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Jehovah's Witnesses money

Lisa Blair

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47 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

Yet you think you have put me in mind.

The response is that you made a claim without proof. You put yourself in that position. An unwise move.

48 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

More ignorance from a woeful fool.

Yet the fool is the one who makes assumptions and lies, yet at the same time, claims to be a man of God. A man of God does not make false remarks, of which you did, several times. Now if one can make the claim you shed no Christian Ethics, one can simply come back to this thread.

49 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You just can't accept your mistake.

No mistake was man though, if you can't even attest to that claim, you simply lied. I can clearly see that.

49 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

That's okay, fools usually don't.

And those who attest to lies do not sit at the table of holy folk.

50 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

It goes toward your Christian conduct. But, once again, making excuses to justify your behavior just like everyone here is the norm.

What behavior if you care to elaborate? I invited you several times yet not once you can proof anything.

51 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You need more Bible Knowledge and stop attacking when you are clearly wrong, and refuse to admit it like any bad actor here. 

How am I in the wrong? Can you show me any evidence that JWs have connection to Military Grade weaponry such as missiles? Or perhaps, do you have evidence of JWs having firearms and poison in their churches? No?

Perhaps the mutual funds, as to what was I wrong about? Last I checked, the cited source was 100% correct.

That being said, you haven't really given any evidence to bad actors, granted one, even guests can use discernment just by looking into the history of some people on this forum, you yourself included because you have numerous tenures here.

The facts are everything of course.

54 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

What Jehovah's Witnesses and weapons have to do with your misconception and wordplay, I don't know, but that is clearly a diversion ploy to make more false assumptions.

It isn't word play, this was in regards to my original response to OP before you came in to switch things up for it connected back to mutual funds.

The only thing addressed to you at the time is the remark about 2 different kinds of ExJWs, from there, I went back to my original response which was indeed true.

You speak of diversion, yet you were the one who diverted with claims. Evidence from page 2 and beyond if you forget.

57 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

You continue to quarrel, yet you mention maturity, how woeful is that?

That is ironic remark. I have made no childish remark, whatsoever, but called you out of your use of which in an appeal to motive type response towards me.

Here is your reminder.

On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

Like you said, people are too lazy to do a proper research. They base their conviction on the words of others, even if those views are wrong. However, I find @Srecko Sostar to be more of a child that needs to have "daddy" @JW Insider hold his hand.


Grown people do not use the word "Daddy" and "Mommy". That, in of itself, is a lack of maturity. It is odd how you somehow forgot.

59 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

This means, you are now holding a grudge against me.

Calling out someone and or making a reputation isn't holding a grudge. Holding grudges is absurd. I do not hold tenures, like you.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Educate yourself with psychology 101.

On what especially? To make claims that hold no truth? I am a Truther, Truth Seeker, I don't like falsehood nor would lie to pander, that is nonsense and it is unethical and reaps nothing but problems.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

What does mentioning @JW Insider equal to your behavior as a woeful actor has anything to do with anything, other than defending his bad behavior just like you are defending yours?

And what exactly does @JW Insider have to do with me? You were not being clear or specific. Clearly JWI and I differ, JWs, most of them, are not the type to go in for debates, however, I do debates, did many of them for years now.

As to what am I defending? your response you confused your remark to JW, however, the remark isn't false either. You do have a grudge for JWI, which can be seen here, elsewhere, in your last tenure, in one instance, you tried to fool him in question with who and what you are, evidence to that can be searched.

Can you elaborate on the bad behavior you claim if there is ample evidence of your several last tenures?

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Birds of a feather need to stick together.

But nowhere have to provided evidence to your claim. So birds that stick together hold on to the same thing, but in the example in the other page, JWI was not aware of the person in question being a Statist. So how does your remark make any sense?

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

It appears you wish me to think you want me to.

Actually I do not care for it does not matter. You should know that because you read my last remark on bans, it doesn't matter if someone is banned or not or comes back, therefore, why must I care about that?

That being said, if you get banned, so what? If not, why keep bringing it up as if you want me to care about something to miniscule? As long as you do not cry about like JB, you should be fine.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Sorry, Christian, I don't get along with uneducated people very well.

So what is allowing you to read remarks from fishermen and physicians who had no educational backing? At this point, the Bible should be the least of your worries.

That being said, if you are an educated person, you would not reduce yourself to the point of lying and making assumptions.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

It's sad, really, seeing Christianity at its lowest point here.

It seems as so, Christians who do not know what the fruit of the spirit or what discernment is are the types to show themselves and profess themselves in such a manner to faze. That is David Wood-sque. And I thought MSCers were problematic.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

I agree, your posts are irrelevant.

How so? It got you to make childish remarks? As is make claims. Your last remark was irrelevant because nothing of the sort equates to a state of mind, whatsoever. Therefore, it makes no sense.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

You have proven to visitors how not to conduct themselves as Christians.

How so? In the source I addressed, that is an example of a visitor adhering to facts, and that is one of several, as is the messages in regards to some of these claims. Even some years back my remarks of CSA has been used, translated into Spanish because it has legitimate sources for solutions.

For the record, visitors do not like people making claims without evidence, reasons why some of them took issue with Srecko and Witness, mainly in one discussion about God's Order.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Especially when a seemly defender of the truth falls off his perch.

Actually I am on the right here, you exposed yourself from seemingly leading to the following:

Hitchens' Razor, to make claims without evidence.

Appeal to Motive, making remarks in an attempt to faze, which failed.

Ignoring your own Ethics

Meaningless side remarks.


You are no different from such ones I debate. Like I said, I do not faze, for you can do all you want, I simply call it out, the only thing I didn't do is bring up legitimate evidence to remarks in your past tenures, some of them, deem to be questionable.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

Therefore, keep on Christian. Show how uneducated you really are about Christians core values.

Ironic because nowhere have you even applied Christian values yourself. Christians do not lie and simply play pretend as if no one would bring it up, this is why I coined Cowardice, for claims you cannot attest to. Therefore, you bore a false witness.

Unwise to say something you cannot prove.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

This just proves, you're not defending Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine, just bad actors saying they are Jehovah's Witnesses here.

You make the claim, but cannot cash it. Which is tragic.

1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

"Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil [or, the evil one]."
Luke 11:4

But you do not attest to that verse. For Evil attest to lies and deception. You claim to speak as if you are of God, but you attest to lies as well.

You cannot sit at the table with God and his sons and at the table of Satan and his demons at the same time. Therefore, you are kidding yourself.

That being said, be wise with your remarks going forward, for this time, your tenures can be shown next.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

The response is that you made a claim without proof. You put yourself in that position. An unwise move

10:31-11:1. The principle which summarized Paul's response to the question of eating food offered as a pagan sacrifice was an application of the command to love God and neighbors. Christian behavior should be for the glory of God. Also it should build up the church of God by leading some to new birth (v. 33 b) and others to maturity in the process of salvation (justification, sanctification, glorification; cf. 1:30). Christians should avoid behavior that would cause others - whether Jews (cf. 9:20), Greeks (cf. 9:21), or the church of God... to stumble (lit., "fall"; cf. 10:12). (Interestingly this reference to Jews separate from the church shows that the NT church did not replace the Jewish nation. This argues strongly for premillennialism.)



Each Epistle contains some teaching on ecclesiastical problems and information on conditions within the early Church. 1 Timothy and Titus have directions regarding choice of church officers, and all three give guidelines for Christian behavior and activity within the Church. Yet intermixed with this semiofficial material are more personal exhortations intended for the individuals addressed. Timothy is more than once encouraged to deal courageously with all the problems confronting him. All three Epistles contain exhortations regarding false teachers and various other admonitions.


1 Corinthians 8:9

[Lest by any means] mee poos

You should be careful that by no conduct of yours your brother be led into sin. This is a general principle that is to regulate Christian conduct in all matters that are in themselves indifferent.

Keep yanking your chain, the only one impressed with yourself is you. Enjoy being quarrelsome like the rest here. Personally, I don't need a Unitarian to lead me into sin, just like Jehovah's Witnesses here. Foolish souls don't understand duty, honor, loyalty, obedience. They just assume to retrieve what they wish from scripture to justify their poor Christian conduct.

I'll be ignoring now. There's nothing good you have to offer at this point.

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18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I guess I am suppose to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses indeed do own firearms and has some connection to military grade missiles. Clearly that is false.

Think back a while. The discussion between James (who seems to be Pudgy ) and Billy the Kid.

They were both boasting about their hoard of weapons that they owned. James even mentioned at one point that he would use a weapon to defend his family. James also seems to believe that war is ok in God's eyes. 

It is possible that many American JWs have guns in their household as it is legal in the USA. 

As for proof of what I've written, I know that you are much better at finding these things for reference. 

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14 hours ago, Dmitar said:

You should be careful that by no conduct of yours your brother be led into sin. This is a general principle that is to regulate Christian conduct in all matters that are in themselves indifferent.

THIS IS SO FUNNY when considering the actions of many Elders who act on instruction from the GB. 

The CSA cases that prove how the Elders hid Pedophiles in the congregations. And how those Elders threatened to d/fed anyone that made known the disgusting things of the ORG. 

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

You should be careful that by no conduct of yours your brother be led into sin. This is a general principle that is to regulate Christian conduct in all matters that are in themselves indifferent.

Unfortunately, none of my conduct consist to any misdeed and or sin.

You speak of sin, but you prefer lying is your best option, reasons why you were exposed for pulling a Hitchens's Razor move - meaning if in a discussion and or argument, even debates, the responsibility of people who make claims to prove its truth, having validity to said truth. Therefore, the opposite, being if said claims are proven as claim lies results in a problematic situation for the latter.

You speak of Christian conduct, yet making false claims and lying seems to be excluded, that is, in your words, not associated with Christian Ethics.

Going back into the Hebrew text, The Bible is clear that lying (making false claims) is a sin, not only this type of sin is frowned upon, it is, in God's eyes, displeasing, example of this is the Original Sin in regards to Adam and Eve, which connects back to the one of the commands in the Ten Commandments which can be read in Exodus 20:16. There are many examples of the sort in the Greek text such as Ananias and Sapphira, etc. (Acts 5:1-11). Jesus called himself the way, the truth, and the life for a good reason, and this has a contextual reason behind it to, something of which I professed before (John 14:6), so it is expected those who follow him to be people of truth, doing the opposite is not only wrong, but it will prompt people to call such to question, even a refutation, if need be - a correction. The truth is to be expressed in adherence with a God based quality (Ephesians 4:15), offering hope to those seeking redemption from the lies of the world, therefore, those who speak truth and seek truth will profess.

To make claim to conduct, but ignore these things, is hypocrisy, you pretending that it is not, is problematic.

Next we have discernment, something of which is of what Christians, followers of God and Christ must have, which you have shown yourself to lack when you were called out for it, and you didn't even make any sort of remark towards it - reasons why 1 John 4:1 was used against you, which also exposed this of you earlier on from page 2. In Hebrews 4:12, in regards to discernment, it is the ability to properly make logical and wise determinations, reasons why it is related to wisdom. The Word of God itself is said to discern the thoughts and intentions of one’s heart, hence the citation of the pervious verse. One with a discerning mind demonstrates wisdom and insight that go above what is seen and heard, being spiritually discerned to those of the human mind lack spirit, showing themselves to be foolishness (1 Corinthians 2:14).

One can already see how you really lack this because if you didn't know, I often, most times, alluded to Scripture even without citing it, often paraphrase it, but you missed that outside of the examples in my pervious remarks.

That being said, perhaps though such into your allegedly Ethics because that, in of itself, remains to be seen. You are no different from a lying Mainstreamer.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

Keep yanking your chain, the only one impressed with yourself is you.

I am never impressed. This isn't a popularity contest as you want to make it out to be. The problem here is you made several claims that are unfounded and or riddled with lies, yet at the same time, you proclaim Christian Ethics. In some of your past tenured, it is revealed you hold grudges, so much so, you attempted to pretend to be someone else, of which can be seen when you were called out for it. If here you are saying you hold no grudges, how can you pretend as if your other tenures, several of them, shows a different reality?

It seems in each tenure, you play yourself to be a different person and or character.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

Enjoy being quarrelsome like the rest here.

Unfortunately, if you had discernment, you'd realize, I do other and better things. Coming to a forum isn't clockwork, however, seeing the amount of times you response and you being online many times, you seem to not have so much of a reality outside of the internet, which reminds me of someone else who equated a false reality as realism.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

I don't need a Unitarian to lead me into sin

Biblical Unitarian to be correct, unless you want to be challenged on that, like before, I invite to do so, and I know you will have no evidence to any of your claims. But you sinned already, in fact, you brought yourself there, I had no role in it, just called you out.

No need to be hypocritical because anyone can go back to your Reponses in this thread alone to witness for themselves what you have said. In short, Dmitar, you claim to follow Christian Ethics and Principles, yet you have no issue with lying and making false claims, even when asked to show evidence, you brush over it, deviate, and pretend as though you did not lie.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

just like Jehovah's Witnesses here. Foolish souls don't understand duty, honor, loyalty, obedience.

I don't care about JWs right now, I simply care about your claims which are unfounded. Christians should be truthful, not make claims that stem into the realm of falsehood.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

They just assume to retrieve what they wish from scripture to justify their poor Christian conduct.

And there you go, but what of your Christian conduct - Why is it ok for a Christian to make false claims while at the same time have no evidence to make up said claims? You essential bore a false witness, so to speak - which is ironic because you attested this to Witness, who is known for falsehoods of Pearl, yet here, you are making claims without merit of proof. Anyone here can say you hold grudges by simply looking into your past tenures, as is, your obsession with @JW Insider which prompted you to cite him numerous times, even in your past tenures shows this. Therefore, not only you lack discernment and inert your own Ethics to lie, evidence to grudges that you hold, is present, after all, the remark about banning, is a clear call back.

On 2/9/2022 at 11:45 PM, Dmitar said:

I'll be ignoring now. There's nothing good you have to offer at this point.

You said this before, but you continue. I do not care if you say something or not, but a man who lies yet proclaims God, has no principle, or ethics, let alone a man who in the past tried to hide behind remark due to bring afraid of exposure.

Hypocritical, in all sense.

That being said, as stated, only response if you have evidence, if not, your past will come to haunt you via your remarks and quotes.

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18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

Think back a while. The discussion between James (who seems to be Pudgy ) and Billy the Kid.

The remark about Gun bunkers came forth from the debate (with multiple subjects for the latter loves to deviate) with Srecko and Witness, evidence to what is true/false is noted in the source presented in the pervious page. Witness made several claims in regards to JWs and the WT using sources such as Rick Fearon and Zelda and a list of ExJW information, however, what she did not realize is not all ExJWs are disgruntled, resulting in some being aware of any knowledge in Funds and other things to speak up against the people of their own community. This also brought forth the notation of the Watchtower somehow being owners of companies that are essentially into military weapons dealings (as is a gaming company and women's lingerie in which some believe they own)

Witness was challenged on this, and all her conspiratorial claims were proven false. In the same source, she attempted to allude the idea that JWs have connection to a Democratic party members, however, this was also false because it is alluded it was actually Fearon who probably held some Leftist backing, to which some believe this to be the case after doing some research. Then Srecko hopped in and made a fool of himself in the process.

In regards to @Dmitar who believes guests are not aware, in that same source, guests were interacting in that same discussion, and saw both Witness and Srecko's claims to not only be problematic, but false, mainly due to the fact the most powerful source in that thread was from an ExJW who challenged disgruntled ExJWs on Economics, money and bonds. Even much later, Witness attempted this again using a redittor associated with Smurf Girl, a conspiracy theorist, once again attempting to link JWs to a Democratic candidate for the Senate this time, Raphael Warnock (D) is an American pastor and politician serving as senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. In Witness' claim, anything that had the term "Watchtower" she automatically assume it is associated with JWs, however, this is false, God forbid if she connects the WT to DC Comics who also uses the term. Then there is the situation with Newscorp, prior to the Redress Scheme, something I believe you are familiar with, whereas you, Witness, and Srecko were fooled by an Alt-Right media source with information that has nothing to do with the WT in order to draw in readers and clicks for the Redress situation in Australia, which as of recent, is a broken country where CSA is highly problematic now.

This is why I take issue with the MSM, they obscure things, even now, they beat the drums of war, of which was predicted by most for several years, hence the actions of the Guardian, NYT, Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC, etc. - The paradigm is a joke.

I already know Rook and James are one in the same, as is the other.

18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

They were both boasting about their hoard of weapons that they owned. James even mentioned at one point that he would use a weapon to defend his family. James also seems to believe that war is ok in God's eyes. 

You seem to miss the plot. James does not house weapons under the churches of JWs, as mentioned earlier, this narrative was from Witness' source. These weapons, even poison, etc are alleged to be used for mass killings, and self harm. These Fearon types profess such these ideas and some made videos in the EXJW community. For instance, Anna, Arauna, and JWI are JWs, will they commit mass murder with weapons and poison because no one would accept the Bible's message? No. Do they side with the military in highly danger weapon grades? No. Would they commit to self harm as some ExJWs believe they would that equal to the level of the events of Jim Jones? No. Do the leaders of the JW faith attest to wiping themselves and or their enemies out on a Holy War-sque path? No.

Even the guests saw this is a great falsehood being professed from both Witness and Srecko, who tried to defend her.

James is very familiar with the notation of bearing arms, as is the 2nd amendment, so much so I remember talking to him about self defense, however, James isn't the type to go down an extremist/terrorist route, nor is this the intent of any JW present, no matter how most EXJWS fuel such an idea, which can be dangerous. In one thread not only we mentioned how to better protect children, but with the inclusion of self-defense, this was discussed.

This is why both Srecko and Witness were very wrong for attempting to protect a man/group (in Srecko's case, defend Witness on this) who advocate for such a nonsensical idea. What is ironic that even some disgruntled ones find Rick Fearon to be insane, more so of his actions.

The below is just a snippet of that, my response to Witness...


On 7/11/2018 at 11:15 PM, Space Merchant said:

This guy, Rick Fearon, is the same guy who said Jehovah's Witnesses have a bunker under their churches that houses Assault Rifles, Firearms, explosives, and handguns, for he has some believing that JWs will literally go all guns blazin' in the last days and or against those who do not agree with them. In addition to poisons so that they use to kill their members. This is the same man who posed claim to wedding rings referencing the sex organs of both male and female, in short, a sexuality form of paganism and the like.

I have seen these claims of his refuted and Rick Fearon is only attacking JWs to gain money and to get some converts, for he was exposed by disgruntled JWs, as well as those who hate both JWs and ExJws combined aka the Anti-JWs, so to use this man's information as a support, only destroys your credibility further, out of all people, you use this Fearon guy? That is both shameful and embarrassing.


18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

It is possible that many American JWs have guns in their household as it is legal in the USA. 

The issue is Guns, weapons, and poisons, bunkered inside and under JW churches, a claim proven to be false. Let alone the mass murder idea.

Firearms are legal in the United States, it is constitutional, the second amendment, right to bare arms, etc.

In James' case, in his own thread he mentioned good guys with guns.


James' discussion on the matter was a grounded one via example, in which everyone was engaged, both guests, even Admin, made remarks.

This was one of several.


18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

As for proof of what I've written, I know that you are much better at finding these things for reference.

Witness and Srecko were already debated on this, the source is in one of my responses in regards to JW and money on this thread. Sadly, Witness has turned herself into Lisa Haven, and Srecko, a White Knight of Haven.

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@Space Merchant More rivals? Some Trump followers are also out of tune.

@Dmitar Not only is he pointing out that thread about money, but the other stuff he said is true. A fringe group of former JWs took over some Kingdom Halls in the area, but on Nov. 5, of 2017, they sprang up in the Borough, one of the Halls, which was the one I attended at the time, was targeted by them. The man who led them called himself The Faithful Slave, and he and his group (TVAA) not only walked around the Kingdom Hall where there was a current meeting, but blocked the stage to speak in front of everyone.


That day, a lot of our brothers and sisters were scared, espically during a time where attacks were common in some areas. From there they went to Warwick for some brothers I know who is there messaged me the day after.

They apparently went to a park also demanding to speak to the GB and mock them, but the police prevented them going further into the park; iirc and it was stopped by someone who Faithful Slave claimed in a rant video it was a JW.

Then you have people in the Borough who mentioned these people, some called them Extremist and evil for doing this by onlookers. The ministerial servants who were near the enterance just watch the EXJWs as they left, and random passerbys looked in confusion. They said that the EXJWs could be heard telling the people about CSA, and one onlooker said what the EXJWs did wasn't right.

I found out prior to Nov. 5th, there was a fight between EXJWs to do this, and some guy named Cedars was noted. I knew who Cedars was and that is how I know @Srecko Sostar for at the time, when I was younger, he would make negative remarks to any JW that made comment in other media.

Long story short, the group said that day would be the end of JWs, but after it failed, some of their videos they took off YouTube and instead replaced with out of context narrative of the police. Cedars' friend was revealed to have stopped the park gathering, and once this was found out, he was sent death threats, fat shamed, and some EXJW even made comments that they would come to harm him, or to quote one "You stopped us from going against the Watchtower, you're lucky your fat "A word" wasn't there, I would've beatn the ever living "S word" out of you." It was so bad that Cedars' friend either deleted or turned his videos private despite having a real solution that EXJW could use, but instead, he vanished from YouTube for a bit. Cedars had to come out later and defend his friend.

Then there was the whole situation with the Revenge filled Boyfriend of a Bible Student, of which someone from the EXJWs, named JW Crisis, tried to talk the man down who's girlfriend was in the Hall at the time, attempting to tell the guy that his girlfriend is somehow gone.



The man was threatened by EXJWs afterwards, and this led the girl and her boyfriend to move because they saw EXJWs as a danger, as of today, some people mentioned the girl, she became one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Regarding @Space Merchant, he always calls himself a Truther, and from what I now know about them, they are against certain groups, like ANTIFA, and around that time, ANTIFA was making their rounds, some EXJWs used ANTIFA as a front to fool people that Warwick somehow is connected to them, and Soros, and this trick was in an attempt to get people to side with them, but the people of the Borough didn't buy it.

I know you both have your differences, but the call back from that day is vivid. So it isn't too odd for someone to use the disgruntled remark. I seen in the other thread you want visitors to be aware of what goes on in this forum, which was orignally a debate area before it became a club. Some visitors, talked about it.

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On 2/20/2022 at 8:18 AM, Equivocation said:

@Space Merchant More rivals? Some Trump followers are also out of tune.

I am somewhat of a hated person because of being focused on facts and the Bible. But yes, this one is a reason one. She is affiliated with Alex Jones and Info Wars, a hellbent Trump Supporter, who as recently disbanded from the Trump parade via burning of her hat and Trump support items. Do not be fooled by the media, not all of them are that crazy, only a fringe. I engaged with this person only twice, this was during the time Info Wars are all over the place. I do not side with the paradigm, therefore, politics is foolish theater, however, the only thing I agree with her on is outside of politics, and it is regarding today's society, of which many are against the normalization of pedophilia as is the shift of the culture war. Truthers refer to her as Ashton, and I only had recently seen her in a debate clips concerning pedophilia, as in regards to the image below,



I have a lot of rivals, opponents, etc, this is the result when you go on real life debates, and various situations that make you run into such people directly and indirectly.

That being said, as for you other notations. The events of 2017 was somewhat scrubbed by EXJW, namely the one you mentioned above

On 2/20/2022 at 8:18 AM, Equivocation said:


He is a Paganism, and somewhat mentally unstable. He attempted mimic Truthers himself, but Truthers seem him as a wannabe and or irrelevant, and The Anonymous group were not too happy with one of his videos, especially one from the Community who is based out of Moscow, who was very angry with EXJW praising Putin for the banning of your faith, which is part of the events taking place today.

The videos he scrubbed, even that of his Wiccan ceremony, were removed and or hidden. You cannot get them from an Archive even though there are links.

As for John Cedars, even JW Crisis, everything pertaining to him and his friend, Peter Jeuck (Former Bible Student) is scrubbed. If you want to know the name of of his friend, it is

That being said, as stated, the information on this event is like that of a dead carcass after the wild beasts were done with it, therefore, very little remains.

If it makes you feel anywhere to find out the Schism of EXJWs, you are free to look here, granted the focus of attack was not on JWs, per-say, but among other EXJWs - https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params={"note_id"%3A757461374812405}&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr

Also note that: Peter had something very vital to say about the whole child sex abuse issue, however, like the 1975 video I mentioned, EXJW ran it and burned this information to the ground with shaming, and death threats after the failed lie regarding the park situation. Moreover, he provided a solution that would benefit everyone, even current JWs because it made sense. Those who heard from both videos disassociated themselves from the EXJW community, and onlookers were reinforced to deem those who took action on that day as a legitimate threat to the County. Anyways, those videos are lost Gems, even with IT expertise, and the power of the internet and use of public domain archives, they're impossible to find unless someone downloaded them prior before the EXJW essentially destroyed it. As for the situation with JW Crisis (Gonzalez) the boyfriend issue, he wanted to rough up JW Crisis, the video of that, as is the boyfriend, also were scrubbed. Although The EXJWs were the aggressor, they tried to convince the community that the female JW student sent the boyfriend after them despite they were the ones who raided the JW church, the one in Ringwood, if I recall, the one you may have been a part of since you stated this in the past.

Jehovah's Witnesses, although imperfect, the low hanging fruit of which drops from it's tree can taint and confuse people, which seems to be the case in the other thread, as is the followers of Cedars, who committed infidelity against his wife, and Pearl Doxsey alongside her Acolytes.

The Wild Beast made a move, so do not be surprised of an unexpected attack in the New Normal, into the Reset.

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@Space Merchant Thanks for that, I didn't know the names, especially the guy who hangs out with Cedars. So there is no possible way to find those videos? Even in archived form? If EXJWs sent him death threats and stuff surely something said was that important, namely if it did involve something about CSA.

Well it is the internet after all, surely something even a small bit of it can be found, I knew some things, but didn't know all that transpired in the background.


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6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

@Space Merchant Thanks for that, I didn't know the names, especially the guy who hangs out with Cedars. So there is no possible way to find those videos? Even in archived form? If EXJWs sent him death threats and stuff surely something said was that important, namely if it did involve something about CSA.

Well it is the internet after all, surely something even a small bit of it can be found, I knew some things, but didn't know all that transpired in the background.

One could try, however, to look for those videos is essentially looking for a quarter sized diamond in an extremely deep and dark cavern. It isn't easy, but as you can see from the FB link, there was a Schism between EXJWs that lasted to this day, often times it gets a bit of volatility whenever Cedars is involved with something.

The only way to somewhat get these videos is if someone asks this man directly, or possibly find a Dark Techy or anyone who managed to download said videos that day.

From what I remember, the videos were public for 4-5 days after the events in the Borough concerning JWs, and then it went private, to the point they no longer exist.

Other then that, he provided legitimate solution for the Child Sex Abuse issue, what may have got him he added something to the effect the Watchtower isn't the problem, more so, they were the people who are targeted by those with bad intent. He also noted his community, Bible Students, but due to Cedars' influence, he often times equated them both. The second video, he made the same statements, but was obvious sadden by the reaction, he pretty much said he is going to shut himself up, resulting in Cedars stepping in to damage control.

Those videos could have actually brought forth some action from both JWs and EXJWs and anyone aware of secular law. In regards to Butler, it would have been beneficial for him also.

The video of him calling the police, was also wiped out.


that being said, the park situation was a shifty one. They blamed JWs, then they blamed Cedars prior to the attack on Peter.

An example of this below, mind you, the language below:



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