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Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?


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Man, I wish all this whining about the organization would quit. You'd think these idiots would be able to better able to prioritize their annoyances. With these idiots the answer to the question:

He feels like a bot. But his web site appears to be well made. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.

I put it first on my own blog. It’s also in TTvtA. It didn’t carry the day with that Reddit bunch, but then they ARE a hostile crowd. And even I have to admit those mannerisms do take getting use

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16 hours ago, Pudgy said:


I was wondering ….. do you believe EVERYTHING that Pearl Doxey teaches?

All anointed are “inspired”.  They lose that inspiration when they disconnect from Jesus Christ and start teaching the doctrine, the ideas and illusions of men. (Matt 15:9; 25:24-30; John 15:4; 1 Tim 1:3; Col 2:18,19)   I believe her teachings are inspired by Holy Spirit, and I believe she is telling the truth. I wouldn’t be working with her otherwise.  If Pearl has a personal opinion, she makes sure that she states that it comes from her, and not from Holy Spirit. 


If anyone has noticed, her articles supply ample scriptures, that tie in the past prophets’ words concerning God’s people; their examples of what happened to Israel when obedient and disobedient, with Jesus’ words in the Greek scriptures.  This is because the prophets’ words are spoken again through the last prophet, the last watchman/”fourth living creature”. (Ezek 33:6; Zech 1:20,21; Matt 24:31; Rev 4:6-8)

 Until the time of the end, much understanding of what the prophets foretold, has been kept secret 
(Dan 12:9,4; Rev 10:4; Matt 13:16-17,35; John 16:12-13; Rom 16:25; Rev 10:7; 22:10). THE TIME ARRIVES for all the prophets, to "pour out their hearts" once again, so that their sealed up words of condemnation are heard, understood, and applied... poured out upon the "earth". That is a parallel to the scrolls being 'opened' (Rev 20:12).
 (John 12:48; 16:12-14; 14:26; Luke 24:45; Rev 10:7; 19:10:1 Cor 13:9-10).   God's Wrath

 Despite what some have surmised, there is no automatic writing involved, only scriptures are supplied.  It is her job through Holy Spirit to help bring their meaning together.  It is the word of God that is truth, not the words of men.  The ancient prophets had God’s words put in their mouth.  Those words are the scriptures, which Pearl receives. In that way, God’s words are put in her mouth with the aid of the spirt of Christ.  (Deut 18:18; Jer 5:14; 23:29)   

Just as John the Baptist came in the manner of “Elijah”, (Matt 17:12), she is the last prophet, the “Elijah” who comes to “restore all things” through the word of God, which means the connection of the Body with Jesus, the priesthood and their duties which have been trampled in the organization, needs to be restored. (Mal 3:1-4;Matt 17:11; Dan 8:10-14) Truth has been thrown to the ground by the trampling of those in Christ. (1 John 2:27; Isa 59:4; Dan 8:12)  This prophet is to restore the connection between spiritual “fathers and mothers” under the New Covenant (Luke 1:16); to remove all obstacles that corrode our faith, and to make way for the coming of Christ for all of us by leading us to Jesus Christ and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.  (Isa 40:3; 57:14; Rev 2:14) (Matt 22)

Jesus said, “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”  Matt 25:29

This describes the growth of understanding of Revelation in the last days through Holy Spirit’s direction. If we turn to the Father for spiritual perception, Jesus brings us to the truth, and through our faith, we continually build on truth. (John 6:35,37) Wt. tears down their own teachings, and either grabs a teaching from the past or devises something totally new - “even what they have will be taken from them”. 

They have robbed the anointed of the use of their spiritual gifts received at the anointing, by assigning elders not anointed as spiritual leaders. (Mal 2:7; 2 Chron 23:6,7; Num 18:7) The “gifts” are said to be given to elders by God, and this is believed by all JWs without searching the scriptures. (Eph 4:7-13) Because of the rejection of His priests and His Son; because of the trampling of this living temple, His wrath will come against this organization of deceit. (Ps 105:13-15; Rev 17:8;19:15; Isa 11:4; 2 Thess 2:8) And deceit has its origin in Satan, who doesn’t want to lose his kingdom.

 When Jesus finishes the Temple, when the last of the anointed are sealed and the message to be given is complete; Satan is thrown into the lake of fire. (Zech 4:6-9; Rev 8:8; 20:10) This is why the spiritual war is against Christ’s “kings of the earth”. There is nothing that is a threat to Satan’s kingdom in his realm. There is nothing that is a threat in the political world to Jesus as well, so why would Armageddon be a battle of political rulers coming against JWs? The threat Satan faces is within the Body of Christ.  Just as Jesus was Satan’s threat when coming to earth, each anointed member of Christ’s priesthood is also his enemy.  Satan uses deceit in the last days to convince them that the organization, which has replaced the spiritual Temple/dwelling of God, was designed by God. Instead, it is an abomination.  (Dan 8:24,25; 9:27; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 1 Pet 2:5,9;1 Cor 3:16,17)  An idol has arisen, to once more lead God’s people into idolatry.  (2 Cor 6:14-18; Col 2:8; Rev 12:15; 13:10,4-8; 15-18)


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13 hours ago, xero said:


You don't waste your time puffing yourself up as if you're needed to rescue people from some (in your view) false ideas.

Work on yourself.

I don't need to read much of what you spew, because it's the same old crap. You appear (I was going to say ARE) to be so incredibly full of yourself. Who else do we know who doesn't know how to be brief? Anyone who can't be brief needs to learn how.


I attribute your opinion against me as coming from your leadership elder role.  That’s understandable. As you say, JWs are judged by the elder body based on obedience; and that is according to the doctrine of the Wt.  Simply because I refute Wt. doctrine with God’s word, does not mean I am full of myself, or that I have to get over myself. Whatever refinement I need, or discipline needed, all comes from Christ. (Prov 10:17; 2 Tim 1:7; Heb 12:10-11;Rev 3:19)  I am defending the word of God in Jesus Christ.  I am cutting out the middleman, rejecting submissiveness to them, and relying solely on the direction of Jesus and his words. Whatever I do or say, my actions are judged only by Jesus Christ.(Rom 14:4)   If truth must be told and lies exposed, and it is brought out using the word of God, that doesn’t necessarily mean that person is arrogant. (Eph 5:11)   Could this opinion of the listener hearing that his faith is being challenged, bristle because the message comes from a woman?  That too, is understandable, something you may not be use to dealing with.  In the organization, women anointed or not, must be submissive to all men. (Isa 2:22) Defending God’s word comes at all costs; and it has cost me plenty in this world, but it has been well worth the pain. (Luke 21:12,13; John 16:2; Rev 11:1-3;7,11;13:15; Matt 5:11; 10:22; Matt 19:29)

God chooses whom He pleases to sound the “trumpet”. If that person is a woman, so be it, right? Who are we to question God’s choice?

 “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base (“insignificant, lowly”) things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence.”   1 Cor 1:26-29

13 hours ago, xero said:

These trumpet blasts of revelation having their fulfillment in some conventions just doesn't have the same gravitas as pentecost, so I take the interpretations as speculation, not definitive fact.

I have not delved into Wt's interpretation of the trumpets, but from what you say, it sounds ludicrous.   If you would like to know what an inspired anointed one understands about the trumpets, here is the link.

"Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil."  1 Thess 5

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@Witnessthat link brought zero enlightenment. It's just bulls*t spewed from some other person who hasn't a clue other than "listen to MEEEEE!".

So you admit you haven't the slightest clue as to the seven trumpets, but you show contempt for the spirit by spewing volumes of irrelevant BS. Yeah. Definitely fighting against Jehovah. You're done.

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4 minutes ago, xero said:

@Witnessthat link brought zero enlightenment. It's just bulls*t spewed from some other person who hasn't a clue other than "listen to MEEEEE!".

So you admit you haven't the slightest clue as to the seven trumpets, but you show contempt for the spirit by spewing volumes of irrelevant BS. Yeah. Definitely fighting against Jehovah. You're done.

Very quick response, proving you didn't read the scriptures provided.


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I don’t read citations either.

it’s hard work, but the burden of proof is with a coherent self contained …. SHORT …. arguement. 

That’s why people watched the Muppets!

If there was a “running gag”, Kermit would tell you.


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21 minutes ago, Witness said:

Very quick response, proving you didn't read the scriptures provided.


@WitnessIf you weren't full of crap you could go . This scripture means X.

But you can't because you're as blind as any of the pharisees of Jesus' day who imagined they could see when they are blind.

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28 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Witness …. Oh, so your grandmother also thought you about that game ….

I ask you a “yes or no” question.

You answer with 16 paragraphs.

I have to guess if that means yes, or no.


"It" can't answer because "It" is legion, and there are many in "It". Seriously P, the closest I've seen to demon-possessed are these kinds of apostates and some pentecostals I've run into in the field.

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27 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I don’t read citations either.

it’s hard work, but the burden of proof is with a coherent self contained …. SHORT …. arguement. 

That’s why people watched the Muppets!

If there was a “running gag”, Kermit would tell you.


People who don't know what they are talking go on and on. They hope to rope-a-dope you into believing they actually said anything.

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I have found that using a valid scripture which is wholesome on the face of it, it’s useless when it’s used to support a false premise.

Many times all false premises  are identified only through experience and perception and if you have extremely bad experiences and a very false perception it makes it difficult.

A good example of this is a politician of yesteryear who saved his country from deep depression and economic collapse, a man who wanted to be a priest but couldn’t stand it, a man who love dogs and wouldn’t put up with any crap, a man who built his nations highway system Into something the world could emulate and was on Time Magazines cover as “Man of the Year”, twice.

But then again, we are talking about Adolf Hitler.

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3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

I ask you a “yes or no” question.

You answer with 16 paragraphs.

I have to guess if that means yes, or no.

I wrote your answer above the line.  The rest of what I wrote was for anyone.  

3 hours ago, Witness said:

I believe her teachings are inspired by Holy Spirit, and I believe she is telling the truth. I wouldn’t be working with her otherwise.

The answer is yes.

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