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Jehovah's Witnesses money

Lisa Blair

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24 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Even me when I point out that The Beach Boys hit  ‘Little Smurfer Girl’ of the 60s predicted it all.

“So they knew!”

I always thought of Dmitar as a goateed, pointed ears evil inter-dimensional twin of SpongeBob SquarePants, in a red Star Fleet Security uniform.

Usually, not making it to the first commercial …..

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21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

How do you compare her interaction with you.

It stems back to our first debate, and onward. When misinformation is shown and spokena s a truth, it does not take long until someone comes forward to refute said claims. Granted, she relied on conspiracy theoriest in the same manner as Lisa Haven, Truthers are Anti-conspiracy although the MSM likes to lie and equate us to the extreme types.

Second, I come from a debating background, namely orginated from CSE, Christain Stack Exchange, but outside of that have done actucal debates, concerning the Bible and who God is concerning Core Teachings of Christainity.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

That would mean you're prone to being misguided too. Having a civil discussion isn't predicated on an onside discussion.

Prone, for all men can fall to be misgudied, however, some are very careful in their step. This is why my remarks of the White Throne are serious ones.

Actucally, on the contrary, there were some civil disccusions, however, some choose to act up in said disccusions, example, @Cos, a mainstreamer who essentuialy tried to re-write history in my debate with him, and later, the holy spirit, in which his wild claims did not go unoticed. Likewise with misinformation and conspiacy spouted often times on this club once known as controversal posts.

This connects back to the remarks about Trust and Mutal Funds, as is the incorrect Newscorp source, all of which Witness attempted to use in the past.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

The way you are referencing yourself, it would be, you're the only one that has a credible opinion, much like @JW Insider.

I stick to facts. I am not the type to believe JWs have weapon bunkers under their churches, have boxes of poison ready to go to take themsevles out and those around them. Witness professes a man who has followers who believe that, for this Fearon type is more of a radical verison of Pearl.

And seeing that @JW Insider is a JW himself, I don't think he is the type to, and others like him on this forum, to kamakzie themsevles or anyone one of us here.

Something like this, is even crazy to assume such bunkers under churches are real to a Restorationist group. I'd take that frpom Patriot's Prayer concerning rifles, but not Restorationists.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

That's narcissism 101.

On the contrary, it is not. To speak truth to falsehood isn't as you claim. What makes this even more untrue is I have been adamant about my cultural backing. Narcissim is dishonorable in my culture (Non seulement c'est déshonorant, mais c'est une mauvaise image de soi et de sa famille). Not sure if you are aware of how old genegeration Beilzeian and Haitian folk raise their children, espically those who are in a sense, born of Scripture, so to speak.

But, if you want to challenbege me on that, I invite you, for as Witness tried before to meildy bash my cultural stance before, as did Srecko, you are the 3rd to make that attempt.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I go a step further to include Jehovah's Witnesses that trigger misinformation, falsehoods, and conspiracies.

A man named Kel mentioned the same thing a while back when challenging Trinitarians, but it was in regards to Bibl tampering. The fact that you mention this, are the JWs in the wrong for what they did with Acts 7:58, 59? Granted you bring up misinformation and misapplication, the Mainstream camp professes that this is among several of the JW's err, as is Joel 2:32, however, codexes say otherwise. Likewise with John 1:1, when people cannot see the Genesis Act of Creation correctly.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I find some not willing to enter that narrow door so as not to get banned.

And what narrow door would that be? A ban isn't as worse of an eexpirence than dealing with a woman of a Leftist mindset who would sick a band of thugs against you, and or someone who having lost a Bible debate orchesatred the summoning of many police officers on a Sunday afternoon in Harlem, to take you out, more so, correcting a man who having lost a debate and resorted to racial remarks to try at provoking someone and failing.

That being said, there are others, even above me, who stared down death in similar situations, perhaps even graver ones, but a ban? Is miniscule.

Which reminds me, on CSE, people do get banned, but it is for the most extreme things, but we simply say the person got excommunicated, sometimes their ban is temporay, other times it is a permaban for a specifc reason. even then, such people return, but a by the book admin can remedy that if the person has shown him or herself to not change.

Other then that, I don't care much of someone getting banned or not, but if someone false cries for the banning of a few, that is concerning when the latter tends to be the insitgaor of the situation.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

It certainly isn't. That word has many applications, that can also be applied to all of us.

On the contrary it is. The word in question is in application to Christians who has some sort of vendetta against their fellow man. If you have been in the debating space as I have, this is something quite true, and even to the non-religous, i.e. the Warwick protest which gathered the people of the Borough.

A Christian is someone that has become disgruntled with their faith. Instead leaving their former faith in good heart, they step their lives decicated to destory said faith. A parralel of this, being a disgruntled employee, who seeks to damage a company and or steal information, etc.

You are correct to say it has many applications, but in the religous space when it comes to former hellbent members, what I convyed to you is true, for, you cannot say that there are those of this mindset, after all, we see it here. There is a reason I mentioned Mututal Funds and Glasgow; more to it, that even former members of the JW faith call out said people of this collective.

A disgruntled Christain can also become an Atheist, example, the user Jack Ryan, on this forum, also another, I debate on God, and primarily on Adam and Eve, even ironically, on the faith of Islam, he was corrected.

That being said, I am not a disguntled person. Being disgruntled is a waste of time and life, and I do not abhor God and Scripture, espically with my background.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Can it be applied as you stated being a champion against misinformation?

Us Truthers, even some of us who are Christians, do not consider oursevles to be champions of misinformation. We speak truth to facts, but never do we consider oursevles champions, even in the realm of other things such as child abuse, violence, governmental issues, etc. We call it out, help when and where we can. In recent years, we did take a few hits, and as of recent, major ones.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

We can inadvertently be without taking it to the extreme. Then it takes a tone of disappointment. That's my point. Never say never. We are not perfect.

Yes we are not perfect, and the imperfections of man reaps sin, granted men with ill intent take action on anyone at anytime, no one is immune, even JWs are not immune, as is all faiths.  A bad man can join any insitution to commit harm, what makes it even worse is the laws and some regulations, even ruling can lead to such men to enter to manupltate others to harm and infleunce people, i.e, A Gangstalker.

That being said, for the disgruntled types, they never change, they take their warpath with them to the grave. This is why I take issue with Witness mentioning Fearon, King and Zelda, for they seem to take what is known and molded into something else to emboldend disgruntled types.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

True. They have dealt those cards for almost a decade.

Even longer than that. Such a back and forth predates JWs and even us Bibical Unitarians. The core of this battle is the view of who God is and who Christ is, as is the role of the Son of God, whereas the latter, assumes the Christ is God himself, which convultes the role of the Son of God and a list of other things. JWs are not the type to debate, however, I did see some who debate, even debated against one myself a long time ago, an Arab named Kathgar.

The battle between the Anti-Trinitarians and the Trinitarians will continue into the Tribulation End Times, for who knows, our Constantine Christain-sque counterparts make get a bit more extreme in that time.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

However, where does that leave the visitor? That's my interest.

We had some visiors here before, mainly Trinitarians who pop out of the ExJW community, example, Jesus.Defender. Then there is Cos, the first person I debated here, but he didn't care much about JWs, he cared about professing a false history of Christainity and twisting the words of even Church Fathers of old. This is not uncommon because Catholics try to fool people into thinking that these Church Fathers believed in the Trinity themsevles, but in reality, they take their words out of context, something of which Cos tried to prove.

That being said, if it was not for Cos' actions, I may not have been debating anyone on this forum at all, but would simply challenege the conspiacies.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

How do you define the past from present bad actors that have been around this forum applying misinformation, misinterpretation, and misapplication in various ways?

They are still here apparntly, as is some of my advseraies elsewhere, even a few rivals of mine, one of them, who she herself was an apprant shill to Donaold Trump. After being called out, she now proudly burns her MAGA hat, but still acts as hypocrite. The only thing she is good at is her stance on CSA, for the only common goal we have here is stopping those who are trying to approtiate pediophila, a battle in whiich, if we do not act fast on, all insitutions, even JW churches, will become bigger targets, granted 2022 is essentially the year of bad intent folks to act morec crazed.

That being said, the bad actors here have the same tactics over and over again, even some of them cannot get their Bible Strong's correct, as always when try to drag JWs into a Bible only disccusion, which tends to be an inconvenience.

21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

You state "wildly incorrect to what was actually true". This depends on the interpreter, not the storyteller.

Not really because they met what they said. One belvies that the Judge named Deborah had a Christian Church in the days of the Isrealites, and when corrected, as is with wildly alterings God's Order; she challenged my culture afterwards, then assume I hated women because I quoted what Paul said word for word. Another time, misuse of the Bible to assume somehow God somehow gave Satan a form of authority, which makes asbolutely no sense, and she kept going on about it, and her yes men agreed with her despite being corrected on a verses in question. The list goes on. And of course, some of what was said orginated from the infamous source of all, pearl doxsey...

22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

I claim @TrueTomHarley words about everyone here being a liar in one form or another.

Can you explain? Tom has his own remarks, he can be serious, mainly to what I stated on Russia a few years back, which turned out to be true, for what is taking place, the banning of JWs was a stepping stone in Russia's move. He may have made mistakes before, and has corrected himself, but never have I seen him profess conspiracy. He is as he is because of said bad actors who continue with the same song and dance but prior to this, espically when I talked a lot about Russia, he was not as he was then because at the time, the number of bad actors was not as big nor where they relentless with their wooden sticks.

22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Some also go for loyalty. That makes it misguided loyalty, and not part of Christian ethics.

Probably because such of whom they follow has a resonating message of which they can profess as a truth. Example, when Witness attempted to use Mr. Zelda. The JWs here most likely have no idea of the inner words of reality and muttal funds, possibly basic information, but Zelda makes it seem complex, but what stopped Witness' spread of Zelda's falsehood was ifnromation from someone who knows the subject matter well, an ExJW who was fed up with his own counterparts who believed in lies, so he did what he had to do. Likewise with the Ex Bible Student, and the EXJW who posted legitmate evidence to the 1975 situation of which members from Cedars EXJW crew erased from media, the reason, so the narrative of 1975 of which they profess stands over what is actucally true, and in Witness' case, we already saw what she put.

The ironic part is even Truthers, who are familier with JWs, know the 1975 situation themsevles.

That being said, there is an agenda in play, something about agendas, I am against agendas, hence not being of the paradigm.

22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Yes. I agree 

Yep, and I seen this in the other thread regarding the linked website. As pointed out before, such ones when they're caught, they show their true colors, even if a mistake is made on their part, they do not acknoledge it. What makes it so damning is the person claims to be chosen. Kosonen and I called her out on this, and stated she is misgudied. Her energy could be put to better use, but granted the people I ran into during my travel, this is evidence of what I stated back then about neutral disccusion and calling to accountbility in the community of which she follows.

That being said, the forum will remain the same, which reminds me, there was only one instance in which the legitmate admin had to step in, for should I mention said instance, a friend of ours from overseas will lash out; this is what caused his ban, if I am not mistaken for such as caught up to him to the point he wishes not to disclouse who he is, when everyone, even mods, know who he is. That is the mindset of a complying soul instead a free one.

Anyways, my remark to Srecko regarding money and Glasgow is in connection with this thread, in which Witness went on a conspiracy rant, even tricking vistors who came to the forums a while back with misinformation, Kosonen, a former JW, even breifly called her out in the same thread. Tom also had some remarks. Witness herself in the same thread even alluded to NOT being educated on the subject matter she brought up also (You can't teach someone about mutatl funds if you do not know what it is, let alone call someone out for something you have no knoweledge of - yet she does not disqualfy herself from doing so)


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9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Tom has his own remarks, he can be serious, mainly to what I stated on Russia a few years back, which turned out to be true, for what is taking place, the banning of JWs was a stepping stone in Russia's move. He may have made mistakes before, and has corrected himself, but never have I seen him profess conspiracy.

I appreciate the kind words. I have taken on Witness before but no longer do so because the task never ends. Upon being confronted, she just repackages the same stuff and runs it through again. 

As for her most recent CSA contribution, I think the words of Holly Folk (herself a victim of child abuse, and not a JW) give the overall picture:


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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

He may have made mistakes before, and has corrected himself, but never have I seen him profess conspiracy.

@Space MerchantUnfortunately, not where it counts. Being a defender of a bad actor just to stay in someone's good side is someone that enjoys playing, devil's advocate. Sadly, that has no place in a true Christians heart, especially when citing they are part of Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself brings "reproach" to God by his namesake. 

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Second, I come from a debating background, namely orginated from CSE, Christain Stack Exchange, but outside of that have done actucal debates, concerning the Bible and who God is concerning Core Teachings of Christainity.

It is good you attempt to defend the core values of Christ teaching. My point is, there are certain areas where you yourself are misguided about Christ teachings. That is my point when you insist that others are misguided. There are differences when you apply that word toward someone's character and or their understanding of Christ teachings. I myself don't appreciate the manipulation of scripture and the misapplication of an institution's literature.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

And what narrow door would that be? A ban isn't as worse of an eexpirence than dealing with a woman of a Leftist mindset who would sick a band of thugs against you, and or someone who having lost a Bible debate orchesatred the summoning of many police officers on a Sunday afternoon in Harlem, to take you out, more so, correcting a man who having lost a debate and resorted to racial remarks to try at provoking someone and failing.

Then you are not willing to separate your Christian conviction with that of this world. This is a perfect example of being misguided. When have you corrected your mistake?

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

On the contrary it is. The word in question is in application to Christians who has some sort of vendetta against their fellow man. If you have been in the debating space as I have, this is something quite true, and even to the non-religous, i.e. the Warwick protest which gathered the people of the Borough.

This is your personal opinion. True Christians should have nothing to do with apostates. Especially when it comes to agreeing with apostate views that most Jehovah's Witnesses do here.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

A Christian is someone that has become disgruntled with their faith. Instead leaving their former faith in good heart, they step their lives decicated to destory said faith. A parralel of this, being a disgruntled employee, who seeks to damage a company and or steal information, etc.

Can you expand on your thought here? A Christian is someone that "shouldn't" be influenced by someone else's disdain for the truth. When someone becomes a bad actor (apostate) then yes, they will go through extremes to destroy the faith they held. However, that goes to show, they really didn't hold a "True Christian Faith" in their hearts to began with.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Us Truthers, even some of us who are Christians, do not consider oursevles to be champions of misinformation. We speak truth to facts, but never do we consider oursevles champions, even in the realm of other things such as child abuse, violence, governmental issues, etc. We call it out, help when and where we can. In recent years, we did take a few hits, and as of recent, major ones.

A True Christian is a champion of God, and should react to Christians misinformation and misapplication of scripture. This means, here is another example of being misguided.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yes we are not perfect, and the imperfections of man reaps sin, granted men with ill intent take action on anyone at anytime, no one is immune, even JWs are not immune, as is all faiths.  A bad man can join any insitution to commit harm, what makes it even worse is the laws and some regulations, even ruling can lead to such men to enter to manupltate others to harm and infleunce people, i.e, A Gangstalker.

That being said, for the disgruntled types, they never change, they take their warpath with them to the grave. This is why I take issue with Witness mentioning Fearon, King and Zelda, for they seem to take what is known and molded into something else to emboldend disgruntled types.

We can agree. However, I'll take it one step further even if you refuse to, to include Jehovah's Witnesses here. That's true, being "banned" is not the worse thing. That just proves to visitors, this person held the truth about how Jehovah's Witnesses here are no better than their counterparts former Jehovah's Witnesses.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Even longer than that. Such a back and forth predates JWs and even us Bibical Unitarians. The core of this battle is the view of who God is and who Christ is, as is the role of the Son of God, whereas the latter, assumes the Christ is God himself, which convultes the role of the Son of God and a list of other things. JWs are not the type to debate, however, I did see some who debate, even debated against one myself a long time ago, an Arab named Kathgar.

If you wish, we can go further than that. Since we are speaking about this forum, a decade is just fine for me.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

We had some visiors here before, mainly Trinitarians who pop out of the ExJW community, example, Jesus.Defender. Then there is Cos, the first person I debated here, but he didn't care much about JWs, he cared about professing a false history of Christainity and twisting the words of even Church Fathers of old. This is not uncommon because Catholics try to fool people into thinking that these Church Fathers believed in the Trinity themsevles, but in reality, they take their words out of context, something of which Cos tried to prove.

Can you elaborate? Are you saying it's okay for visitors to this forum to accept the misinformation that is dealt here on a daily basis?

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

They are still here apparntly, as is some of my advseraies elsewhere, even a few rivals of mine, one of them, who she herself was an apprant shill to Donaold Trump. After being called out, she now proudly burns her MAGA hat, but still acts as hypocrite.

Then you can agree this would be a concern, especially when it comes to visitors. However, I won't indulge in politics, that's too worldly. That's what makes certain Jehovah's Witnesses, here, hypocrites.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Not really because they met what they said. One belvies that the Judge named Deborah had a Christian Church in the days of the Isrealites, and when corrected, as is with wildly alterings God's Order; she challenged my culture afterwards, then assume I hated women because I quoted what Paul said word for word. Another time, misuse of the Bible to assume somehow God somehow gave Satan a form of authority, which makes asbolutely no sense, and she kept going on about it, and her yes men agreed with her despite being corrected on a verses in question. The list goes on. And of course, some of what was said orginated from the infamous source of all, pearl doxsey...

Does this mean, a storyteller like Pearl Doxsey has merit? We should be in the same page with Christian ethics, not a personal opinion of someone's character. 

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Can you explain? Tom has his own remarks,

Sure I can. Tom claims the words of Paul. I forgot which bible text he quoted, even though it was misapplied, but I'll use, Romans 3:4. The context is "God remains faithful," to claim everyone here is a liar. Like I told @TrueTomHarley, yes, Paul had many things to prove to the Jews, but being a liar wasn't one of them. 

To me, he is just using excuses to justify the actions of bad actors here.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Probably because such of whom they follow has a resonating message of which they can profess as a truth. Example, when Witness attempted to use Mr. Zelda. The JWs here most likely have no idea of the inner words of reality and muttal funds, possibly basic information, but Zelda makes it seem complex, but what stopped Witness' spread of Zelda's falsehood was ifnromation from someone who knows the subject matter well, an ExJW who was fed up with his own counterparts who believed in lies, so he did what he had to do. Likewise with the Ex Bible Student, and the EXJW who posted legitmate evidence to the 1975 situation of which members from Cedars EXJW crew erased from media, the reason, so the narrative of 1975 of which they profess stands over what is actucally true, and in Witness' case, we already saw what she put.

Since I'm concerned about the Christian conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses here toward those that visit this site, then my concern lies with Christian ethics that are poorly displayed here. Does that include former Jehovah's Witnesses? Not really, That would mean I have an interest in what they have to say. But when current members behave the same way, and tell people, YES I'm a Jehovah Witness as many people are here, then that concern increases, and those that are related or were related in one form or another, tend to be more defensive in supporting a bad actor.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Yep, and I seen this in the other thread regarding the linked website. As pointed out before, such ones when they're caught, they show their true colors, even if a mistake is made on their part, they do not acknoledge it.

For me, this is what I mean about being banned. There are a few bad actors that can't stand to be wrong, especially when they are proven liars, deceptive, and manipulators of scripture. The point is, You and everyone else is STILL HERE.

That makes their conviction hypocritical, since they can't stand to hear the truth about themselves.

13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Anyways, my remark to Srecko regarding money and Glasgow is in connection with this thread, in which Witness went on a conspiracy rant, even tricking vistors who came to the forums a while back with misinformation, Kosonen, a former JW, even breifly called her out in the same thread. Tom also had some remarks. Witness herself in the same thread even alluded to NOT being educated on the subject matter she brought up also (You can't teach someone about mutatl funds if you do not know what it is, let alone call someone out for something you have no knoweledge of - yet she does not disqualfy herself from doing so)

Like you said, people are too lazy to do a proper research. They base their conviction on the words of others, even if those views are wrong. However, I find @Srecko Sostar to be more of a child that needs to have "daddy" @JW Insider hold his hand.

Then you have a "hellhound" @Pudgy come from behind to express some meaningless rant like a puppy loving court jester. 

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7 hours ago, Dmitar said:


Then you have a "hellhound" @Pudgy come from behind to express some meaningless rant like a puppy loving court jester. 


I will have to apologize for thinking of you as a mean, vindictive, miserable, unhappy and all around nasty person with delusions of grandeur.

After that nice compliment (after all, I AM a cartoon puppy and have openly acknowledged that what I do is rant …), and what I am LOOKING FOR is to be a puppy loving court jester, I have a warm fuzzy feeling about you that borderlines true affection.

Even my close relative Snoopy, from “Peanuts” does his best to happy dance across a field of sunflowers!

Some cartoon characters age, and some do not. I think Mickey Mouse is somewhere around 75 years old, and he looks as young as he did in “Steamboat Willie”. 

Have you ever noticed that no matter which way his head is turned, his two circular ears always face the camera?

….and Mickey’s dog is Pluto, which runs around on four legs, and Mickey has a friend taller than he is, who is also a dog, who walks around on TWO legs.  I think that’s just Goofy!

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On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

@Space MerchantUnfortunately, not where it counts. Being a defender of a bad actor just to stay in someone's good side is someone that enjoys playing, devil's advocate. Sadly, that has no place in a true Christians heart, especially when citing they are part of Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself brings "reproach" to God by his namesake. 

Then if that was the case, the cries of guilt should have not be brought for in your account.

One thing the Bible puts emphasis on the most is discernment, it is not so much of a defense, rather, a Christian being watchful. Surely, you could have known that.

My issue is not anyone being a JW or not, my issue is the MSC narrative and pertaining things deem problematic.

To that, you were invited to prove your case, you can do so now.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

It is good you attempt to defend the core values of Christ teaching. My point is, there are certain areas where you yourself are misguided about Christ teachings. That is my point when you insist that others are misguided. There are differences when you apply that word toward someone's character and or their understanding of Christ teachings. I myself don't appreciate the manipulation of scripture and the misapplication of an institution's literature.

Can you show any evidence of anything related to Core Christian Teachings of which I am professing some form of misguidance? Surely you do realize CSE folk see this as a challenge.

On the contrary, as stated many times over the years, majority of the time I allude to Scripture and or a Proverb, and or a quality, in this case regarding the one you deemed a bad actor, discernment and the use of the latter verse. I do not leave such stones unturned or unchecked.

I do not care about institutional literature, granted the focus was in regards to money and pertaining of.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Then you are not willing to separate your Christian conviction with that of this world. This is a perfect example of being misguided. When have you corrected your mistake?

According to my people, how they were brought up, via Scripture, even those before me, none of us are part of this world. Therefore, your example is null.

If you cannot prove I am part of the paradigm I am against - Then you have no glass for your water.

But I consider this a nice try granted, out of my years of debate with mainstream Christians, Black Israelites, etc. They attempted to make that claim, even going as far as to a gross assumption towards the island of one of my relatives, which backfired.

That being said, I have corrected myself, several times actually, mainly due to the fact I have an extreme push to be overly detailed in often times something is amissed. In regards to that, can you tell what verse I alluded to here? Hence your last claim?

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

A True Christian is a champion of God, and should react to Christians misinformation and misapplication of scripture. This means, here is another example of being misguided.

We are soldiers of God, as the late one before me professed the same thing. We continue, sword and shield in hand. It is also one of those reasons as to why there is a good chuck of us in the Truther community who upholds this, myself included, as is the late Solider of God, who he himself is among the Chosen. Not only he passed away, but those deemed our enemies, scrubbed everything he professed, and they did this for a reason. MSC are callous, mainly the ones so misguided by Constantine's version of Christianity.

That being said, as for you, a True Christian has enough reason to use discernment. I ask why is this missing from you, unless you are the type to jump into things without knowing the battle at hand?

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

If you wish, we can go further than that. Since we are speaking about this forum, a decade is just fine for me.

You do realize, as stated, this has been going before either of us were born, our parents, them those before them. As stated, this goes back even before Jehovah's Witnesses, and all Restorationists who are not rootless, existed. This was the core debate between Cos and I prior to the talk about the Church Fathers and the original Church, as is the Core Teachings itself.

Going back a decade, as you stated, does not do much, even beyond this forum, and speaking of forms, CSE existed long before this forum was even conceived; and even then, that battle between both groups was still ongoing.

Outside of the forums, same thing, not sure if you had that experience, or you are just an online personnel who has not seen the trenches.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Can you elaborate? Are you saying it's okay for visitors to this forum to accept the misinformation that is dealt here on a daily basis?

Visitors are aware, they can look into what is being discussed, and make comment to it. The thread started by Witness in regards to if JWs won't some right to military type arms and the like, several guests pointed out the absurdity, even before that, when this place was Controversial Posts, guests had a role in several discussions, not only we have these types that show up, but MSC guests as well who are to blind by the Mainstream Christendom as is the things of this world.

Reasons why when some discussions get serious, some come forth to bring a correction, even if it is guests vs guests whereas legitimate users on the forum often take the stance of a spectator. Granted you are somewhat new here, you may have not seen or took part of the early interactions of this forum. If I am not mistaken, some come with questions; in my case, some CSErs recognize who I am because of my CSA thread and they made remarks here too.

That being said, I congratulate the guests who are mentally sound when it comes to some discussions, mainly when it is a Bible related one.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Then you can agree this would be a concern, especially when it comes to visitors. However, I won't indulge in politics, that's too worldly. That's what makes certain Jehovah's Witnesses, here, hypocrites.

You do not have to. My rival, Ms. Birdie, is political, however, I am not associated with the paradigm, but I do call them out, as is refute them. They cry out, but they do not realize man cannot correct the problems of an imperfect world, no matter how much they try and at times, man will drive their own into ruin, and or into a shallow grave.

You have to be more specific, not all Jehovah's Witnesses are wise, I gave examples, as is mentioned a few, therefore, referring to them as novice JWs, as I do with others. However, there are some who are wise. Unfortunately for them, The Restorationism are the figurative punching bags in the war of who the Christ is, granted, they are among the few who are not as combative when it comes to Scripture, hence the Hyde Park incident. In the eyes of the disgruntled JW, they never go for an experienced JW unless they catch them off guard, there is a reason as to why if they record anyone of them, they never record the experienced ones, but rather, the novice types.

As for our visitors, in regards to politics, the disgruntled ones often try to equate JWs with the Democratic Party, however, this is false, and our visitors can see to it of this falsehood, be it they agree and disagree with JWs on some things. As is the situation with other instances.

That being said, an example would be in the linked thread whereas Witness tried to connect them to a Democratic candidate, myself, as is a guest, can see that information was false.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Does this mean, a storyteller like Pearl Doxsey has merit? We should be in the same page with Christian ethics, not a personal opinion of someone's character. 

Pearl dwells on conspiracy. Some of her Bible points were refuted by some, surely both you and I understand God's Order, however, Pearl and Witness said otherwise. This is the reason as to why the Religious office debate I had with Witness, she, using Pearl as a shield, as is the Watchtower, failed the debate when the Bible was used as a sword against her (and Srecko), therefore, God's word being victorious, hence why at the end she attempted to make a remark that is a lowly attack on my culture.

That being said, if you consider that personal opinion, clearly you didn't see the debates, therefore, you relied on brief mentions of her - hence, 1 John 4:1 as been used against you, granted with minor discernment, I have deduced that. I suggest you look exactly as to what was mention in the debate.

Unless, you are willing to name a Christian Church in ancient Israel that never existed, then be my guest.

God's Order has never changed then, and now - [Woman, to Man, Man to Christ, Christ to God].

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Sure I can. Tom claims the words of Paul. I forgot which bible text he quoted, even though it was misapplied, but I'll use, Romans 3:4. The context is "God remains faithful," to claim everyone here is a liar. Like I told @TrueTomHarley, yes, Paul had many things to prove to the Jews, but being a liar wasn't one of them. 

This didn't prove anything for I said "Tom has his own remarks", more so the true context of the verse in question shows otherwise. You might want to pull a legitimate quote of where he made said misapplication.

Friend, context is more than a few words. Surely you can do better than that. You merely quoted part A of the verse, and only that. Context deems explanation, as a preacher of Christ, this should be evident.

Paul’s surprised remark was in regards to the question he raised in the preceding verse pertaining to those who lacked faith, and such ones their lack of faith invalidate the faithfulness to God - in question. Most Jews at the time showed a lack of faith hence as to Paul's remark, particularly when they rejected the Hebrew text with associated prophecies that pointed out clearly that Jesus, who is the Son of God, is indeed the Messiah (Christ).

For us today, something of the magnitude still happens, even for legitimate God fearing men and women, who often times can be overwhelmed concerning a man's ability to conflict with God's Word, hence the verses in question. One has to trust God Word found in the Bible as well adhere to God's Will, this is something vital when it comes to those who profess the Gospel message, in which, in turn, can help others.

You can quote Scripture, even part of it, but when it comes to context, there needs to be a brief explanation. Quoting and explaining context are two different things, even so, you can alluded to the context briefly even without mentioning Paul.

On your part, that contextual remark isn't an incorrect one, mainly if you understood Paul's conveyance in regards to the Jews concerning the Christ in that passage alone, therefore.

That being said, the fact that you mention it, I suggest you quote Tom exactly in accordance with your claim. Should not be difficult, for you seem to express that this interaction with Tom seems recent.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

To me, he is just using excuses to justify the actions of bad actors here.

Can you quote exactly the misapplication in regards to him? People can say things, but seeing it can at times shed a different reality.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Since I'm concerned about the Christian conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses here toward those that visit this site, then my concern lies with Christian ethics that are poorly displayed here.

So what stopped you from being Berean like in regards? This is beyond ethics. You also made assumptions - Christians should show evidence of a claim instead of assumptions, for instance, in my remark towards Witness, I showed the receipts.

That being said, I recall you were called to question in regards to something that is seen as dishonorable to my culture. To this I wait still. For an assumption like that, surely you have evidence. Therefore, if you have nothing, Christian ethics can be called into question, as is the tossing of a specific fruit in which 1 John 4:1 can easily be used.

If that is the case, makes me wonder how you would operate in a gospel preaching work, let alone a dark form of persecution that is crafted to break a man's faith, even that of a JW, something of which I mentioned before, which, as predicted, taking place now.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Does that include former Jehovah's Witnesses? Not really, That would mean I have an interest in what they have to say.

But you have to use discernment. Witness once attest Satan somehow freed God's people and saved Hezekiah and his Kingdom, all because she misused a word and at the same time, claim the JWs assume something else, whereas in reality, the Bible speaks truth. That is one of many examples, as is the latter regarding God's Order.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

But when current members behave the same way, and tell people, YES I'm a Jehovah Witness as many people are here, then that concern increases, and those that are related or were related in one form or another, tend to be more defensive in supporting a bad actor.

Not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness. You have a few JWs, a few ExJWs, some Atheists, Muslims, a Hispanic Philosopher who used mainstream narratives, a confused man who wants to re-write history, a man who is one with dogs, a man who rants about CSA at random but does nothing about it, as is being a slave to big tech, a Jeff Durbin (Durbinte) follower who wants anyone banned for pushing his buttons, but does the same thing, A conspiracy Theorist, A talking cat, a wise mouth parrot, a happy go lucky Queen, A Latino teen who came forth like that of a Ghost who is cryptic, Museum mentally JW, a concerned woman, a Bitcoin Junkie, etc, etc. - the list goes on.

CSE is essentially 2 camps Trinitarian vs Anti-Trinitarian, we do not, even now, as is the new ones there, operate like this forums, or most media.

That being said, welcome to the internet. However, bad actors seek to create some form of confusion, often times, from conspiracy.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

For me, this is what I mean about being banned.

Have you ever looked at the reason as to why you are a bachelor to the ban hammer? At times, people look to even ask as to why and seek reason. I thought you were someone legitimately new until @JW Insider made his remark, equating you to the infamous entity on this forum codenamed Allen. Perhaps, if this worries you, you may want to look at what he stated.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

There are a few bad actors that can't stand to be wrong, especially when they are proven liars, deceptive, and manipulators of scripture.

So the remarks related to money, should not be of concern.

The worse thing about being wrong is making assumptions. You made a few, and I had invited you to show what you have.

That being said, in regards to Scripture, you have to do a bit more than that, context is not a quotation, it is an explanation of something. When it comes to Biblical Context, the verse, word or passage needs to be clarified and its meaning needs to be understood.

I can say that Jesus only considers the Father as good, and quote the verse, but no one would know what that entails; more so, anyone can take said verse and create an exegesis, hence, a wild interpretation, for instance, the verse in question Trinitarians mix up the most, likewise with the remark, God and our Savior, Jesus Christ whereas the MSCers assume Godhood for Christ instantly when that isn't the case.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

You and everyone else is STILL HERE.

I am not bothered. If you are a preacher of the gospel, you run into people, it is not different on here, or on a more serious place like CSE. Likewise with run ins for debates. Some of us have seen disgruntled JWs debate... It is not pleasant, the first thing that comes to mind is the Magic Hands ExJW who lost to a Muslim.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Like you said, people are too lazy to do a proper research. They base their conviction on the words of others, even if those views are wrong.

This only came forth on this forum, from what I had seen early on, when the people of the mountain come down to the village, so to speak.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

However, I find @Srecko Sostar to be more of a child that needs to have "daddy" @JW Insider hold his hand.

@Srecko Sostar is a follower of Cedars, granted, some of his remarks, and I would say Pearl also due to him being associated with Witness, often times being a Yes Man. Srecko is misguided, but even outside of anything JW related, Bible-wise, is a bit lowly, for instance, remarks of Abraham, as is the Widow's Mite, and the debate I had with Witness on God's Order. Even in the thread linked, Srecko was not too aware of how he got fooled by Witness when he tried to teach Economics. Not to mention is supposedly rivalry with the ghost kid who revealed to be a JW in a thread in which The Admin took part. Therefore, the man is misguided. As for @JW Insider, he may notice this too with Srecko, often times to educate him, but knowing Srecko, he never changes, reasons why when his young rival came back, a damning revealed shows there was no application, whatsoever.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Then you have a "hellhound" @Pudgy come from behind to express some meaningless rant like a puppy loving court jester. 

Could be he has a high interest in dogs, jokes, and Superman (Kal-El). There are times where he is serious. Granted you are, starting from a New Game File, so to speak, you do not see this for yourself.

That being said, what was stated in regards to money, funds and JWs, is actually true, therefore the latter believed in a conspiracy - which does not surprise me, for a lie by some can be professed as a truth if said loud enough.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Then if that was the case, the cries of guilt should have not be brought for in your account.

You are now showing the defense of bad actors. I have no need to be misguided like you. I have no stake in being here other than what a visitor will see as misinformation. You can't have it both ways.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

One thing the Bible puts emphasis on the most is discernment, it is not so much of a defense, rather, a Christian being watchful. Surely, you could have known that.

The first thing a Christian is, is loyal to God. When bad actors misrepresent his words, then a true Christian will defend scripture. I guess Unitarians have a different view of Christian ethics.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

My issue is not anyone being a JW or not, my issue is the MSC narrative and pertaining things deem problematic.

To that, you were invited to prove your case, you can do so now.

We have different objectives. Since there are many things spoken of out of one thread, there are many topics that are problematic from a Christian standpoint of view. Perhaps you can narrow it down. It appears you want to engage in a quarrelsome debate like @JW Insider, I'll give you first choice, since you started with an erred perception of what the word misguided can be applied to who and what.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Can you show any evidence of anything related to Core Christian Teachings of which I am professing some form of misguidance? Surely you do realize CSE folk see this as a challenge.

Now you're using @JW Insider tactics of wordplay. I see, you are not going to correct your views, as he hasn't. When one becomes proficient in scripture, we find how our errors will  be noticed. That makes it a poor Christian fellowship.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

According to my people, how they were brought up, via Scripture, even those before me, none of us are part of this world. Therefore, your example is null.

If you cannot prove I am part of the paradigm I am against - Then you have no glass for your water.

Like I said, you have a different view with Christian ethics. This ignorance you just posted shows how your lack of, word definition is useless to other Christians. 

You are now implying, you exceed in scripture and no one should challenge your view, as @JW Insider does.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This didn't prove anything for I said "Tom has his own remarks", more so the true context of the verse in question shows otherwise. You might want to pull a legitimate quote of where he made said misapplication.

Since your view is as misguided as @TrueTomHarley, application of it, your statement here is meaningless.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, as for you, a True Christian has enough reason to use discernment. I ask why is this missing from you, unless you are the type to jump into things without knowing the battle at hand?

I have no need to defend bad actors just to keep my status here. A True Christian will voice a concern, just like Jesus did and the apostles after him. Staying silent as you wish, is NOT discernment, but rather a worldly view as a cup-out.


A. Characteristics. The same characteristics outlined above may be seen here. Loyalty motivated Paul's friends to visit him in prison (Acts 24:23) and to voice concern for his safety (Acts 19:31). James stresses that God demands loyal friends — friendship with the world means enmity with God (4:4). Friends share their joy (Luke 15:6,9,29; John 3:29), their faith and experiences (Mark 5:19; Acts 4:23; 10:24), as well as care for each other (Luke 11:6; Acts 27:3).

However, I must apologize for thinking you had a clear understanding of what "Christian Core Values" means

TLB Luke 17:2-5

"Rebuke your brother if he sins, and forgive him if he is sorry. 4 Even if he wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, forgive him." 5 One day the apostles said to the Lord, "We need more faith; tell us how to get it."

When there is no adjustment to one's attitude or repentance, what's the next step in Bible Law? Unfortunately, you have just proven your willingness to accept bad actors just to keep your status here. That again is poor Christian fellowship. None I wish to accept.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Have you ever looked at the reason as to why you are a bachelor to the ban hammer? At times, people look to even ask as to why and seek reason. I thought you were someone legitimately new until @JW Insider made his remark, equating you to the infamous entity on this forum codenamed Allen. Perhaps, if this worries you, you may want to look at what he stated.

It's always the case when some bad actors here wish to ban someone, all they need is to write ALLEN. Then, apparently everyone accepts this bad report. There are MANY Allen. Just like the 1996 movie The Phantom. Do I need to make myself known when no one else does? 

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

So what stopped you from being Berean like in regards? This is beyond ethics. You also made assumptions - Christians should show evidence of a claim instead of assumptions, for instance, in my remark towards Witness, I showed the receipts.

First and foremost, I don't need to justify myself to you nor anyone else here. I'm committed to God's truth, not your rants and characterization of someone. Now you're looking like @Pudgy and @TrueTomHarley.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, I recall you were called to question in regards to something that is seen as dishonorable to my culture. To this I wait still. For an assumption like that, surely you have evidence. Therefore, if you have nothing, Christian ethics can be called into question, as is the tossing of a specific fruit in which 1 John 4:1 can easily be used.

Your misleading wordplay, it now falls into question as an ethical Christian. That is also something dishonorable. Can you elaborate why you find it a need to go against scripture by being obtuse and quarrelsome?

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

But you have to use discernment. Witness once attest Satan somehow freed God's people and saved Hezekiah and his Kingdom, all because she misused a word and at the same time, claim the JWs assume something else, whereas in reality, the Bible speaks truth. That is one of many examples, as is the latter regarding God's Order.

Once again, you show your lack of Bible Knowledge.

NCV 2 Thess 3:14-15

14 If some people do not obey what we tell you in this letter, then take note of them. Have nothing to do with them, so they will feel ashamed. 15 But do not treat them as enemies. Warn them as fellow believers.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness. You have a few JWs, a few ExJWs, some Atheists, Muslims, a Hispanic Philosopher who used mainstream narratives, a confused man who wants to re-write history, a man who is one with dogs, a man who rants about CSA at random but does nothing about it, as is being a slave to big tech, a Jeff Durbin (Durbinte) follower who wants anyone banned for pushing his buttons, but does the same thing, A conspiracy Theorist, A talking cat, a wise mouth parrot, a happy go lucky Queen, A Latino teen who came forth like that of a Ghost who is cryptic, Museum mentally JW, a concerned woman, a Bitcoin Junkie, etc, etc. - the list goes on.

I have no interest here other than apostasy, and correcting misapplication of scripture for the visitors. Those you mention condemn themselves, and God will judge them accordingly. Especially those calling "themselves" Jehovah's Witnesses, which brings reproach to God's name, just like using God's name in vain.

Psalms 139:20

[For they speak against thee wickedly] This is one form or manifestation of their character as wicked people, that they speak maliciously against God. The psalmist, therefore, desired to have nothing to do with them. It is always a sufficient reason for avoiding the society, the friendship, and the fellowship of others, when they profane, blaspheme, or calumniate the name of God. From such men we should at once withdraw. Piety shrinks from the society of such men, whatever may be their rank, or their social qualities, and turns away in pain, in sorrow, in abhorrence. See the notes at Ps 26:9 

You RANT about "discernment." What discernment are you using to win favor among evil? This implies you have no problem being Satan's friend. I do have a issue with that, so my tactics (discernment) are far more Christian oriented.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

o the remarks related to money, should not be of concern.

The worse thing about being wrong is making assumptions. You made a few, and I had invited you to show what you have.

Do I concern myself with world politics like you and others here? NO! I don't need to know what has already been written about this world's last days. Insight is not the same as indulging in one's paranoia. God's judgment day brings glory, not fear. Politics brings out anxiety and instability. Christian life has no part in that. Using humor to disguise that self-inflicted emotion is troubling to say the least. It goes toward one's mental stability.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I am not bothered. If you are a preacher of the gospel, you run into people, it is not different on here, or on a more serious place like CSE. Likewise with run ins for debates. Some of us have seen disgruntled JWs debate... It is not pleasant, the first thing that comes to mind is the Magic Hands ExJW who lost to a Muslim.

This is where we differ with Christian ethics. I have no need to follow in quarrels, even though I am drawn to them at every turn. People here have no self-control. I'm not interested in arguing with bad actors. My interest is in the visitors and the misapplication of scripture. Therefore, I have no interest in continuing this argumentative state you have developed to prove your worth to someone else.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

@Srecko Sostar is a follower of Cedars, granted, some of his remarks, and I would say Pearl also due to him being associated with Witness, often times being a Yes Man. Srecko is misguided, but even outside of anything JW related, Bible-wise, is a bit lowly, for instance, remarks of Abraham, as is the Widow's Mite, and the debate I had with Witness on God's Order.

It is sad when someone has lost the ability to think for themselves, and depend on other points of view to strengthen their own resolve. @Srecko Sostar for some unknown reason, Srecko has decided he can challenge God without consequences. Unfortunately, no one will be around to see what kind of judgment that will receive, since it's a personal choice between he, God and Christ as the judges.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Could be he has a high interest in dogs, jokes, and Superman (Kal-El). There are times where he is serious. Granted you are, starting from a New Game File, so to speak, you do not see this for yourself.

There's a time to be funny and a time to be serious. Christian life, Christian ethics, Christian core values are serious and should not be distorted by our imperfection. 

However, Instead of waiting about 3-4 days for you to gather your thoughts and reply. I will state now, I will NOT go alone with being quarrelsome. You can continue on your own if that's your wish to prove yourself to someone else. I have no need to prove myself to anyone here.

You have adequately proven to me, you lack reasoning and wisdom by bible standards.

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Next time. Instead, in indulging on your own self-worth, trying learning the fundamentals of Christians ethics and core values and what they represent, to a true Christian.

NIV 1 Tim 2:1-5

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

NIV Titus 3:9-11

9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11 You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

 NIV 1 Thess 4:11-12

11 Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.


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