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Jehovah's Witnesses money

Lisa Blair

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@Dmitar The other stuff has already been remedied. As is the thread with evidence of such.

Now then, in regards to a claim you made, 1 John 4:1 was in use, as is you being invited hence your response. Can you point out what it is in which the culture I came from deems dishonorable.

As stated, it was a bold claim of yours. Let's respect the verse in use - that is, if you are among those who consider the contextual backing of said verse.

As for the one in Romans, next time use legitimate context.


If you have forgotten as to what prompted the use of the verse/meaning, it is the below:



As stated, you were the 3rd to make the attempt, [Witness, and Butler] being the first 2, now you, the 3rd. You speak of Christian Ethnics, let us see if this leans to Truth of a falsehood in regards to that bold remark.


That being said, the original remark of which I made prior to Lisa, remains true.

Claim: Inside info on Jehovah's Witnesses companies & revenue made

Truth: There is also misinformation about companies and revenue that is being past around by former witnesses who are disgruntled, some of which having been mentioned here, even debunked with the words of former JWs, ExJW vs ExJW essentially. That being said, due to the pandemic, their numbers seem to have been reduced. (evidence in: mentioned/cited threads)


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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Now then, in regards to a claim you made, 1 John 4:1 was in use, as is you being invited hence your response. Can you point out what it is in which the culture I came from deems dishonorable.

Can you elaborate why you insist on this text? What part would give you are problem.

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

f you have forgotten as to what prompted the use of the verse/meaning, it is the below:


Don't shift the blame for the conversation going south with your obtuse characterization of ME being MISGUIDED.

That's your narcissism. 

4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

As stated, you were the 3rd to make the attempt, [Witness, and Butler] being the first 2, now you, the 3rd. You speak of Christian Ethnics, let us see if this leans to Truth of a falsehood in regards to that bold remark.

You error on your assumption. I had no response to your statement other than your false claim of the usage of the word misguided. Now you are desperately trying to evade that consequence, by @JW Insider tactics which I deem pathetic.

Once again, you prove your lack of bible knowledge. 

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On 1/26/2022 at 6:16 PM, Space Merchant said:

In my case, I do not take kindly to misinformation, falsehood and conspiracy, therefore, the use of facts and a correction should be in use, especially when 1 John 4:1 is applied when said person's spirit is tested and or exposed.

Remember, YOU brought up 1 John 4:1, not me. How can this not be applied to you? Are you claiming perfection, and only you can avoid 1 John? How is that not narcissism with a big chip on your shoulder? State how you are exempt with factual comparison of having a perfect state, and I will prove you a liar.

On 1/26/2022 at 11:27 AM, Space Merchant said:

@Dmitar He is misguided, that is all, as is with adopting ill influence. He does not have to 100% agree with JWs, but he adopted some narratives from disgruntled folks. However, time is short. What was said 2018 and onward, is reaching a tipping point. It would not be a surprise either, granted of how some view the Bible nowadays.

This has been my point. You are the one that is misguided if you can't understand you own words.

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56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Don't shift the blame for the conversation going south with your obtuse characterization of ME being MISGUIDED.

That's your narcissism. 

I haven't shifted granted you were asked this prior, it was coined because as of the last response you deviated from what is being asked of you, this can be seen in page 3 of this thread when addressed, you shifted the path assuming I would not bring it back up.

Therefore - Can you or can you not prove the claim? If you need to be reminded of your remark, you were the one who brought this up and you attested to it. You also have to know what narcissisms refers to.

A narcissist is someone who who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves (arrogance, constant need for admiration). Focus on their ideas and theirs alone which in of itself bypass not just the words of others, but even the facts. They cannot take criticism, they exploit others with a lack of empathy with a remorseless mindset. Haughtiness. To add to detail, these types of people express some grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power (seeking power, even to the point of gaslighting), brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, belief they're special and unique to the point that they themselves are above everyone else. In short - They see themselves as perfect (utter perfection)

I have given examples of political Statist who express such, so much so one in particular JWI was not aware of, corrected on even when given the truth about said person.

There is a reason as to the culture of old generation Caribbean Islanders who adhere to Scripture have a disdain for such a behavior, and for good reason - hence why our proverbs speaks against it, as shown to you already the one in French. Therefore Narcissism is seen as dishonorable, so much so, I have refuted and dealt with people in that category.

As for your other point, the remark of misguidance was directed as Srecko and Witness, not sure as to why you elevated yourself in that remark, but if you want to speak of misguidance, is the dwelling of assumption that can get the best of some people, in your own words - prone to misguidance.

That being said, you were ask to show evidence, or end up like the rest who unexpecting challenge the culture mention.

56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You error on your assumption. I had no response to your statement other than your false claim of the usage of the word misguided. Now you are desperately trying to evade that consequence, by @JW Insider tactics which I deem pathetic.

Then why be so afraid to prove your case - you were asked to show your resolve.

As for @JW Insider I haven't seen him challenge anyone with 1 John 4:1. In my case, I have, and in the realm of culture.

Therefore, let's see what evidence you have.

56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Once again, you prove your lack of bible knowledge. 

I haven't. Because unlike you, I understand what it means to test the spirit and applied that verse in question. Likewise, I understand discernment, therefore, you having a renewed tenure, you cannot look with discernment as is one's spirit from their remarks in the last several years prior to the shift to clubs.

Again, prove yourself, or have 1 John 4:1 tried against you. The other assertions were already address, so respect the verse that is applied in regards to claim.

That being said, an unwise man do not jump to conclusions in the arena of culture, otherwise the end result would be out damning, unfortunately for you, you engineered an inevitable outcome.


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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I haven't shifted granted you were asked this prior, it was coined because as of the last response you deviated from what is being asked of you, this can be seen in page 3 of this thread when addressed, you shifted the path assuming I would not bring it back up.

You're just shifting. Just like @JW Insider, Instead of owning your mistake, it becomes a justifiable theater.  Once again, I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else. If you have a bible question as a Professed Christian, then ask? Otherwise, you are just performing for your bad actor friends here.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I have given examples of political Statist who express such, so much so one in particular JWI was not aware of, corrected on even when given the truth about said person.

That's your problem. Don't make it mine. I have ZERO to do with your internet friend, JWI. He has nothing good to offer that interest me. Like I said, it's your politics. A Christian doesn't involve themselves with that. If I mention, that @JW Insider is "defending" the politics and atrocities coming out of CHINA because he has ties to that pathetic Country and claims to be a Jehovah's Witness, then, yes, I will be vocal and point out his departure of Christian ethics. If you defend that as well, then YOU depart from those Christian Ethics.

What do you keep ranting about, discernment? Then use it.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Then why be so afraid to prove your case - you were asked to show your resolve.

As for @JW Insider I haven't seen him challenge anyone with 1 John 4:1. In my case, I have, and in the realm of culture.

Therefore, let's see what evidence you have.

Is he, or is it you that started with it? Such a foolish path, you continue on.

2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I haven't. Because unlike you, I understand what it means to test the spirit and applied that verse in question. Likewise, I understand discernment, therefore, you having a renewed tenure, you cannot look with discernment as is one's spirit from their remarks in the last several years prior to the shift to clubs.

When it's covenant right. Just to get along. That's a departure from Christian Core Values. Your lack of bible understanding, is out of accepting misinformation by people you respect. A quality you profess to hate. I won't bother with your foolishness anymore. I have been drawn to a quarrel by foolish pride. That's might be good for @Space Merchant, @JW Insider, @TrueTomHarley, @xero and other conformist here, just not me.

Let me know when your daddy @JW Insider needs to step in for mommy to defend you, just like he enjoys defending former Jehovah's Witnesses like @Srecko Sostar and @Witness with their misapplications and misrepresentation of an institutions litererture and scripture.

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42 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And the fellow wonders why he gets banned.

I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.

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2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

You're just shifting. Just like @JW Insider, Instead of owning your mistake, it becomes a justifiable theater.  Once again, I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else. If you have a bible question as a Professed Christian, then ask? Otherwise, you are just performing for your bad actor friends here.

On the contrary, you did shift, look at the pervious page (2 specifcally), you brought the claim, I asked yuo to prove it.

No mistake in regards to my culture was ever made, even prior to you mentioning said notation. Even several years back, I uphold what I was molded by in conjunction with Scripture.

This has nothing to do with a Bible question, granted to what was being asked of you.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

That's your problem. Don't make it mine. I have ZERO to do with your internet friend, JWI. He has nothing good to offer that interest me. Like I said, it's your politics. A Christian doesn't involve themselves with that. If I mention, that @JW Insider is "defending" the politics and atrocities coming out of CHINA because he has ties to that pathetic Country and claims to be a Jehovah's Witness, then, yes, I will be vocal and point out his departure of Christian ethics. If you defend that as well, then YOU depart from those Christian Ethics.

You made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.

I don't dwell on politics - I am of no paradigm, Truthers are not leaning Left, or Right, even center. This should be evident if you are aware of what I profess on here for I am against the agendea of the paradigm.

I don't invovle myself with politics, however, if there is a lion in the midst of the people, I do everything and anything to profess to others of said lion so they themsevles do not get devoured. Therefore, I am vigilant of my opponent, my opressors, and evidently those higher up among the beast and Babylon. The Bible makes example of that, as is examples in the Book of Proverbs - to this should be known to you. More so, you did make comment when I mentioned one of my rivals.

On the contrary, I am aware of what JWI says about various things even China. Actucally no, if you paid attention to the events of China for the past several years, it is kind of absurd to linked a JW to the CCP, the CCP supresses people of faith. It wouldn't make sense for JWI to be aligned with China either because of what has and is taking place with Christians, as is Muslims, in that country, likewise with the situation concerning the Endemic, and the Illegal Black Markets, as is with the situation of Transhumanism and Project Ambrosia who are interconnected, the list goes on. Unless, you are trying to paint JWI as an advocate of said things, however, that remains to be seen.

That being said, you utter Christain entics yet discerment and to test the spirit is nowhere to be found on your part, in this thread alone, paints evidence to that, even going as far as to brush over several Bibical verses of which I alluded to without uttering a citation; ironically, you didn't notice that.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Is he, or is it you that started with it? Such a foolish path, you continue on.

Cowardice. If you claim something prove it.

What I see as foolishness is a man who says something, but is too afraid to speak said claim because others can see falsehood. As for your remark, this is true, never seen JWI challnege anyone in the realm of culture let alone attest to 1 John 4:1 - unless you want to show evidence to that claim, I challnege you to this too, granted your claim is unfounded. In regards to that, JWI was not aware the person in question was a Statist, a Statist is a contributor to the Left vs Right Paradigm, such ones will prove to be problematic later down the road when anything of the Bible will conflict with their new world based view for the next generation.

What I find interesting is you are among the type of Christains who dwell on assumptions, that is unenthical for a Christian.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

When it's covenant right. Just to get along. That's a departure from Christian Core Values. Your lack of bible understanding, is out of accepting misinformation by people you respect.

Then let's see you name one form of misinformation with any prove of a citation.

For I attest to the following:

  • Last I checked, JWI and the JWs here do not harbor guns in bunkers to attack everyone in the End Times. If you can prove a moblization of attacks, then be my guess - Witness and RT News failed here, let's see what you can do.


  • The JWs do not own any resources associated with military grade missiles and weapons of war. The very reason I brought up Mr. Zelda in the first place. Is he right, or is the former JW who knows Encomics in the right? The thread was given to you already.



  • They are not New Agers, nor Prosperity Preachers, etc. Something of which Disgruntled ones often proclaim, even Witness herself. Unless you have evidence, be my guest, I like to see what evidence you have of them associated with PEAK, Kairos, etc.


  • JWs are not immune to brazen conduct and or the imperfections of this world, granted all flesh can fall to sin at any given time, some with ill intent, despite how some EXJWs who are disgruntled claim otherwise for shock value. For JWs themsevles have their own members who sccumb to such imprefections as is the spirit of this world for those who are not capable of dealing with it. Unless you have something else, I wait.


The list goes on.

That being said, it has nothing to do with respect, respect is given to God and his Word, facts and evidence is evrything. Therefore, if a claim is made, the only way it is to be true is by means of the facts itself. To make a claim with no evidence shows deceit and lying, therefore, falsehood. You being afriad to assert your own claims attest to the narrative, therefore, you use the term Christian entics, but cannot back it up with evidence, whatsoever.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

A quality you profess to hate.


Can you show me or anyone here as to where I proclaim to hate respect as is to promote disrepect; mainly outside of a debate disccusion? If anything, it is known I have a disdain for a number of this, primarily falsehood, Paradigms, and the Triune.

Carribean folks have respect, and display said respect which corrlates with the fruit of the spirit, but when they see falsehood, they will say something or do something. Likewise if any of them are faithful men and women of God, they will speak the truth, bring up the facts, etc.

The difference between you and I is that I respect Scripture, I do not cherry pick and use something random, I do this 24/7, therefore I adhere to discerment, as did our early Christian brothers and sisters. You seem to apply entics whenever you feel like it, and you most likely lack expirence in the real world when confronting people about the coming of the Christ.

I myself do not hate discerment, or testing the spirit.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

That's might be good for @Space Merchant, @JW Insider, @TrueTomHarley, @xero and other conformist here, just not me.

Anti-Agenda folks are not comformist. If I was a comformist, I would comply with an agenda of some form, even my own culture and views would be forfeited to the paradigm, more so, I would not be a Truther, therefore, being Anti-Agenda, as is dealing with grave issues such as missing/abused persons, would never be professed by me. My last remark about Facebook, would be in support to Big Tech, not against it, likewise with the MSM, espcially CNN.

If you missed it, I often speak of the different between Freedom vs. Compliance, even if the situation calls a situation where you can lose your life.

That being said, you made claim, proven to be false. Truthers are not comformist, due to that, this is why we are enemy # 1 to the MSM, and as of recent, The PM of Canada, the list goes on.

Ironic, when you challnege a non-JW, you cannot prove any of your claims to be true, let alone Truthers.

Moreover, you say you are not a comformist, but one only needs to look at your past tenure, perhaps they might find something. All I need to do is ask you one question, which can easily determine the conclusion, as I did with some already.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

Let me know when your daddy @JW Insider needs to step in for mommy to defend you

An appeal to motive. Just so you know, childish remarks does not work on me, people tried, Srecko, Butler, Witness, Cos, Shwi. Some even tried to make racical remarks, others in my debating expirence threaten to kill me, but has no effect. Nice try though.

I assume you are a grown man, why enterian the idea of childish remarks? Absurd.

Anyways, no one defends me, I am of myself and myself alone, I fight my own fights, that is how us CSE folk operate. If you cannot show an example of said claim, then you my friend, just professed a falsehood.

That being said, ironic, you say this, yet you are the one to tage JWI several time, unless, you want him to come and save you from your own claims so you can deviate again.

2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

just like he enjoys defending former Jehovah's Witnesses like @Srecko Sostar and @Witness with their misapplications and misrepresentation of an institutions litererture and scripture.

Although Srecko and Witness are wrong most of the time, he did make remarks of err on their part in the past. Like I said, if you are indeed the entity that some people speak of, you are in your baby boy form, unable to witness your own past remarks vs those who can look for them at will.

That being said, you made several claims I will do you the favor of listing them - stop running from your own words:

Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?

Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.

Can you cite one of my comments as to where I specifcally promoted hatred against respect?

How is discerment/testing the sprirt show a lack of Bible understanding as is in useage of I use it literally all the time?

Where is your evidence of one being a Conformist when the latter speaks highly of anti-goverment and agenda, as is the difference between freedom vs compliance?

Out of all my response, to which you didn't relaze the multiple times I alluded to Scriptutre; how did you deem this as lack of Christian entics?

If you cannot attest to your own claims, it seems your Christian entics was null here, and you tried to bluff your way out with claims and appeals to motive, namely, in a childish manner, coming from an adult, which is very sad, so to speak. So much for entics (the appeal to motive killed it for you...)

That said, if you cannot give any shred of evidence in that regard, even though you were challneged to it in page 2 already in which you deviated from, then you professed falsehood, effevtively, leaning you towards being a bad actor yourself.


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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

FIVE tags of JWI in the same post!!!

And the fellow wonders why he gets banned.

He seems to be drawing others in to not answer to his claims. He does not realize how CSE folks operate. Granted JWs are known for knocking on doors, in this sense, regardless of his faith, he knocked on the wrong door, and evidently will end up like the Pearl Doxsey followers prior to the Washington events concerning the Mandates.

That being said, in my eyes, I don't care if he is banned or not, he seems to be venting fustration here I guess, often times you have these types on various forums.

1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.

He seems to think of it otherwise. Often times in forums when someone gets banned to many times, even in the realm of online video games, this angers the person (at rare times some reform), they come back more fratured and unstable then last time. So in this case, it seems this forum has created this Allen Entity to come back fratured each time. The only difference between this one and the early Allen was Allen was legtimately unbroken vs current Allen.

This incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.

He is lucky this isn't CSE, for how bans work there, you cannot create another account due to the website recognizing a former user's attempt, elsewhere, you can't have more than one account, often times you slide with two.

That being said, I wouldn't say that, I was able to trace back my own comments in reponse to a person from the UK we are all familier with to use as examples, or caitations. But what is true, for those banned, it may not be easy for them to find reponses from an account that has fallen into oblivion.


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