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Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?

Patiently waiting for Truth

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A couple people here have been speaking about "church".  SM has the opinion (well, he calls it "fact"),  that within that church, women must be under the headship of men.  I am now a widow, am I under the spiritual headship of a Christian man?  

"Now I praise you because you remember me in everything, and hold fast to the traditions just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ."  1 Cor 11:2,3

Is that the Jewish tradition that he’s speak of?  Should we uphold a Jewish tradition?  As I’ve mentioned before, Paul was making transitions from the Jewish traditions, to truth in Jesus Christ. 

He then does this a few scriptures down, when speaking about head covering for women, by saying - 

Judge for yourselves, Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to argue about this, we have no other custom, nor do the churches of God. 1 Cor 11

Who’s keeping the old tradition about head covering , but JWs!  Paul is saying that women do not need an additional covering when praying.

How is man the head of the woman? In Ephesians 5, Paul explains two marriages, one is earthly, and the other, heavenly. 

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word.  27 He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless. 28 In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church, 30 since we are members of his body.

This spiritual church is the Bride of Christ.  Rev 21:9.

“These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, since they remained virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed from humanity as the firstfruits for God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.”  Rev 14:4,5

JWs have decided that women are under a spiritual head, not only that of their husband, but also of elders.  That’s not what the scriptures say.   There is a distinction between a man’s “headship” over his earthly wife, and Christ’s “headship” over his Bride. In the Body, the church under Jesus Christ, all are one, all are equal. And it should be that way in a congregation, anointed or not.   There is no distinction between male or female in the Body; thus, an anointed woman can teach, and “lead” by teaching truth under her Head, Jesus Christ, if the Spirit directs them to do so. 

All Christian women have one spiritual Head. Does she appear with a man on judgment day, who speaks on her behalf?  Ludicrous.  No man, not her husband and no elder, can step in and take over that role, and tell women that they must spiritually submit to men.  The scriptures indicate that even though her earthly husband is her earthly head, it is a relationship based on equality and love; which is to mirror the relationship Jesus has with his Bride.   

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This is exactly the point. Thanks. The Watchtower has ALWAYS turned the generation into a zone of dates. When the Watchtower's previous zone of dates was no longer tenable, there was an excellent oppo

Yes. If you don’t forgive and put it behind you, you never heal. You are forever rehashing your injury. In close to 50 years with Jehovah’s earthly organization, the supportive benefits have far excee

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On 3/25/2022 at 6:04 PM, Dmitar said:

This is why I don't support people, including @JW Insider, and any other JW when it comes to false claims that lead to deception. I also have a True Bible Student as an acquaintance that is well versed in the Bible Student History. I'd say he has better knowledge than others, but he refuses to publish. As he stated, that's not part of God's plan, publishing spiritual food is. That should give sad people like @TrueTomHarley a clue.

It should be noted I cited Reslight/Reslite.

On 3/25/2022 at 6:06 PM, Dmitar said:

How does his false claims and manipulation help people? I have to disagree with your insinuation here. 😏

The thing is the CSA thing is an issue that plagues both JWs and former JWs, often times manipulated by a fringe group among EXJW who's warpath isn't making anything better. In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case, the primary issue of his is CSA, even interjects it at random and unnecessary times. The reason I gave the same solution to him is due to the fact Child Abuse prevention and all affiliates attest to the same thing, even by those who are well equipped to recognize not just abuse, but the actions of an abuser.

This is why I told him and @Srecko Sostar to actually be grounded in this regard on different platforms to speak to both sides rather than attack. Granted @Srecko Sostar is from the Cedar crowd, him and that group are not fond of seeking grounded solutions with anyone, even JWs, laughed and bashed it in the past, when coined again, he tried to deviate from something that could be beneficial to reduce the problem in any way possible.

In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case he uses a platform, even attested to it now. Although I do not like Big Tech granted their view on CSA and what they do, Butler actually can speak on the issue, however he is not grounded, this is parallel to someone such as @Equivocation  (as is some aware EXJWs who are outcast in their community) who is - granted he is able to see that not all in his community is equipped to deal with the issue whereas Butler assumes otherwise, for the CSA situation, Bystander Syndrome, is a global thing in all issues. As for Facebook, it has a CSA problem granted over the internet it is a complex issue.

Therefore, it is always wise to go on the correct path to profess such solutions rather than go on a warpath as it seems to be the mentality of the majority of EXJWs.

That being said, often times you mentioned visitors, some had come here to translate what I stated about CSA after Srecko laughed it off, granted he was shown later to coined IICSA.

For if there not too many people who are grounded concerning the issue, CSA will be a problem for the unaware, and when abuse happens, a domino effect of problems and a headache for those involved as is indirectly.

The videos I speak of, is extremely difficult to track after the EXJWs ran the person in question off of YouTube. To be brief concerning him, he had said something that was extremely vital for current and former members, he was defended by JWs, EXJWs who are not disgruntled and passersbys, but the people who succussed in eradicating such information were the disgruntled bunch of EXJWs who kill something critical, to continue their warpath against the Watchtower itself. For if @Patiently waiting for Truth had such information, perhaps as his last tenure, JOHN BUTLER, his tune would be vastly different today concerning CSA. Conversation and discussion would be different. More so, such information in combination with prevention would make people equipped to be vigilant of would-be child abusers, and or, understand the mannerisms of someone abused. At the same time, such information would have to be conveyed in a way whereas a Leftist Big Tech platform does not erase it.

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20 hours ago, Witness said:

Cracks of the armor?  You don't make sense.  I posted the link to the blog page on purpose.

It does makes sense concerning what was in that article. Of course, you post it on purpose, but you were never going to address what was in that article to people, namely to @Pudgy.

Pearl literally spoke of having visions where angels were involved speaking to her in a sense, an ability, those before 100AD. Granted the Apostle Age ended many, many years ago, it is highly unlikely Pearl every communicate with an Apostle of old to even gain such abilities around the time such gifts were to serve the early church in growing.

Unless she had some sort of Time Machine, perhaps you have a case.

20 hours ago, Witness said:

You know, there is a scripture that perhaps you have read, but just as a reminder, sir - "Pride comes before destruction,
and an arrogant spirit before a fall."  Prov 16:18

Pride is dishonorable, as a Christain, even by means of my culture. So, I would not go around culture, or the Bible for something that the paradigm expresses to a great deal.

Therefore, the accusation, is an appeal to motive.

That being said, last time you tried to save something that of a similar effect, you were not aware of the Cultural mannerisms of Religious Caribbean people.

Nice try though, although a failed attempt.

20 hours ago, Witness said:

I have never, ever had contact with such an arrogant individual who feels he sits on top of the world and knows ALL about everything and everyone, as well as their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.    

To speak truth is not arrogance. To defend something that is not Christian Core, someone will say something, as is do something. God's Word, as is the Early Church and how they operated should not be defiled by Mainstream ideas, let alone something out of core teachings that had a Biblical purpose concerning the Church.

Hence why you fail to see what the one whom you defend is saying, unable to think on your own concerning what is core and what is not.

20 hours ago, Witness said:

When the GB are dismissed by a coalition of elders and other anointed "ten kings" with them - when these men are most likely disfellowshipped, raked through the coals with sins exposed, then any JW who has heard of this from a woman named Pearl, will know that a prophet was among them and gave the warning that it would happen. (Ezek 2:3-7) The organization will last only one symbolic "hour" after that, before it too, will fall.    (Rev 17:12-18; 18:4-8)

Your Pearl in her article swayed people to the fact that she deems herself an inspired prophet who is capable of having visions, a miraculous gift of the Apostles of old.

At this point it makes JWs irrelevant because now there is someone who claims divine inspiration.

How are you sure about your last remark? If you took into account what Babylon did in a span of the last 3 weeks, it should be obvious of whom he referenced here. The enemy is the one who seeks Peace by means of Conquest, as far as I had seen, since tracking Babylon, your former faith community is nothing more than a minority, and minorities are common targets of the threat itself.

Like I said, those who do not know how Babylon operate, are the ones who fall victim to it. I stated this to many in 2016 and look where they are now, Babylon continues to sweep away such people, using tools, people such as yourself, to do it.

That being said, @Kosonen as is Solider of God, are known to be chosen themselves, but unlike Pearl, they would never make the accusation of somehow receiving miraculous gifts if no Apostle existed for a long time, let alone came into contact with any of the Apostles in the modern age.


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19 minutes ago, Witness said:

A couple people here have been speaking about "church".  SM has the opinion (well, he calls it "fact"),  that within that church, women must be under the headship of men.  I am now a widow, am I under the spiritual headship of a Christian man?  

I don't use opinions.

Facts can be verified, opinions cannot. Not once have I ever used an opinion here at all, for if I had, you'd quote it. The facts and evidence shown derives from context and Biblical hermeneutics.

God's Order has not changed at all, even concerning widows, the Bible is very clear on said structure concerning the union of people in the Church, Body of the Christ.

The Bible makes it clear who the head is concerning God’s Order in regards to the church as is the family.

Granted the Men and Women are of the body of Christ, they, as is the head, cannot function on its own. It is as dependent on the rest of the body as the body is on the head. God is careful to define headship by comparing it to Christ and the Church. That headship role is best fulfilled by those in that order of which Paul had conveyed correctly in Scripture.

24 minutes ago, Witness said:

"Now I praise you because you remember me in everything, and hold fast to the traditions just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ."  1 Cor 11:2,3

Is that the Jewish tradition that he’s speak of?  Should we uphold a Jewish tradition?  As I’ve mentioned before, Paul was making transitions from the Jewish traditions, to truth in Jesus Christ. 

The Traditions Paul was referring to is instructions of which was passed down, put into practices for others to follow. These Traditions were properly acceptable concerning true worship, hence the reference for the verse, which is 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6. An example of this is the Lord's Meal, which is something acceptable to Christians, something of which we are to follow, then you have the opposite, hence Mathew 15:2, 3; Mark 7:3 and various references.

You should be looking for context concerning what Paul said, do not interject something without understanding what he was referring to.

31 minutes ago, Witness said:

He then does this a few scriptures down, when speaking about head covering for women, by saying - 

Judge for yourselves, Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to argue about this, we have no other custom, nor do the churches of God. 1 Cor 11

Who’s keeping the old tradition about head covering , but JWs!  Paul is saying that women do not need an additional covering when praying.

Another verse of which you do not understand. You do realize as to what head coverings is in relation to?

Verse 16 is in regards to God's Order concerning headship and subjection, it was pretty clear in the pervious verses, as is what came forth in the following. Paul also went on to convey woman with long hair as is what that entails concerning her position vs that of a man, hence why head coverings were a thing in the early church, for concerning women when it comes to praying, etc. This action is continued in the early church, even before Christianity, the Prophetesses of old, took this into account, such as the likes of Deborah and Anna.
The JWs doing this is no issue as to those who understands the full context of Paul's Word. What you are attesting to is cherry picking and breaking away of what was already applied in practice.

42 minutes ago, Witness said:

How is man the head of the woman? In Ephesians 5, Paul explains two marriages, one is earthly, and the other, heavenly. 

Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word.  27 He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless. 28 In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church, 30 since we are members of his body.

Men and Women are members in the Body of Christ, be it earthly or heavenly, God's Order has not changed, nor did God himself change.

As we all can see, you are interjecting your own Exegesis into the passage, this passage was brought up in our last discussion concerning this and you were corrected.

44 minutes ago, Witness said:

This spiritual church is the Bride of Christ.  Rev 21:9.

“These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, since they remained virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed from humanity as the firstfruits for God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.”  Rev 14:4,5

This is concerning the Chosen, not of God's Order of which Paul addressed. As said before, it does not change what God put in place.

44 minutes ago, Witness said:

JWs have decided that women are under a spiritual head, not only that of their husband, but also of elders.  That’s not what the scriptures say. 

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with JWs, it has to do with what Paul said as is what was written - literally in the opening of 1 Corinthians 11, as it being noted even referenced many times in Paul's other Epistles, even tracing back to what the Order God put in place concerning the creation of Adam, and later, Eve.

No one can change. Not even you.

It is not about saying, it is about context, of which you are ignoring, when you read the Bible, you study it, you observe it, understand the context of what a verse or a passage entails, to go around, with your own Exegesis is a dire call back to what Paul stated in Galatians 1:1-11.

48 minutes ago, Witness said:

There is a distinction between a man’s “headship” over his earthly wife, and Christ’s “headship” over his Bride. In the Body, the church under Jesus Christ, all are one, all are equal. 

There is no distinction. Men and women are in union in the church, but the roles are different despite being of that Body. Equal in faith, but in role and operation, many differences, even in a biological sense.

49 minutes ago, Witness said:

an anointed woman can teach, and “lead” by teaching truth under her Head, Jesus Christ, if the Spirit directs them to do so. 

Women can teach, to prophesy the Messianic Age that is to come by means of the good news gospel, even with the spirit, however, they cannot lead in regard to Religious Office. If that was the case, you'd see that in context in the Scriptures, primarily the Greek Text.

There are Prophetesses, and there are women who are Ministers, there are no leaders ever mentioned that are women. Paul even mentions some, therefore, as what is written about the early church, people such  as Prisca, Euodia, Syntyche, Phoebe, Persis, Apphia, etc. All of them are Ministers, Preachers so to speak, of high regard.

56 minutes ago, Witness said:

All Christian women have one spiritual Head. Does she appear with a man on judgment day, who speaks on her behalf?  Ludicrous. 

She does, but the head of a woman is still a man. Likewise, to the head of a man being the Christ of whom all are under, and above all, is God.

57 minutes ago, Witness said:

No man, not her husband and no elder, can step in and take over that role, and tell women that they must spiritually submit to men.

The Order has not changed, and it seems you are leaning on the modern view of submission, something of which even some JWs are guilty of.

What you assume, is not of what the Bible entails.

57 minutes ago, Witness said:

The scriptures indicate that even though her earthly husband is her earthly head, it is a relationship based on equality and love; which is to mirror the relationship Jesus has with his Bride.   

Yet concerning God's Order of which Paul conveys, regardless if the woman is chosen or not is clear.

Apostle Paul focuses and concludes on the primary headship of God, the Head of Christ, as is the headship of the man over the woman, an Order of which is maintained and upheld in the early Christian Church. For the woman recognizes that the Most High is the one who ordained headship of man, hence the notion of head coverings by wearing a head coverings, as is roles.

There isn't anything anyone can do to change that.

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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You seem to have shown SM what is, how it looks and where he can find the true and real Christian Order. :) 

For someone who claims to read the Bible, it is wild to see that it shows you do not understand a single thing Apostle Paul attests to concerning God's Order.

Then again, you were the same man who spoke ill of Abraham as is making a silly assertion of the Church of Corinth.

That being said, a man who does not do a single thing to build is faith is just worse off as those in the Mainstream.

The Bible clearly teaches that God is a God of order. For God is not a God of disorder (1 Corinthians 14:33). This verse is part of a rebuke of the Corinthian church of which Apostle Paul was addressing. 1 Corinthians is, in part, a letter outlining proper conduct in the worship of God concerning various things. Paul bases the command for order in the church itself on the fact that God Himself is a God of order, and he did this in a way to upbuild those of the church, men and women, Jews and Gentiles. As pointed out, as in regard to understanding Prophet Malachi, God does not change, but God is of complete order (Malachi 3:6).

Since God is a God of order, we as Christians, should be too. Since we are in the likeness of God, we are to think in his orderly ways and apply his Word, as is qualities. To be of reason. The more like him we become, the more orderly our lives will be because He is a God of order.

For Paul understands this, a Prophet Inspired, however you, as is @Witness are appealing to something entirely different here. This is where the both of you should be very careful, for if you do not read for context or know the inner workings of how the church adheres to God's Word and operate, it will only be a problem for you when it comes to those who do, as in, this case. Essentially a repeat of the last debate.

For no one, not even JWs would be this gullible to the Unisex Teaching.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

The thing is the CSA thing is an issue that plagues both JWs and former JWs, often times manipulated by a fringe group among EXJW who's warpath isn't making anything better. In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case, the primary issue of his is CSA, even interjects it at random and unnecessary times.

Once again, how does  his mockery of the legal system help others? It's one thing to have sympathy for the victims, but another thing when he, stirrup a hornet nest with lies. Therefore, it's not possible to praise his intent.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

This is why I told him and @Srecko Sostar to actually be grounded in this regard on different platforms to speak to both sides rather than attack. Granted @Srecko Sostar is from the Cedar crowd, him and that group are not fond of seeking grounded solutions with anyone, even JWs, laughed and bashed it in the past, when coined again, he tried to deviate from something that could be beneficial to reduce the problem in any way possible.

When it comes to emotions, people need to have the right attitude when it's made toward such sensitive issues. You actually had JWs praising him without personal proof, here. He left the institution on hearsay. Yet, fools got upset when I called out @Pudgy with information the police and his State Government uses. They figured such a person is dangerous. That is just down right obtuse.  One fool even praised him when he emailed the UK IICSA. These are all so-called Witnesses. Therefore, here it doesn't matter. This platform is full of deception.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

In @Patiently waiting for Truth's case he uses a platform, even attested to it now. Although I do not like Big Tech granted their view on CSA and what they do, Butler actually can speak on the issue, however he is not grounded, this is parallel to someone such as @Equivocation  (as is some aware EXJWs who are outcast in their community) who is - granted he is able to see that not all in his community is equipped to deal with the issue whereas Butler assumes otherwise, for the CSA situation, Bystander Syndrome, is a global thing in all issues. As for Facebook, it has a CSA problem granted over the internet it is a complex issue.

What good does it do the public when this platform allows for lies and deception? Once again, what benefit does this person possess?

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

For if there not too many people who are grounded concerning the issue, CSA will be a problem for the unaware, and when abuse happens, a domino effect of problems and a headache for those involved as is indirectly.

I'd say, no one here is. They allow their emotions and sympathy do the talking for them,  instead of closely looking at an individual issue under a microscope. The ARC report is one of them. Those cases were in a span of 20 years. Some of those cases were women. There was limited information given to the government due to the Australian Privacy laws. Meaning, the Elders could only use information that they could use. So, if a person admitted to "Child Porn", that person would end up in that list. Why? In part, by the limitations made by that government to classify., Institutions could only categorize it one way, pedophilia. Now, what other information can make the list under the Watchtower? Depending on government regulations, some churches also included substantive information about spousal abuse, fornication, adultery, Child Neglect. Why does the government need to see that information about adultery, fornication, and masturbation? Yet, you have fools demanding the release of such information. 

Governments combine a wide range of issues into pedophilia. 

Therefore, it doesn't matter how you want to justify certain peoples, action, if no one here understands how to apply, government's laws correctly; the LAWS of the land, STAY out of those issues.

If you personally see something, and you wish to get involved, call the police and do your best to keep your recollection honest. However, until that happens,

1 Thessalonians 4:11

English Standard Version


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@Patiently waiting for Truth Granted you were in that thread as is what you said about CSA, what I said pertained to the events of the Warwick protest, of which @Equivocation's JW church was targeted.

So I will brief with this one as to why the CSA issue will continue to be a problem

On 2/21/2022 at 8:09 PM, Space Merchant said:

As for John Cedars, even JW Crisis, everything pertaining to him and his friend, Peter Jeuck (Former Bible Student) is scrubbed....

Also note that: Peter had something very vital to say about the whole child sex abuse issue, however, like the 1975 video I mentioned, EXJW ran it and burned this information to the ground with shaming, and death threats after the failed lie regarding the park situation. Moreover, he provided a solution that would benefit everyone, even current JWs because it made sense. Those who heard from both videos disassociated themselves from the EXJW community, and onlookers were reinforced to deem those who took action on that day as a legitimate threat to the County. Anyways, those videos are lost Gems, even with IT expertise, and the power of the internet and use of public domain archives, they're impossible to find unless someone downloaded them prior before the EXJWs essentially destroyed it.

It is evident it is more than dealing with CSA concerning such focus, it is about wanting to take down the faith community itself, all of the Watchtower in general. It was speculated that someone of the community wanted to get then President of the Unites States, Donald J. Trump, as is thinking to manipulate the First Amendment to deem JWs as a cult, and to use that as a justification to effectively end the faith.

Concerning what Peter did, the JW leaders were called to challenge in the park whereas threats of harm, even perhaps killing them was noted, so the disgruntled of this level are not afraid to get their hands dirty, and it would not be surprising if they entice, trick political protesters to whom JWs and their leaders were opposition that the need for violence is to be pushed on to them.

This is why what I said in the past is very clear.


On 11/4/2018 at 8:34 PM, Space Merchant said:

I will quote someone from the video, people like this will do anything and everything, even going as far as to destroy Christianity in order to bring down a single faith. It is one thing to speak against falsehood, but a total warpath to cease out  religious faith is crazy.

You should know how crazy that is.

That being said, there are several ill minded crusades, concerning the JWs, this is one of many, some in particular I rather not speak of on this forum granted how sensitive it is, as is graphic.

It is better to rely on solutions then to be influenced by such things.

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Well not of the legal system, the solutions, even the ones based on biblical means. The problem is not everyone seems to follow or apply it, hence the influence gained in regard to CSA, which reaps reaction. But knowing the functions of a legal system also helps too, however, it is a double-edged sword.

True, however, I recall @Equivocation talking about CSA only for @Srecko Sostar to brush it off, as he did to me in the past. In @Equivocation's case, it was a school club of some sort that talked about such issues. I believe there was a survivor of domestic abuse on this forum too who spoke her case, but just like what Srecko did to Equivo, @Witness did the same to the person in question.

Even so when they have a platform of which they go to, they never address such things or be grounded.

As for the last remark, also true, people tend to not know how the law works, as for calling the police, among the solutions parents, guardians and or relatives can do this also, for CSA prevention is aware that some people do not want to get involved in such things and will encourage, not all of them, but some, mainly if they are not equipped to handle the situation. I told @Patiently waiting for Truth this many times, depending on whatever JW Elder, some are equipped, some or not. If he wants results, he can go to a Swahili JW Church. What CSA prevention provided, also ignored.

That being said, granted you have people, especially in the EXJW community, scrubbing vital information, it shows that the regard for CSA has shifted, for if a man tells vital info on the issue and the group goes out of their way to erase such information, then you see the big problem. And from there, not only misinformation is spread to cloud CSA issues, but CSA is often times weaponized, hence, something common in the US and UK to weaponize various things against someone or something. There was also a situation with one EXJW a Truther found, and this EXJW was shown to defend a female pedophile and child groomer who was in the gaming community, after being exposed, the person in question deactivated their social accounts and left reddit. An example that shows even among them, that is a problem.

For in the end no group is immune to CSA, even the paradigm, but one paradigm is already making it difficult as of 2022 whereas children risk is higher and frequent.

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4 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Well not of the legal system, the solutions, even the ones based on biblical means. The problem is not everyone seems to follow or apply it, hence the influence gained in regard to CSA, which reaps reaction. But knowing the functions of a legal system also helps too, however, it is a double-edged sword.

When  it comes to the legal system, governments don't recognize scripture. Therefore, it's more complex for the Watchtower, that has to deal with man's law and God's law, together.

8 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

As for the last remark, also true, people tend to not know how the law works, as for calling the police, among the solutions parents, guardians and or relatives can do this also, for CSA prevention is aware that some people do not want to get involved in such things and will encourage, not all of them, but some, mainly if they are not equipped to handle the situation.

Before, the victim was advised they had every right to call the police themselves, or by any family member. That can be easily proven by the letters to the Elders. When governments started cracking down on those issues in 2013, it was a slow rollout. It wasn't until the U.N. made recommendations because of child trafficking in 2016, it took off. What people here don't seem to understand, back then, some wives or a child didn't pursue secular justice out of FEAR! The Watchtower could not force someone, but at times, they did intervene for the safety of the victims.

However, there are still nations that afford the Clergy Privilege. Therefore, those institutions need to adhere to those privileges since, certain things would not be admissible in a court of law.

The Watchtower, still recommends any victim to pursue legal enforcement.

22 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

For in the end no group is immune to CSA, even the paradigm, but one paradigm is already making it difficult as of 2022 whereas children risk is higher and frequent.

Explain that, not just to ExJWs but also, those that claim to be JWs.


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4 hours ago, Witness said:

A couple people here have been speaking about "church".  SM has the opinion (well, he calls it "fact"),  that within that church, women must be under the headship of men.  I am now a widow, am I under the spiritual headship of a Christian man?  

This depends, do you consider Christ a man?

4 hours ago, Witness said:

This spiritual church is the Bride of Christ. 

Who comprises the Body of Christ alongside the saints?

4 hours ago, Witness said:

JWs have decided that women are under a spiritual head, not only that of their husband, but also of elders.  That’s not what the scriptures say.  

Which bible are you relying on? Why do you find it a need to go against Christ as a widow? You do realize Christ instructed the apostles, don't you.

NIV 1 Peter 3:1-3

3 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.



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10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Once again, you challenge God.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God,... - 1 John 4:1

God is spirit, demons are spirits, WTJWorg are spirit guided organization, Bible is inspired by spirit, human also have spirit. All of this numbered are connected to "spirit".

What is wrong to put all sorts of this spirits to challenge, to test? 


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56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You do realize Christ instructed the apostles, don't you.

I add: There is a brazenness in women who want some form of control.  Of course elders can also overreact and see any form of " confidence" as a threat to their "authority".  The fact is that all of us are imperfect and can misinterpret what we perceive and subsequently "defend" our turf.......... actions which are totally unchristian and egotistic.

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