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Jehovah's Witnesses money

Lisa Blair

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

ou made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.

This is sad, since I was referring to you, nothing else. It doesn't matter what culture or what your religious beliefs are,  you messed with the wrong person. Since you insulted me with your erred perception, then somebody had to put you in your place. You're not immune. The other thing you don't seem to get, you call yourself a Christian.

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.

Are you calling @TrueTomHarley a liar? Didn't he just mention I posted your moniker 5 times, then used the word "banned" to give someone, the go ahead? Code word" Allen" or Ban.


3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

his incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.

This goes toward assumption. Care to make your lack of Bible understanding even more profound? I don't need to knock on a door to understand a foolish self absorb person. I think you need to seriously look at what narcissism really means. Foolish talk doesn't bother me, either. What does come into play, your Christian position?

3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?

Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.

Once again, drawing between two sad prospects. I refer to you, while you want to include your mystical culture. Since you're going to rant about the word "mystical", I'm referring to your state of mind.

Also, I know you don't care if I get banned. I can relate, I don't care about you, period, Christian.

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4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

If you wish to submit facts on how the problems of ancient times aren't dealt with today, I'm happy to hear them instead of your personal biased opinion, that a former Jehovah's Witness needed to defend your view.  Therefore, the wolves you speak of are coming from here.

The misconception @Srecko Sostar has is with ancient judicial system that the Elders apply along with the two witness scriptural rule. He thinks the entire "congregation" needs to decide, instead of the Spiritual Guides deciding. Part of the congregation deciding wasn't dealt with, with the ancient church leaders?

@Srecko Sostar referenced Matthew 18:17 to make his compelling argument. How did the people in ancient time deal with the accused such as Jesus when he was brought before the church leaders? 

Srecko seems to indicate how Pontious Pilate dealt with the Jewish people to decide what should be done with Jesus. Is that how Jewish Law was supposed to be dealt with?

1. @Srecko Sostar didn't apply 1 Corinthians 6:1 to begin with.

2. @Srecko Sostar didn't consider Acts 15:5-7 with an emphasis in verse 6 However, the O.T. can be applied

6So the apostles and elders met to look into this matter.

3. @Srecko Sostar refused to heed bible principle with 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15 and you can apply Romans 16:17-18

You seem to agree with @Srecko Sostar that the Elders and the governing body are overreaching. Why claim to be a dedicated Jehovah's Witness, as you indicate. Also, how well would it sit with secular authority, which all of you seem to forget, since Roman law dealt with the most serve punishment. So, how does your view mean FACTS to the visitor?


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3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

@Thinking A none responsive joke. This is sad to wanting to twist other people's words like as a bad actor

I think Dimitar should never have watched that movie “The Phantom”.

Yes …. Incredibly bad acting, and horrible casting, and Lee Falk would have been embarressed.

Even The Phantom’s brother, Mandrake the Magician would have slapped his forehead in a hypnotic gesture.




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Ah yes …… Canada.

America’s Hat.

Where they build homes out of blocks of ice ….. carved from pack snow with a flat bone from a harpooned whale …. to keep warm!

Where three generations overlap only because they are sleeping in an ice dome the size of a hippie VW Microbus, under 400 pounds of assorted seal and bear skins pulled on a sled also made of animal bones and sinew, by dogs as powerful as the Incredible Hulk.


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8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I almost dropped my teeth in my coffee when I saw that @Pudgyhad cited a Doonebury strip (which means he read it). Isn’t its cartoonist the same surname as that tough guy in Canada?

At least you know a court jester when you see one.

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On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

This is sad, since I was referring to you, nothing else. It doesn't matter what culture or what your religious beliefs are,  you messed with the wrong person. Since you insulted me with your erred perception, then somebody had to put you in your place. You're not immune. The other thing you don't seem to get, you call yourself a Christian.

Even with given time, you make assumptions and claims, of which you cannot prove. Actually it does matter, granted my remark of how dishonorable somethings are, of which you are claiming, to make a claim without evidence it a bold face lie - as far as I am ware, lying has nothing to do with Christian Ethics.

You haven't put me in my place because I can see the low quality Hitchens's Razor and Appeals to Motive you are using several times already.

That being said, that is new, if I recall, I stated all men are imperfect, no one is immune to anything, not even me, however, due to my backing, my vigilance and discernment enables me to evade ill intent.

I am Christian, one who is able to discern, something of which you probably missed, purposely it seems.

Other than that, your attempts are nothing more but miniscule, it is nothing different I have been tried with in the past.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

Are you calling @TrueTomHarley a liar? Didn't he just mention I posted your moniker 5 times, then used the word "banned" to give someone, the go ahead? Code word" Allen" or Ban.

What are you talking about? You mentioned @JW Insider so many times, you start to confuse yourself. Not a good look.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

This goes toward assumption. Care to make your lack of Bible understanding even more profound?

That remark has nothing to do with Scripture, just discernment, for, anything can be found from your last tenure, since you seem to be revealing here of who you are. I must say, in your last few tenures, there are some remarks that are somewhat interesting which can be used to call your Christian Ethics to question outside of the Fruit of the spirit, of which you lack, along with discernment, as is the verse relating to testing the spirit.

Lacking? I guess I am suppose to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses indeed do own firearms and has some connection to military grade missiles. Clearly that is false.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

I don't need to knock on a door to understand a foolish self absorb person.

Who is knocking on doors other than those of the paradigm in this day and age? You speak of foolishness, but you say things you can't really prove. I am clearly not like the others so your attempts don't faze me.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

I think you need to seriously look at what narcissism really means.

I already gave a definition and examples of what it is, the problem here is you made a claim against a guy who's culture looks at Narcissism as extremely dishonorable. You were invited several times to prove it, but instead, you ended up like Srecko and Witness when they make a direct claim towards things deemed dishonorable.

A Narcissism would not be spending his time looking for people, instead, such ones put themselves above all men and assume they are perfect, free of sin even, but in reality, they are not. For no man is perfect nor sinless.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

Foolish talk doesn't bother me, either.

Sure it does, however, looking at your last few tenures, seems as though you are holding grudges. Not too long ago you made childish remarks, that in of itself, is foolish. No grown person needs to reduce him or herself to such a level, but you did.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

What does come into play, your Christian position?

Truth. That is in regards to that.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

Once again, drawing between two sad prospects.

But you made these claims, numerous times, so if you have a claim, surely you have evidence? Why tap dance around what you've coined?

If I say something, I have legitimate information to back it up, I would not say something out of the blue and hope someone thing it is true. That is unethical, so to speak.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

I refer to you, while you want to include your mystical culture.

Which you did, therefore you made a claim. My culture isn't mystical, it was brought up due to moral reasons on the view of what is bad or haughty behavior in that sense, in a way, even from a Christian standpoint, such an attitude thing is frown upon even to Christians, moreover, said culture heavily relies on Scripture and Christian practices, mainly so, to do everything right although an imperfect person.

Like I said, it is pretty foolish to make claims without evidence, you did this to yourself, so it would be wise on your part to finish what you started.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

Since you're going to rant about the word "mystical", I'm referring to your state of mind.

On the contrary, it was already made clear of what it entails. As I am aware I am not in a state of being emotional, nor has my mood changed, for I have been neutral.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

Also, I know you don't care if I get banned.

Do you want me to care? People come and go on forums, even in real life debates, people come and go, it makes no difference to me.

On 1/31/2022 at 10:34 PM, Dmitar said:

I can relate, I don't care about you, period, Christian.


That being said, cowardice of your own words is foolish, and quite tragic.

Next time when you make claims, have evidence, there are Biblical examples of which can be equated to this, so perhaps you should read up on that, hence your understanding seems to be fragmented from many tenures. Therefore, if you have no evidence, keep silent.

1 John 4:1 has been used against you, thoroughly.

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On 1/31/2022 at 10:32 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

That last name is actually Shwiii with three ‘I’s. He hasn’t been around for a long time.  I used to call him Shwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

I forget his name so I tried to make a short reference to him the best I could. But this is true, haven't seem him in a while, the last time was debating on him regarding Jesus' resurrection and he wanted to JWI to move a discussion that he was focused on.

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55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You haven't put me in my place because I can see the low quality Hitchens's Razor and Appeals to Motive you are using several times already.

Yet you think you have put me in mind. More ignorance from a woeful fool. You just can't accept your mistake. That's okay, fools usually don't.

55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

That remark has nothing to do with Scripture, just discernment, for, anything can be found from your last tenure, since you seem to be revealing here of who you are. I must say, in your last few tenures, there are some remarks that are somewhat interesting which can be used to call your Christian Ethics to question outside of the Fruit of the spirit, of which you lack, along with discernment, as is the verse relating to testing the spirit.

Lacking? I guess I am suppose to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses indeed do own firearms and has some connection to military grade missiles. Clearly that is false.

It goes toward your Christian conduct. But, once again, making excuses to justify your behavior just like everyone here is the norm. You need more Bible Knowledge and stop attacking when you are clearly wrong, and refuse to admit it like any bad actor here. 

What Jehovah's Witnesses and weapons have to do with your misconception and wordplay, I don't know, but that is clearly a diversion ploy to make more false assumptions.

55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Sure it does, however, looking at your last few tenures, seems as though you are holding grudges. Not too long ago you made childish remarks, that in of itself, is foolish. No grown person needs to reduce him or herself to such a level, but you did.

You continue to quarrel, yet you mention maturity, how woeful is that? This means, you are now holding a grudge against me. Educate yourself with psychology 101.

55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

What are you talking about? You mentioned @JW Insider so many times, you start to confuse yourself. Not a good look.

What does mentioning @JW Insider equal to your behavior as a woeful actor has anything to do with anything, other than defending his bad behavior just like you are defending yours? Birds of a feather need to stick together.

55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Do you want me to care? People come and go on forums, even in real life debates, people come and go, it makes no difference to me.

It appears you wish me to think you want me to. Sorry, Christian, I don't get along with uneducated people very well. It's sad, really, seeing Christianity at its lowest point here.

There's bible debates with intelligent people. I have yet to see it here by anyone.

55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:


That being said, cowardice of your own words is foolish, and quite tragic.

Next time when you make claims, have evidence, there are Biblical examples of which can be equated to this, so perhaps you should read up on that, hence your understanding seems to be fragmented from many tenures. Therefore, if you have no evidence, keep silent.

1 John 4:1 has been used against you, thoroughly.

I agree, your posts are irrelevant. You have proven to visitors how not to conduct themselves as Christians. Especially when a seemly defender of the truth falls off his perch. Therefore, keep on Christian. Show how uneducated you really are about Christians core values.

This just proves, you're not defending Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine, just bad actors saying they are Jehovah's Witnesses here.


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"Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil [or, the evil one]."
Luke 11:4

What we are taught to seek or shun in prayer, we should equally pursue or avoid in action. Very earnestly, therefore, should we avoid temptation, seeking to walk so guardedly in the path of obedience, that we may never tempt the devil to tempt us. We are not to enter the thicket in search of the lion. Dearly might we pay for such presumption. This lion may cross our path or leap upon us from the thicket, but we have nothing to do with hunting him. He that meeteth with him, even though he winneth the day, will find it a stern struggle. Let the Christian pray that he may be spared the encounter. Our Saviour, who had experience of what temptation meant, thus earnestly admonished His disciples—"Pray that ye enter not into temptation."

But let us do as we will, we shall be tempted; hence the prayer "deliver us from evil." God had one Son without sin; but He has no son without temptation. The natural man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards, and the Christian man is born to temptation just as certainly. We must be always on our watch against Satan, because, like a thief, he gives no intimation of his approach. Believers who have had experience of the ways of Satan, know that there are certain seasons when he will most probably make an attack, just as at certain seasons bleak winds may be expected; thus the Christian is put on a double guard by fear of danger, and the danger is averted by preparing to meet it. Prevention is better than cure: it is better to be so well armed that the devil will not attack you, than to endure the perils of the fight, even though you come off a conqueror. Pray this evening first that you may not be tempted, and next that if temptation be permitted, you may be delivered from the evil one.

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