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Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?


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Man, I wish all this whining about the organization would quit. You'd think these idiots would be able to better able to prioritize their annoyances. With these idiots the answer to the question:

He feels like a bot. But his web site appears to be well made. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.

I put it first on my own blog. It’s also in TTvtA. It didn’t carry the day with that Reddit bunch, but then they ARE a hostile crowd. And even I have to admit those mannerisms do take getting use

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@TrueTomHarleyDoesn't she realize how obsessively neurotic she appears? Even a worldly person would tell her she should get a life and that no one is listening. Can't apostates realize that they simply aren't needed any more? If anyone wants to find a catalog of errors w/regard to the WTBS or wants to find more apostate smut to get thrilled by, the internet is packed w/that crap. Now it's all just the background noise made by a degrading transformer.

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Well, I noticed that the Mega Millions Lottery is up to about 890 million dollars, and I could get by on about 500 million, but I realize that the one thing I want that money can’t buy….…

…... a dinosaur.

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23 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Well, I noticed that the Mega Millions Lottery is up to about 890 million dollars, and I could get by on about 500 million, but I realize that the one thing I want that money can’t buy….…

…... a dinosaur.

Of course, if I could buy a dinosaur,  and it would probably cost an appreciable amount of $500 million, and brought it to the Kingdom Hall I’m sure I would get a lot of criticism for having bought the Lottery ticket.

However, if I mortgage my home, sell my car, and use my entire life savings to invest in very high risk penny stocks, and they generate $500 million, that kind of gambling is OK.

What’s with that?

what’s with that?

At any rate, I would still have the dinosaur.

……. so I suspect that the moral of the story is this: in order to get $500 million to a buy or have made a dinosaur from DNA there is one essential thing you have to do.

…. get $500 million dollars.

And for crying out loud, get one of the cute dinosaurs, not one of those big ugly ones.





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…. And say I had $300 million left over, I might set aside half for a warehouse full of bags of Purina Dinosaur Chow, and give half to the WTB&TS. ($150,000,000).

Do you think they would turn it down?


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Well, it’s Thursday afternoon, and the MegaMillion Lottery is up to ONE BILLION DOLLARS!

If you “invest” $2 now, you may be able to get two or three cloned dinosaurs.

You could start your own “Jurassic Park”, if only at the side of an on or off ramp of a local Interstate Highway.

Sure …. It’s a 1 in 300 million chance gamble,  but like the Brother in Ohio found out when he earnestly, and with tears and anguish, weepingly prayed to Jehovah to win the Lottery, and his prayers were answered by God ….

”It would help if you bought a ticket!”.







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