's Witness, pointless, since there needs to be a correct understanding of God's Holy Spirit.

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15 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Are you suggesting that "good" angels do not communicate with people, but that only "evil" ones are allowed to "approach" people and seduce them?

You should reacquaint yourself with learning to understand scripture again.

NIV Gal 5:16-17

16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

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