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I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking


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 “To the pure, everything is pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; in fact, both their mind and conscience are defiled. “

This means,

“Everything is pure for someone whose heart is pure.”  Why is their heart pure?  Because they do not entertain the impure.  Right? They guard their heart.   If a heart is defiled, would they perceive the pure?

Titus 1:16 – “They claim to know God, but they deny God by the things that they do. They are detestable, disobedient, and disqualified to do anything good.”

Rom 14 - So then, let us pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another. 20 Do not tear down God’s work because of food. Everything is clean, but it is wrong to make someone fall by what he eats. 21 It is a good thing not to eat meat, or drink wine, or do anything that makes your brother or sister stumble.

Now this is an interesting choice, obviously concerning literal food and the Jewish law.  How do you compare this with Matt 7:15-20 which advises us on how to choose our spiritual food?

Which takes us back to the video and the contradictive message on music published in the magazine; and the leadership's choice for the convention, which clearly disregards the spiritual food provided as a guide.  Do they deny God by the things that they do?

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The lyrics are quite good.  It seems to depend on what "world" and what light you are speaking about.  There are two sides of spiritual light; one side is fake, crafted by the devil. (2 Cor 11:13-15) 

I never push. If someone is happy w/the slop they're eating then it's not their time. If someone chooses to argue and I discern some value to them in so doing I will, but if it becomes like most usele

I was just sitting here on the floor, with my chin on my dog food bowl contemplating the Universe when I read Dmitar’s tirade, and I thought occurred to me that Dmitar is somewhat like a slinky…… it h

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1 hour ago, xero said:

Right. The same Jesus who drove out the money changers w/whips, called them offspring of vipers, that their father was the Devil and who suggested that congregations making a pretense at Christianity to get either cold or hot else he'd vomit them out of his mouth. The same Jesus who said I came to bring a sword. 

I do remember a certain Judas who felt he was in a position to criticize a woman for pouring a years labor's worth of perfume on Jesus feet. Later this snob did what all pretenders do.

I will admit to resonating w/Caleb in his desire to help purge the promised land and Jael who nailed Sisera's head to the floor of her tent or Samuel hacking Agag to pieces in Gilgal.


Remind the visitors how all this cannot be compared to you? Are you saying, your wisdom is greater than Christ, as a perfect man?

It's interesting, you would compare the money changers and business handlers inside the temple to a White Supremacist Metal Group. Can you clarify your position here?

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

I hate to say this so bluntly, but maybe the real idiots are those who are duped by a deceiving leadership.  This video reveals the worldly music used by the organization, at the end of the 2016 Regional Convention in their video on paradise.  

How can you hate something you've already said. Shouldn't that thought have been considered beforehand? Would this also include the 4woman blogs? However, can you clarify how the video you posted can be compared to a 2016 convention? Are you suggesting Jehovah Witnesses conduct themselves irresponsibly, like they do here?

How does your point of view not include other religions and Pearl Doxsey?

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27 minutes ago, Witness said:

This means,

“Everything is pure for someone whose heart is pure.”  Why is their heart pure?  Because they do not entertain the impure.  Right? They guard their heart.   If a heart is defiled, would they perceive the pure?

Can you explain to the visitors how your impure heart has not been defiled by your own actions and behavior as a Christian in search of personal salvation?

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6 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

So you've never done any door to door preachg then ?  You've never tried to get anyone to leave their own religion and to become a JW ?  :) 

I never push. If someone is happy w/the slop they're eating then it's not their time. If someone chooses to argue and I discern some value to them in so doing I will, but if it becomes like most useless exchanges on the internet I leave.

The angels are involved and Jehovah is involved and Jesus said "No one can come to the Father unless I draw him." So if they aren't being drawn at that moment, its just time to plant a seed here or there and let it be what it will.

Neither you nor I nor anyone else's activity in person or on the internet is needful save to the one who is performing this activity, because the garden we are concerned with is our own. When we listen to the bible and our conscience and understand that we don't have it made and that we have to exert ourselves vigorously, at those moments we're on track.

I'll admit to being off track a lot, but I try to get back on track (knowing I'll get off track again).

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14 hours ago, Dmitar said:


Remind the visitors how all this cannot be compared to you? Are you saying, your wisdom is greater than Christ, as a perfect man?

It's interesting, you would compare the money changers and business handlers inside the temple to a White Supremacist Metal Group. Can you clarify your position here?

Where do you get the idea that Disturbed is a white supremacist metal group?

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4 hours ago, Arauna said:

Please refer to the lyrics that promote white supremacy.......   I did not catch them all.... 

I’m not referring to the lyrics but rather the band. If the lyrics are to your liking, then post the lyrics. Don't promote the white supremacist band to make a point. Don't use the lyrics as an excuse to defend your brother, as it appears all Jehovah Witnesses do here. 

There was a time in the past when a person used the same text this person used this time. That person was ridiculed and was subject to criticism by people here, commenting it was just an excuse to justify that person’s bad behavior.

"The same Jesus who drove out the money changers w/whips, called them offspring of vipers, that their father was the Devil and who suggested that congregations making a pretense at Christianity to get either cold or hot else he'd vomit them out of his mouth."

Can anyone explain why this person shouldn’t be criticized for the same bad behavior now?

Is there a monopoly on how members here use the Bible to benefit themselves? Is it out of friendship, people here are willing to accept certain people’s bad behavior, while not tolerating others bad behavior? Therefore, is this site just meant for a few troubling souls?

It also appears, at times, you have former members of this institution “defending” those Jehovah Witnesses that are rude and obnoxious, while making it seem, the entire institution behaves in the same corrosive manner, while claiming their own spiritual superiority in the name of God.

Can you explain, why I should "accept" the behavior of such a bad Jehovah's Witness?

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