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I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking


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The lyrics are quite good.  It seems to depend on what "world" and what light you are speaking about.  There are two sides of spiritual light; one side is fake, crafted by the devil. (2 Cor 11:13-15) 

I never push. If someone is happy w/the slop they're eating then it's not their time. If someone chooses to argue and I discern some value to them in so doing I will, but if it becomes like most usele

I was just sitting here on the floor, with my chin on my dog food bowl contemplating the Universe when I read Dmitar’s tirade, and I thought occurred to me that Dmitar is somewhat like a slinky…… it h

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1 hour ago, xero said:

But to me this is what some people who leave may experience. The darkness of the world could show them the light.

The lyrics are quite good.  It seems to depend on what "world" and what light you are speaking about.  There are two sides of spiritual light; one side is fake, crafted by the devil. (2 Cor 11:13-15)   The other side is the genuine light of Christ through his teachings. (John 1:1-4) Besides other interpretations, this song can be viewed in two opposing ways; one by those who live under the fake light of a masquerade - those in the "world" of the Wt.  The other interpretation is for those who leave the darkness of falsehoods, a “different Jesus” preached by eight men and their massive entourage of elder “helpers”  who love their rulership over eight million people, more than they love the light of Jesus Christ’s teachings. (2 Cor 11:4; 1 Tim 4:1)  The no longer blind ones, who keep searching for the light of truth after false teachings were fed to them for years, and while under the the fear of standing against lies for so long…finally open the door to Jesus Christ and truth.  They are those who have found the genuine light.  (John 8:12; 12:46) 

As the song ends, 

"Don't ignore, listen to me now (all is not forsaken)
You need never feel broken again
Sometimes darkness
Can show you the light"

" These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 

"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline, so be earnest and repent.  Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  Rev 3:7,8,19,20

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49 minutes ago, Witness said:

The lyrics are quite good.  It seems to depend on what "world" and what light you are speaking about.  There are two sides of spiritual light; one side is fake, crafted by the devil. (2 Cor 11:13-15)   The other side is the genuine light of Christ through his teachings. (John 1:1-4) Besides other interpretations, this song can be viewed in two opposing ways; one by those who live under the fake light of a masquerade - those in the "world" of the Wt.  The other interpretation is for those who leave the darkness of falsehoods, a “different Jesus” preached by eight men and their massive entourage of elder “helpers”  who love their rulership over eight million people, more than they love the light of Jesus Christ’s teachings. (2 Cor 11:4; 1 Tim 4:1)  The no longer blind ones, who keep searching for the light of truth after false teachings were fed to them for years, and while under the the fear of standing against lies for so long…finally open the door to Jesus Christ and truth.  They are those who have found the genuine light.  (John 8:12; 12:46) 

As the song ends, 

"Don't ignore, listen to me now (all is not forsaken)
You need never feel broken again
Sometimes darkness
Can show you the light"

" These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 

"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline, so be earnest and repent.  Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  Rev 3:7,8,19,20

You have to follow your conscience, but don't hassle people who are following theirs is how I feel about it.

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1 hour ago, xero said:

God you're such a helpless idiot.

This coming from a Jehovah Witness. It's a shame you promote white supremacy.

AMP: James 3:8-9

8 But the human tongue can be tamed by no man. It is a restless (undisciplined, irreconcilable) evil, full of deadly poison. 

9 With it, we bless the Lord and Father, and with it, we curse men who were made in God's likeness! 

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1 hour ago, Peter Carroll said:

'God you're such a helpless idiot. '👎

jesus would coment in a completly oppisite way ,this highlights xeros view of the king ,total disrespect👍


"Without a parable Jesus would not speak.

Without a worldly video @xero would not write :) "👎


xero cannot be compared to christ ,perhaps to your flawed self is more likely

we know the real idiots on this forum,they will be held nameless as is satan name is never known👍

Right. The same Jesus who drove out the money changers w/whips, called them offspring of vipers, that their father was the Devil and who suggested that congregations making a pretense at Christianity to get either cold or hot else he'd vomit them out of his mouth. The same Jesus who said I came to bring a sword. 

I do remember a certain Judas who felt he was in a position to criticize a woman for pouring a years labor's worth of perfume on Jesus feet. Later this snob did what all pretenders do.

I will admit to resonating w/Caleb in his desire to help purge the promised land and Jael who nailed Sisera's head to the floor of her tent or Samuel hacking Agag to pieces in Gilgal. :)

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1 hour ago, Peter Carroll said:

we know the real idiots on this forum,they will be held nameless as is satan name is never known

I hate to say this so bluntly, but maybe the real idiots are those who are duped by a deceiving leadership.  This video reveals the worldly music used by the organization, at the end of the 2016 Regional Convention in their video on paradise.  


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