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11 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you think this is a thing of the past? And that there is no dogmatism today?
If you believe that then you are seduced, unfortunately.

Having an erred perception is a form of seduction. You should agree you are part of that seduction.

13 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

“New lights,” like the overlapping generation, Gog and Magog, GB going to heaven, etc. are nothing but a construction of the human imagination. When such ideas are translated into the official text of publications then they become official teachings. Any intellectual resistance is an alarm for elders who are obliged to suppress the appearance of opposing views or criticisms. At that moment, it becomes clear that this is a dogma, which needs to be kept above water in order to stay alive.

When Jesus was referring to those anointed going to meet him in Heaven, that is a construction of man, and an imagination of humans. How far are you willing to fall into the hands of Satan?

On the other hand, I'm interested to know what part of the scrolls (publications) do you believe to be in error and false?

18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

f a JW member commented in a private or public setting that he saw no justification for believing in, say, an “overlapping generation,” and if that meant free discussion of all present, without punishment, then we could say the organization is not dogmatic. That she is ready to be subjected to "examinations of the spirit" by her own members. Because they are legitimately called upon (by Bible) to question the correctness of teaching.

Now we're getting at the crust of your argument. How sinful can a person get before, that person becomes part of this world? A ploy determined by the first century schools of thought, like the Pharisees, Sadducee and such, by undermining God's laws and stretching them to their will. 

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33 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If our perception is conditioned by the seduction that came from WTJWorg then the individual is not the only culprit for his own deficient ability to observe. 

Does this mean two wrong views make it right? How do you characterize how the Jews viewed Jesus and Paul? Maybe the Israelites toward Moses. 

I think the simplest example would be the seduction of EVE by the devil. He still has influence over humanity and uses bad actors to further his cause.

The Divine in man

The Apostle Paul also countenances this opinion, when, in his tender solicitude for the Christians at Corinth, who were exposed to the sophistry of a false philosophy, he writes to them, with an evident allusion to the seduction of our first parents, "I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Does this ignorance and bad report stem from the FACT, science has gotten better to now have a conscious choice? Instead of agreeing with @Srecko Sostar a former Jehovah's Witness, you just happen to lie about NOT reading his post.

I believe the "false equivalency" is the point of order to the word dogmatic, which you as a Jehovah's Witness, I guess, and Former Jehovah's witnesses are famous for here. Adding to scripture from Woeful Jehovah's Witnesses has plagued this site for years. Not understanding the advancements of science is another. 

The question for "thinking" visitors here is, should a person that accepted WHOLE BLOOD in the PAST, be the "same" as a person receiving WHOLE BLOOD in the present?

Blood fractions were not possible in the past, therefore a Jehovah's Witness accepted a WHOLE BLOOD TRANSFUSION.

If other Christian sects appreciate the word of God, then

Acts 15:41

"Now, if this decree be obligatory upon all Christians, then can it no longer be a doubt with any Christian, whether he is obliged to abstain from blood and things strangled. And if the direction of any one apostle, inspired of God, be obligatory, certainly it can be no doubt whether a solemn decision of all the apostles, expressly declaring the joint determination of the Holy Spirit, in the point, be also obligatory.

(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1996, 2003, 2005, 2006 All rights reserved.)

Why these bad actors here are Jehovah's Witnesses is beyond me. However, God knows and that institution knows. This site has been labeled an apostate site.

How does the words in Acts suggest it doesn't apply to your way of thinking? And how is that institution you are disgracing, been misleading?

NIV Acts 15:24-29

24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. 25 So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul— 26 men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 Therefore, we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. 28 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

Actually, it does make you disloyal to God, for not accepting what is written. You are just an embarrassment to that institution for your lack of bible knowledge, that's all.

I guess when Jesus was "revising" the Jewish Laws, he was in "error" for doing so. When something new comes along as to interpretation of linguistics, it's an error to further understand it, and make "adjustments" whenever possible.

I will agree with you in one point. The institution's usage of the word error in an inappropriate form, which I have voiced my concern over.

I THINK you would do better as a Berean member, not a Jehovah's Witness.

You know Ditmar the only person you are hurting with such cruel remarks is you…and for the sake of peace….I will let this go …

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18 minutes ago, Thinking said:

You know Ditmar the only person you are hurting with such cruel remarks is you…and for the sake of peace….I will let this go …

I can respect that decision, with a minor adjustment to your thinking, It's not I that is hurting anyone with the truth. Enjoy your day!! 🤗

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you think this is a thing of the past? And that there is no dogmatism today?
If you believe that then you are seduced, unfortunately.

“New lights,” like the overlapping generation, Gog and Magog, GB going to heaven, etc. are nothing but a construction of the human imagination. When such ideas are translated into the official text of publications then they become official teachings. Any intellectual resistance is an alarm for elders who are obliged to suppress the appearance of opposing views or criticisms. At that moment, it becomes clear that this is a dogma, which needs to be kept above water in order to stay alive.

If a JW member commented in a private or public setting that he saw no justification for believing in, say, an “overlapping generation,” and if that meant free discussion of all present, without punishment, then we could say the organization is not dogmatic. That she is ready to be subjected to "examinations of the spirit" by her own members. Because they are legitimately called upon (by Bible) to question the correctness of teaching.

Perhaps you just don’t know Jehovah as well as you think…and why he allows certain things….and you certainly don’t understand the gravity of your own situation in judging things before the due time….. so you have found the perfect faith sereko….one with all doctrines and thoughts in perfect line with Jehovahs thoughts….people who never act dogmatically at times….people who have never had sexual abuse or mishandled such cases….perhaps you could name that faith…or group…so where do I go sreko…to the forums that banned me because I questioned THEIR NEW  faiths and doctrines…and broke THEIR rules…those forums full of ex JWs….who now don’t even use the name of Jehovah anymore ….so as not to confuse or put people of….and who all claim now to be anointed with their great cause of saving poor brothers and sisters from the WT…and who all have different opinions of revelation and different thoughts on every scripture.

To what faith do you belong to Sereko…who do you bow down to….tell me how you help spread the good news of Jehovahs great plan and the hope we all have that lies ahead…so tell me…did the Israelites get it all right….or perhaps the Jewish system got it all right…or maybye you beleive the Christian system got it all right…..none of them…and nobody will ever get it all right until after Jehovahs great day is finished.

Your the one who has been seduced sereko…by the Judas like spirit amongst the ex JW community which Jehovah is allowing for a winnowing…so stop the blubbering and whining and pick up your torture stake…and act like a soldier of Christ…one who doesn’t crumble like a girl when one of his Generals barks an unfair order at him…



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43 minutes ago, Thinking said:

…and why he allows certain things….

If we conclude from all the events of several thousand years of human history known to us, then we would say that God allows all things, not just some or certain.

If God allows good and evil to live together, then one could also expect man to imitate God's example in his way of life and allow good and evil to happen in everything, too. That would be weird, wouldn't it?

So, we do not agree that evil is allowed, but we try to suppress it and punish those who do it. What do I mean? The mantra in the saying; God allows this or that, it has no special value, because we humans do not want to allow this or that to happen if it harms us and if we can resist.

If something is hurting WTJWorg, then we see that the people running the organization are engaging in harm prevention activities. In an administrative way, they fight against spiritual and physical damage.

Do JW members emulate that example and prevent the damage inflicted on them by GB and their representatives?

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5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If we conclude from all the events of several thousand years of human history known to us, then we would say that God allows all things, not just some or certain.

Once again, the stellar mind hard at work. Why you keep questioning God for your imperfect state is an answer you will receive by his judgment. You need to stop being dogmatic and a false God by your approach that resulted you to become a former member. NO former Jehovah's Witness has made a good argument on why that institution should stop providing, Christ message. 

All they do is complain about, why they got kicked out or left, because of their own failed personal behavior or personal assumption that they couldn't control, A good example is @Patiently waiting for Truth

In the other spectrum of ignorance, you have people like Loyd Evans that questions doctrine like @Witness. In order for those people to make a compelling argument about doctrine, they need to know scripture the correct way. Apparently, there are many Jehovah's Witnesses that fall under that category too.

5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If God allows good and evil to live together, then one could also expect man to imitate God's example in his way of life and allow good and evil to happen in everything, too. That would be weird, wouldn't it?

Then you need to blame the right God, the God of this world, Satan, and yourself. Our Heavenly God, allows humanity free will to decide what is good or evil in their lives. Therefore, you are wrong. If anything, our Heavenly God expects us to imitate CHRIST as a GOOD EXAMPLE, and obey his commands which is his sovereign right. However, he leaves that choice to you.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The mantra in the saying; God allows this or that, it has no special value, because we humans do not want to allow this or that to happen if it harms us and if we can resist.

I suggest you start learning about human nature in a professional setting. What man considers evil for punishment or evil in words that make people stay away from such an individual since they see that person as poison to themselves. A good example would be, why do people "shun" people or their relatives for being drunkards or drug addicts in a societal setting?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If something is hurting WTJWorg, then we see that the people running the organization are engaging in harm prevention activities. In an administrative way, they fight against spiritual and physical damage.

This is your personal opinion. Did Jesus and the apostles cringed over on what people thought of them. What kind of spiritual and physical damage have they controlled in RUSSIA? By former Jehovah's Witnesses across the world, voicing their obtuse demands for fake justice? Has anybody stopped you from posting? You are causing spiritual damage, yet you are allowed, why?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do JW members emulate that example and prevent the damage inflicted on them by GB and their representatives?

Once again the stellar mind. You have Jehovah's Witnesses here causing spiritual damage to that institution, and you ask @Thinking  if JW members emulate that example and prevent the damage inflicted on them by the GB and their representatives.

I think you're overdue for an oil change.

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Visitors here should reflect these questions with insight. What did King David express?

Book One (1-41)

Psalm 13 "How long, O Lord?" How long, David asked, would God allow evil to triumph over him (13:1-4)? He answered his own question, expressing faith that God would deliver him (13:5-6).

 Psalm 14 God's final triumph over godless fools. David expressed utter contempt for those who deny God's existence (14:1; see 53:1). He noted the sad spiritual state of humankind (14:2-3; see Rom 3:10-12), expressed wonder that they did not see how God favored the righteous (14:4-6), and longed for the day when God would bring final victory to his people (14:7; see Ezek 11:17).

The word salvation (14:7) occurs frequently in the Psalms. While Christians define salvation primarily as deliverance from sin, the psalmists would have understood it primarily in its OT sense of deliverance from earthly danger.

Why is it important for a Christian?

AMP Matt 12:35

35 The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.


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9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

they need to know scripture the correct way. Apparently, there are many Jehovah's Witnesses that fall under that category too.

GB+Helpers+Writing department fall under that category too?

9 hours ago, Dmitar said:
15 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If something is hurting WTJWorg, then we see that the people running the organization are engaging in harm prevention activities. In an administrative way, they fight against spiritual and physical damage.

This is your personal opinion. Did Jesus and the apostles cringed over on what people thought of them. What kind of spiritual and physical damage have they controlled in RUSSIA? By former Jehovah's Witnesses across the world, voicing their obtuse demands for fake justice? Has anybody stopped you from posting? You are causing spiritual damage, yet you are allowed, why?

Various legal teams and WTJWorg's complaints to the world's Western institutions are trying to reduce the damage in Russia. But Russia is far from the United States and is considered an enemy of Western Democracy, so things are complicated.
Hunting through legal teams for some YouTubers and bloggers who deal with WTJWorg shows that my observation is good.
My comments on this forum may not be interesting enough for WTJWorg or they don't consider me a threat. And maybe they don’t even know this Open Club exists.

9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I think you're overdue for an oil change.

:)) little humor is always welcomed.

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9 hours ago, Dmitar said:

The word salvation (14:7) occurs frequently in the Psalms. While Christians define salvation primarily as deliverance from sin, the psalmists would have understood it primarily in its OT sense of deliverance from earthly danger.

One word. One faith in the same God. Two interpretations.

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

GB+Helpers+Writing department fall under that category too?

No, They know what they're doing. It's the noisy ones that demand, because they don't understand how the Holy Spirit works.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Various legal teams and WTJWorg's complaints to the world's Western institutions are trying to reduce the damage in Russia. But Russia is far from the United States and is considered an enemy of Western Democracy, so things are complicated.

The purpose of that institution in Russia is simply to continue the preaching work and to have Russia stop from persecuting its members solely for that reason by the influence of the Orthodox church, just like the Pharisees rejected Jesus work.

Satan has blinded that nation to think there is a higher ambition of that institution because of that Orthodox influence. Therefore, regardless of the politics between nations, Russia fears are fabricated.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Hunting through legal teams for some YouTubers and bloggers who deal with WTJWorg shows that my observation is good.

Administering legal justice for bad actor's misinformation campaign to slander and attempt to ruin an institution solely on HATE, I would to. It would be like Paul going before the Sanhedrin.

In this case, what is the evil that institution is referring to? How far are these conspiracy nuts willing to go if they act like the Pharisees and Sadducee by joining forces. Verse 12

Then I call it an "obligation" for any institution to challenge that kind of misinformation and hatred.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

My comments on this forum may not be interesting enough for WTJWorg or they don't consider me a threat. And maybe they don’t even know this Open Club exists.

True in two counts. It appears this club is to allow bad actors to vent on their human failures, and they have this forum to blame someone else for them. Typical.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

:)) little humor is always welcomed.

LOL!  Yes indeed. We need to stay focused on the discussions at hand. No disrespect meant.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

One word. One faith in the same God. Two interpretations.

Between Judaism and Christianity, it amounts to the same thing, that's if you keep it in context.

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